I have at least 1,500 Dragon Con cosplay photos to sort and edit (ACK!), but first...
Show of hands, who else is thinking Farpoint Station?
The day before Dragon Con John and I visited the Georgia Aquarium for the first time, and despite my efforts to not take any pictures, I ended up "borrowing" John's camera quite a bit.
Dragon Con was amazing and inspiring and exhilarating as always, and I find it gets a little easier each year, thank goodness, as I get better at crowd maneuvering and remembering where everything is. We met so many amazing readers - many at their first con ever! - which really made the time zip by. In fact, I think we did less than half of what I had scheduled, but at least we got to see the whole cast of Warehouse 13 crying together on stage. (SO SWEET.)
I also did a costume change in a parking garage, finally met steampunk Darth Vader, helped a fan recreate a childhood photo with Dreamfinder, and attended a dance party with Lord Voldemort - who was a surprisingly nice guy. ;)
This year we had a lot of problems with Cake Wrecks over the weekend, though, so almost every day John was fielding new emergencies over the phone & stressing over not being near a computer. First the site went down, then comments, then there were ad problems redirecting site traffic, and then some bakers squabbling over who should get credit for a Sunday Sweet - and who kept changing their mind before ultimately demanding the Sweet be pulled so NO ONE would get credit.
So a lot of the con John was off in the corner somewhere with his phone, yelling to be heard over the massive crowds, and generally having a crappy time of it. :(
In fact, if you'll indulge me, I have to vent a little about my day job now. But first, more jellyfish!
Ahhhh. So soothing.
Since May of 2008 John & I have been on-call 24/7 for CW, and I can mark most vacations since then by which site-related emergency happened during it. We can outsource a few things like comment moderation, but ultimately, whether it's a virus on the ads or a controversy over vagina cakes, John is the only one who can handle the big stuff. And it's exhausting, I gotta tell you, having my happy hubby snatched away at a second's notice, and seemingly every time we try to get away for a while.
I've come to terms with the workload and the writer's block and the creative challenge of writing about cake 6 days a week, every week, but weekends like this - plus the occasional behind-the-scenes drama with readers & bakers - are the most draining and soul-sucking part of it all.
Here, have another jelly:
Straight off the camera, no cropping or editing at all. Pretty, huh?
Ok, back to the Jen Vent.
A few weeks ago a famously nasty TV baker ripped John a new one - over Sunday Sweets. As in, we said nice things about TV baker's cake, and TV baker was furious that we dared show TV baker's cake. John immediately apologized, removed the photo within three hours of it going up, and was incredibly kind about the whole thing. (I could never have been so sweet, given how angry and belittling the initial e-mail was.)
In response we got more threats, insults, and a very public rant on TV baker's FB page that went so far as to misquote John, making us out to be some kind of cartoon villains. Again, OVER SUNDAY SWEETS. I just... I mean... how? How can someone - a famous someone - be so mean over something trying to be nice?
Keeping silent over perceived injustices is hard enough, but when they happen to John? Patient, long-suffering, always-apologizing-when-it's-not-his-fault John? ARG. It took all my strength not to rush to his defense, and to publicly post that e-mail exchange on CW. It ate at me for days. It still does - which I guess is pretty obvious right now, huh?
But I hate conflict. And I hate negativity. And I hate complaining! (Heh. Aheh. Irony.)
I think it's time for another jellyfish.
OoooOOOOooo. I feel... calm. I am floating... in a sea... of positivity.
Sorry for the gloomy complaint dump, guys. Sometimes I just want someone to know what goes on behind all the lolz and punny commentary. I have an amazing job, and I'm grateful John & I still have fun with it, but it does cut us to the core from time to time. Even after six years of internet immersion, we still cry, lose sleep, and bang our heads on the desk in desperate frustration. I get a sinking feeling every time John's phone rings at 9:04AM, wondering who's mad at us now, or what went wrong on the site, or which icing balloon looks a little TOO phallic, or maybe not phallic enough.
Even after the problem is corrected, the bad feelings that get hurled at us linger, dragging us down and making it that much harder to be funny on demand.
We live our lives one damning tweet or headline away from total social media and career disaster. All it takes is one accusation, one misquote, one joke-gone-wrong, and the entire internet can turn against us in an instant. That's not hyperbole; we've all seen it happen many times. And balancing a writing career on that knife-edge of humor - too bland and no one reads, too edgy and you invite backlash - is tough, to say the least.
Anyway, so when I'm in the midst of Dragon Con, among Our People, trying to escape cake and controversy, and the phone keeps ringing, and John keeps sighing, and the whole blessed internet just won't leave us alone for one lousy weekend, I get kinda grumpy about my day job.
And that's why I'm sitting here, spilling my guts to you guys and editing aquarium pictures.
John took this one, so it's his favorite.
And you know what? I actually feel a lot better now.
I started Epbot as an escape, but I got this amazing community in return. On days like today, it's also my pressure valve. So if you actually read through all that mess, thanks for sticking with me.
(And if not, I hope you at least liked the pictures.)
Now as a reward, here's our favorite river otter:
We asked later, and apparently she was born with a kind of palsy that makes her shake. It goes away when she's in the water, and doesn't seem to bother her at all, but the constant shaking was heart-breakingly cute, like a kitten in a leg cast.
She also dragged her back legs most of the time instead of walking on them, but I think that was just laziness, since she stood up like this to look through the window several times:
Watching her drag herself over to the window - shaking away - to peer out at me was such a special moment. I know they're not artistic photos or anything, but they make me smile.

And my last few favorites:
That penguin's expression, you guys. Ha!
Ok, peeps, stay tuned for my actual Dragon Con coverage, and some amaaaazing costumes!
And hey, if you're having a crappy day: tomorrow will be better. Promise.
Hugs to you both!
ReplyDeleteIf it cheers you up any, it's almost hot air balloon season!
*hugs to you both* I'm sorry I missed DragonCon this year, I'd love to get the chance to talk to you guys again. :) And yes your jellyfish pictures are very pretty too.
ReplyDeleteJen, I'm a consummate lurker, I never know how to enter the baffling world of online conversations where so many people are trying to be heard at once. But I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed CW and Epbot, I was so pleased when you started Epbot as I discovered you were someone a lot like me in some ways, similar age, nerdy, crafty, who's day job is creating a product for public consumption. I'm a video game designer, which is a different world, but there are similarities around being On Call, and on having poured heart and soul into something only to most often see disappointment or anger, since those people tend to be loudest and require the most maintenance. Preserving your own sanity while at the same time also maintaining the reputation of your product is exhausting and sometimes completely mutually exclusive. Anyway, just wanted to un-lurk to express my very fond appreciation for what you do on both of your online fronts, and to extend some weary sympathy. Also, I can't wait to see your dragoncon pics! I took a new camera for the first time to a con this last weekend (PAX Prime) and used all of your past suggestions on taking photographs of cosplayers, especially your suggestions around how to be polite and observe some etiquette. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and knowledge! I have been to much of a scardycat and too afraid of somehow imposing in the wrong way before, but this time I had a blast and got some amazing pictures! Thank you again!
ReplyDeleteOver Sunday Sweets? *Eye Roll* The internet is a weird and fickle place, but we still love you J&J! Your Epbot posts are such a ray of sunshine in the dark, creepy (sometimes clown-infested) attic of the internet.
ReplyDeleteThe jellyfish pictures are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIt's tough when work never really leaves you a free weekend, even if it is enjoyable most of the time.
Thanks for everything you and John share with us, because you two are amazing and inspirational.
I know a *lot* of people who have stories of encounters with that NastyBaker. I'm sorry you had to deal with it, too. You guys are awesome. And I'm so glad I got to see y'all last weekend!
I missed all the hubbub over this. Can you give a clue to the baker in question? Is it a TV person? I can't believe that someone would be so jerky over compliments on their work. The world is a crazy place these days.
DeleteBlowing calm, soothing jellyfish kisses your way... no, wait. O_o
ReplyDeleteAh, you know we luvs ya. Give your hubby some hugs from all of us and just watch the gentle, graceful, stinging nettles of death waft past... no, wait.
Carmiehead, the Un-Stalker
Love you Jen and John. You two are awesome. And I don't care what any of those hoity toity big fancy tv peoples says, you're way better than them and you always make me smile. :)
ReplyDeleteHuh, yeah, I had a similar problem this weekend over a story I wrote about chefs visiting an apple orchard. Who know the guardian of an apple orchard could be so petty? They're just apples, honey.
ReplyDeleteBut, as you've no doubt learned, having a group agree with you and say "What the hell is THEIR problem?!!" sure helps a lot. Also, jellyfish.
Sorry "professional", famous cake person was rude. I really don't get it, it's free advertising for Pete's sake.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't blame you if you dropped CW to every other day or something like that.
Hugs for both of you! Every job has moments of suckiness, but when you're self-employed, those moments are so much more emotionally intense as they come with that fear of "what if I screw this up and it all goes down the drain and I have to live off ramen noodles and ketchup packets forever?" But rest assured, a great many people thing you and John are amazing people, even if we've never *actually* met you or really know you at all, just from the snippets of your lives you share with us. The fact that John sent us a personal email and donated to our little girl's charity:water birthday campaign a few years ago has pretty much established John as Big Damn Hero Material at our house, so if you ever lose everything and need to hide out in another country for a while, you are welcome to stay in our basement for as long as you need to stay. :)
ReplyDeleteDid the overly friendly penguin come over and flirt with you? You'll know the one I speak of.
ReplyDeleteI love you guys, and I hate like everything to read about your troubles. Both Cake Wrecks and EPBOT are high-ranking favorite blogs of mine, and I eagerly read everything you produce. Be blessed, and take care.
