Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March Art Roundup: "Stained Glass" Star Trek, Watercolor Kylo Ren, & Geeky ABCs!

Yikes, where did March go? Quick, let's take a look at my favorite art finds before the month's up!

Marissa Garner's Etsy shop is on vacation until 4/3, but trust me, you'll want to bookmark it:

Because her stunning "Stained Glass" prints are printed on translucent paper, so you can tape them to a window and get the look of the real thing!

These 10X15 prints are $30, while this smaller 9X4 Pony set:

... is only $10.

Like I said, bookmark and/or "favorite" Garner's shop, Shards of Color for a future shopping spree!

NerdApproved just turned me on to Jenny Dolfen's Art, and I am gobsmacked:

These two prints right here. Gah.

Dolphen has lots of other characters in her shop, too, but her Kylo Ren art grabs me in a way few other artists have managed:

 It's beautiful and compelling and somehow tragic all at the same time.

Dolfen's prints start around $22, so be sure to see the rest!

Otis Frampton is about to crack you up with his geeky Alphabet Book, ABCDEFGeek.

Now, I know, there are a lot of geek Alphabet books out there - but look:


Plus Frampton has three alphabet volumes, so you get three choices for every letter!

Head over to Frampton's Society6 store for prints of individual letters, or you can get the whole volume on a single print. He has more great art there, too, like this:


John was actually the one to discover Chelsea Smith's copper etchings at a local con last month:

"Broc" 9X12 etching, $35

Smith starts by carving/scratching her design into a sheet of copper, then adds swaths of colored ink to the plate and presses on her paper, which gives the etchings that neat color variation.

John and I immediately thought "Hufflepuff" with this Badger, and John liked is so much he bought a small print for his man cave. I don't think Smith was going for Harry Potter, but she DOES  have a sweet doe etching, too:

I'd love to see a phoenix in this style, wouldn't you?
That link up there is to Etsy, but there are more prints and options in Smith's site shop here.

Completely crushing on this sweet superhero by Mab Graves:

Especially love the colors.

Graves work has a soft, dream-like quality:

And can we talk about the awesomeness of this Realistic Ninja "Tortoise"?

It's a sticker!

And clearly you need a Ziggy Stardust paper doll in your life:

Only $10!

Check Graves shop for lots more, or follow her on Facebook to keep up with appearances & shows.

And finally, you fellow Dizgeeks are going to love Adam Grason's retro-licious illustrations:

How many Princess Easter eggs did you spot? Go back and look closer!

It's not often you see love for the Three Caballeros:

Again, loooove that story-book look and texture.

Two more for you Park & Mary Blair lovers:

Prints start at $12, so be sure to check out Grason's shop for the rest!

Hope these made you smile!

Now as always, comment below for a chance to win your choice of art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board! (Internationals welcome; I ship anywhere.) 

In addition to one randomly selected wild card winner, I'll also be picking TWO winners for these:

So if you like either/both of those prints be sure to tell me in your comment, and I'll enter you in those drawings, too. Happy commenting!

 UPDATE: The give-away has ended!

The winner of Twilek Kitten is Rosebud
The winner of DC Derby Babes is Miranda G
And my wildcard winner is Jamie Thornton!
Congrats, you three, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. Great roundup, as always!

    Please enter me into the wildcard giveaway. Thanks!

  2. Those etchings are insanely gorgeous! And the Aayla Secura print would be an amazing gift for my friend Who just published her first book!

  3. As a former derby skater (Paige Fault 404) and a recent Batgirl fan, I am definitely into the DC Derby Babes print! Thank you for some excellent Etsy shop suggestions!

  4. I'm definitely saving those stained glass pictures for later, wow!

  5. Thank you for highlighting these talented artists!

  6. So many lovely things on your Pinterest board! Also, cake wrecks was hilarious today. Thanks.

  7. Those first two I am in awe!

  8. Love the stained glass!! Enter me for the wild card drawing too. I love these posts every month.

  9. Wow! as always, thanks for the roundup! I'm going to have to get the ABCDEFGeek for friends with small kids now!! :)

    Also, I love BOTH the extras!

