Then you're in luck!
As most of you know, I turn down the vast majority of the speaking invites I get. In fact, I turn 'em all down. (Although it's always nice to be asked!) I'm fine with e-mail interviews or informal chats on the phone, but I reeeeally don't like being recorded, on camera or even just audio. The few big radio bits I agreed to for the CW book tour all had to be pre-recorded because of my nerves, and even then I've yet to listen to any of them. No sir, I do not like it. (Although the NPR lady was super nice.)
This past week, however, I broke out of my shell in a big way and did TWO recorded podcast interviews, and this one with Josh of JustUs Geeks was the longest. I don't expect this to become a regular thing, but I will say it's a lot more fun to talk about geek stuff than trying to explain the Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys. (Seriously, try to do that without a visual aid - and without sounding like a total perv. YOU CAN'T.)
I have not - and will not - listen to the interview myself, but John tells me I didn't completely embarrass myself. I do laugh a lot, though. He also tells me we need a microphone, because it's really echoey in my office. Sorry. (It was a Skype recording.)
Anyway, it's about 30 minutes of me talking about my geeky influences, my thoughts on everything from social media to my readers (and yes, that IS the sound of me getting all choked up), and lots of other things I don't remember. I hope you like it. And that I sound exactly like you imagine: calm, cool, collected, and drop-dead sexy. MROW.
Go here to give it a listen, and then we shall never speak of this again. Deal?
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Wanna Listen To Me Ramble About Geek Stuff?
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300 x 600 Supplemental
300 x 600 Supplemental 2
300 x 250 Supplemental 3
- Lady Vadore at Star Wars Celebration
- The Best of Star Wars Celebration VI, Part 2
- The Best of Star Wars Celebration VI, Part 1
- The Adorkable Girls of Star Wars Celebration VI
- 21 Hilarious Mash-Up Costumes From Star Wars Celeb...
- Star Wars Celebration VI: Thursday Favs
- Presenting Lady Vadore!
- Mailbag: Dragon*Con Survival Tips!
- Star Wars Celebration Swag!
- Book Review: Eon, Eona, & The Iron Thorn
- Timey-Wimey Doctor Who Quiet Book
- Saturday Steam 8/18/12
- My Resin Jewelry (Mis)Adventures!
- Eight Inspiring Geek Girl Costumes
- DIY Steampunk Lightsaber!
- Mailbag: "What Should I See At Walt Disney World?"
- My Next Projects. Maybe.
- Turning Something Sad Into Something Beautiful
- Wanna Listen To Me Ramble About Geek Stuff?
- Lady Vadore Update & Sneak Peek!
- Show & Tell, The Steampunk Edition!
- Jen's Gems 8/3/12
- Gorgeously Geeky Harry Potter Wedding!
- Wait 'Til You Get Home To Watch This
Congratulations on the podcast! I am looking forward to listening to it, hopefully at work while I alphabetize tax returns. Unless I get busted for streaming through the network server. Hmmm. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I enjoy Epbot even more than Cake Wrecks now, with all the cool geeky stuff you and JTHoJ do.
Huh. I imagined you with an english accent... You sound so foreign!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've been pronouncing it "Eepbot"... Oops.
He's a charmer, yes? I can say that because we're married.
ReplyDeleteI was so excited when Josh told me that he was getting to interview you - and he has mentioned several times how great you were.
You really were. Interviews are your forte. I MEAN IT.
You're right, we do really love you guys. Great interview, Jen. :)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed it! You didn't sound nervous or have any annoying vocal ticks. =)
ReplyDeleteI hate listening or seeing myself on camera too - that's why I work behind-the-scenes in film. As crew, you learn how to avoid the camera amazingly well, hehe.
This is great. Your voice is exactly the way I hear it in my head (is that creepy?) But am I the only one who thinks it sounds like you're being interviewed by a slightly older Jack McBrayer?
ReplyDeleteJen, that thing we cannot talk about? You sounded great! Seriously: my Dad was in radio and I am very, very picky about what I will listen to; I miss a ton of good podcasts because the voices, the pitch, the stumbles...something tends to drive me crazy. But I listened to the whole thing-we-must-not-name and enjoyed it. Thanks for doing it and linking to it so I could hear it.
ReplyDeleteOMGORSH! :D Congrats! You sound so mature and sure of yourself, like a lovely, lovely person...can't believe I'm hearing your voice. Almost as awesome as making contact with Mars. LOL Geeks Unite! :D
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who wants to see the graphic birthing cake? Damn you curiosity!
