So, naturally, we recently started watching Supernatural.

I blame Netflix.
See, John and I get addicted to shows, and then watch nothing but that show from start to finish. Which usually doesn't take too long. So I'm always on the look out for new
But here's the clincher: we don't have cable.
Which is fine, because most stuff can be found online or through Netflix streaming. Streaming is the easiest, although Netflix's selection still leaves much to be desired. So, while I was listlessly clicking through the "recommended" options a few weeks ago, I perked up when Supernatural came up. I knew nothing about it except it sounded familiar, and - what's this? Over 150 episodes available on live streaming?! SOLD.
I actually started the pilot while John was in the other room, and within two minutes I was pausing and inching the show forward frame-by-frame while peering through my fingers to see when the scary stuff jumped out.
At the fifteen minute mark, John wandered in.
"What are you watching?"
[speaking through a pillow I was holding over my face] "Supernatural. But it's really scary."
"You're watching something scary? What are you thinking?!"
[wailing] "I don't know!! It looked kind of cool!"
"You know we can't watch scary stuff!"
"I know!!"
There was a pause as the creepy music reached a crescendo and we both contemplated the screen with eyes the size of dinner plates.
"Hang on, I wanna watch, too."
And so began our abusive relationship with a scary TV show. Abusive because it lulls us into a false sense of security with one or two episodes with relatively tame scares, and then, POW! We're screaming like little girls behind the couch and sleeping with the lights on.
It doesn't help that our prime TV-watching hours start around 1AM. And you know what *else* doesn't help? When you're watching a creepy suspenseful show about some demon with tree branch fingers scratching at bedroom windows and THEN YOU START HEARING SCRATCHING AT THE WINDOW because there's either a squirrel scaling your window screens OR POSSIBLY A DEMON COMING TO EAT YOUR SOUL and have I mentioned we haven't slept in a few days?
During the squirrel scratching incident - and let's go ahead and assume it's a squirrel since we're still alive. SO FAR. - John and I actually got so freaked out that we did what any sensible, fully grown adults would do: we shut off the TV, left every light in the house on, locked ourselves in the bedroom, and finished watching the show on his laptop in bed.
We kept promising ourselves and each other that as soon as one of us started having nightmares, we'd stop. Having already reached the third season, though, now we're rationalizing:
"Well, yes, it was a nightmare, but I didn't dream anything specifically from last night's episode, so I'm sure it's not related."
"If you think about it, this show is probably toughening up our psyche, so in the long run we'll actually have LESS nightmares."
And so on.
Usually Supernatural gives you a nice lead-in to the scares with lots of ominous music and suspense, thereby enabling us more cautious-minded individuals to "assume the position." (This involves peering with one eye through our cupped hands while yelling, "I can't look! Are you looking? Is it over? Did you see it? AAAUGGH!! I LOOKED! OH MY GOSH THAT'S SO FREAKING SCARY! Don't look! It's RIGHT BEHIND HIM!!" And so on.)
Last night, though, we had our biggest scare from the show yet. It even managed to dethrone that scene in "Crossroad Blues" where the wife is saying goodbye to her hubby and then suddenly cranks her head sideways and goes all demon-faced on him. [shudder]
This one involved children, who I never realized could be so bone-chillingly creepy even without makeup or special effects, and can I just say I am so, SO glad we're not having any, because after that episode I could never sleep with a kid in the house for fear I might see their reflection in a mirror and realize they're really some leech-faced monster and holy crap I'm scaring myself just writing this and what have you done to me, Supernatural?!
So, yeah. It's a good show.
And for the uninitiated out there who are thinking of giving it a try, you should know that the pilot is a bit scarier and more intense than a lot of the subsequent episodes. Until you get to "Bloody Mary." And the clown one. [shiver] And when you get to "Heart," the werewolf one in season two? Yeah. Just skip that one. Not because it's scary, but because the ending is dumb and needlessly dramatic - like punching a kitten just to make us cry. That was really out of character for the show, though, and the only bad episode I've seen yet. Fortunately it doesn't have anything to do with the over-arching storyline, though, and a few shows after that is "What is And What Should Never Be," which we *thought* was going to be really cheesy, but ended up being one of the best yet. So that makes up for it.
Just watch out for "The Kids Are Alright," alright? Especially the car scene. Trust me.
Welcome to the fold!! FINALLY!! And yes, "Supernatural" is all manner of scary, but nothing that salting your windows won't fix, you know? (By the way, my "kitten" -10 months old- is called Samuel John Winchester. Just sayin')
ReplyDeleteOMG This is so funny. Not because it's terrifying you, but because I developed a massive addiction to Supernatural as well! And I know the episodes you're talking about OMG!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm a major chicken when it comes to scary movies. My husband tortured me with The Grudge and then made bargains with me in order to watch the Paranormal Activity movies.
Regardless, I'm hooked on Supernatural (and watching as we speak - I'm a season up from you . . . it gets awesome LOL).
Just remember, when in doubt, salt the doors and windows!
I HATE the Halloween Horror Night Billboards. So happy when Harry (Potter) came back! :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, at least I'm not the only one who's a lightweight when it comes to scary stuff :) I love the show, but I can only watch it during the daylight hours. My poor husband doesn't understand, but he goes with it... especially since I have zombie apocolypse nightmares all the time regardless.
ReplyDeleteThis is hysterical, because my boyfriend and I just started watching Supernatural on the advice of a superfan coworker, and my experience has been about the same.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one screaming like a little girl at Bloody Mary.
wow, how did I miss this show??
ReplyDeletethanks for the recommendation, Jen! MUST watch now. :D on the laptop, in bed, with the door closed and the lights on, and the fan turned on high so it's chilly for the chiller. :D
Off to sign up for Netflix!
-Barbara Anne
(scary movie fan who has horrid nightmares but still loves to watch anyway)
I have long had a complete and total fear of anything "horror" related. The way Americans decorate their homes for Halloween frequently demoralizes me into a sobbing blob of nerves.
ReplyDeleteOne of my best friends lived with Mr. Haiku and me in Honduras for "that year" (which is how we refer to our time in Honduras - "that year" or sometimes "ese an~o muy muy malo"). She brought with her the ENTIRE RUN of Buffy as her "homesick-comfort" DVDs. I ended up watching it with her, which is especially odd because of all the things which send me into incapacity, I have a particular fright of vampires and duplicity. So I was therefore surprised how much I enjoyed it.
And now she is trying to get me to watch Supernatural. I am so very torn. Buffy is intended mostly to be equal parts teen romance and spoofy spoofiness, and considering how often I gave blood-curdling shrieks of immobilized spineless terror, I think I'm going to have to go with a "no." Especially after I had a nightmare because of the zombie Storm Trooper photo you posted from MegaCon.
Let us not speak of Reavers.