  10. Yay, new art on the board! so many decisions on what to buy next...

  11. Anything Doctor Who would be lovely for my grandchild's nursery.

  12. You find such great pieces! I particularly like the TMNT 4 prints and Beaker & Honeydew.

  13. I love the Belle and Beast picture as well as Bunsen and Honeydew! Also, the DC roller derby babes are awesome.

  14. I love the Mark Ryden-esque feel of the Mab Graves stuff! They are in a similar style, but each artist has very much their own style. Thanks again for introducing me to new (to me) artists! :D

  15. These are fantastic, and I am loving the vintage looking Doctor Who poster on your Pinterest board. Talk about love at first site.

  16. Awesome as always Jen! Thanks for the eye candy to brighten up my day :)

  17. Love love love the copper etchings - please enter me for everything!

  18. They are all wonderful as usual! Love the DC babes print.

  19. Love these! And right after all that jewelry (had to buy labyrinth door knocker earrings of course!)I totally love the DC Derby Babes. Also, wouldn't that be a great cosplay group? Surely someone has done that.

  20. Loving Adam Grason's Disney art - what a great find! I might need to go buy the R2 print in his etsy shop...

  21. Any and all art would look lovely in my dorm! Thanks for always being such an amazing inspiration to me to keep going <3 Julia

  22. Wow, great picks this month. I'm certain every window in my house needs that stained glass art hung in it.

  23. You always find the loveliest, geekiest art on the internet :) Thank you!

  24. I like the aayla secura print!

  25. Amazing roundup! That twilek is the cutest little twilek I've seen all day :)

  26. Those DC Derby Babes. I think I need that in my life. Enter me in the drawing please!

  27. Yay! So happy you discovered Jenny Dolfen! I've loved her art for *ages*, but I'm a Tolkien fan so it's her art from the Silmarillion that draws me. I've actually been meaning to point you to her now that she's doing some Star Wars art, so I'm glad you found her.

  28. I'd like to be in the regular drawing and the DC Derby Babes drawing, please! Love everything, as usual.

  29. OMG I need the stained glass!!!! Love the Doctor Who one so much! I also love the Alice and Wonderland!

  30. The stained glass piece are AH-MAZING!

  31. Probably my favorite of your posts. Love both of the "wildcard" options.

  32. I love these round ups. And I'm still drooling after the Believe TARDIS, Dogtor Who and the Droids on your board!!

  33. The copper etchings are beautiful! I would like to be entered in the wildcard draw please.

  34. "Ben and Little Rey" is a very touching and beautiful print. I cracked up at about every print on Otis Frampton's site, but I especially loved "Sushi Wars;" the expression on Obi-Wan's face in particular is priceless. (Also, I'd love to have Aayla, as I am a huge Clone Wars fan and collect Jedi in all scales with art to match. I'm a major DC fan too, so I adore the Derby girls as well. Sign me up for all the things!)

  35. I, too, am in love with "Ben and Little Rey," and the volleyball playing Jawas are adorable, although I do want to rescue poor BB-8...

  36. I love the "Derby Babes" print! I have a friend that is a Diz Geek AND a Derby Girl. This would be a perfect gift for her!

  37. Oh man, I am so in love with the "stained glass", as well as the Kylo/Rey pictures! And that DC Derby Babe print is to die for.

  38. Pick me for Aayla Secura!

    Or for a pick off the board - I think getting access to your board MIGHT just be enough to get me to sign up to Pinterest.

  39. The stained glass stuff is gorgeous. And sign me up for the DC Derby Babes contest.

  40. As always, I love the art roundup! I'm always inspired to go home and work on my own. Now to win one of the amazing thinks on the give away board... :-)

  41. So much fantastic art!

    I really like both of those prints at the end.

