Sunday, September 4, 2016

September Art Roundup: Potter Pets, Superhero Tykes, & Stranger Things!

Time for more of my favorite art finds!

Casey Robin has a new "Tea and Strumpets" series that turns teas into old school Burlesque showgirls, and it is just dreamy:

Robin also has the sweetest Princesses:

Plus a "Potter Pets" series that manages the impossible: it makes Voldemort cute.

 You KNOW you want to see the rest. Head over to Robin's Etsy shop, where prints start at $12.

Here's a first for me: I'm about to feature a coloring book. But not just ANY coloring book...

 ...a coloring book filled with DINOSAURS.

The artist's sister Merlin helped do the layout, and then sent me a copy a few months back. I immediately fell for the way the dinos are half hidden in the designs:

Super, super cool. 

The book has 16 pages, and you can grab a copy for $15 at their Etsy shop here.


Here's one that was really popular on my Pinterest:

"The Force Awakens" by Bo Lee, aka H0lyHandGrenade on DA. (Awesome user name, btw. :D) You can grab a print for $15 at her Etsy shop here.


These next prints by Alden Thomas (aka Electric Shoebox Studios) grabbed me from clear across the aisle when I spotted them at Tampa Bay Comic-Con:

 They are SO vivid in person, and that scratchy, painting-with-light technique is awesome.  Prints start at $15 in Thomas' online shop, where there's plenty more to choose from!

Jason Meents draws adorable kid superheroes. I mean, just look at these original sketches:

Lookit lil' She-Rah! And Wolverine eating a cupcake! AH! 

 Meents' "Tykes" series 11X17 prints are $20 each in his online shop:

SO CUTE. You should go see the rest.


Brian Reedy does some incredible wood and linoblock art - he carves the designs, then prints them onto rice paper.

And it is REALLY hard to pick a favorite.


You can get Reedy's entire Harry Potter set for just $60:

Seriously, there are so many good ones. Promise me you'll go see the rest at Reedy's Etsy shop, where prints start at $20.


And finally, Tami Boyce's "doodles with humor and heart" totally live up to their name. She has her shop broken into fun categories:

Critters with Coffee series:

A Red Balloon Series:

 And my favorite, from her Superhero Series:

Orange and blue Super hedgehog!

Prints are around $15 each, so have fun browsing the rest!


Give-Away Time!

As always, comment below for a chance to win your choice of free art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board - including today's dino coloring book and Super Hedgehog!

Plus, in addition to one Wild Card Winner, I'll be picking two MORE winners for these:

So if you like either/both of those, be sure to let me know in your comment, so I can enter you in those drawings, too. Internationals welcome, and I'll announce the randomly selected winners in a few days. Happy commenting!

 UPDATE: The give-away has ended!
The winner of the "Dogtor Who" print is: Science and Static (Trapeze)
The winner of "The Targaryen Girl" is: Crystal Pauley
And my wild card winner is: MaiiLuna
Congrats, you three, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. DOGTOR WHO!!! Look at Capaldi's grouchy face! I want to smother him with unwanted hugs! And I can just see the Matt Smith dog running around in circles, which is pretty much what Matt Smith does anyway. I love it!

  2. I LOVE the super hedgehog! and just about everything else. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow, I've never been one for coloring books, but I could spend HOURS on that dinosaur one. Great round-up this week.

  4. Those Electric Shoebox ones are beautiful! Going to his shop now to see what I want to snag.

  5. The dinosaur coloring book is so cute!

  6. Jen, you find the greatest things. Super hedgie would be a perfect addition for my new gallery wall!

  7. OMG I think I need to buy that coloring book for all the kids in my life. And one for me, natch. And I love that Targaryen girl print! Queen Daeneris for ruler of Westeros!

  8. I adore those tea showgirls! Time to find some room on a wall.

  9. I found a lot that I would love to have. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I love the Victorian Tardis travel poster. I'm turning my living room into a studio so I can finally do the art that I want to do, and it would that poster would fit right in amongst the geekery.

  11. Would love to be a wild card winner! Anything Disney :) Love the post as always

  12. I love the Dr Who poster but especially adore that Dino coloring book! Great roundup, I really enjoy this post each month!

  13. I love the Dr Who poster but especially adore that Dino coloring book! Great roundup, I really enjoy this post each month!