Got this URL from a co-worker.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all congratulations on daring to blog about SPN. I promise not to give your URL to the thousands-nay-millions of screaming fangirls of this show, of which I am proud to be one, mind you :) But if you are discovered you will likely face a loooot of comments.
Two things tho :)
1) Netflix is the wrong place to watch this, because apparently Netflix had to change all the classic rock songs due to cost concerns. (I hope they didn't lose Carry On Wayward Son, though...) The soundtrack is part of the whole appeal. :)
2) "Heart" may not be integral to the plot, but it is a metaphor for the moral decision Dean's going to have to make regarding Sam. He sees how much it hurts Sam to have to do what he does, and it's his hurt, just as much as Sam's, that's part of what makes the show so powerful.
3) You have only BEGUN to gnash your teeth and wail at the screen.
The angst piles up high and it hurts so good. So good luck!!
LOL - I love the way you write stuff like this!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I binge on tv series on netflix too. (Who needs cable really?) I've found that the less they show in "horror" movies and such, the scarier it is! At least when you are watching so many episodes of a show like that back to back, you tend not to dwell on every story too much - so not as many details stick with you and haunt you as badly. =)
I'm not a huge horror fan either, but I've found I can watch the genre a little easier since working on set for one of the dumbest movies ever made! (It was so bad, it will probably never see an actual movie screen, but it made me learn to laugh at blood and guts effects.)
OH MY GOD. I'm a total wuss about scary things too. But I did start watching Supernatural recently. My roommate isn't any fun to watch it with, but my friend will watch it with me and we curl up on my couch and yell at the TV. I'M STILL SCARED OF MIRRORS BECAUSE OF THAT BLOODY MARY EPISODE.
ReplyDeleteThen stay away from a classic show: the X-Files. I was a huge fan of that show years ago.
ReplyDeletei love you guys, and the way you make me feel normal! i keep catching myself flipping past scary movies on tv, and then flipping back, thinking, i shouldn't be doing this, then flipping away, and then back, and then away.... you get the point. and i always regret it at 3 in the morning when i have to take my ten pound dog to the bathroom with me as protection from all the scary things i just saw on tv. it doesn't help that i have to pass the basement door on the way. the basement door leading to the dank, dark, hundred year old dungeon-y basement. long story short... ifeel your pain!
ReplyDeleteThe same thing happened to me. I started watching it and I'm not a big scare person at all! I found it really toughen me up a bit too. And later seasons get more action based (but still very good) and have less creeeeeepy episodes (well I haven't watched seasons 6 or 7 yet, so I could be wrong). There are also some hilarious episode in your future. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteYay I'm a fan of Supernatural so glad to hear you like it too! I cover my eyes too and wait for my bf or friend to give me the all's clear ;)
ReplyDeleteInterested in what you think of the more recent seasons once you catch up.
Don't watch "family remains"! Trust me. Save yourself some serious mental trauma. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love supernatural!!! We have watched all the seasons that are available on DVD. After we finished, I kinda missed Sam and Dean. And the scarecrow episode??? The scariest!!! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteSo is it funny or strangely coincidental that I was watching the "Bloody Mary" episode while I read this post?
ReplyDeleteOh, the lures of Netflix streaming. . . My husband and I don't have TV either (we live under the redwoods = no reception and are cheapskates = no cable) and are currently working our way through Battlestar Galactica Season 1. I'm actually amazed we are showing the restraint that we are, but that clip from Portlandia is helping us keep everything in perspective. ; )
ReplyDeleteI am WAY too much of a wuss to watch this show your're talking about--when I was in 6th grade I got my official Red Cross Babysitting Certification--which unfortunately did not cover what to do when you are trusted to stay up until the wee hours of the night babysitting in the house of someone with ALL the premiere cable movie channels. I saw all KINDS of terrible and scary stuff and I slept in the bathtub with my Bible for several nights. (it was the only room in the house where I could see every. corner. at once)
But you just keep on writing about Supernatural, because reading this post was the most entertaining three minutes of my whole day. : )
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, the show gets even creepier and then REALLY DEPRESSING on top of that. There's some cheese thrown in, but you really feel bad for Sam and Dean by the current season (oh, yes, it's still airing new episodes).
ReplyDeleteIve been meaning to start watching this show. I see it all the time on my tumblr dash and it looks like it can be quite funny at times.
ReplyDeleteYour post got me to find the first season. Hopefully I can start watching it tomorrow. Thankfully I'm ok with scary. Try watching Ghost Hunters International. Now THAT is scary.
Love, love LOVE Supernatural. Stick with it. There is so much awesomeness.
ReplyDeleteYou have me intrigued. I wonder how extra-creepy it would be in Mexican soap opera mode...
ReplyDeleteI do something similar except with shows like Ancient Aliens, UFO Hunters and Finding Bigfoot. Freak myself out every. single. time.
ReplyDeleteBut I can't stop watching them. The worse thing? My couch sits right under the living room windows.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you two are having the best time ever with this show. We don't have cable, satellite, or Netflix - I know real dweebs - but I'm always on the lookout for new shows and I LOVE to get the socks scared off me. I will have to check this one out on DVD. Thanks!
P.S. It was great to see you guys in Pittsburgh!
"Don't blink."
ReplyDeleteStream Doctor Who "Blink" episode ten of series three(new who)
You'll never look at a statue the same way.
Woo Hoo First comment! I actually came here to share this with you, but now I'm tempted to go watch the show too.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I see the clown one, it creeps me out.
ReplyDeleteLove this series.
Especially love "Yellow Fever" for the clip they show in the credits :) If you can watch the gag reel for each season it is worth it. I think a lot of them are on youtube.
I'm glad you're enjoying Supernatural. I've been following the series since the beginning and I don't even like horror flicks. The characters are just so strong and the subtle humor so excellently written, it's hard to get tired of it even after 7 seasons. It's nice to know there are others out there who share my enjoyment of the show. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteSupernatural is one of the few horror shows that I actually can watch because I am a giant wuss and it cuts the scary with Buffy-esque witticisms. Of course, I always watch it during the day, never at night, with my cat firmly ensconced on my lap.
ReplyDeleteHave you met Cas yet? I can't remember what season he's introduced, but he's one of the best characters in the show. Aside from Bobby Singer, of course. I do love me some crotchety old mentors.
I am totally with you on both counts--being a scardy-cat and not having cable! Netflix and Hulu Plus really help in that department. Hulu is great because it has a lot of shows on it the day after they air on TV. There are advertisements during each of the breaks (usually two 30 second commercials) which gets kind of annoying, especially seeing the same ones over and over.
ReplyDeleteI applaud your courage in trying something new! As for me, I'm going to watch 30 Rock from start to finish...... again!
Oh Jen, I just laughed so hard... Thank you for being you. :) I have the same problem with del Toro movies. I want to watch but am so soooo scared!
ReplyDelete"The only bad episode you've seen so far"...clearly you blocked "windego" from your memory.
ReplyDeleteI love Supernatural! Dean is the greatest! I found all the stepford wives weird though. The women of Supernatural are ageless, which gets strange, especially when they have older kids. I think in the show's finally, we should find out that all the women the Windchesters ever talked to were witches or something.
ReplyDeleteAnd four words:
Eye. Of. The. Tiger.
Did you see that episode of Doctor Who? I forget what it was called...The Empty Child, I think. With the little boy in the gas mask walks around and says "are you my mummy?" over and over again. Oh. My. God. the chills. (even thinking about it is giving me the heebie jeebies). I was actually afraid to check on my sleeping son that night out of fear that he would have suddenly sprouted a gas mask and ask in a British accent if I was his mummy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping me stay away from Supernatural, as I also really can't handle the scary.
I'm a huge wussy too, I'll admit it, but I LOVE that show. I usually do a lot of "tell me what it's over" but the show is so well written and has some great humor to it too. I just keep watching it. :)
ReplyDeleteyou might also enjoy The Walking Dead ;)
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm guessing you guys haven't been watching The Walking Dead, huh?
ReplyDeleteI've started watching Supernatural since it came out on streaming on Netflix also. The clown episode was the worst for me since I'm FREAKING TERRIFIED OF CLOWNS!! Although, I have to say, if Sam or Dean was around I think I'd be too distracted by their yumminess to notice. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteI also have to say, my captchka(?) sounds like one of the scary monster names they's throw out there...."Dean, I think we're dealing with a Mingv Rseduct. It's a brain sucking demon that reduces it's victims brains to liquid through some freaky seduction ritual." "Why's it called that?" "I don't know, Dean, but dad would want us to destroy it."
I too have become totally addicted to Supernatual via Netflix ( we don't have cable either). I don't mind semi-scary/suspense shows. But I don't do the hard core scary stuff.
ReplyDeleteI love this one 'cause they don't always rely on CG for effects and go for old school stuff like not revealing what the "monster" in the episode looks like to build up suspense. It doesn't hurt either that the guys are totally hot!
It's keeping me from getting my housework done 'cause I keep hitting next episode when I really should be doing the dishes.
(sorry in advance) I laughed SO HARD reading your story! I can only imagine what it was like for you two...but I know I'd be right there with you scared out of my mind. I love scary shows and this one sounds too scary!
ReplyDeleteMy BF and I are exactly like you and John, we don't have cable so we are constantly searching for something to watch on Netflix streaming or HuluPlus. We've hit some duds too, but also found some favorites (hellooo anime!).
On another note - try watching My Boys if you two haven't watched it yet. A couple Big Bang Theory stars show up on it and will forever change how you look at them (in a good way). :D
DANGIT!!! I've had the first two seasons on DVD for a while (they were on sale) but I only made it through two episodes. I get scared easily too and I need someone to watch it with me. *^_^* Alas, my hubby isn't interested and I.... don't have enough friends, I guess.
ReplyDeleteBut I totally get what you're saying! I really really really want to watch more, but... Could someone just hold my hand while I watch it, please?
You guys are sooo cute in your wussiness!!
ReplyDeleteoh god, this whole post has me cackling...because i'm WAY on the other end of the spectrum. i like Supernatural a lot - i mean, hello Dean McHottiebutt - but it's so vanilla on the scares.
ReplyDeletebut i was a fan of the X Files, which truly used to scare the crap out of me. i think i'm desensitized to it.
My husband and I are big fans of the show and I got really excited when I saw this on Epbot. I think my reaction was somewhere along the lines of 'oh my gosh, she likes it too! that's so awesome!' - sorry if that comes off a tad 'stalker-ish'.
ReplyDeleteThe show gets dark, but there is usually enough humor to keep it from being depressing or truly terrifying.
I too am working my way through my favorite shows from start to finish via netflicks (well, except for those they pull when I'm only halfway through!) It's great how fast you can get through a season without commerials or week long waits :)
I have too good an imagination to watch scary movies. I don't just cover my eyes, I also have to plug my ears because the sudden rise in music volume (ok, and usually the screaming from the screen and the audience) would make my little heart skip beats.
ReplyDeleteI'm still traumatized from Children of the Corn and that was DECADES ago! It wasn't even the monster, it was the scene where they're chased through the cornfields without being able to see ahead. Don't get me started on the animated Ghostbusters and that episode about the Boogie Man. "Come ooutt and plllaaayy child... come out and ppplllaa-aaay." Gah!
I never got into Supernatural personally, but from what I've heard, the writers love to put the characters through hell. Literally, in some of the later yeah, watch out for that too.
ReplyDeleteMy husband LOVES this show. I started watching it with him cause I was a HUGE Buffy fan. Yeah, I saw the Bloody Mary episode and called it quits. The nightmares from that episode...
ReplyDeleteI use Netflix streaming a lot too, because I like having something to listen to & to occasionally glance up and watch while I'm doing needlework. Needlework is excellent for scary-tv watching because I have a good excuse for *not* looking at the screen ;-).
ReplyDeleteI got sucked into The Walking Dead this very way. I'm not into zombie stuff, so when the zombies are doing their zombie thing I pay special attention to whatever I'm embroidering or cross-stitching LOL. Or if I'm not doing needlework, I watch those scenes through my fingers with the volume turned down. BIG wimp, oh yes I am!!
Oh geez, now I'm feeling like I want to check out Supernatural, but definitely when I have some needlework in hand ;-).
My husband (Johnny - yes, seriously) and I do the exact same thing with tv shows on netflix. We also don't have cable, so we watch shows obsessively from start to end. My husband, however, is a total wuss and is physically incapble of watching scary stuff. I have also recently become addicted to Supernatural on netflix (I'm on Season 4 - angels are scary stuff). Creepy right? The only difference is I have to watch it in shameful secrecy to avoid my husband's wussy wrath! :)
ReplyDeleteI adore 'Supernatural'. Seriously obsessed. The one that really scared the bejeesus out of me was 'Scarecrow' because it reawakened all my childhood fears of the cornfield near my house. I never actually saw 'Children of the Corn' when I was little, but the mere suggestion from the title was enough to send my 5 yr old imagination into a tizzy over the potential evil living in the cornfield near my house. Add to that, a well-known Halloween attraction in my area is a HAUNTED CORNFIELD.
ReplyDeleteYeah, 'Scarecrow' really terrified me. But 'Supernatural' is amazing. :)
I'm terrified of scary things. Like you and John, I can't even handle watching TV ads for scary shows - it's why I tend to stop watching TV for two weeks before Halloween - but I have developed an odd love for zombies in the last four years. Even though just the screen shots were enough to give me creepy dreams, I finally caved three weeks ago and started watching 'The Walking Dead'.