  42. Love the jawas volleyballing BB-8. Your board is drool-worthy

  43. I love the stained glass ones. That would be really cool printed on vinyl to hang over a window! I love the DC roller derby babes! That would be fun to cosplay!

  44. Another glorious round up. I went and did as you said and bookmarked the Etsy store. I think I want them all!
    As for the give away, I would be happy with any of the prizes :)

  45. You always find the best art!

    I love the Aayla print at the end, I'd love to be entered for that one!

  46. Ahh, those stained glass prints are amazing!

  47. Those roller-derby superheros! So cool!
    The Three Caballeros brought back childhood memories... now I gotta go watch that!

  48. I would love to be entered for the Twilek print, please.

  49. Amazed at how you find this cool stuff. I'm not even a "geek" and would hang these in my house. Really neat.
    If you would put my name in the Aayla pot. Thank you

  50. Love the Doctor Who print! Great finds as usual. Please enter me for the wildcard drawings too.

  51. I would love to win!! It would be so hard to pick just one though!! :-)

  52. Lovely choices, those copper etchings are gorgeous :D

  53. I would love the Wam-PAL or the Wedge on the Ledge!

  54. DC Derbie Babies

    Girls Are Super

    Wonderful art as always, so many beautiful things to choose from and geek over.

  55. So much awesomeness! The stained glass! The alphabet book!

  56. Very cool finds! And I'd love to be in the drawing for the Aayla Secura as my son would love it! :)

  57. Awesome stuff and a great variety this month! Thanks for sharing and please enter me in the wildcard drawing.

  58. Please enter me in the wild card drawing! Love the Doctor Who art...

  59. Pick me pick me! For the Pinterest art give-away board!

  60. Great roundup as always! I'd love to win a drawing from the give-away board... :)

  61. I just spend an hour deciding which ABCDGeek drawings I would choose--if I had any money to spend along with my time. Amazing stuff! Enter me for the wildcard, please and thank you!!!

  62. You always find such cool things! I am loving the Robot with Flower. But the DC Derby Babes reminds me of my friend who refs derby (sign me up for that too, please).

  63. Otis Frampton also has a great comic/graphic novel series called Oddly Normal. It is a must reach for anyone who feels like they are a bit of a misfit. I love them as much as my son does. The artwork is just beautiful!

  64. Ooh, they're all so beautiful! Totally agree with you on the Kylo / Rey pieces especially - just stunning! ^_^ Still holding out for one of my favorites on the wild-card board. *fingers crossed* :)

  65. I'd love to pick a drawing .. BUT I have cousin that would ADORE the roller-derby heroes, and I couldn't pass up making her smile.

  66. Oh my gosh, as always, so much wonderful art! I wish I had unlimited funds and space! I would love to win something from your giveaway board- you have so many awesome pieces. I love your blog and you are a great inspiration.

  67. Would love the DC Derby Babes print! Very cute!

  68. You always find the best stuff! I save up ideas for my daughter's bedroom. We would love to win anything!

  69. Amazing finds (as always)!!! I'd love to be in the drawing for the...drawings :)

  70. You're right, those copper plate prints are gorgeous! Thank you for hosting these every month, I love seeing new work in such a variety of styles.

  71. That MLP stained glass print will be mine, Mine, MINE!!!! :D

    Great finds, as per usual! That little Jawas and BB-8 print is just too cute for words.

  72. I loooove copper plate prints! They are just so cool.

    I only spotted the pictures of Ariel and Cinderella and Chip from Beauty and the Beast in the Alice picture. Are there more references I'm missing?

    The Twilek is my personal favorite! So cute.

  73. I might need to buy the geeky alphabet book for my friend's baby! So adorable!

  74. Oi! The stained glass pieces are wonderful - if only had too much light in my apartment... Both the wild card entries would suit me too :)

  75. So much geeky goodness. Loving those Kylo Ren prints.

  76. Thank for another break-my-wallet round up. I'd love the DC roller girls as my roller girl friends are trying to have their first kid and it would look great in the kids room!