  14. I'd love to be entered for the targaryen girl and the wild card!

  15. Accepting any and all art! The Dino book would be amazing! You always have such good taste! Thanks so much for sharing! - Julia

  16. I found a lot that I would love to have. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Eeeeek! I LOVE the art you find! It always introduces me to new artists! And I would love to be entered for the Targaryen Girl too!

  18. You're great for sharing these! I just started a new job and have a tiny cubicle. I'm thinking I will have to set a budget and buy prints to decorate it! All this art is just so BEAUTIFUL!

  19. The dinosaur coloring amazing! And Brian Reedy never ceases to blow me away! Love all of the new stuff you manage to find and share! :)

  20. The tea inspired ones are gorgeous! I also love the Dino coloring book.

  21. Oh my sweet sassafras, it's all so loverly... My poor bank account ;)
    Would love the Targaryen Girl, or the wild card.
    P.s. you are awesome sauce.

  22. Oh my sweet sassafras, it's all so loverly... My poor bank account ;)
    Would love the Targaryen Girl, or the wild card.
    P.s. you are awesome sauce.

  23. Such great choices as usual. I would love to win the wildcard! :-)

  24. I just love Casey Robin's watercolor style, how gorgeous! And I want every single one of her Tea and Strumpets prints to hang in my kitchen...

    Dogtor Who has me chortling, dinosaur coloring book is a work of art, super hedgehog is adorable, Mother of Dragons there is also beautiful watercolors, and I may need to add an "artwork" line to my budget. Thanks as always for sharing your finds with us Jen!

  25. Oh wow, I'm actually seeing this when it came out! Love these posts every month - love everything here really. So much great art! And, would love the Targaryen Girl...would go with my House Targaryen and House Stark pillows. :)

  26. I would love The Targaryen Girl. The Mother of Dragons is my spirit animal, and the colors and style of that picture is just dreamy!

  27. I saw the Super Hedgehog on the Give-Away board last month and fell in love with him, as well as all of Tami Boyce's other cute hedgehogs. If only I had unlimited wall space and an unlimited art budget!

  28. I was all about Batman until I saw the Tykes Avengers, so cute!

  29. Please enter me for all 3, Jen. And once again, thanks for showing us some amazing artists!

  30. Those lino prints have a great vintage feel to them.

    And I'd love the DOGTOR WHO one, too!

  31. I've been wanting to get the Dogtor Who print for my nephew for years! The Tykes Avengers would he a pretty cool starting Kindergarten present for my little guy

  32. I would love to win either a wild card, or Dogtor Who or The Targaryen Girl. So much more art to add to my wish list. Someday I'll have money to buy it all...

  33. Jen, I'm being a pain, but can you just enter me for the Dogtor Who piece? Thanks!

  34. Oh wow the Doctor Who dogs would be hilarious next to the Shia Labouef (sp? Eeks!) as every doctor I have. Hilarious. So much pretty stuff this month!
    - Katie S., who can't get anything but "unknown (Google)" to work.

  35. I just about swooned over the tea girls!! And those wood and lino-cut prints... *drool*

  36. Part of me just wants the dino coloring book, but I also love that Daenarys painting!

  37. I would LOVE to have the dinosaur coloring book or the Dogter Who picture! Awesome!

  38. Wow, so many pretties! And all teh cute! That colouring book! I love dinos (just bought a giant T-Rex plush!), and colouring books, now that the two are mashed, I have to have it! :D

    Also loving the Link and Navi print on the giveaway board. Heck, I love everything there. My wishlist is getting so long...

  39. Dogtor Who!! Not sure I could pick between them and The Targaryen Girl, they both rock! You've made it very difficult for me - I planned to buy some art based on your recommendation this month. I can't choose now!! What a delightful problem. *g*

  40. I love the tea girls! All of these artists will need further study...

  41. Dogtor Who!! Not sure I could pick between them and The Targaryen Girl, they both rock! You've made it very difficult for me - I planned to buy some art based on your recommendation this month. I can't choose now!! What a delightful problem. *g*

  42. So many great styles of art to check out! And I love seeing "Steven Universe" art. :)

  43. Dogtor Who is the cat's meow! Or something...

  44. I think I've got to buy that coloring book for my sister... she'd adore it to pieces.

  45. OMG I would LOVE the Dogtor Who!!

    And as always anything from your board...

