Friday, July 25, 2014

July Art Roundup: Supernatural, Sherlock, Star Trek, & More!

Thanks to SuperCon in Miami, I have lots of new artists to share this month! I tried to do better this time by asking artists what wasn't available online, so I could buy more things for the give-away board that you couldn't easily get yourselves. Makes my give-away board that much more enticing, no? ;)

First up, Franciso Perez. His new take on Mario &Yoshi would be perfect in a kid's room:

 "Mario & Yoshi" 12X16 print $17

I'm also digging his minimalist Batgirl:

Check out his store for more!

I picked up one of these from Cryssy Cheung for the give-away board:

 Leia & R2D2 8X18 print, $15

I love the unusual size, and the soft watercolor background.

She also has cute 5X7 prints like these for only $5:

 Click over to Chryssy's etsy shop for more!

Melru of Ionitron doesn't have an online store - she only sells at conventions - but check out her super fun MegaMan:

And I liked Melru's Mario print so much I bought one for the give-away board! Who love ya? Huh?

 Love that soft color palette.

As John and I were walking through artists' alley we were stopped in our tracks by the most stunning painting of Spock:

Amanda Tolleson's art is so photo-realistic she's routinely accused of using actual photos, so she started taking process videos as proof. (She had one playing at her table on an iPad.) Wowza.

Her Sherlock and Supernatural art is equally jaw-dropping:

In fact, John bought her darker Castiel print for his man cave. Then I picked up that Sherlock up there for the give-away board, since Amanda doesn't have an online store.

Don't fret, though; Amanda will still sell via e-mail, if you're interested! Head over to her DeviantArt gallery to see the rest of her work, and you can contact her through her website for prints. (I don't remember the exact prices, but they were really reasonable - in the $30 range.)

 And speaking of Castiel, here's John's favorite art piece of the con:

 "Wayward Son" by Newsha Ghasemi, 13X19 print, $15

John loved how this illustrates something we never got to see in the show: Castiel rescuing Dean from hell. (And check out the hand burning his shoulder. Very. Cool.)

We've been watching Supernatural again from the beginning, so all the fanart really caught our eye this con. :)

Newsha had so many great prints, but this was my favorite:

"Someday I'll Be..." 13X19 print, $15

Check out all the Disney version homages here: Eric's wearing Ursula's shell, Ariel has a fork in her hair, and around them on the beach is Sebastian, Scuttle, a pipe, dancing couple, etc. LOVE. And I kind of like how both of them have tattoos; it adds more life and depth to them somehow.

And I have to say, this resin-coated print is STUNNING in person. The colors almost look metallic, the reds and blues are so vivid. The image here just can't do it justice.

And if you like that, Newsha also has a Beauty and the Beast one:

 "For Who Could Ever Learn..."

Love all the castle characters on and around the little side table.

And finally, one more big print you can only buy in person at a convention or win here at Epbot:

 Maleficent, by Danielle Otrakji

Such a great style! (And did you miss the dragon eye?)

I still have lots more to share and post to the give-away board, but my scanner suddenly isn't co-operating [>.<], so I'll have to save those for next month.  SO... give-away time!
Since I'm swimming in new art again (LOVE having that problem!), I'll choose TWO randomly selected commenters this month to take their pick of anything on my Pinterest art give-away board. I'll announce the winners sometime next week, and as always, I'll ship anywhere, so happy commenting!

[UPDATE: The give-away has ended, and my winners are ScaperMama & Evelina Persson! Congrats, ladies, and please e-mail me your mailing address & choice of art from the Pinterest Art Give-Away Board!]

And happy Friday, too! Hope you guys have an awesomely geektastic weekend. (John and I are happily ensconced in a major makeover of his man cave. WOOT! There will be construction pics soon!)


  1. Happy Friday to you too! Great finds this month!

  2. Oh, the Disney pieces are just beautiful! And I really like the background in the Leia one as well. I like the cartoon-y style art, but I especially appreciate a slightly darker, more watercolor aesthetic.

  3. My 4 year old would love the Hello Kitty Wonder Woman!

  4. Great selection of art. I saw the Leia print the other day on your pinterest board. Love it!

  5. Those paintings of Spock and Uhura are fantastic! I am dumbstruck!

  6. ALWAYS WITH THE AWESOME ART! My walls have great jealousy.

  7. You find the most amazing art. I love the supernatural ones!!

  8. I've been rewatching Supernatural too. So great! I got a couple of friends hooked on it via Netflix... Bonus!

  9. Ooh! I love the Leia and Sherlock ones!

  10. So much fun!! I can imagine spending hours in the artist alley of comic conventions. So much talent :) The Castiel piece is stunning

  11. I am in love with that Ariel print, it is amazing. I also admittedly squealed a bit at the cuteness of the first mario print.