  77. Loved these artists! Definitely bookmarked their sites. I've always loved that DC Derby Girls print. Thanks for another fun art post; I look forward to them every month.

  78. I instantly thought Hufflepuff on the etching, too!

    (I love both giveaway prints)

  79. Wow, I will definitely be purchasing some of the stained glass when the store is reopened. Thanks for sharing.

  80. Again, so much good art! How do you find it, month after month?

    1. I just never stop looking; it's way too fun. :)

  81. Stained... Glass...must...happen... :-)

    Wildcard me please! Fingers, toes, arms, legs and everything else crossed!
    (Um, except when I have to use the bathroom... But otherwise, yeah, crossed!!)

  82. That alphabet is awesome! I also love the DC Derby Girls print. Thanks for sharing!

  83. LOVE the Alphabet set and the Labyrinth too. The DC Derby Girls is fantastic as well. Where do you find such awesome art?!

  84. Put me on the list for the Twilek print! I love it. Also, that stained glass print is so beautiful!

  85. You always have the best round ups!

  86. I always love your art roundups, even if the subjects aren't my particular interest, they're always cool. It's so nice of you to showcase artists this way.

  87. Loving so much from today's roundup. Please enter me in all the draws.

  88. I can never pick just one, you have the best eye for talent! Sign me up for anything to win! Thanks as always for the finds.

  89. can't believe how beautiful the stained glass prints are. Always love your picks!

  90. So much ADORABLE! And I love that Ayla print too!

  91. Enter me for all the things! So pretty...

  92. Those stained glass prints are really awesome! I think I know what we are doing with our theater room window.

  93. The DC Derby Girls or the Chibi Rocketeer.

  94. My cousin just got into roller derby, she'd love the DC print. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for sharing such fun art!

  95. So much pretty! Would love an item for my new baby's room :)

  96. Fantastic finds as always Jen! I really love the alphabet ones!

  97. I LOVE the geek alphabet(s)!!!! I'd love to be entered for the wild-card drawing--thank you!! :)

    Natalie (QSOgirl)

  98. Love the DC Rollerderby print! And the superhero by Mav Grabes is gorgeous.

  99. You are so mean, I want them all! But especially that Aalya Secura, Twilek Kitten print.

  100. I LOVE those stained glass works. Definitely going to check out that shop!

  101. I'll have to look more closely at many of these!

  102. It's hard to pick just one! SOOO many gorgeous choices - but this time, I'd love to be entered so I can give it away. My darling niece has a sweet friend who is 16 going on 17 (cue Sound of Music!), she's had a rough time lately, and I'd like to give her something to smile about. She's the "adopted niece" :)and she embraces her inner geek and I just love that! I know she'd love any of the following: Ariel's Headphones, Droids, Harry Potter Chibi Prints or the 67B Hand drawn half face prints of R2D2 and BB8. I'll be baking a cake and decorating it with probably half a dozen fandom icons (once my niece tells me just what to put on there), and I'd love to add a little special gift as well. Fingers crossed!

  103. DC Derby Babes, I've been coveting that for a while now!!!

  104. The Alice in wonderland print is FANTASTIC!
    I also love the DC derby print and the Aayla Secura drawing is gorgeous!

  105. Love the stained glass stuff, definitely bookmarking. Please enter me for the wildcard giveaway? Thanks!

  106. I would love to be entered for the DC babes art! I remember when you first posted that one. So many great things to bookmark every month :-)

  107. Gah! I love them all! Please enter me to win both the specific drawings as well as the wildcard! Love the DC roller derby, and I have so many star wars people in my life who would love the aayla print.

  108. i used to play derby for the atlanta rollergirls (as cobra camanda) and have shared that DC print to the league before! i would love to have it!

  109. i used to play derby for the atlanta rollergirls (as cobra camanda) and have shared that DC print to the league before! i would love to have it!

  110. I'm a huge MLP fan, so of course that piece caught my eye first. I'm also loving the copper etchings.
    I know someone who would love the roller derby piece, so please put me in for that one :)

  111. That stained glass art! Gorgeous. I've been in love with that DC Derby print since you first posted it. I'd love a chance to win it!!