  46. Super Hedgehog is so cute!!! And both bonus prints are awesome!

  47. Dinosaurs! In a coloring book! I NEED this! AND DOGTOR WHO!! I am DYING here!!! (sigh, faint, thud) ow...

  48. Love a July Art Roundup in September! Dogtor Who would be especially nice but The Raven woodblock print really tempts my wallet - hyperlinks soooo dangerous...resist....resist..*click*

  49. Love love love. Please enter me for anything! Everything! Someday I will win something!! (Hopefully something doctor who for my whovian bathroom!)

  50. As always I love your art finds! I need to get that batman print for my girl, she is batman! Plus that raven print

  51. The Dogter Who is always adorable! "Oswald in the Rain" by Dave Quiggle, "Adventure Awaits" by TheArtEye, and "Stitch" by Christie Cox are my top three picks!

  52. Great art roundup as usual! I love the Daenerys Targaryen print - count me in for that drawing. (:

  53. Love the coloring book!

  54. Thanks for sharing all the great art! Please include me in the wild card drawing. :)

  55. I'd love to win anything, even the wildcards (especially the GoT one). Anything goes great in my classroom!

  56. I love the doctor who dogs!!! And the hedgehog! My fiancé might kill me if I got another coloring book but I love that too!!!

    Yes please to all the wildcard ones too!

  57. Always so wonderful! Would love to win one :)

  58. As always, you find the best things!

  59. I met Casey Robin at LeakyCon 2013 and bought a bunch of the potter prints. She and her mom are SO NICE and for awhile she took the potter stuff off her etsy but I'm glad it came back. I need to complete my collection.

    Also that daenerys print is gorgeous

  60. I want ALL the Star Wars prints .. but I would run out of wall space.

  61. Whelp, I guess my son really didn't need to get over this whole Batman phase, not when you're posting such awesome pics of him!

  62. aaaaah the wood cuts! Awesome. I'd like to be entered for all three drawings this time around :)

  63. As always I love any and all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle art. But now I'm a huge fan of anything Stranger Things related. (thanks for the new obsession....I really needed that)

  64. I have loved that Dogtor WHO since I saw it here some time ago :)

  65. I have been eyeing the Targaryen Girl forever! Would love to be entered into the drawing for that and the wildcard.
    All the art this month is wonderful!

  66. I have been drooling over that Dogtor Who for AGES!!!! And that coffee narwhal might have to find a home in my office between my narwhalicorn and my DIY AT-AT

  67. I feel like such a goober; I've seen these monthly roundups but never actually took the time to look at your pinterest board. So many pretties to chose from!

    And the Targaryen Girl is absolutely beautifully done. I'm a sucker for anything Game of Thrones!

  68. Good lord those Potter pets! So cute, I'ma need more wall space!

  69. Wild card please! *Crosses fingers, toes, legs, arms... falls over*

  70. Those Potter pets are sorely tempting me. SO CUTE. I just love your art roundups Jen :) Oh, and the Dogter Who print is way too cute!

  71. The woodblocks are stunning. Love the art roundups!

  72. Everything's sooo awesome! Love these!

  73. Oh my gosh, my stepdaughter would flip out for Dogtor Who! Love the art post as always!

  74. Dog tor Who and the Targaeryan Girl are both brilliant! But Megara <3 (happy sigh) I do so love her!

  75. OMG - I gave my husband a pet hedgehog as a wedding present, so Super Hedgehog would be awesome! Also, please enter me in the drawings for the bonus art - they are both lovely!

  76. I need that hedgehog!! It would look so cute in a frame hanging above my hedgehog, Barnabus's cage!! SQUEEEEE

  77. Those Alden Thomas images look fantastic. And I just had to link a friend to the colouring book since she's just had a 'tiny dinosaur' of her own.

    Entry for regular randomness plus Dogtor Who please. :)

  78. Wow! Not only do I love the large Wonder Woman print on your giveaway board, I love BOTH the additional pieces too. Maybe the Daernes one a little more but they are both fantastic!

  79. I don't drink a lot of tea but those Tea Girls are beautiful. Is there really one called Monkey-Picked Oolong??

    And that Dogtor Who print would look cute in my classroom next to my stuffed talking Adipose! :)

  80. I love the tea ladies, they look almost art deco. Gorgeous.

  81. OMG!! Dogtor Who. I've loved that image for ages. Would just love to own it

  82. Oh. Oh. That Edward Scissorhands on your Pinterest board.
    The noises of wanting escaping me right now are unspellable.

