Monday, November 23, 2015

November Art Roundup: Elsa-As-Hades, Minimalist Maleficent, & The Cutest Golden Books EVER

Time for this month's roundup of my favorite geeky art finds!

Megan Carrigan of 18thCenturyShop over on Etsy has loads of delightful sketches and watercolors:

I'm a sucker for this little 4X4 watercolor of Cleo:


Carrigan does mostly Disney characters, but she also has some fab original designs:
Prints average from $10 to $25, and there are over a hundred to choose from. Have fun picking your favorites! 

Dino Tomic is a tattoo and airbrush artist who does absolutely INCREDIBLE things with colored pencils. Check out his "alternate universe" Dory from Finding Nemo:


And here's Elsa-as-Hades!

Now a creepy alien Maleficent:

And finally, Merida's lovely locks:


You can see more of Dino's work on DeviantArt, or follow him on Facebook, where he just announced last week he was going to start selling his drawings. Yay! No word yet on whether there will be prints, but maybe if we ask nicely?

Next up, some goodies from Jeff Langevin that we CAN buy:

Love this stylized Wonder Woman.

And remember the game Journey?


Langevin also has some lovely original characters:

Plus fun object collections for all kinds of fandoms:

Most of Langevin's prints are in the $15-$20 range. You can shop the rest here.

Some impressive minimalist posters from MoonPoster:

This silhouette style always looks great in groups:

Each 11X17 poster is $20, or you can buy whole sets at a discount. Check out the rest here.

And finally, Joey Spinotti has a new series of pop culture Golden Book parodies out, and you guys, they are SO GOOD.

Look at the little symbols on the spines! And the publisher names! I missed those at first, so now I'm EXTRA delighted. (Still trying to convince myself I don't need The Little Captain...)

The "Lovely Little Book" symbol is pure gold. Ha!

Prints are $35 each at the Gallery 1988 webstore, and there are TONS more to choose from. Happy shopping. :)

Give-away time! 

As always, comment below for a chance to win your choice of free art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board. In addition to one wild card winner, I'll ALSO be picking two of you to win these:

Here's the Marvel one embiggened:

So be sure to tell me if you like either/both of these extra pieces, so I can enter you into those drawings, too. And don't worry, internationals; I'll ship anywhere!

I'll announce my 3 randomly selected winners in a few days. Happy commenting!

UPDATE: The give-away has ended!

The winner of the Marvel roundup is: Antinomia
The winner of the Leia is: Faith Harrison
And my wild card winner is: Mona Fitzpatrick!
Congrats, winners, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!
- See more at:
The winner of the Marvel roundup is: Antinomia
The winner of the Leia is: Faith Harrison
And my wild card winner is: Mona Fitzpatrick!
Congrats, winners, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!
- See more at:
The winner of the Marvel roundup is: Antinomia
The winner of the Leia is: Faith Harrison
And my wild card winner is: Mona Fitzpatrick!
Congrats, winners, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!
- See more at:
The winner of the Marvel roundup is: Antinomia 
The winner of Leia is: Faith Harrison 
And my wild card winner is: Mona Fitzpatrick!

 Congrats, winners, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. Those minimalist posters are Amazing! I love ATLA! Also, yes please enter me for the Marvel print. It's fantastic!

  2. My-oh-my. I've never been so in love with ALL the art pieces you selected for an art roundup. And I think that Marvel picture is the bee's knees. Or the cat's pajamas. I always get those two mixed up!

  3. Love the Golden Books. Thanks for links!

  4. The Leia one is great! I always love these roundups so much!

  5. Hello! I would like the David Tennant card pleeeeeeease!

  6. Oh, the retro Guardians poster is sooo cool! I'm also digging the Marvel character roundup, too!

  7. I would love to win either the Leia, the Marvel, or the wildcard! I love your art roundups, I look forward to them. :)

  8. I think the Princess and the Frog piece is my fave of this week's round up. Please add me into the draw for the Marvel poster! I've had my eye on it as my choice if I happened to win for a while. Would totally put it in my little guy's nursery. XD

  9. My daughter would love the Marvel roundup! And I would love so many of what you have posted!

  10. I've just been thinking I have some blank spaces on my walls... I'd love the Marvel roundup, or, you know, about 15 over on the giveaway board :D.