ReplyDeleteI'm hooked.
I can't stop watching.
But I really need an excuse to look away from the screen when I know something scary is going to happen without feeling like a wimp. For the first time ever in my life, I have applied fresh nail polish every night for three weeks straight!
I love Supernatural...fabulous stories and such yummy eye candy!
ReplyDeleteI will have to look for this and watch- I love scary stuff, but it can give me not exactly related nightmares.
ReplyDeleteA show that is incredibly scary (and well done, in my opinion), is American Horror Story. OMG, it's creepy!!! Just the credits will give you the willies. I just got the chills right now typing that. I'm not sure how it can compare to Supernatural on the scary scale, but it was original and enough to make me want to avoid dark, cavernous basements for, well, ever.
Yum! I love me some Supernatural, especially as the first few seasons give me the best kind of X-files flash backs. I am going to risk the wrath of the scariest fans in fandom telling you this, but quit at the end of season 5.
ReplyDeleteMy hus and I also get hooked on shows and marathon them together. I'm the wuss in the relationship so he started watching Dexter without me. I would sneak a peek as I went in and out of the living room then made him rewatch it from the beginning so I could catch up.
ReplyDeleteJen, I've always meant to comment on your awesome posts, but haven't been able to break out of my internet paranoia, but now I just have to!
ReplyDeleteSupernatural is indeed an excellent show, with some pretty awesome episodes and lovely acting (in multiple ways :D). My friends and I started watching it in season 2, and even though we've grown up and moved out of college, a couple of us still make time to get together every week to watch it. Even if there's not a new ep that night, Thursdays/Fridays are still 'Supernatural night' and we still find ourselves hanging out til the wee hours of the morning just having fun and otherwise relaxing.
It's definitely one of my 'comfort' shows because I've watched it so many times and I know the characters so well. Plus, I'm writing a paranormal/urban fantasy novel, and having the Winchesters in the background provides the perfect creepy ambiance for my book, and ideas for fixing plot holes. :)
Have fun with the boys! And if you find yourself contemplating the purchase of a 50 lb bag of salt and a lot of antique silver, you are not alone.
C.N. Wolf
I <3 Supernatural. Kylie (of the dolphin/snickers/cardigan drawing fame) and I watched all 6 seasons last year (before it came to Netflix) and then into the current season.
ReplyDeleteI just wish I could give Sam a hug and bake Dean a pie :) So many wonderful episodes ahead of you!
Oh my GOODNESS!! Those Halloween Horror Night commercials are the WORST. That is the only time of year when I am immensely grateful that I moved away from Tennessee. Sometimes I'm back in Florida when those come on and they take me by surprise and my heart is racing for the next hour! HORRIBLE!! SO SCARY!!! I even went one year.. in college. JUST ONCE!! I had a sorority sister who was working as a character handler, and her boyfriend was a "chainsaw guy" -- AKA a dude dressed in tore up rags, bloody makeup and running around scaring people with a CHAINSAW!! revving motor and everything!!!!!!!!!!! Fortunately i was with her and they didn't come up behind and scare me, but it was AWFUL!!
ReplyDeleteI will use this post as a reminder NOT to watch Supernatural. It's funny.. I've seen the commercials before and I never thought it was suspenseful like that.. but yeah.. not gonna watch it! Scaring me is NOT FUN!!!!!
Weird. I was just contemplating whether it was too late in the evening to start watching Supernatural (I've never seen it, so I want to be, you know, AWAKE, so I don't miss anything) when I happened read this post. I thought to myself "Hey, I haven't checked Epbot in a while, maybe I'll read a bit before deciding whether or not to start a new series." And then here you are. Writing about it. I think that might just be a sign. Who cares if it's 1AM? I'm going to watch me some Supernatural! Woot.
ReplyDeleteYay another Supernatural fan. I can say fan right? Lol Having seen almost every episode except season 7 I can say you guys are in for a real treat :)
ReplyDeleteI feel the exact same way!
ReplyDeleteI don't watch other scary shows at all (because I'm a baby), but for some reason Supernatural is worth it...
And you watch Dr Who?! They put Supernatural on so late over here in New Zealand (and we don't have Netflix) that we gave up watching it. Dr Who however, have you seen Hollow Child or Weeping Angels? Now those are scary episodes!
ReplyDeleteLove love love the steampunked commercial!!
ReplyDeleteAnd if Supernatural scares you, for the love of all that's good, don't want The River. (It's available on Hulu, but don't go there. Creepy creepy creepy cool).
Seriously! I tried watching that show when it was new, and I got to the Bloody Mary episode and couldn't make myself watch it again. To much like "The Ring" and that movie gave me crazy nightmares for a month. *shudder* And now you've totally made me want to add it to my Netflix. Thanks, Jen. haha. Oh dear.
ReplyDeleteNow I want to see some of those scenes so that I can see how scary they are. I have a somewhat ok tolerance for scary things, but I don't like to watch horror movies. I saw IT when I was about 8 once and was irrationally terrified of bathroom plumbing for years afterward.
ReplyDeleteOh, and yes, kids can be creepy without trying sometimes. My niece had got out of bed one night because she had a bad dream and was standing in the middle of the dining room. She has mid length black hair and had her head down a little. Well, I walked out of my bedroom when she was just standing and got really freaked out for a few seconds when I saw her. I didn't know she was out of bed and she looked really, really creepy at that moment. My daughter (she and my niece are both 4) likes to scare her by telling her there are eyes under the bed and monsters coming out of the closet.
I just started watch Supernatural last week! Not as far as you though - I only got to Bloody Mary last night. Of course *right* before I was planning on going to bed. I ended up watching two episodes of How I Met Your Mother to calm down first.
ReplyDeleteAhh, the bliss of watching Supernatural in bed. I´ve made this mistake many a time and still love doing so. :D
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, we LOVE LOVE LOVE that show!! We have (almost) all the seasons on DVD, and we're just waiting for 7 to finish up and come out so we can buy it!! We also don't have cable, but we can't stream anything because we live in Okinawa, Japan for the time being :) My favorite are the episodes that are just light hearted and silly (Dean becomes a big chicken baby and screams like a girl at a cat, ok, not litterally a chicken baby, cuz that could really happen on that show....) but it was hilarious!! Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to need a new series to watch after I finish Battlestar Galactica *sniffle* But I'm not sure this is one I'd be up for. I still get freaked out watching Dr. Who sometimes.
ReplyDeletesupernatural is the greatest thing i have seen on tv since Buffy and my gosh the supernatural boys make the scary bits worth watching. so welcome to the fanclub :)
ReplyDeletemovies don't tend to scare least not the obvious scary ones. i think because i studied film and tv for so long i tend to be numb to them and am aware that while it is scary, its not 'real'.