ReplyDelete"Famously nasty TV baker" better watch out. If your wrecky minions find out who it was, they'll be all over him/her. Who complains about a cake being on Sunday Sweets? Some people.
ReplyDeleteI'm betting said nasty mean tv baker is from New Jersey!And is named Buddy! And he's a big jerk! :D
DeleteArgh. Nasty things like that just go to show how large egos sometimes equal small people.
ReplyDeleteJohn's photo of a seahorse (that *is* a seahorse, yes?) is absolutely breathtaking.
It's a Weedy Sea Dragon and they are so cool!! :-)
DeleteThose jellyfish (etc) photos are beauuuuutiful! I don't know if you've got a nice camera, mad photography skillz, or both, but wow!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about the NastyBaker and all the troubles CW has sent your way, especially during DC. :( Sometimes I find myself wishing I had a ton of blog readers, and then I think about things like this, and all the ways to anger the internet, and figure I'm better off with 10 readers after all. :P Hang in there - you guys are awesome and we're all behind you!
Thanks for the lovely photos...after a tough day, those jellies were just what I needed! :)
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work at CW! Your efforts are much appreciated! But, I have to say that Epbot is the site I eagerly check for new posts the most!
Aww! I hope you and John are both feeling better and more relaxed! You are totally my go-to blogger for feeling better when I'm down! Don't let the haters get to you. You have tons of friends you've never even met!
ReplyDelete(also, that is the coolest looking seahorse I've ever seen!)
I have been with Epbot since the very beginning and if you wind up dumping CW and keeping Epbot fine by me. I can't begin to imagine how much writing for two successful blogs must wear you down. Whew. And to have all the crap come from Sunday Sweets? That beats all.
ReplyDeleteWe, your blog family, appreciate all you do. Hang in there.
Karla in (dry) CA.
Amazing photos. My favorite place in all of Atlanta! Keep up the good work! Sorry people are buttheads.
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to vent to us anytime. We are here for you! Of course, jellyfish and river otters do help...
ReplyDeleteBoo on day jobs getting in the way of vacations! :( No fun. My 6 yr old son is completely jealous that you got to go to the Georgia Aquarium! It's on his list of top 5 places he wants to go on vacation, mostly because he's obsessed with sharks and sea creatures, and is complete awe of the Georgia Aquarium's whale sharks. He was ooo-ing and ah-ing over your photos and then when we got to the end of the post he said "that's it? Where's the Whale Shark?" because of course if you are 6 years old, you are convinced that everyone else should be obsessed with everything you are obsessed with.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are very soothing and mesmerizing! I love watching the jellies at our aquarium (Monterey Bay Aquarium). Before kiddo was born, I used to stand and watch them for ages, completely calmed by their drifting movements.
Hope CW stress eases up for you guys...I love reading it, and it's such a bummer that some people have to cause trouble!
Bethany, reading about your son reminded me of a moment this summer while we were visiting the Garden of the Gods. We watched a family with a boy who looked about five or six, while Mom read the sign out loud about staying on the path and watching out for rattlesnakes. The family prepared to move on, but the kid didn't budge. Finally Mom grabs his arm to get him to move, but he planted his feet anddemanded, "But I'm haven't seen the snakes yet. They said there were snakes here."
DeleteJen and John (thoJ), thanks for sharing the bad, the annoying, and the weird along with the funny, the exciting, and the amazing. That way we know you are real people. Also, that way we know why we let you write the daily humor blogs instead of doing it ourselves (plus you have better ideas). Go forth, and continue to slay with laughter and love.
Bethany, the Monterey Bay Aquarium is our local one too! Fun to "run into" someone from our neck of the woods here today. : ) I have such fond memories of sitting in the Outer Bank room nursing a baby while the older ones were happy and quiet. Perfect break when taking several young children on an exciting public outing. ; )
DeleteBlessed, I nursed my little guy in the Outer Bay room, too! (I think it's called Open Ocean now, or something like that...) It was dark, quiet, and very soothing...perfect place to take a little break in a corner and be calmed by the fish and sea turtles. Maybe that's why he's still so obsessed with sea creatures. Sharks and kittens are his two favorite animals...how's that for contrast? One minute he's cooing over the little kittens on Too Cute, and the next he's discussing what a whale shark could bite if it had teeth like a great white.
DeleteAnd Jen (and John), my little guy loves looking at all the photos on Epbot and CW. He's unfortunately gotten some big dreams for his birthday cakes, but I always tell him "we can't afford that, so how about we just order it from this local bakery, and maybe we'll get lucky and get a wreck that we can send in to Cake Wrecks!" He always thinks that's funny, and I think he's even been slightly disappointed when the cakes turn out cute.
I'm always so sad to hear when you guys are having a rough time of it. Y'all bring my life such happiness and inspiration on CW and here on Epbot that knowing "consumers" like me make your life harder makes me feel upset. I talk about stuff you've posted all the time, so much that people close to me have stopped asking who you are/how I know you IRL. Know that we all back you taking care of yourself. I hope life doesn't get you down!
ReplyDeleteAlso also sorry if this gets posted twice, oy.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your trials, but I'm glad that you have a place to complain and glad that you're feeling better. I certainly can't imagine how hard it is to run a site like CW,but I love it!
(Also: I was at D*C and spotted you at least twice, though I didn't say hi, cause I was wrangling a toddler and an infant. I think I may have just stared at you creepily. Sorry.)
I just don't get why people feel that they can be so rude, mean, cruel, etc. over the internet. Whether they do it anonymously or not, it just don't get it. I'm sorry to hear you guys go through so much crap for such a great site. So glad you created this incredible space where not only have you found a community, but some many of us have found one as well. So thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnd on a completely different note, JELLYFISH!! They are gorgeous. And the otter? Come on!
We all love you guys. I hope your upcoming weekend is better than this was, give or take a DragonCon!
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much I enjoy reading CW at the end of the day! Always entertaining!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen. I've had a pretty crappy week as well, do I feel better knowing that I'm not swimming alone in the cesspool. Love the jellies :)
ReplyDeleteYou and John are amazing. And your blogs have often been a comfort to me on rough days. The internet could never make me hate you. Cake wrecks was the inspiration for me starting to decorate cakes (well that and Ace of Cakes. I can't imagine Duff ever being mean ever though). Your steampunk and jewelry crafting made me stray away from my single minded knitting lifestyle and get back into a multitude of other crafts. You and John deserve to be as happy and peaceful as beautifully floating jelly fish. <3
ReplyDeleteYep. People suck.
ReplyDeleteI bet I was at the very same Warehouse 13 panel. Oh the near misses of life.
I love Dragon Con too - though I'm afraid I may be trading it for some smaller more local cons though. It isn't even the crowds that bother me, I love them. Piles and piles and piles of my people baby stepping to the escalator and baby stepping across the sky walk are my favorite thing.
I don't really like that every year is a reset and regardless of how many times I've been or how much of myself I've given, it is so easy to get shut out with something as simple as a poorly designed hotel reservation system. I was high as a kite happy on Tuesday, totally bummed and disappointed with my attempt to book a return today. Take about manic/depressive feeling! (It's ok I didn't get a room, it's not ok that the crappy system kept booting me out as I typed my information. This is not a hard technical problem to solve.) Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I had been booted in normal October time frame when I wasn't still glowing from this year, but whatever. Is what it is.
I'll look forward to seeing your stories next year! :)
Yikes. It's apparently been such a crappy week that my comment is borderline grammar police fodder
ReplyDeleteUrghh google ate my comment.
ReplyDeleteLong story short_ we love you_ been with you almost since the beginning of cw-maybe cut it down to 4 days/updates per week.
I'm self employed too-sometimes its great and sometimes it sucks dirty gravel.
Hang in there cause we love you both
The otter made my day. I needed it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou and John are the best <3 Cake Wrecks was the first blog I ever started following regularly, and Epbot is my go-to place when I need something to cheer me up. You two are doing great things in the world! Famously nasty TV baker better watch out!
ReplyDeleteI read this post with trepidation. Every time you paused to show us a jelly fish my heart climbed closer up my throat. I was so certain that you were about to tell us you were hanging up your hats & quitting the internet. I've never been so happy to be wrong. I do dread the day when the insanity of the internet becomes too much, and hope that it's far far away.
ReplyDeleteI think it's safe to say that for every nastygram you recieve, nastybaker who maligns you, and lack of compassion you & John encounter - there are ten fans ready to tell you how much you brighten our days, lift our spirits and make us laugh.
Thank you Jen & John for everything!
I am so sorry you and John have to deal with people who make you feel so badly so often. :( The two times I have met you, you two have always been the sweetest people as I awkwardly stumble my way through a conversation with you (curse you social anxiety!) You certainly don't deserve to be treated so poorly. And that TV baker is a jerk for immediately choosing to take the nasty route instead of trying to communicate civilly with you first. CW and Epbot have given me so many hours of laughs and smiles, and I want to say thanks from the bottom of my heart! So don't let them get you down. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso your photography is amazing! <3
1) Awesome photos, Jen! I love the jellyfish with no edits. Very cool.
ReplyDelete2) Sorry you've been overwhelmed with negative stuff. Venting is good for the soul sometimes.
3) Everyone needs an uninterrupted vacation. Could you take a "vacation" from CW by posting a page with a notice that says "Cake Wrecks is taking a much needed vacation for a week (or two). See you with new posts when we return." ?
I love jellies, but leafy sea-dragons are my favorite! There were enough Buddy the Elf's at DragonCon this year that I was saying EVERYTHING was my favorite, but really it was running into you guys, twice! Well, actually three times; you took our picture once (I was in a group, not speaking in the royal plural), but didn't stop to talk. Erk, I hope that wasn't one of the times John was on the phone.