  11. Ahhh! Little Miss Furiosa is amaaaaazing! And my husband would go crazy for the marvel roundup!

  12. I love the Marvel one! Amazing stuff like always!

  13. Those Little Golden Book parodies - OMG.

  14. Oh man I was thinking the Little Golden Book series was actually books!

  15. I would really love to have the marvel one for my collection :D (I might be just a liiiiiittttle bit obsessed)

  16. Interesting fact: Western Publishing, from my home town, created the Little Golden Books. REALLY want the Goblin King. Or Leia.

    1. The original Little Golden Books, I should say. :)

  17. I love your art posts! I might need that little miss furiosa book cover...

  18. Just finished my craft/art/hideout room, so now all I need is some fabulous art for the walls!

  19. Is it wrong, that i just really wanna hug little Jareth? No? Good. Because I do. I really, really, do. Love the Marvel print too!

  20. OMG! That Marvel one would be a perfect addition to my attempts to geekify our home! (also, we're moving to a smaller space soon, so things will be more intense, and it'd fit perfectly with the other superhero poster and our Dalek and Dr Who stuff we have! I'll probably have to get it myself should I not win it!)

  21. love love love! As always, you've given me more etsy stores to favorite and follow :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. What an amazing group this month! My Christmas list just got much bigger, lol! I would love to have either of the extra pieces also. I can't believe they haven't been snapped up yet. Thank you again for sharing!

  24. So much adorable art!!! Love both of the bonus giveaways!

  25. I love the minimalist posters!!!

    I'm torn on the bonus 2. I love princess Leia but my son would go nuts for the marvel one! Gah too much to decide!

  26. I would LOVE either the Leia or Marvel print! They are Fantastic!

  27. I love the minimalist and the objects collection posters!

    Please sign me up for the Marvel poster. :)

  28. I love the Belle print and of course the Marvel print.

  29. Such great art. I love the golden books!

  30. I love Langevin's collections of objects prints! I think they'd be awesomely subtle nods to your favorite fandoms mixed in with other art.

  31. Omg, that Marvel one! I'm in love with Rogue.

  32. Ugh, I love everything SO MUCH. You find the best stuff! I want to be entered in ALL the drawings, forever, amen, thank you.

  33. As usual, you have found the most awesome art on the internet! In love with them all, but especially FIREFLY! :)

  34. I'd love to be entered to win from the board, or to win "Hope!" Love it, love it, love it! :)

  35. I'm always a sucker for movie poster styles, how adorable!

  36. I'm loving water colors right now! My house is going to be so geektastic!

    I love both the extras this month too! Sign me up!

  37. Love! The Marvel pic, although my son would be sad there's no Loki ;)

  38. you always find the best pictures and have the best timing. thank you so much for the pick-me-up and for all you do with these giveaways. Fingers crossed there is some awesome stuff on the board right now!

  39. That Journey piece is so cool! If only I weren't a poor college student XD

  40. Why can't someone WRITE these little golden books?!?! I know I would buy them!! Also, I would like to win all the Baymax, Doctor Who, and Sherlock prints, please and thank you (or maybe just one). ;)

  41. Oh whoa, so much goodness! Crazy about Jeff Langevin now. I would love to be entered in both bonus drawings, thank you so much!

  42. I still need the WamPal! But that Marvel poster is great too!

  43. Oh my word. He did those with colored pencils? How? I am excited to see him sell them. Wow!

  44. Must. Have. The Little Rebel Princess.

  45. How do you find these people - amazing! I'd love either of the extra pieces, too.

  46. Must. Have. The Little Rebel Princess.

  47. Such great stuff this time. I'd be interested in both additional pieces as well.

  48. First time commenting!I love the drawing of Merida, so beautiful! Please enter me in the bonus drawing for the Marvel poster!