ReplyDeletethat being said, there is one film, one film in the history of all films that i absolutely cannot watch without several thousand pauses, hugging a pillow, turning the sound right down and my heart pounding like mad. and the sad thing is that its such a stupid movie to be afraid of. that movie, is Signs. maybe its because i was heavily into alien conspiracy theories when i was a teen, i dunno, all i know is that from the very first alien sighting i'm crying like a baby. and that clicking sound? *whimpers* first time i watch that movie i had to turn all the lights off in the house one of the house to the other alternating until i reached the middle where my room was, judge the distance from the door to my bed, close the door, judge distance again, turn off light, leap from door into bed, throw the covers over my head and sleep with my head buried under the pillows. that was almost 10 years ago. tried watching it again recently and same reaction. blair witch, paranormal activity, the ring.....don't blink an eye. *sigh* i refuse to let one movie make me so afraid though. one day i will watch it and laugh..........just not today.
I just started watching that, too! Except I've been watching it alone, at night, during 2 am feedings with my newborn. Maybe not the smartest idea...
ReplyDeleteThis post made me LOL. Because I'm the exact same way. From not having cable and watching a long show from start to finish (I'm currently in season 6 of the original Law & Order. Though Netflix only has 8 seasons available. Boo) to watching scary shows through my fingers.
ReplyDeleteMy husband doesn't mind the scary stuff though, so when I ask if it's over, he'll know for sure. Unless he's trying to scare me, in which case, there's still something on screen I don't want to see. Then I end up throwing the pillow at him in protest, only to beg him to give it back minutes later, so I can hide my face again. =)
Enjoy Supernatural. We've watched everything but the last season and I think that the scary parts are worth dealing with to get to the funny parts!
Hubs and I do the SAME thing. It all started when I watched the pilot for Dead Like Me on Netflix...then began our episode after episode after episode marathons. We obsessed over Heroes, Wonderfalls, Sanctuary and Lost as well...Supernatural sounds interesting, but I was having crazy scary dreams once Sylar was introduced into I don't know if I can handle it. LOL
ReplyDeleteWow, sounds like you guys are having fun. I used to watch the show but they did a few things that I really found annoying in the later seasons and I gave up because I didn't think the writing was as good.
ReplyDeleteThat being said I hope you enjoy it until the end because oh my those are some cool guys.
I love, love, love this show. My husband and I went to one of the panels at D*Con last year. Misha Collins is such a departure from his chatacter on the show. Utterly hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI'm sitting here laughing my head off because that is SO ME about the scary stuff! I couldn't even watch X-Files 'cause it gave me nightmares, and I only lasted through two episodes of Supernatural. The lady suspended from the ceiling was too creeptastic for me. Oddly enough my favorite tv show ever? Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It only gave me nightmares once.
ReplyDeleteMaybe twice.
Ooh! I've been a fan since the beginning. I've tivo'd all the eps so I can watch at my leisure.
ReplyDeleteAnd that CAR. Woof. Yeah, baby.
This was so much fun to read, because my sister and I have just decided to re-watch this show from the beginning on Netflix ourselves. I warn you - you *will* get your heart broken at least once. You and John can always give me a ring if you need someone to convince you that the scratching sound is just a squirrel. :)
ReplyDeleteBut the one where they meet Andy is the best, amirite? Star Wars references!
ReplyDeleteYes!! This show is amazing. Glad you are enjoying it!! :-) Dean's snarky comments are hilarious, and the fact that Jared and Jensen aren't too hard on the eyes isn't bad either. ;-) Enjoy, stay safe, and metallicar on!!
ReplyDeleteI hate scary stuff too, but did the same thing you guys are doing with the show Millennium. It was a creepy show but I really enjoyed it. Later I bought it on DVD, but even though I have already seen all the episodes when they aired on FOX I haven't watched them again yet because I am kinda nervous it will freak me out again. Glad your household got rid of the Con crud! I like that idea of a codependent commune.
ReplyDeleteThree things:
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'm so glad John is feeling better.
Second, you made me laugh till I hiccupped with this post. I don't do scary either. I watched Jurassic Park on DVD in three installments because I kept standing on the sofa I was so keyed up.
Third,home from college my sophomore year I got trapped watching Alien. My brother (year older) asked Dad if we could watch Aliens. "You're 21. You decide." "Cool! Marn, want to watch?" I declined and went to my room to read. 30 minutes later decided I needed a glass of water from the kitchen. As I passed the den I heard laughter. I'm thinking if he's laughing how scary can it be? I sat down and got hooked. (Must have been the only comic scene 'cause we didn't laugh after that.) Mom walks by, sees me,thinks "If Marnie's watching it how scary can it be?" She sits and gets hooked. That night at the age of 20 I once again slept with my old Donald Duck nightlight on, and Dad (who was reading in the living room)is the only one who slept all night.
Can I say that I'm so psyched you're watching Supernatural? It's been one of my favorite shows for a couple of years and when I started, I wasn't much of a fan of horror. At all. But Sam and Dean are so awesome and the overarching story is so interesting that I had to relinquish my 'I hate all horror' slogan. I can't say that anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you haven't gotten to season 4 yet, you're in for a treat. Some of the best episodes are in that. :) Happy watching!
Oh, you ain't seen nothin' yet for Season 3.
ReplyDeleteActually, for me, the humor of the scenes with Dean and Ben acting like mini-Dean helped offset the scariness of the robo-kids - but that's just me.
Supernatural is one my heavy addictions; enjoy!
This is one of the reasons I love having to wear glasses. I'm intrigued by ghost stories and such and love shows like The X-Files (and I have a cruel best friend who is always forcing me to watch horror movies), I hate anything with spiders, and really, I just can't take any suspense... so when I start getting scared, I pull down my glasses and watch in total fuzziness. Much less scary that way. Though, the person next to me gets "What happened?!" if I can't figure it out after putting the glasses back on lol
ReplyDeleteI cannot watch anything scary either and my husband always makes fun of me for it. He was watching Supernatural based on a recommendation from a friend. I was in another room when he started it but I kept peeking in. I eventually watched a few episodes with him covering my eyes tightly during the scary parts. He eventually felt bad and stooped watching, but maybe we should try again.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the first two seasons of Supernatural and then scattered episodes after that. There are a few individual episodes that were pretty creepy, but as a whole the show didn't scare me. Then again, horror is my favorite genre, and as a whole it doesn't scare me. I wish that it did, sometimes. :P I hope no Strega (that was the one with the scratchy fingers on the window, wasn't it?) sneak in to steal your souls or anything.
ReplyDeleteWe just watched the pilot on Netflix the other night. I didn't think it was scary (I am also a big scary movie wuss) but now I'm not sure if I want to watch the rest! Especially since my other half and I work opposite shifts and who knows if we'll even be able to watch it TOGETHER! Also, we also don't have cable or satellite - haven't had for years and we don't miss it.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of the first time I saw the "Silence in the Library" episode of Doctor Who. I made the mistake of watching it at midnight, alone.