ReplyDeleteSuch a bummer that you couldn't just enjoy yourselves and not worry. I suspect jerky wanna-be celeb chef's audience is made up of those who worship the celebrity and not the person; whereas I would be willing to bet that 95% of all Epbot and Cakewrecks fans just wish they could live near you so they could hang out and be crafty and go to Disneyland with you 'cause you're that kind of awesome (I'm not alone in that, right?). Hence jerky chef's fans spout faux outrage, while your readers provide sympathy and virtual hugs. I believe it is the Bloggess who says, "Don't let the bastards get you down". Fish and jellies and otters definitely help. If you're ever on the west coast, I will make sure you get to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, it's awesome.
I've no idea who this tv chef is and I couldn't care less - if it's any consolation, that's just how little impact their reaction has had on the other side of the blog page!
ReplyDeleteI am instead paying far more attention (like others I'm sure) to the Con pictures and occasional artwork you lovingly show off for us (one day I will make my way across the Pond to go to a big fat USA con, do it properly!). So thanks for giving me a whole new reason to look at my purse glumly each month :p
I of course meant that whereas over here I still tune in to CW and follow Epbot slavishly, this person's rudness has netted them a grand total of zero recognition from me. No clue who they are, hadn't even heard the kerfuffle. Not a zippideedoodah have I heard of them - that's how non-existant a reaction they've had. That's not even a worthy of a 'huh?' in my book.
DeleteI do wonder if they just saw it was linked to the blog and didn't actually see the post in context but still sucks they had to be rude, it's just not necessary.
Sorry, phrasing compliments properly = not exactly a talent of mine :s I second the suggestion above to stick a big notice over the blogs with a 'see you in two weeks!' sign on it.
As soon as you said Farpoint Station I totally saw it! I'd love to see jellyfish some day :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you guys have to deal with all that nasty stuff. I love Cake Wrecks and I think it's hilarious. It has made me choke on laughter many times. If it ever came to it and the raging mob called for your removal from the internet, you should make it a private deal where people would have to log on to view it. I'd join. Although personally I think the vagina cakes are gross, but one can never have too many phallic icing blobs.
Can't wait for pictures of Dragon Con!!!
I started reading CW around the time of its birth and now find myself checking in with it less and here more. I realize I should hit CW because that is your job and thus my way of keeping you on Epbot. Epbot has helped me let my geek light shine brighter. I credit Epbot to my silly running costumes (and am still noodling out the Shindig dress). I love this page and love that you shared some of the rough stuff of CW. I've recently moved a couple hours north of you and contemplate trying to do a Disney "date" with you and Jon and then I have decided I would fangirl out far too much and make myself totally ill for the weeks leading up to time. Jen, the way you are willing to share your anxieties to all of us make you an inspiration to me.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you had a bad weekend Jen and John. I appreciate what you do and you have never offended me. You have made me laugh hysterically many times and I hope you keep it up for years to come, but only if it makes you both happy.
ReplyDeleteThere's a song for this situation: "Don't Worry, Be Happy". Don't worry about the haters, and revel in the little community you have created-- because you have a family of online friends (including me) who are all supporting you. So thank you for letting us hold you up. P.S. ADORABLE JELLYFISH!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe vitriol that people spew on the internet still shocks me. CW is a fun site, I have never found you or John to be mean or petty, even when it would be so very easy to be both. I am so glad you posted this, everyone needs an outlet. Both of you take care. Have some cake . . .
ReplyDeleteTotal lurker here but wanted to say thank you for all the great work you do -- and I'm so sorry you have to deal with such obnoxious people (and about a Sunday Sweet!?!?! Crazy indeed). Hang in there and know that for everyone who comments, there are tons of folks like me who appreciate like mad and forget to actually say it to you.
ReplyDeleteNow all i want to know is who this TV baker is! lol how horrible! i would think it would be amazing to be featured on Sunday Sweets! Both of your sites are amazing and what a let down to have someone freak out like that. sorry that it was such a bummer. glad you have a community to rally around you and john and let you know how fantastic everyone thinks you are! it isn't easy being funny or creative allll the time, but the people who read your stuff really appreciate the work you guys do.
ReplyDeleteThose are fantastic pictures and you run two fabulous websites. You have given me the courage to cosplay and every morning when I get to work, Cake Wrecks is the first site I open to get my daily laugh (except for when you post those damn creepy clowns). As excited as I am for my vacation next month,meeting up with Jen and John will be the icing the cake. Just keep swimming :)
ReplyDeleteTotal agreement about FarPoint Station. I love looking at the jellyfish whenever I visit an aquarium. So soothing. Fantastic pics. As for nasty tv baker; scrap him off the bottom of your shoe and forget about it. Your fans love both you and John. CW is there waiting to make me smile everyday when I log on to FB. Hope you did get to enjoy the weekend.
ReplyDeleteI cannot pretend to understand the behind-the-scenes crapadoodle you guys go through on a daily basis, but I can certainly empathize with the feelings you expressed above and want to tell you how much your sites make me smile every day. Even when I have no time, I MAKE time for CakeWrecks. I love your posts. I covet your wit. I idolize your punny commentary. It makes my day happier - EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You and John make the Interwebs much more fun for those of us who love and appreciate all you do. As for those who try to bring you down, I offer my favorite (stolen) saying: May the Fleas of a Thousand Camels Infest the Crotch of the Person Who Screws Up Your Day and May Their Arms Be Too Short to Scratch. XOXOX
ReplyDeleteJen, I think you and John are amazing and I am sorry you have to put up with other peoples crap. As Roy would say "People. What a bunch of bastards."
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you had to deal with nasty people during a weekend away! I'm bummed I didn't see you this year at DragonCon, but glad you had some happy firsts.
ReplyDeleteThe Jimmy Buffett song "Mental Floss" popped into my head as soon as I saw this post. I think it fits rather well. The first couple of stanzas:
I'd like to be a jellyfish
'Cause jellyfish don't pay rent
They don't walk, they don't talk
With some Euro-trash accent
They're just simple protoplasm
Clear as cellophane
They ride the winds of fortune
Life without a brain
In one ear and out the other
Don't you get criss-crossed
I recommend you try a little....
Mental Floss
(etc-- look it up, it's a relaxing song!)
Hi Jen! (& John!)- I'm a long-time reader of both CW and Epbot and LOVE YOU BOTH. Your humor is fab; the writing is great; I love your funnies and your more-serious posts. The two of you are a great team. I was a teacher before I became a SAHM, and boy-can-I-relate to the grumpy people getting you down. I could have 32 parents lovin' on me, thinking my teaching style was the *best ever* and that one last parent would come in a say something cutting/ snarky/ dismissive and that would be the only one I'd remember. Why is that??
ReplyDeleteI think it's because when you put your heart and soul into something, you just want a little appreciation, right? Well, my husband and I both appreciate you! We read your blogs at night after putting our three boys to bed and giggle/snort/ snicker. you help us relax at night & have stuff to bond over that isn't parenting-stuff.
Big hug, big thanks, hang in there :)
Love the jellies!
Take heart! Y'all are utterly adored, you know; you have legions at your back should you ever need us. :-) People can be a**es, but you guys make the world a better, happier place by who you are and what you do. Please don't stop! :-)
ReplyDelete{{{hugs}}} to you both. Even the best jobs have their moments of suckiness. A job is work and you are good at what you do - I wish others didn't make it so difficult for you.
ReplyDeleteAh, jellyfish. Very soothing. It's good you have your Epbot fans (and jellyfish) to sooth away the trolly interweb demons.
ReplyDeleteWags and purrs from Life with Dogs and Cats.
I know I don't comment much, but epbot and CW make me very happy and I, for one, appreciate all that both of you do. So thank you! ^_^
ReplyDeleteJen and John, I saw this Facebook post belonging to the famous tv cake decorator who shall remain nameless (though I could shout it from the rooftops for the way she spoke of you and your wonderful blog), I was completely appalled. For someone who ought to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism, she had not ONE DROP in her little finger when that queen of mean went on a rampage. I dabble in the cake world, and have had the privilege to work with and/or meet several tv bakers, and I can tell you that what you encountered was the exception and not the rule. Most, even if they wanted something removed, would have the good sense to behave appropriately. Please don't beat yourself up because the love on CW and Epbot FAR outweighs all else. I cannot emphasize that enough, nor can I thank you enough for all that you do. ♡♡♡ Until next time...So long, and thanks for all the (jelly)fish.
ReplyDeleteSorry bout the work drama! Never fun.
ReplyDeleteSometimes when people are really awful, I think, "At least they'll have to account for this in the hereafter...man, I hope they don't repent first."
Beautiful photos! Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time lately. TV baker sounds like a real jerk, but forget that person! You and John are super awesome, wonderful people, by all accounts! <3
ReplyDeleteIt's lovely that you were able to help recreate a childhood photo, I can't wait to hear more!
You guys are so fun and creative! I don't follow too many blogs on the internet that are not music-related, but you all are so unique and a pleasure to read!! I love your witty commentary, all the lovely pictures you post, and the definite upholding of geek culture. I am most definitely a Mozart geek to the end, and you have helped me feel like I can be myself and pursue any geeky thing that makes me happy. Please don't let the haters keep you down! There are so many people who enjoy and appreciate what you do and offer. :)
ReplyDeleteOh Jen, big hugs to you and pass one on to John. I have to thank you for sticking through it. I started reading Cake Wrecks when it was relatively new, maybe 4 months old. When you started Epbot, I came over to see if it would be like CW, but it wasn't. It was so much better! Before Epbot, I was a closet geek. Only my hubby knew my secret. But after reading post after soul-sharing post, I realized that I wanted to be more like you.