  12. You always find the coolest art! :)

  13. Did you call Scuttle, Scully?? Silly Jen!!!!! :)

    1. BAhaha! I crossed the streams! Bad Jen, baaaad!

  14. All very gorgeous prints! It's hard to choose a favorite!

  15. So many great pieces as always!!!

  16. commenting to enter, these are gorgeous!

  17. Love love love the minimalist batgirl.

  18. I love Art Round-up Time! Throwing my hat in the ring once again! *off to go drool over art on your pinterest*
    Thank you for introducing us to such lovely art and talented artists!

  19. Love the Supernatural pieces!

  20. I would love the Leia print for my daughters room!

  21. SUPERNATURAL! EEE! I love the Batgirl and Mario prints as well...this month it's so hard to choose my favorite.

  22. Ahhhhhh! I love the Sherlock and Beauty and the Beast is my FAVE! Wow! I would love to get some cool prints for my kids' rooms.

  23. Oooh, so many awesome ones!! Thanks for spreading the art love around! :)

  24. Wow, that Sherlock piece is outstanding! Love the Little Mermaid one as well!

  25. You always find the BEST things!!!

  26. I love the Beauty and the Best art. So perfect and it's my favorite movie!

  27. I love art roundup days!

  28. The art roundup is one of my favorite posts each month! I love to see all the fun art you find, hoping I'm selected one of these days, but until then I'll just keep buying pieces :)

  29. Good roundup this month. Love that Little Mermaid one.

  30. Great art! These always make me want to go to a Con....someday....

  31. I totally need some super cool nerd art for my new office!

  32. I always feel my inner geek squeal like a little girl every time I see an art roundup post!

  33. so much awesomeness! I just purchases a couple beautiful prints for a friends birthday from deviantart.Wasn't impressed with the service of their print department, and since I know that the artists only get a very small fraction of the price, form now on I'll just contact the artist personally and see about buying directly from them.

  34. this stuff is fantastic! I have plans to one day go to a Con....thats the master plan. These art roundups are amazing. thanks!

  35. The Spock and Uhura paintings are incredible!

  36. Love the Supernatural prints!

  37. OMG that sherlock print is ridiculously amazing.

  38. Sherlock is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing every month, this is a highlight I look forward too!

  39. Wonderful! I love good art :)

  40. They are all so fantastic! Just love Princess Leia and R2D2!! :D

  41. Love my Geeky fix on Fridays :)

  42. You always find the most brilliant art! Sometimes I am glad I can never make it to cons, I'd be broke in a heartbeat!

  43. Oh Jen! You've struck gold this month, I don't think there was one piece there I didn't love. That Sherlock is gorgeous and the Beauty and the Beast gave me shivers, I've never had that before with a piece, I could stare at it all day.

  44. LOVE the Ariel & Eric one!!!

  45. Love me some geeky art -- as much as I'll hate missing the majority of DragonCon this year (7 months pregnant and a two year old in tow will prevent me from enjoying both the crowds and panels), I'll definitely be swinging by for a couple of hours to peruse the art tables.

  46. Pardon me while I swoon at the Sherlock print.

  47. Love, love, love the Ariel/Eric and Beauty and the Beast prints. (And Jen, not to be *too* picky...but its Scuttle, not Scully. :-) )

  48. That has to be the cutest Mario I've ever seen. Also love the Disney art. Beauty and the Beast has always been a favorite of mine.

  49. That Mario and Yoshi print is adorable

  50. If I win, I seriously don"t know which I'd choose; that's an awesome problem to have.

  51. I would LOVE to win the The Little mermaid artwork. My name is it's a perfect match! ;)

  52. Oh. My. GOODNESS!! SOOOoooooooo many goodies. I really hope I get picked, I wish I could have some many of these lovely, lovely pieces!