  49. This time around you have a LOT that I love! And of the wild cards, I'm seriously digging the Marvel Universe.

  50. Minimalist Maleficent!!!!!!! As my birthday present?

  51. That Merida is absolutely amazing. I really like the Pixar roundup.

  52. Sooooo much good stuff on your board right now! "Allo, is close enough," and "In there you must hang" cracked me up completely.

    And I would love any of the extra prints, so add me to those drawings, please.

  53. here's my comment, now give me stuff! (please? :) )

  54. I have to try every month, you know just in case.

  55. Love the minimalist and the Disney sketches! And I'd love to be in the drawing for the Marvel roundup!!

  56. They are all so amazing! The Marvel roundup would make a great gift!

  57. I love all the artwork from Moon Posters! I need a bigger art budget. Also, that Marvel artwork is adorable.

  58. Love the Pinnochio/Blue Fairy one from Megan Carrigan! And once in her shop, the Aurora pictures & the fairies! Gorgeous!

    As for the extras, I love Hope & wouldn't turn down the Marvel one either! :)

  59. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Leia....and those golden books are...well...golden. So many to love.

  60. Please sign me up for receiving anything you're giving away! Your geek art taste is second to none! :D Thanks!!

  61. Aaaaah, that Marvel one! :D I know someone who would love it SO MUCH. (Not just me, hahaha)

  62. The Golden Books are awesome, Noticed the spines right away. Enter me for all the drawings!

  63. I don't need some free art... but I NEED some free art! Awesome picks this week!

  64. As always, a nice round up. I am adding the Little Golden Book parody to my holiday list. And please include me in the drawing for the extra pieces.

  65. Still hoping to win Toothless for my nursery!

  66. I would love either of the extra pieces or something off the board. Fingers crossed!

  67. I'm trying so hard not to click the links in this post. I have no more wall space!

  68. I checked out the MoonPoster Etsy shop and am in love with all of their work. Thanks for sharing such fabulous artwork, as always. :)

  69. That geeky dragon print is just adorable! I also love ALL the Doctor Who stuff! I would also like the Avengers art for my friend's super hero themed nursery.

  70. I love these online gallery tours of your! Makes me smile. I'd love the Marvel one, because who doesn't need a Marel universe with Deadpool balloons in it? <3

  71. Would love to win wall-e or baymax with the hairy baby! :)

  72. Really like Dino Tomic's work!!! :D

  73. Oh! And I like the Marvel piece!

  74. The Golden Books are adorable! Please enter me in the extra drawings, too!

  75. Leia!!!!! I need geeky star wars art in my life! Also, there are several that I'd love from the wall.... pretty pretty please with (*insert your favorite ice cream, topping, or any other something*) on top! *crossing fingers and praying really hard*

  76. I can tell I'm going to be spending the rest of my day (and my paycheck!) on the Little Golden Books! Oh, and I would love to be entered to win "Hope." One of my son's ballroom dance partners (she's 9) is a HUGE Star Wars fan and would flip for that one!!

  77. Would love to win any of this artwork! So cool!

  78. Always look forward to what you find. I've put some from past months on my Christmas wish list.

  79. The Pixar group has to be one of my favorites of all time. I will now be stalking, I mean, following all these artist on Facebook and my Christmas shopping will be super easy. I can't wait to send my nephews the golden books!!

    I would love to be the wild card winner (I still desperately want the signed Sherlock and Watson piece) but would happily display either Leia or the Marvel Roundup :)

  80. Going on a shopping spree now ;)
    And I have a friend who would love love love that marvel print ^.^;

  81. From this roundup, love the object collections and golden book ones best. Would absolutely *adore* having that marvel roundup one though!!! :D

  82. So many pretties! As per usual with you and your wonderful websites, which I love SO much, and am so appreciative of. Thank you for all that you do. Hope your Thanksgiving is lovely, and now thinking of you at Thanksgiving makes me wonder about steampunk cornucopias... hmmm... see what you've done to me?! I want to steampunk everything now. Virtual hugs to you both!