ReplyDeleteI started to be me with everyone, not just at home. And I am so much happier.
I have always loved writing and reading fantasy, but now I'm writing a real to-be-published fantasy book. And it's thanks, in large part, to you! Hang in there through the hard times because you are making a difference! You've seriously changed my life. So, from the bottom of my geeky heart, thank you!
P.S. the pictures are AMAZING! And very calming :)
Just adding my two cents that you and John are awesome, and it was cool meeting you at DragonCon!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad I didn't get to meet you at Dragon*Con this year! I was sick the WHOLE weekend, so that put a damper on any and all of my plans while down there. I'm new to both of your blogs and I didn't realize how stressful it could be!! Hugs to both you and John and yes tomorrow is always a better day!
ReplyDeleteSaw said cake decorators Facebook post. Obviously she has no idea, nor did she bother to find out what cake wrecks is or what Sunday Sweets is. We know how much work you go through to attribute each cake correctly and mistakes do happen - especially if someone else represents her work as their own. I think John responded well, she just didn't understand the response in regards to Sunday Sweets and for some reason decided to take to the Internet to talk about it versus it just being a simple email "please take down my cake from your site or correctly attribute it". Don't let it bug you too much. People are always stealing others cakes and posting them as their own and she probably figured it was just another similar case and over-reacted. You guys are great! I'd love to post something on her site to support you, but it sounds like you guys would rather just leave it as it is and so I will too.
ReplyDeleteCheer up and fuck 'em who can't take a joke. Yay jelly fish for zen calm.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across Epbot I don't even remember how, but LOVED it and devoured as much as I could get. Yours is literally the only blog I check and read daily. I think you are brave beyond words for all that you do: day job and confessions/expressions here. I really, truly hope to be able to meet you some day. :)
ReplyDelete1. As I child, I always thought that the Farpoint station was a giant jellyfish,
ReplyDelete2. Hugs. Followed by sitting on the couch and eating ice cream while watching Captain Tightpants.
I was so excited to meet you and John at DragonCon, twice!! I hate hearing that you couldn't relax and enjoy it like it was meant to be enjoyed. And I really hate hearing that some stupid famous TV baker got his panties in a wad and treated you so badly. I almost wish you had posted the exchange and sicked the Epbot and CakeWrecks community on them. You know we have your back. :)
ReplyDeleteAlthough I would have loved to jump to Jen&John's defense, I think it is important that they did NOT post the exchange. Cakewrecks depends on bakers and supermarked-cake-decorators being OK with having there more or less good creations featured on the blog and, especially during the week, being made fun of. Otherwise pictures would be demanded to be pulled down much more often and the concept of the whose blog would crumble.
DeleteI'm sure most bakers/wreckerators accept that because they are treated with respect (i.e. no names or stores of the wrecks, credits for the sunday sweets, demands to pull answered immediately etc). Posting nasty emails from bakers will taint the trust bakers have in Jen and John.
So while I am 1) sorry that someone who is on TV and makes a load of money by having people watch them creating cakes would in turn be very nasty when getting even more praise; 2) curious who they are and what they wrote, and 3) always willing to publically defend two of the most humble and decent internet-people I "know", I'm glad Jen was professional enough and able to swallow her pride and the bitterness of the situation and kept that exchange in private.
Hear hear.
DeleteAw, I'd give you an awkward introvert's side hug if I could. I became the web admin. where I work about a month ago and am quickly learning how the crazies come out of the woodwork for piddly little nothings, so I sort of understand the frustration. Outside of my scheduled 40 hours I'm not allowed to touch the website, tho (that doesn't stop me thinking about it).
ReplyDeleteI appreciate when you're willing to get real. Professional blogging seems like such a glamorous fantasy job from the outside, so it's interesting to get a peek at the inner workings occasionally. It's a good reminder that, no matter what the job, no job comes without frustrations.
Wow, your jellyfish photos are AMAZING. Great beautiful absolutely perfect lighting, and I so loooooove jellyfish. And the otter, and the sea dragon, et al, of course. And about all of the other stuff - don't let the turkeys get you down. We could all go collectively kick them in the shins for you, if you like.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you have a place that you are able to vent. I am so glad that you included those beautiful pictures of jellyfish! They are so relaxing I could look at them for hours. I am going to save this post to go to any time I need to de - stress. Thanks for helping me with my stress on a day that you are feeling stressed. :)
ReplyDeleteMore people should vent with jellyfish photos. It should be a thing!
ReplyDeleteJEN. I lurk and lurk and post like 2 things ever (though I did finally work up the courage to email you my wreck, and then you put it on CW, and it MADE MY DAY, and everybody else at the office's day too, so there) but sometimes I have to de-lurk because you need to know that for every idiot stranger on the internet who gets mad at you for doing what you do, there are ten lovely strangers on the internet who love you and support you and want to see you continue doing your thing because your thing is spectacular.
Vent all you like. We are more than happy to take your side and give you all the love and support you need to survive the idiots of the internet (or the professional-TV-bakery-world). *internet hug*
Jen and John. You guys rock. Seriously. Thank you! Cake Wrecks has made me laugh more times than I can count :)
ReplyDeleteJen - thank you for the laughs (and occasional tears) on Epbot! Your posts are often inspirational, and help me get through some days when I'd just rather hide under the covers with my cat.
The internet wouldn't be the same without you guys! Thanks for all you do!
We love both the Cake site and EpBot and I am booktalking your books to teens and sending my teen cosplayers and animaniacs 'round to your site at every opportunity BECAUSE I know they'll get all the fun and geekery with a positive uplifting voice to go with it (not to sound al pollyannish about it, but it's true).
ReplyDeleteWe're glad you here and that you make the interwebs a better place
Great photos! You have a wonderful eye for design and color. And trolls? Meh. You need some goats for them. Seriously. Big, gnarly, raspy, stinking, testosterone laden billy goats!
ReplyDeleteJen, Just know that we love and respect both you and John for both blogs and that amount of time and tear, and Shit you both have to put up with. Thank you for a great place for us to go gaga over.
ReplyDeleteJen, you and John have got to be two of the sweetest, kindest, funniest people in the world, and it burns me up to think of anyone being shitty to either of you. I want to smash a cake frosted with real poo swirls into that baker's face.
ReplyDeletePlease vent here on Epbot any and every time you need help summoning the strength and energy to keep Cake Wrecks going because, gosh howdy, it's the best humor blog in this universe, and we love it SO much, and our mornings would be sad and empty without it.
As always, I am so grateful that you two work so incredibly hard to provide us with FREE entertainment almost every single day. I try to support you guys by clicking through your affiliate link when I make my Amazon purchases and clicking through the ads when I see something that interests me, but I know that's just a spit in the ocean. I can only hope that others are doing the same.
I'm so very sorry that your time at DragonCon was tainted by all the CakeWrecks technical troubles over the weekend. If anyone deserves a vacation, it's you guys.
I love the aquarium photos, and I'm looking forward to the DragonCon photos...when you're ready and not a moment before. Take as much time as you need to decompress. We're not going anywhere.
Love and peace to you both plus a heap of admiration and appreciation for doing more than your share to make the world a better place.
I rarely comment, though I read every post, but this time, I just want to say to both of you: Thanks for being here. Your effort is so appreciated and your posts have gotten me through many a bad day. Wish I could do the same for you.
ReplyDeleteChiming in here with my support and thanks to you and John(thoJ) for all you put up with and do to bring us a funny little blog about cake. It's just cake.
ReplyDeleteThose jelly pics are amazing!
I admire your fortitude in putting up with people's pettiness and general crappy attitudes. Please remember that those of us who are normally silence are daily chuckling and enjoying your wit and cleverness. Both of your sites have brought me a lot of joy.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the jellyfish were quite soothing. Thank you for that.
Amazing pictures, Jen :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that you have to experience such lousy things, especially that they cut into your private fun times. But I'm so glad that you have epbot to come to and vent :) I'm glad I can be a part of your support group even though we've never met.
Jen and John, I don't comment much because you always have a bazillion comments, but I love love love both of your blogs. CW is funny and sometimes educational! But epbot is the one I read every word of every post. And sometimes make my husband read too! Oh, the chevron cake the other day - we both laughed so hard! Please know that those minority of people who complain so loud are just that - the minority. You are both funny and crazy talented and amazing people! You are spreading joy in a lost world! I STILL get choked up when I think about old Dreamfinder putting the coat on new Dreamfinder! You guys through sharing your life are helping people break out and live theirs. Internet hugs!
ReplyDeleteJen, did you know that Dragon Con has an event at the aquarium on Saturday night, complete with a costume contest? It's super fun and not too crowded.
ReplyDeleteI second Kelly's Korner. You guys rock!! Thanks for sharing your wit and humor with us - sorry some people are just big ol' jerk heads. ((virtual hugs!!))
ReplyDeleteI want to add onto the love here. These are amazing photos, and you and John are amazing people. I love both CW and Epbot. It is unfathomable to me how this mysterious baker could be so vitriolic, and I can completely understand your anger and frustration. I feel sad for that person, honestly. To live one's life so aggressively angry... that's just a sad existence. I'm sending digital hugs and cookies your way. Ignore the haters - you're the best, and that's not going to change! Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures and your story. I am in the camp that thinks you can vent as much as you'd like!
