Friday, March 25, 2011

Off to Megacon!

John and I are going to Megacon today! In fact, we should be there every afternoon this weekend, so if you live in Orlando and are planning on going, be sure to find us and say hi. (Message me on Twitter if you can't find us.) And for those of you who can't make it: Don't worry; I promise to have lots of photos for you next week. :D

Stay tuned...


  1. Enjoy!

    Speaking of geeky events in Florida, know of anything happening the week of Memorial Day? We'll be down visiting family that week.

  2. Please go drool on James Marsters for me! Spike FTW!

  3. Have fun! Looking forward to lots of pics!

  4. Wish we could be there with you Jen! I know you are a lover of all things steampunk, so when I saw this ukulele I immediately thought of you:

    Steampunk Ukulele on Etsy

  5. So wish I could join you, but alas it is too far and my car is at the mechanic's shop anyway. One of these days though....
    Have a great time! Can't wait to experience it through your pics and posts.:-)

  6. OOooOOooHHhhHHhh, I LOVE photos!

  7. I'll be in Orlando next week! This just isn't fair!

  8. Have fun!! Can't wait to see your photos!

  9. Just finished reading the week you had. Please, since you are at Megacon anyhow, proceed directly to my friend Dougie,, for the best hug. I'm sure you'll know who he is, he's a geeky/fanboy joy, but his hugs are legendary. And you deserve it!

  10. I'll be there! I'm going to be wearing my Chewbacca backpack! I'm so excited!

  11. Pamela - The Florida Anime Experience will be Memorial Day Weedend. Its brand new - some of the ones from Jacon as well as others are in charge. They are on facebook.

    Jen - the pics are awesome - I'm working this weekend so can't attend. But I will make the Anime con in May.

  12. I was there Sunday, too bad I didn't read this post until today :(


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