This week John and I will be packing up and heading to Atlanta for four fun-filled days with Our People, the Geeks. And, since it's an increasingly FAQ, here are some tips on finding us if
you'll be there, too:
1) Sorry, we won't have a booth. And while the lovely folks at D*C have indicated they'd be delighted to have us do a presentation or whatnot, I'm selfishly choosing to do what I most want to do instead: see the con!
2) That said, I'm happy to sign anything you bring, pose for embarrassing photos, or just say hi, assuming...
3) you find me.
And, as an added incentive:
There will be prizes.
Yep, it's the return of the ever popular/frustrating "
Find Jen and Win a Prize!" So
4) watch my Twitter stream for updates on my location and apparel throughout the weekend. I'll be there all four days, and I'll even be in costume one day for your blackmailing pleasure.
And just to make things a little easier, here are a few helpful hints in advance:
I'm not a morning person. So don't bother looking for me before 10 or 11 AM. (I will be at the parade, though.)
6) The tracks I'll be haunting most are 'Trek, 'Gate, and Alt History. I also hang out in Artist Alley quite a lot.
And to make it really,
really easy:
7) There will be a small CW pow-wow in the ConSuite (aka "the place with the free snacks" in suite 223/226 of the Hyatt Regency) on Sunday afternoon, time TBA. This is because loyal henchperson Priscilla, one of the organizers there, took it upon herself to plan one.
I hear there will be cake. (Rock on, Priscilla!) So, if you haven't found me by then, consider that your Plan C (for "cake").
And no, you won't win a prize for finding me
Now, since the ConSuite is open to everyone, I'm guessing most of the people there on Sunday will not be one of us Wreckies. Therefore, I propose some kind of code word exchange to ID each other. Preferably something having to do with sprinkles, carrots, Epcot, or all of the above.
Any suggestions?
Also, stay tuned for the exact time; I'll update this post once we get it nailed down.
UPDATE: Mark your calenders: party in the ConSuite will be at 5:35pm on Sunday! John and I look forward to hearing all your many and varied code phrases. ;)