ReplyDeleteHang in there Jen! As you can see from the sheer number of comments you are receiving on this one post alone, you have managed to create your own little community through CW and Epbot that really care about you and John and have your back - even if we've never met you! And there are more of us cool geeks than cranky celebrity chefs and whiny P.C. policemen. I think we can take 'em in a fight! We may be nerdy, but we're scrappy and we've got heart! Glad we have you as our voice and unofficial mascot. Keep the chin up. Whether you know it or not, we're always out here rooting for you guys! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat they said. Please keep doing it. I know the statistics say that one negative comment outweighs 100 positive ones and I know, sadly, that it can be true. So I will just add my one positive encouragement to the others and hope we can outweigh the negative. I am still so saddened by Robin Williams choice to end his own life and that all the love we all wanted to share with him couldn't reach him, that I think its really important to speak up and say we love what you do. Illegitimi non carborundum.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making me smile almost every day with your words and pictures, and your amazing positivity.
ReplyDeleteJen, and John, you guys are awesome. I have been reading Cake Wrecks for what seems like forever, and it amazes me that despite how well known the site has become, you guys are still so dang down to earth and humble. That you are still excited and happy and crafty and nerdy is fantastic. My neice LOVES you, Jen. You are her freaking hero.
ReplyDeleteDon't let anyone get you down, because, at the end of the day, you have a huge community that will always have your back.
Im usually more of a lurker, but when ppl are being mistreated, my intense need for justice pops out.
ReplyDeleteComedy isnt for everybody, but ive never seen you make mean 'funny' comments, and especially reading epbot, i really think you do your best to make people smile, without hurting anyones feelings. It's a thin line to walk and unfortunately, there will always be people who cant take a joke. I cant imagine someone being mad about being a sunday sweet, only that he just heard he was on cakewrecks. Which might have hurt his feelings. Whoever it was, and whatever he thought, he had no right to treat you this way. Im one of those ppl who would love to know who it was so I could boycot him. I dont like to watch/support/buy stuff from ppl who are asses.
Anyhoo, keep up the good work, it makes a lot of ppl smile everyday, and that is more important than any 'famous' person out there.
Jen and John, we love you.
ReplyDeleteI've been following both Cake Wrecks and Epbot for longer than I've been married to Phil... you two have been a source of fun, and humour, and entertainment and wisdom for a long time. You do a great job, by which you bring a lot of joy to others. Thank you for carrying on with that even when it's tough and people are mean- you don't deserve it.
Meeting the two of you was seriously one of the highlights of our holiday to WDW. We had a blast (you two and Rapunzel... she was amazing! <3 ) Keep up the good work, and remember you have many people who really enjoy everything you do and share here and at CW.
Thank you!
Clare :)
First of all-- that river otter is TEH CUTE!!! I want one as a pet.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the internet can be a disgusting place, and I want to thank you and John for helping to make it a brighter and more positive experience. I'm pretty sure I can guess which TV baker it was, since my cousins went to a certain TV baker for a grooms cake and found it over priced (they wanted three tiers with a little fondant runner going up the side. Super simple-- they would have been charged over $1k) and had an overall unpleasant experience. I think the TV gives them an inflated sense of self-worth. TV baker probably didn't even realize it was on Sunday Sweets; just heard it was on CakeWrecks and blew a gasket.
Anyway, just know that we appreciate every second you put into CakeWrecks, both of you. [Picture of cute kitten on tree branch] Hang in there!
Just wanted to post a message of support and thanks in general (oh, and thanks for the jelly fish (and seahorse) photos - adorable!).
ReplyDeleteThe internet can affect people strangely and socially take their brakes off, so to speak. That is still no excuse for unpleasantness though imo, and the response from the cake decorator had a really nasty tone to it, and that is even without seeing any of the rest! John's reply was just right I thought (tempted though you probably were to imagine her in with the jellyfish(es?) for a bit - assuming no jellyfish would be harmed, of course ;-) ). The baker will probably be a highly stressed and oft miserable person in real life if they react like this over a nice internet post about their cake - imagine how stressed they get over ones that say their cake is not good! :O
So anyway, onto the thanks bit! :-D Thanks for your posts, both here and on Cake Wrecks. They make us smile, and inspire us to create and have fun with so many more things than we would otherwise have done. Plus we're going to look through and find extra things to show the kids at Disney next month, yay! So double thanks for that too! :-) :-) :-)
Though I know, in my heart of hearts, that it isn't always enough, I want to say that the VAST majority of your readers love and support you and think you guys are amazing internet heros. I'm glad you can use this place to vent some of your frustrations, because you've got quite the adoring fan club going on here ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou're totally totally awesome. Never forget.
Many virtual hugs to you and John. We, your community, are here to support you.
ReplyDeleteAlright, guys! We're officially at 100 (or slightly more) sweet and supportive comments here, which cancels out exactly one nasty, negative comment that Jen and John have received on Cake Wrecks. Hmmmm...I think we're going to need to send them more love and light. Who knows what they will find in their inbox on CW today? And since we never know what kind of day they're having, all you lurkers out there need to take a few minutes a week to show your support and gratitude with a comment on CW or Epbot.
ReplyDeleteLet's give Jen and John our monetary support, too. When you shop at Amazon, click through the affiliate link at the bottom of the CW posts. Turn off your ad blockers for CW and Epbot and click on an ad now and then. Buy both of the hilarious Cake Wreck books. Forward links to posts to your friends and family. If you're a teacher or a parent, tell your kids how much you love Epbot, and use Cake Wrecks as a hilarious entry into a lesson on why grammar, spelling, and punctuation are so important.
Thank you, Jen and John, for being the people you are. I hope the good will outweigh the bad on CW for many more years to come.
Wish there was a LIKE button for your post!
Delete...and all the while, you're taking the high road and not mentioning the Nasty Baker by name. Thanks for restoring (a little) of my faith in humanity on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteI lurk, but I'm unlurking to let you know that not only do you write 2 sites that make me smile and 1 that has shown me that OMG there are a host of other geeks out there just like me! But the making me smile bit? I'm bi-polar and on the REALLY bad days when nothing helps & I'm searching for things to keep me going CW is one of the places I go. I am terribly sorry it causes you stress, but know that you make a happy place for a lot of us and I'm sure there are stats out there to tell you just how many you are making happy for not only every positive message but also every one who didn't pay attention to manners in preschool. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI have been following Cake Wrecks for YEARS, and Epbot since the beginning. Just know that for every jerk out there, there are probably 200 people who LOVE your work, and depend on it to put a smile on our faces each and every day. Though you can't see us or get the immediate positive feedback of our laughs and smiles, just know that you are contributing to the positive mental health of thousands of us! You are loved!
ReplyDeleteI just wrote a really long comment and the internet ate it :(
Anyway, the long and short of it was that thanks to you I'm headed back to Disneyland next year, in part because of your awesome posts about the new Fantasyland and in part because it's good to be reminded that it's ok to be a couple without kids who love Disney.
Hang in there Jen! Go patina something. Patina makes me feel better . . .
ReplyDeleteNooo! It ate my comment too!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's you, Jen, who inspired me to comment more instead of lurk, since we just can't let the internet be dominated by horrible, hateful people. But as someone who has been (and who soon will be again) on the receiving end of teaching evaluations, I know only too well how one awful comment can outweigh many positive ones. You are fortunate in many ways that CW blossomed the way it did, but you also can't just up and change jobs if there's something about it that makes you unhappy--which is what I'm in the process of doing myself. You have every right to vent, and I hope this is always a space where you feel safe enough to do so.
Thank you for delighting us in so many ways. Sending big ol' virtual hugs to both of you.
Also, it's easy to figure out who the ugly person was, since she is known for being, and prides herself, it appears, on being a B!
ReplyDeleteOn NOW I know who it is.
DeleteIt is always amazing to me how awful people can be to others. I would love to kick the jerks in the shins!!
ReplyDeleteAnd just to make you a teeny-tiny bit jealous...my company took us on a retreat a couple weekends ago and we got to stay overnight at the Georgia Aquarium!! It was amazing! My co-worker took a video of the otter playing with a cup. She kept swimming it over and banging it on the glass to show us. It was so sweet!
We slept at the foot (I guess) of the Beluga tank and the Belugas would come down to "play" with us. They were so interactive! I don't think I slept for more than an hour or so because I just wanted to watch them.
So, next time you are in Atlanta, you should totally stay overnight there! It was one of the best experiences of my life!
Thanks to you and John for keeping the "Dreamfinder" dream alive! :) Also anyone who makes cakes and sells them to the general public is out there for better or worse. They should just button that fat lip. Especially when someone is saying something nice! I went to an even that had a tv bakery cake made especially for the event. It wasn't all that and a bag of chips!
ReplyDeleteOver Sunday Sweets, the nicest and most beautiful cake feature on the internet? Wow. My background is in farming, and the more I see of the way people can behave over absolutely nothing, the more I understand my family's decision to work with plants and in the middle of nowhere. Much love to you and John.
ReplyDeleteI've been lurking on both your sites since virtually the beginning, and nothing makes my day like one of your posts! You are funny and genuine and never rude! Don't let the turkeys get you down!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharking Jen. I think it helps those sometimes to know that even the most perfect and dream-arific jobs comes with it's own problems. Sometimes people suck, sometimes people who don't usually suck can suck for whatever reason. I'm sad that your weekend was fractured by this guy in a bad mood.
ReplyDeleteAnyways - love this blog. I don't comment much, but I always get excited when there is a new entry. You make me want to try cosplaying (even though I'm still a little too scared), but mostly you help me know it's ok to embrace my geekiness. :-)
hahaha! I wrote sharking. LOL, at least it's theme appropriate for the post.