  83. Amazing art once again. I would love any of them!

  84. I look forward to this every month!

    I love those Pixar posters! You're right, they look great in a group.

    I'd like to win the Marvel group print.

  85. Wow, Dino Tomic's work is amazing! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful finds. I love the Marvel print too!

  86. I love all of the art you find & would love to give any of it a home. ::wanders off down the rabbit hole of new artist work::

  87. Another awesome round of art, as always! I also like the group Marvel print--the stylization is cute without lowering their badassness!

  88. I'd love to get some awesome art! That Marvel print is killer!

  89. I like them all, but the two extras might be my favourites!

  90. I can't believe Merida's hair! Wow! That is incredible. I can practically see it sproing-ing! :)

  91. Yay! Love this! If chosen, I will choose!

  92. Gosh, I think I like every piece this month! But that unnamed character with the goldfish. LOVE.

    April V.

  93. pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me!

  94. Those golden books!! Squee!!! I love all of these plus the Avengers print :)

  95. WOW! I believe strongly that the world needs more Avatar art and fan theory and everything! And, I've actually had my eye on the "Hope" print for a while now. Anyway, I hope I win but I will happy for whoever does.

  96. Oh my gosh Dino's work, time to go stalk someone else! I love the posters and golden books also so pleasing to the eyes and nostalgia

  97. Pick me! Also, I love the extra avengers print. Fingers crossed!

  98. My grandson would LOVE the Marvel! I love your art round ups...I bought from one of the artists last month and commissioned some new work from her! So glad you help support artists. :)

  99. WOW!
    Dino's work is jaw-dropping gorgeous.
    Always fun to browse new artists with you.

    --Piper P from Washington State

  100. I love all of this art! I would be thrilled to win either of the extra two, or something from the board! ~Krystine M.

  101. Trying to remind myself I'm Christmas shopping for OTHER people. Hmm. Maybe for all the people who ask me what I want, I will just link them to your page. That would actually work. Yay! (And loving the Marvel Roundup.)

  102. The think my son would love the marvel print in his room.

  103. That is some perfect Merida hair. Good roundup!

  104. Aw, I totally want to read The Little Goblin King.

  105. Those Little Golden Books are so brilliant! Man, we need more wall space! But I would definitely have room for a little something from the giveaway, pick me!!

  106. Love those parody golden books! So cute!!

  107. So great! Thanks for sharing.

  108. Mandy from New ZealandNovember 23, 2015 at 2:21 PM

    I have been following Dino Tomic for a while now, his work is INCREDIBLE!! Those Golden books are gorgeous, and those silhouettes I LOVE!! I would love to win the Marvel round up please :)

  109. Oh my goodness, those pieces by Dino Tomic are AMAZING!! Especially that Merida. *swoon*

  110. Seriously in love with that Merida!

  111. Love the alternative Dory. Always so many amazing art finds

  112. This monthly round up is one of my favorite things on the internet. It always makes me smile.

  113. I love anything Maleficent...! But I have nothing against Leia or the superhero-poster either. :)

  114. The marvel one is amaaaaaaazing!

  115. The fun fandom item collection ones? I desperately want a Babylon 5 one. I checked, he doesn't have one. But if he ever makes one, I'm SO all over that!

  116. Ooh, that Firefly object collection is calling me.

  117. You see have been trying so hard to resist the little golden parodies....sooooo hard.

  118. OMG I want absolutely everything you've found this month! The Leia and Marvel ones at the end are amazing too!

  119. Wow. I'm speechless. Every single piece you found this month is pure gold. And yes, I'd be happy to surprise my daughter with either of the extra giveaway ones at Christmas.

  120. I am speechless at the talent of the artists that you have shared! I would love to win something on your art board...or the Marvel group (my husband is a Marvel fan ;-))
    Thank you!!
    Natalie (QSOgirl)

  121. You're making me want to remove the current movie posters from my walls and re-do everything with the Minimalist prints.