  112. I especially love the etchings and the stained glass. So awesome! Thanks for sharing as always. <3

  113. The BB8 volleyball print is the best! So funny! And please also enter me in both of the extra drawings, too! Thank you!

  114. Lovely! I would love to win the Pintrest art board drawing :) So nice of you to do this as always!

  115. I made my husband watch The Three Caballeros recently and he was like "what the?" but I love it.

  116. Those copper etchings are AMAZING!

  117. Would love to win wall-e and eve or baymax and his hairy baby <3 Love this blog as always

  118. How has no one taken that retro Guardians of the Galaxy poster yet?! Guess that means I need it :)

  119. As always, LOVE! Thanks for sharing!

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. So much awesome. I keep finding new eggs in the disney one! My sister would love to have the twilek one (she cosplays one!) and I would just love to have anything off your board, there's always so much awesome.

  122. I love all of the prints!!! I love both the Star Wars and DC derby. My 8 yr old who loves the graphic novel Roller Girl would love the DC derby print.

  123. These are all so beautiful! Especially the stained glass look.

  124. My productivity just went out the stained glass window - amazing finds as usual!

  125. EEEK!!! Randome choose and Aayla drawings please!!! Love me some star wars cuteness!

  126. The stained glass art is really cool. I'm definitely going to look into those!

  127. Omg. I am in love with the stained glass prints. Love!

  128. I love the Alice in wonderland art its so cool.

  129. I'd love to be entered! THat would rock my socks off. :D

    Also... I think the badger, named "Broc" harkens to Lord Brocktree by Brian Jacques. Which immediately made me both happy and sad...

  130. Ooo, wildcard me! I definitely need some derby babes!
    I would also love a Baymax or two around the place from the regular board....;)

  131. I've always loved the Derby babes. And I am definitely adding Shards of Color to my favorites!

  132. Wow, I am always just awed by the things you find. Some are sad and some are gleeful, but they're always pretty! (Including the DC Roller Babes.)

  133. I think the Art roundups are my favorite. No, wait, the con photos. No, the DIY posts are awesome too.... Heck! I guess I just like it all. <3

  134. The twilek kitten! Soo cute!

  135. You have such an eye for art!! I'd happily be entered into the giveaway for any art piece, be it from the main giveaway board or either of the wildcard pieces. Thank you!!

  136. I would love that chibi Aayla Secura.

  137. I love love love the stained glass prints! And the roller derby girls!

  138. I've always loved that DC derby babes print. The style is fantastic, the bright colors are great, and they just look so sassy.
    Also, I don't really have a lot of pony stuff, but I must admit I'm kinda tempted by that stained glass Royal Sisters print. It would be pretty fun to have that up on my window - even if it didn't really match anything in my room. Of course the pegasis in me is upset that it's not the stained glass style from the show, but only a little, haha.

    How do you keep finding all these artists, Jen? It's amazing - you're like an avatar for (geeky) small business Saturday or something! .... On Wednesday. Every month.

    1. Aaah! I forgot to mention that The Three Caballeros is one of my absolute favorite films. My dad and I used to watch it all the time - which speaks to his sweet nature cuz he doesn't really like to rewatch films.) I've always wondered what that instrument was that the guy played against his teeth, if only because I think I'd be great at it myself. :D
      .... I need to go watch it now. Because birds. And nostalgia.

  139. Please enter me into the wildcard giveaway. Thanks!

  140. Once again, you've given us some great artists to be on the lookout for. Thank you

  141. Augh... that first Kylo & Rey print. He looks so lost even as a young man :( . --- MizMeg

  142. Enter me please!

    I would also love to be entered in for the Twilek Kitten piece. :)


  143. Aayla Secura is awesome, and I'd love to be entered in the wildcard drawing for that piece!

    I also need to start bookmarking sites, because with an imminent raise (yay!) maybe I can finally start buying some art.