DeleteAck! It ate my comment. :(
ReplyDeleteThere is so much negativity out there right now, it's made me avoid my own little pissant blog for a while. I can't even imagine what you have to deal with on a regular basis. There are times I think "gosh, I wish I could quit my day job and blog full-time" but then I see some of your trials and tribulations and think, "Nope. Imma just delete this whole thing now."
Just know we love you, and keep doing what you're doing. We've got your back if you need it.
So sorry you had so much drama over the weekend. Don't usually comment, but I always look at CW first thing in the morning, then Epbot! and quietly appreciate you and John and your hard work.
ReplyDeleteI would think bakers would appreciate being on Sunday Sweets for the free advertising. When it came time for me to choose a baker for my wedding cake, I decided I'd seen enough Wrecks to know that I wanted someone who had been featured on Sunday Sweets. I even told her that was how I'd found her and she then related her story of someone calling to tell her that one of her cakes was on Sunday Sweets and how awesome it was to be on CW on the only day of the week you actually *want* to be on CW. My wedding is coming up this November and I have no doubt about how amazingly awesome my cake will be. That is all thanks to you for sharing the amazing things you find. I don't comment very often, but I have been following CW almost from the beginning and Epbot from the beginning. Forget about the haters and think about all the people who know how awesome you are!!
ReplyDeleteI hardly ever post, but just wanted to encourage you that I love what you're doing. The internet sucks a lot of times. I could never blog because I wouldn't be able to handle all the negativity out there. But thanks for making me laugh all these years. I love Cake Wrecks, and I've never been offended by it. �� And I love Epbot even more. I love hearing your true voice and I look forward to every post. For every a-hole trying to ruin your day, there are hundreds of us who love what you do.
ReplyDeleteJen, we love you & John, and I know everyone who reads CW and Epbot appreciate all the hard work you do. For me, personally, it's reading about you going to events like cons and at Disney even though you have anxiety about it, that makes me love you. I live in a small city and have extreme anxiety about travel (as in, cry, barf and mess myself) whenever I try to leave town. Reading about your accomplishments over anxiety gave me the courage to try, and recently I made it an hour and a half out of town without panicking! So thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your support. You have made a huge difference in my life, and I'm sure in many others, as well.
ReplyDeleteKerry Vincent has a lot of nerve.
ReplyDeleteI just stopped by to say that I love both of your blogs and the time and effort you put into them. Thanks Jen and John for all that you do :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for both Epbot and CW! Jerks need to get their heads out of their butts and realize that the world isn't about them. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteI wanted to chime in too - another silent reader here. I started reading CakeWrecks a few years back while I was working a job talking to people in difficult situations. Your site was a daily laugh that helped me get through those days. I even got that employer to buy your book because it was therapy we all needed. And then you made the internet even better by starting Epbot. Thank you to both of you for all of your dedication to both sites. You two have done more to encourage laughter, creativity, acceptance, and kindness than most have and without asking for recognition.
ReplyDeleteLove the jellyfish photos! A print would look really great hanging on my wall if you were to start selling them...hint, hint.
Also, have you been to the Mote Aquarium in Sarasota? I went there on a trip to Florida when I couldn't find manatees anywhere else (before I knew about Manatee Park in Ft. Myers), and loved it! Also, next time you're in Chicago, check out the Shedd- it's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI always take a ton of pictures of jellyfish when I go to an aquarium. I think the way their tanks are set up really help (solid, dark backdrop), not to mention how beautiful they are anyway.
ReplyDeleteI never saw you at Dragon*Con! I didn't try very hard, to be honest, and there were a million people. It was our first con and we were super disorganized. I'm also not sure what I'd say if I did run into you. Probably just "Hello!" so..."Hello!!" There, that's been taken care of. ;)
John, the sea dragons are my favorite too! I could seriously watch them for hours.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry that sometimes CW is so not fun. I am especially sorry about the bad incident this past weekend. : ( I hope you feel lots of love and more love and then even more love from your fans--who you realize are friends. The good side of the internet. : )
I appreciate you both taking the high road and not mentioning the "nasty baker's" name, but you could tell The Bloggess and I bet she could find a way to go all "WHY won't Nathan Fillion hold twine??" on their ass. Just sayin'. Love the amazing pictures, love your sense of humor, and especially love all the work you do to keep both of your wonderful blogs going. Peace and kittens.
ReplyDeleteSorry the trolls found you. Understand the frustration of a small business. My step-dad rented theatrical lighting equipment. Can not count the number of family meals were interrupted by a customer who forgot to turn the breaker on while screaming at my step-dad or me. John has my utmost sympathies and Baltimore's Aquarium has some lovely jelly fish.
ReplyDeleteSome people suck. Not everyone. But some people, for sure. As I tell my niece all the time, just keep breathing.
ReplyDeleteAs my great uncle has always said, "Mean people suck." So sorry you've been dealing with such unnecessary stress lately. My hubby and I love all the hard work you guys put into CW and Epbot. And yes, we're among the many "geeky couples with no children that wish we lived near Jen & John so we could all hang out and enjoy each other's humor." Let us all know if you ever decide to sell your sea life photos as notecards! They're gorgeous and I'd definitely buy several sets- to use myself and to give as gifts. You've both got some awesome talent!
ReplyDeleteMy darling girl, you make me quiver in my boots and then pull myself up by the aforementioned's straps. My friend and I have just embarked upon a new internet venture and at times like this I question our sanity, but then I come down here to the comments and it sooooooothes me. Also jellyfishes.
ReplyDeleteKeep your chin up, Jen. Know that even if you're having a crappy day you've managed to make someone else smile, and that is strength.
To both Jen and John,
ReplyDeleteCakewrecks and Epbot are required daily reading, the first things I check when I sit down at the computer. I have loved Cakewrecks since the beginning (found it some months after it was born, and went back and read every single post). It's often the highlight of my day, since I know I can count on Cakewrecks for a laugh, and I get very happy to see a new Epbot post. Love the pictures, and I love that you have introduced me to new and interesting things. Thank you. Please don't forget that you add big happy smiles to people's lives every day. That's a pretty big deal, and something to be proud of.
The pictures today were particularly lovely, and I can't wait to tell everyone I know to come and look at them. Otters, and jellyfish, and seahorses, all in one place? Amazing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Lurker, but wanted to add my support of y'all for both blogs. It's always cool to find something fun and positive on the net. As for the TV idiot... let's just say you can't fix stupid.
ReplyDeleteHi Jen,
ReplyDeleteI think my last comment got eaten (again! what is it with me and commenting on your blog?). But the gist of it was: the posts you write about your Real Life are the posts I like the best. As fun as the other ones are, your projects, your round ups, your con photos, it's these posts about your actual life that keep me coming back for more. Thank you for sharing.
Ahh...jellyfish and otters! And as for all of that other stress and bother, I just want to thank you for all of the laughs you have given me from reading your sites. Why people have to be petty when there are so many things that we should be more upset over in this world is just crazy. You just keep doing what you are doing. But if there ever comes a time when you just can't do it anymore just know that we all understand and still love you for it! Take care of yourselves!
ReplyDeleteHugs to you and John for all you do and how amazing you are! We love you and CW and Epbot and both of your sites make my day a little brighter when I get a chance to visit them.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
Sara Kay
Gorgeous photos! It's been ages since I've been to an aquarium, been wanting to go and now these are reminding me to just my butt over there. And thanks for sharing a "behind the scenes" look, I can't imagine trying to deal with that kind of crap, especially now with social media letting all the interwebz notify you of what you're already dealing with. On the upside, you bring so much joy to so many readers, hallelujah for creatives like you who have the cajones to put up with the no-so-good stuff!
ReplyDeleteI love both CW and epbot. Both have made me laugh I loud when I really needed that. I'm in the UK so no clue about TV bakers over there, but some people are just never happy and should get over themselves!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos and I love the sea-dragon? and the otter especially. Looking forward to reading about the con. hugs from the UK xx
Keep up the great work! I love to look at both sites every day and appreciate what you guys do to bring a little laughter to someone's day. Thanks for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteThe jellies at the Georgia Aquarium are one of my favorite exhibits ever.... Loved the photos and your line "Have another jelly"... Snickering over Friday doughnuts... TY!!! Made my Friday
ReplyDeleteJen, I've been reading EPBOT since the beginning, though I hardly comment because its scary to comment (not on this blog, the community here is amazing, but just seeing what floats around on the internet in general has made me nervous to voice things in comments anywhere). This my VERY favorite blog. I just wanted to break out of my scaredy-silence and say "We love you, we appreciate you, and we think you're fantastic!" Thanks for braving the scary internet to bring us all so much joy, and I'm sorry that it can be so tough sometimes. I hope that all the virtual love and hugs I see coming through on the comments today helps.
ReplyDeleteSome people, for what ever reason, just can not take a compliment. This in no way has anything to do with either of you guys. You are just the unfortunate recipients of said TV persons misdirected ire. All of it is a reflection of that person, and not one of you. Never forget that.
ReplyDeleteA good mantra when crazy people are yelling at you, "Not my circus. Not my monkeys."
Hopefully you are feeling better today! :(
ReplyDeletePeople (especially internet people) always feel a need to "express" themselves by tearing others down. They hide behind anonymity so they can say how their jealousy feels and not have to deal with the repercussions.
Sometimes you just have to ask Ludo to call the rocks!
-- Piper P from Washington State
I'm sorry for the crap. I enjoy CW! And I won't ever yell at you about it :-). Also, those aquarium pictures are stunning--it's so hard to get good photos through glass and water!
ReplyDeleteA few bad apples ... JERKS! Leave John and Jen alone, or we will start throwing rubber ducks at you!! Sorry, that's all that's within my reach, I'll try to find something more threatening to throw next time. :)
ReplyDeleteThe otter is adorable. And the rest? Ugh.