  122. The Marvel one is amazing! I've been present shopping for my husband, and that is the first thing that I've seen that screams his name. I always love your art roundups and this month's is no different.

  123. Eep! You always find AMAZING art! Love the Disney sketches and I really want to do my entire apartment in minimalist and/or silhouette geeky prints...somehow, I don't think my poor boyfriend would approve haha.
    I love both of those extra pieces, so I definitely wouldn't say no to either one :)

  124. I want those minimalist posters, I want them allllllllll

  125. I love those Little "Golden" books - especially the Little Labyrinth edition. As usual, I love everything ELSE you found, too. Thanks for taking the time to explore for the rest of us. And Marvel Round-up!

  126. I count on your roundups for awesome art ideas - count me in for any of the giveaways. Thank you!

  127. Wonderful roundup, as usual! My favorites are the silhouettes and the Little Golden Books.

    Please enter my name for the Leia piece and the roundup. Thanks, Jen!

  128. Jen, you find the BEST stuff! And i always miss the drawing. Maybe this month! I've followed cakewrecks since just few months after that infamous first sprinkles cake! If you pick me, i would love the "you can be anything" girl for my own little geeky baby girl.

  129. As it IS my Birthday, I figure I give it a shot at winning. You always find the most amazing artists and images for your giveaways!

  130. Ooh! Those minimalist posters look amazing!

  131. These are all amazing! Definitely need things for empty walls in my office...

    Also love that Marvel round up!!!!!

  132. Those "Little Golden Books" are amazing! And I love both the Marvel round up and the Leia print.

  133. I love the variety, and the Little Golden Books are amazing :)

  134. Aw, that Princess Leia at the bottom is too cute! I know a Star Wars couple with a new baby who would love that one. I'm also in love with the little Cleo picture (though I'll admit, at first glance I thought it was a Fantasia fish!)

  135. Those object collection prints are pretty cool.
    Thanks for the chance to win. I'm interested in both the Marvel character round-up and the Princess Leia print.

  136. Those Golden Book parodies are so fun!

  137. I love those Little Golden books! And the fandom object collections. Some great gift ideas here for the holidays coming up! And speaking of gifts, I definitely want to be entered in the extra drawing for the Marvel poster-- the boyfriend is obsessed with Marvel, and I still have no idea what to get him for Christmas!

  138. Gorgeous round up, as usual. I've been following Dino Tomic's work for a couple years now - he is incredible. Love that Marvel group at the bottom for the 'extra' giveaway! And as always, thanks for these amazing giveaways! I think everyone should have more art in their lives! :)

  139. Dawww The Little Goblin King :)

  140. How am I supposed to pick just one? Every month I find another one I love. ::smh:: I clearly need a bigger budget for decorating my home!

  141. Is it me, or is Elsa-Hades pretty much the best mashup idea ever?! As always, love them all!

  142. I always look forward to your art roundup posts. They get me thinking about how I can free up more wall space to display more geeky art! You have a great eye and I love that you introduce people to such great artists! The giveaways are so great too. Thanks for doing them. Of the extra pieces this post, the Marvel one is my favorite but I love them both!

  143. Thanks for being my go-to source for good geeky art. All of these are fantastic! And I would love to win anything your giving away :)

  144. Love The Little Goblin King! <3

  145. I am getting that Viking princess one, for sure!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I like the marvel roundup <3

  146. Thank you for sharing these wonderful artists with us! It's great to find new works of art, even if not all of them are sold online.

    I love all of the art you post, and wouldn't mind having any of it! :) But if I get chosen, I would love to have the Marvel print...there is so much going on in it!

  147. I love the Brave colored pencil drawing! And the Marvel one too!

  148. Oh my gosh! As I was scrolling through I was thinking "these are all rather nice", then I saw the Little Goblin King! I need that in my life.

