Merry Friday and happy December, my tinsel-coated Christmas bots! I'm a little late with my tree roundup this year, so thank you to everyone who commented or messaged asking for it - makes me feel like my 4 hours of photo editing are worthwhile, haha. (Oh, who am I kidding, I love photo editing - you know I'd do it anyway.)
This year's Festival was a mixed bag for me, since I had a hard time at the event for personal panic reasons. Turns out I was reacting badly to a new generic version of my thyroid meds, so it's all fixed now, but on this day I was anxious, jittery and weak. That combined with more crowds than I expected, plus the changes you're about to see to the exhibit itself, had me grumpy and on edge.
But! Today I get a do-over with all of you. I'm going to try to look at this year's lineup with fresh eyes, so if I say anything grumpy, just smack my hand. You know, virtually. ;)
::opens doors::
Shall we?
The foyer tree this year was smaller than usual, but stunning. It's dripping with crystal swags, glittery leaves, and a pale peach ribbon:
I've noticed that peach is popular this year, so if you like the softer look, I've got more pretties for you coming up.
The foyer tree was sitting on a giant mirror, so looking down was just as sparkly:
From here you walk down this short hall to enter the exhibit areas.
The walls were lined with bare lighted branches, and unfortunately, those lights were set to a high-strobe flashing I dubbed "migraine mode." Most of the Festival guests are senior citizens, y'all. Who made this call.
Hang on, I have to show you I'm not exaggerating. Scroll fast if you're light sensitive:
At the end of the hall is the main hub, with all the exhibits branching off like spokes on a wheel. This hub is usually the big "wow" moment, with some of the largest and most swoon-worthy trees arranged around the walls in a big circle.
Those were all gone this year. ::sob:: In place of the trees were various advertising displays for the Festival sponsors.

Womp WOMP.
I literally walked in and said, "Oh no! Where are all the trees?"
Hang on, there was ONE tree in there, and a quite pretty one:
I told you more pale peach was coming! The tree is actually mostly soft teal, with a few champagne peach accents:
I love it when the museum pairs matching art with their trees:
Right, time to go exploring! The entire layout was different this year, so we got turned around a few times, but never had to go too far to find more trees.
This vintage-style tinsel tree is one of my Top Favorites this year, but WOW is it hard to photograph: