Friday, October 30, 2020
15 MORE Wonderfully Weird Kids Costumes
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
The Power Of Buttons & Goblets & Internet Friends
Here, let's open the box together:
Friday, October 23, 2020
FOE & Tell Goes BACK... To 2019. Costumes & Cons & Meetups, Oh Yeah!
That color fade is dreamy - and spot Maui's hook on her back!
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Dollar Tree DIY: Making A $5 Glass Cloche For Halloween
I've fallen down the rabbit hole of Dollar Tree DIYs on Youtube, y'all, and I am never coming back. My favorites are the ones that re-purpose and combine unrelated items into clever home decor. Watch a couple of those and you, too, will see everything as potential craft fodder. Pizza pan? Wall art. Wire dish rack? Book ends. By this point John has learned to just nod thoughtfully while I wave some random plastic toy in front of him and demand, "Ok, imagine this as a wall shelf support."
It's a fun hobby, trust me.
Which brings me to my new favorite Dollar Tree DIY: my skinny glass cloche!
... filled with cheery pumpkins to fit the season. :D
Of course I'm not the first person to turn a vase upside down and call it a cloche, but what really makes this DIY is that wrought iron finial on top. And yes, it's from Dollar Tree! Can you guess what it's made from?
I'll give you a hint: it's in the Halloween section, so you'll want to stock up on these now while you can.
Ready to see?
Here 'tis:
Yep, it's from the top of those plastic yard stakes, which you get two for $1. You'll also need that skinny vase, but the mirror base is optional. (So really, you could make a cloche for $2. AW YEAH.)
The yard stakes are one-sided, so they're flat on the back. That means to make our finial, we need to glue the two halves together. Here's how you do that:
Snip your toothpicks into tiny sections, and glue them inside the edges of one side of the finial, like this:
Thursday, October 15, 2020
A Magical Kitchen Makeover
Quick note: We support trans rights here, and I completely understand if you've chosen to remove yourself from the Harry Potter fandom as a result of its author's beliefs. I also understand those like me who've chosen to celebrate the work apart from its creator. Wherever you stand, please remember to love each other, and be kind.
Our friend Dana is a HUGE Harry Potter fan, so much that his entire house is Potter'd out year-round. His foyer is a mini portrait gallery:
...there are floating candles in his living room (which turn on automatically at night):
...and his bedroom is the Gryffindor Common Room, complete with a giant wooden 4-poster bed and wall tapestries:
And it is all absolutely magical.
Dana is also a wand maker, and handcrafts beautiful styles with gemstones and jewelry findings. (Remember when John and I built a framed wall display for him?) So really, this style reflects a lot of who Dana is.
That's a long lead-in to say the one room in Dana's house that stood out like a sore (but brightly-lit) thumb was his kitchen. Let's get right to the "before" shots and our list of design challenges for the space:
Monday, October 12, 2020
9 Artists Keeping It Sweet & Spooky This Halloween
Let's start with everyone's favorite combination: candy corn [evil grin] and triceratops.
Yes, you read that right.
BEHOLD! From Belmont's Clay Art:
More clay cuties:
Be sure to watch Belmont's Etsy Shop; they're doing an update this weekend, so I'm sure more of these will go up then.
Next, a batty milkshake from Geri Shields:
It's, uh. strawberry flavored. :p
Or how about a dapper kitty?
I think her bat pin might be my favorite:
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
15 Wonderfully Weird Kids' Halloween Costumes To Renew Your Faith In Humanity
Look at that face. This is a girl who dances to the beat of her own trash can lids, and I am HERE FOR IT.
Yep, nothing makes me happy the way kids-being-their-best-weird-selves makes me happy. It's just so pure. You see a kid dressed as a trash can for Halloween, you know that was ALL the kid's idea.
Ditto for Hulk Fairy:
I don't know about you, but this is exactly what I need today - so of course I went looking for more.
[movie announcer voice]: "In a world full of fairies and butterflies, one little girl dared to be a snail... with her own slime trail."
And she is MAGICAL.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Hyperbole and Three Quarters
Don't get me wrong: I'm over the moon to read ALL THE THINGS as she's posting again - and hopefully posting alot - plus a new book? Yes, please. Her "Richard" chapter she shared last week has been making me laugh ever since, in that, "Sweet Stay Puft, SHE REALLY DID THAT??" kind of way.

But also, speaking as a tiny fish in a similar pond, it's the sweet wave of... well, forgiveness... that's made me most happy about Allie's return. No one's mad she's been gone so long, no one is demanding explanations or throwing gossip-y theories around in the comments; they're just happy she's here now. Comments like, "take all the time you need," "you don't owe us anything," "we just want you to be OK," and "we'll still be here" - oof. THEY "OOF" MY HEART, Y'ALL.
At midnight last night John and I were collapsed on the couch after a long day at a new job (we're re-doing a kitchen! Woot!) - and then hosting Movie Night on the Epbot Discord, when I blearily looked at my schedule and realized I didn't have a new Epbot post written. Cue the usual panic-fueled brain-storming and complaining to John that I wasn't organized enough, I should have prepared better, now I didn't have enough time because we were booked to work all weekend, WHY WAS I LIKE THIS, etc. etc.
After 15 minutes of this John finally said in exasperation: "Jen, Allie Brosh disappeared for seven years. I think your readers can handle seven days."
And you know what? He's right. He's right, you've all told me - many times - that he's right, and even though it's good that I try to post every 3-4 days, the fact is no one minds if I miss the mark sometimes. Heck, the vast majority of you never even notice if I'm late on a post, so really I should get off my high horse and stop thinking it matters so durn much.
So I stopped panicking, and I went to bed. Today we're back at work on that kitchen, and tomorrow I have a full day of Cake Wrecks, but at some point I'll have time to write a real post (as opposed to whatever this is? Ha!) and it's going to be that much better for it.
Thanks for that, Allie. Just by being you, and (I hope) by giving yourself permission to be you, you've already helped so many of us be better uses. Us's? Usses. USS-S. (I'm getting the impression that isn't a word, but now I'm invested.)
In the meantime, go check out Allie's free chapter "Richard" from her new book, because it will make you belly-laugh and forget the yucky stuff for a while. And if you're as eager to catch up on Allie's adventures over the last 7 years as the rest of us, be sure to follow the Hyperbole and a Half Facebook page, where she's posting new photos every day.
And finally, heck yeah I'm going to plug her book! Have you read it yet? I still need to.
It's a hardcover, and would make an amazing gift for anyone who needs a good belly-laugh - including yourself.
Thanks for being here when I show up, Bots. Go do something nice for yourself this weekend, even if that just means giving yourself permission to not do anything. ::hugs::
Oh wow, it's October already, isn't it? Time to announce last month's Squeegineer winners! So congrats, Jill S. & Linden V., you're them! (Grammar is totally my strong point today.) Please check your e-mails for a message from John, so you can choose your prizes.
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300 x 600 Supplemental
300 x 600 Supplemental 2
300 x 250 Supplemental 3
- 15 MORE Wonderfully Weird Kids Costumes
- The Power Of Buttons & Goblets & Internet Friends
- FOE & Tell Goes BACK... To 2019. Costumes & Cons &...
- Dollar Tree DIY: Making A $5 Glass Cloche For Hall...
- A Magical Kitchen Makeover
- 9 Artists Keeping It Sweet & Spooky This Halloween
- 15 Wonderfully Weird Kids' Halloween Costumes To R...
- Hyperbole and Three Quarters