ReplyDeleteAfter 45 minutes of watching people get eaten by mysterious shadows coming out of walls of books, I looked around...
...only to realize that my room was nothing but moving shadows (the curtains) and walls of books.
I slept with the lights on that night.
I love this show! I've watched in pieces, though, and never in order, and I don't think I've seen the pilot. So you've got me really excited that it's on Netflix... just downloaded. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I question all the time why on earth I *like* being scared. Still haven't gotten an answer.
OMG, that's one of the funniest posts I've ever read! You had me laughing really hard through the whole thing. I'm not THAT bad about scary stuff, but almost!
My husband and I love Supernatural! We watched seasons 1-5 last year, and the first few episodes of season 6. Season 5 is AMAZING, and season 6 felt a bit disappointing after that. We're giving it another try now, and so far it's holding up.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness. I haven't watched Supernatural for a while- couldn't make it past the fifth season. (I found the plotlines taking a bit of a dive.) My friend told me it was excellent, so I started watching it... and unfortunately had a Girl Guide camp two days after I watched the Wendigo episode. He promised to come after me with a shotgun if I didn't make it back though. xD
ReplyDeleteI love supernatural! it's definitely at the upper range of scary that I can handle though.
ReplyDeleteSupernatural is one of my top favorite shows of ALL TIME. The first three seasons are good (well...some bits of season 2 is a bit weird) but seasons 4 and 5 are BRILLIANT. Amazing television.
ReplyDeleteI would like an update on your feelings on the show after you finish the 5th season. Because of reasons.
And then the 6th and current 7th season are not as good. But 5 set such a high bar it was inevitable the show would take a tumble.
But I'm just excited that you're watching it.
I L.O.V.E. this show!!! We have kids so we had to watch it late at night, and yes, it's scary. But oh so good!! If you make it through Supernatural give American Horror Story a try. It's actually more tame. I'm not into gory horror, but I love supernatural thrillers!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are braver than I am for watching that show at all. Though my inability to handle it might have something to to with the fact that I was alone, the only one awake in the house, and in somebody else's living room. I made it through maybe 20 minutes.
ReplyDeleteHow are you with weeping angels?. I introduced my baby brother to them a few months ago, and about halfway through the first episode he started shouting, "Go turn the lights on! Please, turn them on! Now!" And now I visit my cousin's college campus on occasion, and those things are EVERYWHERE.
Oh, I should mention that my baby brother just turned fourteen. I'm not subjecting a literal baby to that.
Oh man! I am watching that show too and I am a few episodes ahead of you! I totally agree with you on the needless punch-a-kitten-in-the-face warewolf episode...I was mad after that one. And the creepy play-with-me-mommy-don't-you-love-me-anymore kids...very creepy. I watched a few episodes the other day before bed, i planned on watching one but that one was too scary to go to bed, so I kept watching until I got to an episode that was acceptable pre-bed. Have fun, I am enjoying it so far!
ReplyDeleteRead this aloud to my boyfriend who watches Supernatural (I am uninitiated at the moment, working through Doctor Who) and he agrees wholeheartedly.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever watched Doctor Who? Fantastic show, especially the seasons with David Tennant. If you haven't watched it and are going to, just skip the episode "Blink" because you will never sleep again. I still can't look at angel statuary without shuddering and whimpering.
ReplyDeleteLOL - I am sooo the same way about a series. Once I start watching it, I MUST see EVERY SINGLE episode in order. And, yeah, I'm a NetFlix junkie because of it. I'm also the same way about scary stuff, I "hate" to watch it, but still get sucked into things like Ghost Adventurs and Paranormal State. *shivers* Now that I know about Supernatural, I'll have to see if I can resist the urge to scare myself silly.
ReplyDeleteI have been following both of your blogs for quite some time, I wouldn't use the term "stalker" but you get the idea. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your sense of humor. I also want to tell you that Supernatural only gets better!!! When you think they've pushed it as far as they can go- BAM! I am hopelessly addicted!!! Enjoy (& definitely keep the lights on)!
ReplyDeleteDo you do Doctor Who? Because that episode with Christopher Eccleston and that gas mask kid is freakin' horrifying. "Are you my mummy?" *shivers*
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about watching this show lately...(I blame tumblr.) but kept meaning to check netflix for it. Thanks for doing that for me!
ReplyDeleteHowever, I'm also easily scared... so this might not be such a good idea. XD
I have been watching this show since it first appeared when my children were just itty bitty babies! Loved watching it late late at night as someone puked on me. Nothing like baby retching to add ambience and *smells* to the experience.
ReplyDeleteAwesome show! And even awesome-er music!
When I get too scared to watch a show, I turn off the volume. I find that without all the building music, the scene is much more tolerable.
Good luck!
I get scared at next to nothing, so thanks for informing me of yet another thing I will NOT be watching on Netflix! Also as a side note, do NOT, I REPEAT NOT, go to see the Woman in Black at nine o'clock at night. That is if you would like to sleep. Just a note for those who scare easily!
ReplyDeleteSupernatural is my favorite show!! The funny ones are always reeeeally funny, but I think that's partly because they don't do funny stuff that often. The one with the trickster at the college is hilarious, and there's one in season 4 that I actually rewind to see one funny part over and over again. And you're dead on about that werewolf episode, it's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteSupernatural is awesome!! Goodgoodgood stuff. "Bloody Mary" was actually one of my favorites, haha. x] That one, the asylum one, and whichever one had the tulpa in it.
ReplyDeleteSalt will become your best friend, not even kidding. My friends can't watch ghost movies with me anymore because I start yelling at the characters to salt and burn the bones to stop said ghosts...yeah.
Have fun watching! :D
I was watching Supernatural and on FB on my laptop when I saw this post. I found the show on Netflix the exact same way. I am a few shows behind you. I am also the same way about scary movies. I absolutly can not watch them. I torture myself every night. My husband won't watch woth me. He goes to bed and I have to turn off the lights and then jump into bed before something gets me. Yes I am very brave. I ussualy stay up way too late watching two or three episodes in s row because I am too scared to turn off the lights and go to bed. I feel like I am committed and I must see it through.
ReplyDeleteI love Supernatural! Top notch writing & very rich character development. Totally agree with you on Bloody Mary (we used to scare each other in school with that legend, so after watching the episode I couldn't go near a mirror unless the lights were on) & The Kids Are Alright (so creepy....) & Crossroad Blues (I was scared so I wanted to snuggle with my husband, but scared to snuggle in case his face suddenly went all demony... yup, perfectly logical!). I also got scared after watching Dead In The Water when I was rinsing the coloring out my hair in a utility sink just like the one in the episode, opened my eyes & saw black water. I actually jumped! Then I realized I hadn't killed any little boys in the lake that feeds our municipal water supply, so what was I worried about?