  83. Such great stuff, as always, Jen. Please enter me for the main drawing plus the Dogtor Who print.

  84. Such good stuff! I love that Dogtor Who!

  85. Victorian girl blue box would be a wonderful addition to my computer room... ::crosses fingers::

  86. I *need* that dinosaur coloring book! Because Dinos.

  87. Mandy from New ZealandSeptember 4, 2016 at 3:44 PM

    oh wow I love love LOVE the dino colouring book!! That is gorgeous!

  88. That Eleven is amazing, I love her anger in it.

  89. So fun! The Tykes are an overload of adorable. <3

    I'd love Dogtor Who or something from the board.

  90. The Harry Potter art is awesome!

  91. I Love love the Dogtor Who - super funny. Thanks for the opportunity to win as always!!!

  92. I love the Dogtor Who print so much its been on my want list forever. Two things I love more than anything in life. Dogs and Doctor Who.

  93. All the art! Awsome! And I love the Targaryen one...!

  94. As usual I am now looking at prints and I am running out of wall! Always so much wonderful talent. Love the two additional prints as well :)

  95. I can't believe how much more art you have each time I look. I love it!

  96. Oh please oh please pick me! My birthday is this month! :) I've wanted for AGES the wonderful Wookie and the Chew (Set C) that's still left. It's my favorite!!!! :)

  97. Thank you for sharing your geeky art finds every month! There's always something that makes me go "squee." :)

  98. I love the Dr. Who one! But they're all amazing!!!

  99. Those tea burlesque girls are gorgeous. I'm just going to be over here drooling over them.
    Also, I've read hOlyhandgrenade's "Mokepon" series for a while now, and I didn't know she sold prints! Especially not prints that looked like that. Wow.
    I also am helplessly charmed by the dino-mandalas, even though I'm so tired of mandalas in EVERYTHING for coloring books (am I the only person who wants something a little simpler to color? I don't find the mandalas particularly relaxing.)
    Finally, a peek at your art board made me go a little swoony at that nouveau Wonder Woman. So beautiful.

  100. My Etsy Cart is always full thanks to your art roundup posts. :) I'd love that hedgehog superhero or the Steampunk Octopus Dance picture. *crosses all the fingers and toes*

  101. Dino coloring book! I would also be quite happy winning that Targaryen Girl. :)

  102. Ahhhhhh! My Aspie girl would FLIP over General Grevious! He is awesome! And the Doctor Who doggies.......too cute!

  103. You find the very best stuff! Especially the dino coloring book, and the tea strumpets and the kid superheroes and the dog Drs. and..and...and!

  104. The Geeky Dragon by Kate Carleton would make a great addition to my soon to be here baby's dragon themed nursery bedroom! I also love the Targaryen Girl! You find the best art!

  105. Oh my goodness! That dino coloring book is amazing!!!! One day I will win this lol

  106. I always buy so much art after reading your round ups! Theyre always so awesome! I would love to be entered for the Doctor Who Doggies and the Wild Card - It would be so hard to pick as I love so many from your Pinterest Board!

  107. Those Potter Pets are adorable.

    I'd love to be entered for a chance at a pinterest board selection. :-)

  108. the Dogtor Who print is ADORABLE!!

  109. I love that coloring book! Also the Dogter Who one. ;)

  110. Been rereading Harry Potter recently, after my little one insisted on watching all the movies, so those Potter ones are calling my name! Must. Not. Fetch. Credit card. Anyway, please enter me in the draw! Hoping against hope to win one of these days.

  111. So much that I want to buy this round-up! That Rey/BB-8 is ADORABLE, and I'm pretty sure my husband's gonna have interest in the Ninja Turtles. And I'm still all about that Dogtor Who print. Excuse me while I now try to figure out which Doctor my two pups would be. ;)

  112. I love Brian Reedy's work, especially that Eleven piece! Please enter me for the pinterest selection :D

  113. Art! And I would love the Dogtor Who one. Doooogs.

  114. Brian Reedy's work is FANTASTIC! PS- I wanna win a pinterest print! :)

  115. I was entranced by the Labyrinth print, but then I scrilled down and saw the Supernatural one and squeeled. I think my fangirl is showing ☺
    I love your pinterestboard, it's so diverse and I'm pretty sure everyone can find something to perk their interest there. I know my beloved would drewl over tye Star Wars prints, and he would adore the Targaryan Girl print.(my head started singing the Michael Jackson song 😂)

  116. Art nouveau wonder woman has my heart. I'd have already bought her, but he doesn't sell online and wasn't at my con this year.