ReplyDeleteHi Jen,
ReplyDeleteI don't post often, if ever, but I just have to tell you I love epbot and found it through cake wrecks. Before epbot I had no idea what steampunk was, and honestly still don't know who most of the characters, superheros and video games you reference are, but I love your writing and will continue to read! I can hear how frustrating this whole thing is for you guys and it sounds like you have handled it beautifully! I also thought I would mention that said TV baker has just over 19,000 likes on FB and Cake Wrecks has almost 398k because I am feeling petty today. Happy Friday!
People are buttheads.
ReplyDeleteYou and John are awesome. Thanks for doing awesome things <3
Sorry about all of the drama! You two bring a lot of joy and *some* people (famous baker) are dumb.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the drama, but I love this post. Great pictures and it's always neat to get a peak behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry people were poopy to you. It was good to see you again, your parents are super cool!
ReplyDeleteSorry that you have to deal with people who are poops! Come back here anytime and vent - we got your back! Both of ya! Love reading your stuff - you - or the funny people in comments always make me laugh out loud!
ReplyDelete{{HUGS}} :-)
Man that just sucks sideways! I so look forward to both blogs and hate that it bogs you down!!! But we are here for ya, anytime you need to vent!!!........Diana
ReplyDeleteThank you for all that you do! I love both Cakewrecks and Epbot! Sunday Sweets is actually a family tradition in our home. We get up, eat breakfast, read Sunday Sweets together (the kids and I) and then get ready for church :) Keep doing what you're doing! We love you for it!!
ReplyDeleteNow. Off to troll the internet and see if I can't leave a lovely comment or two to a "professional" baker (I'm petty like that��)
As Linus (of "Peanuts" fame) once said, "I love mankind. It's people I can't stand."
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that the trolls have been poking you guys with sticks. It's incredibly unfair how people take advantage of anonymity to post nasty things, and also how people take advantage (so to speak) of the fact that you two are exceedingly accommodating even to whiners and troublemakers. You really are much nicer than many people deserve.
One thing I've always, always thought about you two is that you guys take the high road. You could snark back, you could belittle people who have different opinions. But you never do. You guys are so professional, so talented, and so creative it's a pleasure to "know" you. (Virtually speaking, of course.)
Thank you for your generosity with your fans AND with your detractors. It must be exhausting. Like . . . being the only adult in a crowd of sleep-deprived 2-year olds all day, every day.
No, I mean THANK YOU, thank you, thank you. We love you.
Not sure if firefox just ate my comment, so I'll adjust it to not repeat just in case.
ReplyDeleteYou two are awesome. If you need to adjust your schedules to take a full weekend off, I would fully support that. We want you to enjoy your job, because we enjoy what you do.
There isn't a job on the planet that doesn't have its sucky parts. Be glad you can do what you love and get paid for it.
ReplyDeleteAnd if that well ever dries up, there are other wells to draw from. You're an amazingly talented person, as is John, so you should never lack for things to do.
And everyone needs to bitch once in awhile. Glad to be here for you.
Tell us who is making you sad and we'll pelt them with ccc's (ptooey!)
ReplyDeleteKudos to both of you for being classy. I have had run-ins with nasty people online myself, and it can be really hard sometimes to not reply in kind. I confess that in this situation, I might have been tempted to say something along the lines of, "Well, bah humbug to you too, Mr./Ms. Crankypants." Meh. Not worth it. *hugs* We all think you're awesome, so there. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, did anyone else have the "Squishy" scene from Finding Nemo playing in their heads with all those jellyfish pictures? Or was that just me? "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Squishy."
Good luck sorting and editing all those pictures! Can't wait to see your favorites. :)
Jen, I'm so sorry that NastyBaker was so rude & interfered with enjoying DragonCon. I love CW & Epbot. Can't imagine why anyone would be upset to be featured in Sunday Sweets, but there's no pleasing some people. Thanks to you & John for being a bright spot on the internet. Take time & take care of each other when you need it.
ReplyDeleteLove the pics from Georgia Aquarium. We went a few years ago during a DragonCon trip & I loved it. Your pictures took me back there the second I saw them & being the penguin fanatic that I am, I adore the penguin picture.
Thanks again for all you do!
John is made of gold.
ReplyDeleteAnd diamonds. And rainbow swords.
But mostly he's gold.
Love you and John and both blogs. I went though something similar on a much smaller scale. Problem came up and I'm in the process of solving it when Bam! the complainer's mother goes about four levels over my head to express her outrage and numerous of her facts about the situation are wrong. But we can't argue that out with he, of course, we proceeded to resolve the situation as we had been but it just bugs me so much that she's walking around with her incorrect view of what happened and what we did. So I feel that in understand the unfairness. Your intentiins were good and you fixed it so why add anything negative to that story. But I just say, well, I wouldn't like to be that nasty person. They must lead a crap life always being outraged at others. Please vent anytime, we are here for you 1000%.
ReplyDeleteBy the way we were at WDW last month & I used to skip the afternoon parade but we went because of your photos and loved loved loved it.
Jen and John - even though I have never met either one of you, I always feel like I "know" you, because I live in Orlando ( well, Lake Mary), so when you describe local things I know exactly what/where you are talking about.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have a teenage daughter who struggles with anxiety, agoraphobia, etc. and some of the posts you have written have helped me to better understand how to help her with her struggles.
I did send you an email once about the Edison bulb light fixtures at Burger Fi, and was ridiculously tickled when I got a response back.
I never liked Kerry Vincent when she judged Food Network competitions - thought she had too high an opinion of herself then, and reading her Facebook post about CW only reinforced that opinion.
Both CW and Epbot are required regular reading for me - but it would certainly not bother me if you took either/both down for a weekend so you could have some real time off.
How about we make a deal: if you keep venting no one here will mind, and we'll just keep sending positive vibes and encouraging messages your way. Ditto that for every naysayer there are hundreds of fans (or more!) who love and appreciate what you do--I know because I'm one of them. ::Hugs::
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that a baker made your weekend stressful! But bless John for being so classy and patient! I don't know if I could do that.
ReplyDeleteJust remember that the vast, vast majority of us LOVE you guys, albeit mostly silently. Your posts here always brighten my day, and you do an amazing job on Cakewrecks, I can really appreciate all the work that goes into it. I can't imagine having to deal with what you guys have to deal with, but I do work retail and we get some crazies sometime, so I can appreciate it on a smaller scale. Feel free to rant whenever you need to let off steam, and I'm glad you got to see an adorable otter to brighten your day! Awesome fish pics, and otters are one of my all time favorite zoo animals, especially with how they'll interact with guests. Thank you for doing what you do :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you have this blog and this community, then. (Also I think I'm going to deal with all my stress and drama by posting aquarium photos now because dang, I never knew jellyfish could be so soothing.)
ReplyDeleteWe hit up the aquarium this weekend too when our AC broke. The whole way home my little daughter was saying "night night hishies, Night night Hark!" the whole way home.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading CW from almost the beginning, and I've been here since you started Epbot and I have to say that those two sites are some of the highlights of my days. I always smile when I see there's a new post here even before I read it, just because there's a new post from Jen! Even though I don't post near often enough about how much your writing and wittiness make me laugh/smile, it's very true that they do. CW never ceases to make me laugh during the week and makes my jaw drop on Sundays in amazement. How anyone could be negative about you guys posting their cake on a Sunday is beyond me! Know that we, your readers/supporters, love and appreciate you and John both. You have been so inspiring to me! I absolutely blame you for getting me to go to my first con this year and cosplaying at it, and having generally an AMAZING time! I'm already working on next year's costumes, and it's just great to know there's this community out there of awesome people who like the same things as me. So thank you for bringing us together and opening up this world to me personally. You will always have more fans and friends than detractors and nay-sayers. Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteBtw, I wish I had a tenth of your photo-taking talent! Those are amazing!
Jen and John,
ReplyDeleteYou are some of the hardest working people I know. And definitely two of the kindest, patient people I know. So please, PLEASE know that we are supporting you all the way. And that while there are a quite a few baddies out there, there are quadruple good people out there, and a good amount willing to tackle down the baddies that hurt you. Including me. ;)
True Sherlockian
I've been following your blog for a long time and I never comment on here, but this post moved me to say BIG HUGS to you both (even though we're strangers and that'd totally be weird and creepy IRL but online it's okay?) and hang in there. I think you two do amazing work and just wanted you to know that there may be a ton of readers out there who never comment - like me! - but are fully supporting you, albeit silently.
ReplyDeleteOh Jen. I'm so sorry mean people brought you down. I think Buckaroo Banzai said it best: "Don't be mean; we don't have to be mean, cuz, remember, no matter where you go, there you are."
ReplyDeleteJen, I'm so sorry that assholes have to ruin your days, whether you're on vacation or not. :hugs: Cakewrecks is great, and I'd miss it if it were gone, but Epbot is the blog that I adore, and you with it. And your little otter is adorable and I want to bring her to my house.
ReplyDelete1- great shots!!
ReplyDelete2- I found both your sites not realizing they were related for a while...and I lovelovelove Epbot so much more because it's a safe place to learn, create, share, and question things.
3- You are completely allowed to take a break from work, no matter how much you love it. Consider NOT posting on a long weekend once a year, just as a 'normal' employee would take a week long vacation away from work. These are your babies, and we, then internet, love them both. But your health relies on you taking care of yourself and sanity, it's okay to shut it off on occasion!
Love reading your stuff Jen, as always, thanks for sharing.
I loved your pictures. And that sea otter brought tears to my eyes. On other things, keep your head up. Cakewrecks is one of the few websites I look at every day and has cheered me up on more than one occasion. I'm sorry that people can be jerks and complain about dumb things. Thank you for all your hard work (both you AND John)!