  144. Such gorgeous art. I'd love the DC Derby Girls print!

  145. You always find such great stuff! Please enter me for the wild card and for the derby girls. Thanks!

  146. Great roundup this month! I love these posts and I always end up adding so much art to my wishlists!

  147. Wildcard please!
    My favorite is Set of 2 Wookiee-the-Chew prints by James Hance, both 8X10 & signed (Set C).
    Thanks Jen!

  148. Those "Stained Glass" pieces are amazing! I hope I finally get the chance to choose from your glorious art board!

  149. So much good Star Wars art!! I'd gladly take that Twilek Kitten print off your hands :)

  150. You always find the best art!
    Enter me for the Derby Babes also!

  151. Your finds are always so awesome and I end up following like 10 new people on Instagram :P

  152. I know someone who would love that roller derby print!

    I ran into the alphabet series last week and desperately wish I had a geeky friend's nursery to furnish. My sister only wants lame cute pink stuff.

  153. Those copper etchings are amazing! I wanna learn to do that! I'd also love to be entered into all of the drawings, because who can say no to awesome art?

  154. Great roundup! Those stained glass prints are really something.
    Please enter me in the wildcard giveaway. Thanks!

  155. The stained glass Dr. Who art is stunning!!

  156. I need that stained glass art in my life!

  157. In love with the copper etchings and those geeky alphabet prints!

  158. Love the stained glass art, and Dolfen's stuff is stunning. If I get drawn, I would love the AT-AT Walk. Or the DC Derby Girls consolation prize!

  159. Ahhhhh!!! I MUST have the DC Roller Derby one!!! I've been derbying for over 6 years, am current CEO of our league, and had the honor to grace our last bout poster (see here Not to mention that I have a houseful of boys (and a girl) who adore everything geek. Pick me, pick me pick me!!!

    Would love to win the random drawing too, of course.

  160. Jen, great job as always! Please enter me in the wild card drawing and keep up the great work!

  161. Oh My Goodness, that Balrog. Want!
    I'm looking to move out in the next couple of months, and although I don't have a place yet, I'm already planning for it to be covered in nerdy art and toys and also amigurumi, because I love to make those!

  162. Ooh, I require all Star Wars prints! And roller derby ones too...

  163. Love the Aayla Secura print.
    Thanks for always doing (searching for and then FINDING awesome stuff) for us!

  164. So much amazingness! I see why Dolfen's Kylo Ren art grabbed you--it's the first time I've really felt something for that character, looking at those. What incredible things fan art can do...

  165. Please enter me for the wild card drawing!

  166. Those Etchings!! I would love to be entered into the wild-card draw. Please and thank you!

  167. I love those alphabet prints..Please enter me into the wild card drawings too!

  168. Such a super variety! Love the stained glass.

  169. Smith's etchings and Grason's Disney stuff are wonderful! Please enter me for the wild card drawing. Thanks!

  170. LOVE them all. I wish the Roller Derby girls were Marvel - I love Marvel a bit more and have been a skater all my life. Although it's probably a good thing that they're not. Then I'd NEED one ;-) That Ayala print is adorable though. Your art roundups are always so dangerous for my wallet.

  171. I love Mab Graves! And those stained glass prints - wow!

  172. Yay for another art round up!

    I'd also like to be included in the DC Derby Girls drawing!

  173. I love the ABCDEFGeek book! It's just adorable. Please enter me in the wildcard draw. Thank you.

  174. Some lovely art again, and I'd like to enter the Twilek draw too as well please. :-)

  175. Octopus dance. I cannot find it to purchase, or I'd already own it!

  176. Those Mary Blair tributes are astonishing!!
    Please enter me for the wildcard!

  177. Those stained glass prints make my heart happy!

  178. That DC Derby Girls print is so flipping adorable!

  179. That DC Derby Girls print is so flipping adorable!

  180. Those stained glass pieces are gorgeous. Please enter me in the wildcard drawing.


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