  117. SHE-RA!! I still have all my old She-ra dolls, though they're very 'well loved'. I'm working on collecting better condition ones, I have most of the first series, and Entrapta from the second, and Netossa from the third...those two might actually be my favorites so far! I LOOOOOVE the tiki bird print from your giveaway board, so fun!

  118. Cute Voldemort is just wrong.... so wrong.

  119. I love that dogtor who print!!!!!

  120. I'm still keeping an eye on Wedge on the Ledge, and the Doctor Who silhouette - hopefully I win before someone else does! :)

  121. Love the artwork! As always. :-) Love the one of Eleven!!!!

  122. Amazing round-up! Dogtor Who is inspired!!!!!

  123. The Dogtor Who print is too funny! :)

  124. Another month; another awesome round-up! I want to win the lottery, so I can buy tons of cool art and hang it all over my house!

    Add me to the BONUS Dogter Who pick. My son would FLIP!

  125. That picture of Ten with the TARDIS in the background - so pretty! Also, cute Voldemort :D

  126. OMG. I haven't looked at the board for a while. So much awesome stuff! I don't know how I would chose just one.

  127. Dogtor Who! 💜
    I'm in love with the Potter Pets!

  128. Hedgehogs are my favorite animal, and that one is just too cute!

  129. I'd love 'The Targaryen Girl" :)

  130. So much fun stuff today, but that dinosaur coloring book screamed to come home to me! (My bad. I haven't seen the round-up page in months!)

  131. Wow, lots of pretty stuff!!! Artists are so amazing, and these days, seemingly everywhere. Please place my name in just the wildcard drawing, if you don't mind. :)

  132. Oh my gosh! I need that dino colouring book in my life. Pronto. It is so amazing. :D

  133. Another great round up!! Love the tea prints. I wouldn't mind winning the Targaryen print either :)

  134. So many pretty pieces! I'd adore the Targaryen Girl print above my desk.

  135. Doctor who!! I'd take any of the pretties but I loves the Doctor dogs.

  136. Thank you for the link to the Dinosaur colouring book. That's half of Christmas shopping done right there :D

    And I'd definitely like to be included in the Doctor Who draw as well.

  137. I'd love Dogtor Who or a wildcard draw!

  138. I've reactivated my Pinterest account, just for you :) I would love to be entered in the wild card drawing - my toddler's room is done up in robots, with the "Travel by Tardis" print on one wall already! I'm always on the lookout for more robot/Doctor Who goodness.

  139. I will gladly take that Dogctor Who off your hands. (FYI, I just saw the person in my state that has the license plate DR WHO the other day)

    I may know someone that needs that Rey "tykes" print, too.

  140. I love the dragon coloring book!
    Please enter me in for the Dogtor Who print also. :)

  141. Thanks so much for the shout out and the link! TBCC was a blast.

  142. Those Casey Robins prints are absolutely adorable! The Leia and R2 one in her shop would be great for my kids' room!

  143. I love the Dogtor Who print! SO cute!

  144. All of the art is gorgeous! I would definitely love to be entered for the Dogtor Who as well!

  145. Could I enter the Dogtor Who one as well please. 😊

  146. Anything Doctor Who or Star Wars. I'm going to add anything Ninja Turtle because my brother is a big fan.

  147. Thanks for exposing us to all of these great artists! My kids would kill me if I won and didn't ask for the Staypuft print. They're HUGE Gohstbusters fans and would love that for their room.

  148. I love the potter pets... I just got home from Fan Expo and got some really cute toothless prints from some awesome artists.

  149. Thanks again for sharing some wonderful art finds! I swear once we're financially stable again I'm going to have to do all my holiday shopping through your art posts... I'd love to be entered into the main drawing and both wild cards. I can only imagine the look on my hubby's face if I were to present him with "Dogtor Who" :-P Thanks for posting, you rock!!!

  150. Casey Robin's stuff is really great! I also need that coloring book. Please enter me in all three drawings.

  151. You always put my favs first but as always, I love them all. Thanks for the finds and I'd love to win it all please.

  152. So much great artwork!
    I was just at fan expo toronto and sadly couldn't get anywhere near artist alley :( there were just waaaay too many people. So I missed out this year.