ReplyDeleteI think you and John are wonderful. Thank you for what you do :)
ReplyDelete*sigh* Is it weird that I want to make two people I've never met my best friends?
ReplyDeleteI started with Cake Wrecks...and as a budding home cake artist, it made me feel happy. Mostly because I was better than the wrecks. :) Because I live in a different state and my kitchen is SO not cakeworthy, I gave up the professional cakes, but stayed with the Wrecks. And laugh my stinkin' keister off. (Is that how you spell keister? "I" before "e" except after "c" and y'know, when it looks weird the other way?)
Epbot introduced me to steampunk and you give me hope one day I might finish my big projects. And finish them well. I love that you cosplay. You make me want to cosplay, too. However, I haven't gotten around to that one yet. You are funny and gentle and I just want to sit around and drink coffee at your table while you and John work on a project.
I guess in this weird disjointed way, I'm just trying to say thank you. Thank you, both you and John, for going through the headaches for us. You have a tribe here. And I'm happy to feel like I'm a part of it.
Keep the cakes wrecky and the talk geeky. We dearly love you.
I have nothing new, or sparkling with wit, or that hasn't been said a hundred times over already in these comments, but we love you and your geeky posts and your cakey posts and your snark (which is never hateful and always funny) and your blogs. And you! (In a non-creepy way.) I have found some awesome YA book series and authors because of you. I have found a boatload of amazing craft ideas because of you. And I have found some amazing insights into anxiety because of you. So thank you!
ReplyDeleteSending some happy vibes your way (to hopefully mitigate a bit of the negativity).
While I was walking through one of the hotels at DragonCon, I saw a guy walking alone off to the side and thought, "I know that guy. How do I know that guy??" He kept going, and it hit me that I didn't actually know him, but I knew his face - "That's John from Epbot!" I looked in the direction he was headed, and sure enough, there was that telltale green glow of Lady Vadore's mask, sitting in a little area off to the side. I briefly thought about going over and saying hi, but it looked like you guys were grabbing some down time and I didn't want to interrupt, so I just explained to my friend why I had stopped in my tracks, and we continued on our way, me with a huge grin on my face because JEN FROM EPBOT WAS RIGHT OVER THERE!!! :) After reading your post, I realize you were probably dealing with one of the issues you mentioned. I wish I had known - I definitely would have walked over and told you how much I appreciate everything you do, and seen if there was anything I could do to help like bringing you a coffee or something. I know what you mean when you mention that you like going to cons to be with your people - I feel the same way about the community here at Epbot. It is so reassuring to be in a place where everyone just *gets* it. So thank you for creating this corner of the internet. It means so much to so many. And please know how much you are appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou make me want to eat more cake and also have more Disney in my life. I went to the US a few years ago to travel and the biggest reason for me to want to go to Florida was so I could experience the Disney magic you've been talking about since like, forever. I didn't do it in the end, but next time I'll definitely go. Also I almost got to see you on the book tour but I didn't have a car and couldn't get out to where you were :( Please come to Europe one day? ;D Oh and I saw CW on the Graham Norton show the other day while at the gym. It was so funny to randomly see you on a British TV show!
ReplyDeleteI guess all I want to say is, please don't give up. You guys are freakin' awesome.
Dear Jen and John,
ReplyDeleteI'm really sorry about that baker being a bitch. Things like this make me want to create a facebook acount and tell those people what I think of them. But I guess it's not a good idea to create an account just to yell at people :D
Just remember, you can't possibly make everyone happy. I really think it's sad, that so many people bitch about stuff they don't like (like to phallic cake decorations or dirty jokes) instead of just leaving the site and thinking to them selfs "well, not my cup of tea".
I just wanna say "heads up"! Your work is so much loved by so many (including me!). Through you and your writing I went to my first con (loved it!!) and got an interest in artsy stuff (always thought I don't know anything about it, so better keep out. But now I just like what I like, and that's it ;)). I even joined deviantart so I could "collect" my faves :)
Thank you so much for all your work, time, sweat, tears, dealing with nasty comments, making pictures, sharing things you love and even very private things with me (us). I wish I just could give you a big big hug!
Also, I love your cats!
Lots of Love from Germany,
Dear Jen and John,
ReplyDeleteSo, a public figure is hateful to you and instead of outing them so that all your fans could rip them a new one, you turned the other cheek. I am normally cynical and might think, "Well, Cake Wrecks just doesn't want a lawsuit." But, I've been reading Epbot since it was launched and have also met you in person (and fan gushed all over you... sorry) and y'all really are the sort of people who would let the ugliness stop at your door and refuse to pass it along. I wish I could convey how much I admire you both for that. Please remember that when the awful side of the internet world drags you down, YOU ARE LOVED!
I TOTALLY understand your love/hate relationship with your job. (Why? Because I'm a server. Hello world of jerks that don't tip on $100+ bills even if they tell me how awesome I was.) But try not to take the haters too seriously, because it just boils down to them being so freaking stupid and taking it out on you. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be okay. And you'll get that glowing response, that amazing thank you, that big pat on the back that will make dealing with those jackholes all worth it. Or at the very least, you've got some very sympathetic/empathetic/compassionate ears to vent it all out to.
ReplyDeleteI went to the Georgia Aquarium last year and loved it! The otters! The penguins! So cute! Sorry you had to deal with so much crap while you were trying have a fun weekend. But on a happier note... otters! :D
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that you guys are awesome! ♥And that the photos are beautiful!
ReplyDeletei hope venting helped a little :-) *hugs*
ReplyDeletenow i'm enraged on your behalf and would love to pay that nasty baker back, but while i think you might have a tiny bit of rascal in you, trolling in your name wouldn't do you or John justice. correct me if i'm wrong, thanks to an anonymous commenter i found the mentioned facebook-post ;-)
usually i don't comment (anywhere), but today i just wanted to let you (and John) feel some love, together with the community here on epbot. try not to listen to the haters, even if their voices sometimes seem loudest! the internet has lots of love and respect for you and your sites.
I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said, but I wanted to add my voice to the chorus. You guys are amazing, and you work damn hard. Your readers (the real ones, not random trolls who appear and then disappear again) know how generous and kind you are, and we've got your back. I also have gone into full stalker mode, read all the comments to find out who this bitch is, and shared her nastiness with all of my friends- including a friend who is actually a well-known Food Network star in her own right. YOU are taking the high road, which I love and respect. I am taking the vindictive low road, because as a previous commenter said, I'm feeling petty today. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm bookmarking this post so I can come back and look at the relaxing pictures of jellyfish and seahorses (my two favorite aquarium animals!!!) anytime I've had a bad day.
ReplyDeleteThank you guys for putting up with all the BS the internet throws at you. You and John have such a positive impact on the world. We appreciate you more than even these comments can express!
Also, thank you for trusting us enough to vent. It's an honor to be able to give back to people who have been such a positive influence in my life :)
Sending hugs. Also, I wanted to tell you last night my husband & I were trying to decide what to do for a date night. I was looking at movie listings and discovered that Ghostbusters was back in theaters! (You had mentioned this some months back I think.) So we went and had a blast. And I wasn't the only one in the theater reciting my favorite lines along with the characters! It was a great time so thank you for putting the idea in the back of my mind. I hope you've had the chance to go see it, or you make time to do so.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all that you and John do. Cake Wrecks makes me laugh and giggle for at least 5 minutes every day (and during some really long, hard days, probably closer to hours finding the laughs I needed. I found EBOT through CW, and it's now a favorite of both me and my BBC/Anime/crafty loving 15 year old. And I love the pics--especially sea dragons. I didn't know they existed until I was 30 years old. And now I can't get enough of them.
ReplyDeleteI usually only comment to say how much I love a project idea or just generally say how awesome you guys are, but today I am going to elaborate on that awesomeness. I have been following Cake Wrecks for a few years, after seeing the first book in a store, and I found this blog through there shortly afterward.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a pre-teen/teenager I was very different (raised Wiccan and did the goth/punk thing) and was wholly comfortable embracing my geeky side (videogames, fantasy, etc.) even if I had no one to share it with. After graduating high school though, the societal pressure to be normal kind of got to me and I sort of shoved away the geeky part of me along with the black clothes. I always felt myself being drawn back to these things though, but felt reluctant to embrace it. When I found Epbot, and I saw the great community here, I realized that embracing who you are and what you love is awesome and that geeky people are every bit as varied as the rest of society. Since I've started reading this blog, I've acquired a love of Doctor Who, began a geeky artwork collection, and attended my first con. So whatever happens, always remember how much you've helped people like me! And while I hope you continue Cake Wrecks as long as it still brings a net gain of positivity to your lives, I think the community you've fostered here will be your true legacy! :)
Oh and these aquarium photos are simply stunning!
Yikes, now I'm stalking my favorite 'famous' bakers on Facebook to see if they posted anything! VENGEANCE!!! lol But seriously, you guys do so much for others, if it ever gets too much, don't be afraid to cut back! Cakewrecks will still be a quality site and you guys can go off exploring other things you love! Always be ready to try new things but never give up on yourselves. No amount of cruddy emails can change how awesome you both are. Plus, great pictures of the GA aquarium - I was laughing the whole way through, "floating in a sea of positivity" bahaha Cute otter, too!!!
ReplyDeleteJen, someone named her in the comments thread above. You might want to search her name and remove that comment. I am feeling as full of vengeance as most of your readers, but I am mentally sound. You never know about people these days, and I'd hate for a "Round 2" with Nasty Baker due to an influx of nasty or threatening comments from CW readers to her Facebook page.