  149. I am in love with the Langevin watercolor- those fish in her hair!!! too awesome :) As always, great roundup Jen! And I happily submit to all the Drawings (see what I did there? lol)!

  150. Everything is super gorgeous this month, but I'm especially fond of that Leia by Margie Forestier. (Definitely enter me in the drawing for that, my walls desperately need more Star Wars art but my wallet keeps saying no, LOL!)

    Relatedly, I really want to thank you for doing these giveaways- it means a lot to me, as a geeky, fannish person who can rarely afford art due to financial difficulties lately, that there's a chance to get these things even when I can't put together the money the artists deserve for them. If I had all the budget in the world for it, my walls would be covered in art. Kind people like you mean there's a chance I can manage that /without/ starving in order to afford it.

    Plus, your round-ups always seem to lead to me following more artists. You have /excellent/ taste.

  151. I need to find another wall for silhouette groupings, now. Please enter me for regular and the bonus drawings as well. :)

  152. I love the Marvel piece ☺☺☺ and off the art board I am in love with the Mulan print by Bri Pi Art 😀😀😀😀

  153. I really need some little golden book covers. I wonder how much effort it would take for the artist to make a whole book...?

  154. That Merida is stunning! Would definitely consider purchasing a print if Dino offers them. The Marvel Character Roundup is also awesome!

  155. That marvel character round up 😍😍😍

  156. Awesome art, I love the Furiosa one. Would like the marvel one the most. :)

  157. I love the Marvel character roundup! :-)

  158. You can be anything/girls are super. I am still love with those chubby legs.

  159. I've still got my eye on:
    - Walking Your Octopus
    - Sherlock & Watson by Marta Wit
    - Doctor Who Silhouette by Alex Asfour
    - Wedge on the Ledge
    Thanks! :)

  160. Love, love, love the Princess Leia!!!

  161. Love, love, love the Princess Leia!!!

  162. Lots of fun art!

  163. I love them all!! The Marvel and Leia are awesome too!

  164. Elsa as Hades makes me so happy, and I can't explain why.
    Also, I would love to have "hope"
    Thanks for sharing

  165. Absolutely amazing, as always. You have such a good eye for art.

  166. I love Dory! My wishlist just got a lot longer!

  167. So many good Baymax prints on your giveaway board!

  168. Enter me for that lovely stylized Wonder Woman. Though the alternate Dory is very striking as well.

  169. One day my print will come! (sung to the tune one day my prince will come...)

  170. Nice! I really like the Marvel roundup.

  171. I'd like to be entered for all three drawings! Love the round-up. You find the best stuff.

  172. Ooooo!!!! All 3!!!! So pretty!!! I love the marvel one!!! My boyfriend and I love comic books and especially the marvel world!!!

  173. Please enter me for all three. You have great taste!

  174. ermahgerd everything is awesome!

  175. You'd be surprised how much of my holiday shopping relies on these art round-ups. :)

  176. Oooh I'm sure you've put some amazing new prints on the board! Also the Dory print is amazing and I want her hair, I wonder how much dye would I need for over two feet of hair to go bright blue and then how long it would take to curl it...

  177. Fingers crossed for the wildcard. The Doctor Who art nouveau set is still fantastic!

  178. Repping my favorite princess right at the top. Tiana is such a fantastic character and I see so much of myself in her!
    I'd love to be considered for either the wildcard, or the Marvel print.

  179. Oh good selection. If I got anything maybe I'd take the stitch print.

  180. First - I want all of the "Little Golden Book" parodies - :) I couldn't even choose one that is a favorite.

    And I have always loved both of the "extra" prize options today. Though the Marvel is probably my favorite of the two.

  181. I love the silhouetted ones or the little golden book ones, but the airbrushed ones are gorgeous too. The Marvel extra prize is totally awesome!

  182. I love them all :), I would love to be considered for both.

  183. OMG that Marvel roundup piece! LOVE IT, want it, need it in my life.

  184. wondeful selection, as always! the little golden books are the most adorable thing I've seen all week


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