ReplyDeleteYou were great! I am so glad you do this blog and did that interview. It's so great to know there are other crafty geek girls out there and now I am going to go find some weird random stuff to send you in the mail! ;)
ReplyDeleteDo I get to be first with the comments? I enjoyed your interview, Jen and though you sounded great. You were personable and smooth and I didn't notice any awkward pauses or anything like that. I missed the choking up, though. Next stop Letterman?
ReplyDeleteI thought you sounded great. Encore!
ReplyDeleteYou came across as incredibly well spoken and are adorable. But I also can't stand to listen or watch myself in recordings--even listening to myself on voice mail drives me nuts.
ReplyDeleteYour accent is the most adorable *says the english girl!* You totally didnt make a fool of yourself. Own the interview :D
ReplyDelete*stands on top of desk* Yaaaaaaaay! Way to open up! :D
ReplyDelete*calmly steps down off of desk and returns to helping library patrons*
Jen, very cool interview! There's no need to be embarrassed, you have my word. ;) You sound very natural and actually do a better job of not hemming and hawing than the interviewer does. As for all the laughs, makes it very relatable. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this, Jen. I share your distaste for personal recordings, so I know overcoming that must've been an effort. Thanks for making that effort for us. You did great! I loved hearing what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteSuch fun and a delight to hear your voice, Jen! As my husband once said, "I like these people!" :)
ReplyDeleteYou did an amazing job! Don't sound nervous at all!!!
ReplyDeleteJen, you sound great! Just like I imagined! Sex Kitten totally!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's good to know he pronouces Epbot just like I do! Whew. I always wondered if I was doing it right!
Listening to the podcast now! Totally made me look at your "about" and if possible, I admire you more than ever before! You were a skipper for the Jungle Cruise?!? Dizgeeking out. You're the coolest! PS You sound totally relaxed in the podcast. Well done!
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm done listening now, and I have to say I feel like I know you now more than ever and yes I do feel stalkerish! hahahaha!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing yourself to us.
You rock! :)
Jen, thank you so much for doing the interview and for sharing it with us. Well done!
ReplyDeleteHere's to breaking out of our comfort zones! (I did something truly out of my comfort zone this week; a professional bra fitting. Horrid but worthwhile.)
Thank you Jen! It's oddly comforting to have a mental voice to go with the posts now.
ReplyDeleteIf you were uncomfortable with the interview you hid it perfectly! It sounded like you were talking to a friend, except no interestingly random changes in topic (or is that only my friends that do that?)
Loved it Jen! Like someone else said, you sound just like I imagine. You sound wonderfully polished, and I don`t think you laugh too much...not more then I would... is that a geek thing too?
ReplyDeleteWay to represent! Proud of you.
Age of the Geek Girl! Unite!
YOU SOUND SO CUTE!!! Also I want to be friends, in a non-creepy, non-stalker sort of way. :D
ReplyDeleteI hate hearing my voice, too, but you did great! What a cool interview!
ReplyDeleteWow! Congrats on the podcast!
ReplyDeleteI just got a chance to listen, and I just have to tell you; I thought you were AWESOME! You sounded like a pro, like you've been doing it for years! You didn't sound nervous at all! And you have a nice voice too. ;)
Loved the interview! Great job, Jen. Mad props!
Again, I wish I could live in Florida and be a 'real live friend'! In a non-stalkerish sort of way, of course. ^_^
ReplyDeletePlus, you sound a little like Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13. Which I think is awesome, since she's my husband's favorite character, and one of my favorites. (My favorite is Mrs. Frederick.)
And you sounded so cute! So awesome. I wish you could get over that camera thing, but I totally understand being camera-shy. Heck, Man-Ray's camera steals people's youth so it makes sense to stay away. ^_^
Amazing podcast. I hope you do more. You should SO have an Epbot podcast. Then we could hear you and John talk. You could talk us through tutorials. Youtube channel! But then, I can not get through the day without my Epbot. I even re-read posts until you update.
Ok, now I'm sounding stalkerish. Sorry. ^_^
WHAT???!!!!! I'm not your ONLY not-a-stalker fan??!!! Hmmmppphhhh.
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the podcast!
Jen - you sounded terrific! Really like a pro who does it all the time. If you hadn't said anything I never would have known how nervous you were. Yes, it did sound a bit echo-y but still your voice was clear. Thanks for sharing this! Maureen
ReplyDeleteGranted I didn't hear it all because it kept cutting out on me but, I don't know what you're worried about. I thought you sounded lovely and articulated everything well.
ReplyDeletenice job, lady!!
ReplyDelete-Barbara Anne