    Love the tea burlesque girls. They are gorgeous!
    And love Queen Dany as well :)

  153. Dogter Who! So so so adorable! (Can you hear me squealing ?)

  154. I love the hedgehog! And I would love to be entered for Dogtor Who

  155. Holy cow, I am in desperate and passionate need of those tea prints! How did I manage without them for so long? ;)

    And Dogtor Who is super adorable. Heck, all of your art is adorable. I give full marks to your taste.

  156. Sweet, I love everything this week. Would love to win Dogter Who, it looks awesome. :)

  157. I wasn't sure about submitting for a chance to win until I saw Dogtor Who. And then I realized any- any- of these would be wonderful for decorating my science classroom. I'm finally a teacher!

  158. Wow, he carves those!? I'm so blown away! I would like to be in all the drawing please!they are all wonderful!

  159. My favorite in this post is the Dumbledore/Fawkes print; but, please, please, I just want the Frozen silhouettes. They are everything to me. <3 <3 (Thank you for doing this.)

  160. Love your picks each and every month. It's too hard to choose!

  161. In love with the dino coloring book!

  162. As always, awesome finds! Love the Doctor Who pups!

  163. Thanks for the giveaway! There are so many great things to choose from!

  164. I love to see what amazing art caught your eye recently - it's always fabulous!

  165. Sea Creatures and the Tiki Birds are the best! Along with the coloring book and both of the wildcards. You have so many neat choices!

  166. This site is very hard on my bank account. You direct me to such great stuff. My daughter seriously needs little girl Harley. My son would flip for Dogtor Who, and I think my husband has a Dany crush.

  167. Critters with coffee! That's everything I've ever wanted!

  168. Love, love, love this! Amazing art all around! The tea princesses are so cute, but those HP woodblock prints are incredible! Doctor Who dogs and Mother of Dragons rock too! Thanks for sharing!

  169. All so amazing but I particularly love the Tea and Strumpets! What an awesome idea, I am a tea fanatic (drinking some Orange Pekoe right now!). I also love the Dr Who dogs!

  170. Oh man! I wish that Brian Reedy had been at Baltimore Comic-con, I wouldn't have left anything for anyone else to buy!

  171. Those wood blocks are gorgeous!!
    If I got chose for the wild card drawing, I would choose Daenerys as a gift for my best friend!

  172. I would love to be a wild card winner. You have so many awesome pieces on your Pinterest board, I don't know how the winners choose! Have you seen Jenny Lawson's new coloring book? That's my favorite right now.

  173. I like the rice paper prints - now where do I find room for all the Harry Potter stuff?

  174. Oh, I love that Dogtor Who, and so would my new dog-loving husband! We've shared the Dr. as kind of "our" thing, so that's just adorable! I love all your new artwork that you share, and can't wait to see your D*con cosplay posts! ^_^

  175. Awesome round up as usual. LOVE the super hedgehog! Also would like the Dogtor Who print.

  176. Omg Doctor Who puppies! Love them! Wonderful Roundup as always!
    - Karen Y from Mpls Mn

  177. Amazing! I love the Tea and Strumpets series. But the Dogtor Who is just beyond perfect.

  178. Amazed at the incredible art you find. Would love the Dogtor Who print.

  179. Im all about The Doctor and dogs. Love that print.

  180. any of them! i have friends who would love them all! so would my husband and i!

  181. Oh my God, so much to love here! The colours in the Tea and Strumpets are amazing. So is the Targaryan Girl. Dogtor Who is adorable and who doesn't love a unicorn of the sea?

  182. Those lino block prints are to die for. I've been wanting to turn some of my sketches into prints like that.

    Also, as much as I LOVE Doctor Who, the GOT print is pretty awesome...

  183. Wow - love them all! I have to remember to come back and shop if there's anything left after the honeymoon! And all the freebies are awesome!

  184. Tiki birds or maleficent penguin! Or dogster who!

  185. The prints are so beautiful! I'm especially a fan of the Doctor Who/dogs mashup haha

  186. So much awesome! Love your art roundups. And love love love The Targaryen Girl (Dogtor Who is cute but I could see the GoT print working in a room in my house better ;) ) Also love the tea girls and tiny superheroes. My kids would go crazy over those!

  187. That coloring book looks so fun. And dogtor who is hilariously cute.


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