ReplyDeleteGreat series but with the scary is the funny... since you are a new convert have you gotten a taste of their gag reals? Might help ease the scary... this is one of the best: Eye of the Tiger
ReplyDeleteI never got into Supernatural, but that is exactly how I will watch episodes of Criminal Minds AND Dr Who! I was (and still am) slightly paranoid about going into my basement after watching Silence in the Library. That and I'm convinced now there's a serial killer waiting around every corner. Such is the life of a geek. I was also convinced there was an Afanc(BBC's Merlin) hiding in the basement bathroom. lol
ReplyDeleteFinally watching Supernatural?! YAY! I have been watching that show since day one. Huge Dean fan. Enjoy! You're gonna get really sucked in.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness gracious. I JUST caught up with the entire show after starting a week or two ago and that changeling episode oh my god that was so scary. Kudos to you both for sitting through it, I have a high tolerance for scares and I almost turned it off a few times.
ReplyDeleteAHAHA I'm JUST like you! We just started watching Supernatural as well. Thanks to Netflix. We're only about 6 episodes in and watch at night right before bed. OMG so freaking scary. I have to chase it with a 30 Rock or something funny before I can get into bed.
ReplyDeleteMy son took a class (in 9th grade) last year, "Supernatural." It was an elective, so we didn't pay much attention until he started watching Supernatural all the time. We asked why the sudden interest, and he said it was because of the class. Turns out, the class consisted of them sitting around watching an episode of Supernatural every day. I kid you not.
ReplyDeleteI've never watched it until tonight. Thanks to you, I just started the pilot on Netflix (literally 5 minutes ago). I don't scare terribly easily by TV shows.
I'm scared. o_O
If you are looking for a series, just a light funny one, I recommend "Ouran Highchool Host Club". It is an anime comedy, the brief run of which is available, dubbed in english, for streaming on Netflix.
ReplyDeleteI am a huge scardey cat too, but I managed to suck it up to watch supernatural UNTIL the episode with bugs, or was it spiders, or both (I never actually watched it so I don't remember), either way just seeing the advertising for that episode was enough to turn me off watching the show ever again!!
ReplyDeleteI am not a scary stuff person either but have watched Supernatural from day one. I have to close my eyes sometimes but it's too good! Have you gotten to the suicidal teddy bear yet??
ReplyDeleteThis is freaking awesome. The boyfriend introduced me to Supernatural this past summer and I'm completely caught up and loved every. Minute of it. Also how freaking hot is Dean????!!!! Love this post so much!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf they took all the great rock out, DON'T watch it on Netflix!!! You can find the seasons very reasonable on Ebay - we've bought all of them. Also, Amazon often puts t.v. seasons really cheap. Gotta have the music!!!! And watch the gags - Dean and "Eye of Tiger" is so hysterical I literally peed myself laughing...
ReplyDeleteLuckily I'm not that easily scared, because I LOVE Supernatural and I would not want to get nightmares from watching it :P. Also, darn you, now I really have to pull out my DVDs and watch "What is and What Should Never Be" again!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds just like when me and my friends watch Marble Hornets. Just two days ago a bunch of my friends came over in the evening and stayed up into the wee hours of the morning trying to watch all of the entries, because, ya know, that's just what a bunch of crazy pre-teen girls do. I've watched it all before, but it as a while ago so there were a bunch of times when I was like "Don't worry, this one's not scar-HOLY CRAP I WAS WRONG!"
ReplyDeleteThe entire night and into the morning we were all "Don't look out the window, don't look out the window, OH MY GOSH SLENDY'S OUTSIDE THE WINDOW!"
In hindsight, I don't even know how we survived the night.
My husband and I are exactly like that. We can't watch anything scary at all. Ever. When we were blazing our way through Battlestar Galactica (which is not scary, just intense at points), I would sit on the couch watching through my fingers waiting for the Cylons to jump out and kill everyone while my husband was hiding in the corner asking "What happened? What happened?!?!?!" Then I would dream about Six,the blonde cylon. Terrifying. Yeah. we're big kids.
ReplyDeleteI recently saw "The Woman in Black" and as a Supernatural watcher since the show began, I almost screamed out in the theater "Salt and burn the bones! Salt and burn the bones!"
ReplyDeleteThe show does get a little weirder in the later seasons, but in a good way. Not sure what to think about the seventh season.
I love supernatural (or did until the major overall arch ended at the end of season 5...but it's still pretty good). There is one episode that STILL terrifies me--and I wanted to warn you as it also involves children. Season 4, Episode 11 "Family Remains." When they think she's a ghost that's scary enough, but when they find out that the little girl ISN'T a ghost, it gets that much more creepy and disturbing.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed someone else commented about this episode. YES--save yourself mental trauma and skip it.
This is my husband and me watching a scary movie:
ReplyDeleteMe (hands over eyes): Can I look now?
Husband: No, not yet.
Me (hands still over eyes): How about now?
Husband: Ewwwww, definitely not. Yech.
Me (hands over eyes, starting to hum): La la la la la I can't hear you . . .
Husband: Ok, n--oops, wait, not yet.
Then later I can claim that the movie wasn't that scary because I after all I didn't see or hear anything scary.
The one that really got to me was Season One's "Hook Man" when you read what he wrote on the wall the next morning. I actually screamed.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty much grinning from ear to ear reading this. This is like one of my all-time favorite blogs and Supernatural is my all-time favorite show... so it's like my perfect OTP of awesome right now.
ReplyDeleteI'm always so happy when I hear new people enjoying the show and finding it scary (I hear too many people scoff at me and tell me Supernatural isn't scary it's silly).
If you want something less scary to get into, try "Once Upon A Time" on ABC. There are only 15 or so episodes, because it's still in its first season, but it's an interesting take on fairy tales (think "LOST" meets Disney).
ReplyDeleteA couple of friends have just recently gotten me to watch the show. I'm still on season 1, but I highly agree with you that the pilot and Bloody Mary are WAY scarier than the typical episodes. And I also agree that kids are WAY creepy. In my opinion, some of the scariest movies involve kiddos being creepy, which just makes me question my baby-crazed friends even more if they're REALLY sure that they want to go through with it. Now I'm both excited and dreading getting farther into Supernatural.
ReplyDeleteBest. Review. Ever.
ReplyDeleteI started watching it in the same way. My husband found me watching it muted, because the music was freaking me out too much. Now I watch it on Hulu, in the middle of Saturday afternoons while I do laundry. It still freaks me out, but I will sit in a pool of sunlight with my laptop until the shivers go away.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see others have mentioned Castiel, so awesome, and of course Dean's version of "Eye of the Tiger", which is easily one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I, too, watch this show through my fingers. I got off track last season, and stopped watching to catch up, and then never got caught up! Ack! Must get back to Supernatural.
ReplyDeleteSuper funny post today, kudos! You had me laughing en voz alta. I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle the show, so I'm unfortunately not going to watch it. Thanks for vicarious experience!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and I love this show! The dvd 'extras' are absolutely hilarious and worth watching. Maybe you can find it on youtube. Castiel is always a favorite too.
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOSH Jen, I laughed myself to tears over and over while reading this because I know EXACTLY what you mean! I don't know what I would do if my husband was as bad as I am haha. Fortunately, though scarey stuff doesn't bother him, he doesn't really enjoy it. PHEW!
ReplyDeleteI've only seen about ten episodes of Supernatural, but The Kids are Alright was one of them. HOLY CROW I know what you mean. I admit to being a little afraid of my own baby for a couple nights when my imagination was getting the better of me after a midnight feeding (not that kind!). Keep in mind that I saw that episode several months BEFORE he was even born. Gah!
Oh, and I didn't feel normal for a WEEK after I saw The Ring. shivers
I am so glad that you have started watching Supernatural. :D It is cheesy/scary/hilarious and it is something I watch when I want to have simple fun. Hope you make it through all of the seasons. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteWe do the same thing. Pick a series on 'Flix or Hulu and just watch it beginning to end. Started watching Supernatural about two weeks ago...we are in season 3 now.
ReplyDeleteLove me some Dean, with his sexy smile and all the snarky comments.
This exact thing happened to me except i was pressured into watching it by my friend. I am so glad to know that there are other people who get freaked out by it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who loves that show and loans me the DVDs and I'll watch a few episodes off and on when I'm in the mood for something scary.
ReplyDeleteThe clown one!!! OMG!!! I'm terrified of clowns and that didn't help. And it also doesn't help that I have children with strange senses of humor who after knowing I saw that kept saying, "I saw a clown, Mommy and I invited him home." Grrrr!!!
Um, yeah. I've been wanting to watch Supernatural for a while. If only you'd posted this before my husband & I started watching over the weekend.
ReplyDeleteI watched the first two eps and then at 4 am had to get up with the baby and sit in her room, in the dark, ALONE.
No more sleeping for me.
The next night, I took a Supernatural break. Unfortunately, at the 3 am baby session, I thought of the Silence (from Doctor Who), and once again, no more sleeping.
And yet, I'm still watching both shows obsessively. Just using a cartoon as a chaser immediately after. It helps...sometimes.
I'm with you about not watching scary stuff. But have you seen any of the Walking Dead episodes?!? Yikes but oh so good. I told my husband I would only watch it if the producers put in some kind of auditory track you can select to run concurrently with a little bell that means "zombies are gone, you can uncover your face now." Good idea, right?
ReplyDeleteYou think Supernatural is scary? Stay away from American Horror Story!
ReplyDeleteI just started watching this show last spring and it very quickly became my favorite show (and I very quickly zipped through all of the seasons and now own them all on blu-ray...). I hear you on the "Bloody Mary" episode - I almost stopped watching because I had trouble getting through the first few minutes of that one. Anyway, I hope you continue to enjoy it - I definitely have! :)
Family Remains! I still have nightmares about this episode, and I am not a giant wussball.
ReplyDeleteLate to the party, but thanks - I think this is one show I'll skip. I tend to do the same thing, getting obsessed with a show and watching the WHOLE thing (finished "Big Bang Theory" a few weeks ago and started watching "How I Met Your Mother" - only one episode and I'm caught up, so I need to find something else!). But I also tend to do the same thing about not handling scary things well (my sisters thought forcing me to watch "The Village" was hilarious...I mean, now I'm not scared of it, but at the time...). But this made me remember when I was in was right after that episode of "Stargate: Atlantis" with the mutant alien zombies (you know, the one Nicole deBoer guest starred in - how cool was it seeing Ezri Dax on on SGA?!). Anyway, I was watching it on my laptop with headphones in, and every time a zombie popped out I screamed. After about five minutes of this, my roommate/best friend turned around and snarled "KATE...if you're going to watch it, STOP SCREAMING! I can't take any more random screams!"
ReplyDelete...I only made it through the rest of the episode by stuffing my fist in my mouth and biting.
This was the freaking funniest thing I've read in a LONG time!!! Not only has this post made me curious about Supernatural and converted me into a new obsessed fan, but I read this post out loud to people as an explanation for why I started watching the show. And your post gets funnier each time I read it, I swear. Thanks a lot, from one fraidy cat to another!
ReplyDeleteOh MAN that's a good show, isn't it? I'm on season 5 right now, and still loving it. And, with this series added to the collection, I am an official Superwholockian! I'm pretty sure you are as well! How exciting...
ReplyDeleteYou and John crack me up, and I wish we were best friends! :p
ReplyDeleteI recently started watching this show, and usually I'm not easily frightened when it comes to scary movies.
ReplyDeleteThis show even gets me though. I tend to turn my volume wayyy down and just keep the captions on when I think something bad is going to happen. Still I can't keep my eyes off of the screen!
I'm only on season one but I'm glad to know that the seasons get scarier! =P
I just started watching this with a friend and BAJEEBUZ it scares me! I am an utter wuss too, so there is a lot of hiding behind cushions, covers, my friend, and cups of tea. Fortunately we live upside of the Arctic circle so we're in the land of the midnight sun at the moment. It's very reassuring to be able to open the curtains and see instant daylight! I do not look forward to the polar night though... We might have to put the show on enforced hiatus.
ReplyDeletei just started supernatural on netflix this past weekend, LOVE IT!! i knew you had mentioned it and i knew you didn't do scary stuff, so i had to come look up this post to figure out how in the world you had watched supernatural. i love scary stuff, and there have been some suspenseful scenes that have creeped me out a bit.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean. I can't handle scary things in the least, to the point that there were Buffy and Angel episodes that I had to pause and remind myself that it wasn't real, that I was in a room with the lights on, etc. Certain Bones and Castle episodes scare me because of the suspense or the creepy villains, and I stay as far away from horror movies and commercials as I can. However...I became fascinated by Supernatural after a friend/blogger became hooked on it and started posting the most awesome gifs, and then watched the pilot. It was scary; I had visions of dead women on ceilings and that ghost attacking in the car for days, and they still poppped into my head weeks later. Somehow, though, I still want to watch, because it seems so awesome. And here I go to start the second episode...though I will definitely end up skipping the Bloody Mary and The Kids Are All Right episodes, the latter because I have a three month old son, and there are enough things to scare me about parenthood without adding that.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! Its like I wrote this! Sometimes I have to take breaks and let my husband go on ahead a few episodes without me so I can normalize and not be so afraid of the dark. But I always get sucked right back in!