  53. I am constantly amazed at the talent so many people have. So many beautiful prints.

  54. Tolleson's work is amazing! And I love Newsha's Beauty & the Beast - so much to look at!

  55. Oh my gosh! Those supernatural ones are amazing! So much talent, this is always one of my favorite posts

  56. Man, I have got to finish my living room already so I can start finding art for it!

  57. The Amanda Tolleson pieces are so lovely!

  58. So much awesomeness all in one place!

  59. As always, I love all this geeky art!!!

  60. love them all but Maleficent is my favorite!

  61. You always have such a good eye! I'm obsessing over the Sherlock one!
    (((fingers crossed)))

  62. You have some real stunners here! I love them!

  63. That Sherlock print is absolutely stunning!

  64. Amazing. The Star Trek, the Sherlock, the Disney!!!!

  65. I'm adoring the Sherlock print and the Disney ones! It's bc of you that I've started collecting art at the con's we go to.

  66. Wanty! Such lovely stuff. You're so good to us.

  67. Pick me, pick me!!! These are SO gorgeous!

  68. I finally convinced my boyfriend to watch Supernatural and now he's hooked and will get sad if I watch an episode without him! Haha!

    I love that you share art and look forward to these (and all of your other posts) all the time. Please know by showing art it helps all of those who do not get to go to Cons. I've purchased prints from artists that you've showcased a few times and given them as gifts. Everyone loves to recieve art of their geeky loves! Keep it up! (and pick me to win!)

  69. Such great finds! I really like the Sherlock piece!

  70. Those Spock and Uhuru paintings are STUNNING.

  71. Wow, love the little mermaid and beauty and the beast prints!

  72. Love the art roundup posts. You always find such lovely things!

  73. That beauty and the beast one is just stunning!

  74. Can't wait to see the man cave :-)

  75. Wow! This batch was especially phenomenal. Cool stuff.

  76. Great finds, as always! These posts always make me so happy, getting introduced to new (to me) artists :)

  77. Oooooooh Misha LOVE! Are you doing Gishwhes? =D

  78. Love these posts. Geeky art FTW!

  79. You find such amazing artwork. Thank you for sharing!

  80. Hi. This is Leah. I love that Leia artwork! (And no, I am not named after her, even though I was born shortly after the movie came out.)

  81. Amazing! You always find such wonderful artword.

  82. OMG ... I totally want all of these!!!

  83. There are some amazing pieces in here. Love the Beauty and the Beast one and the Spock painting is amazing.

  84. Love your art posts, but they always cost me money ;)

  85. Those Disney-inspired prints are amazing! Belle was always my favorite Disney princess.

  86. Sign me up as always Jen! One summer I'll get to do some conventions, one day....
    For now, I'll keep living vicariously through you :P

  87. I love these posts so much! Even if I never win the giveaway, I love being introduced to all these artists!

  88. Good grief, I couldn't choose, Jen!! But I would find a way....especially since I turn 40 next week! Yikes.

  89. as always, your selection makes me want to buy sooo many prints! ^^

  90. Oh, pleaase Jen! Please! I am in severe need of new art for my drab walls here in the UK! ;)

  91. I am in so much love with all of these! Love "Wayward Son" and "Sherlock" and the Castiel print. :))))

  92. Disney! Supernatural! Sherlock! Star Wars! It is like a smorgasbord of all my favorite things!

  93. So many good ones! But ugh... That Sherlock print. I need it.

  94. The art roundup is always so awesome. Love it all!

  95. The choosing is never easy, but this time it's especially difficult. Eric and Ariel? Or Hello WonderKitty? Or how about that Uhura and Spock? And then there's Leia and R2...

  96. The R2/Leia one and the Sherlock one are both AMAZING!

  97. Because of you, when I went to my first con, I immediately went to Artist's Alley and looked around. Spent more money there than at any other booths! Would love to win some more amazing art!

  98. Wow! You always find such awesome stuff!

  99. So much gorgeous art! God help me if I ever actually make it to a Con someday -- I'll need a wheelbarrow just to cart my spoils around in!

    ~Elizabeth G.

  100. You find such amazing artwork. Thank you so much for sharing with us :)

  101. I am moving soon, And Would love to add one of those giveaway pieces on the wall of my new place.

  102. OMG Sherlock...I just need it so bad!!

  103. I really enjoy your art shows (not sure what else to call them). Thanks for sharing them with us.

  104. Gosh! Your art-roundup just gets better and better each month :) I instantly fell in love with almost all of the pieces this time and the Supernatural ones makes me wanna watch that show :)

  105. I would love to win this month! So many great pieces!

  106. I need that Sherlock. And that Castiel. So much awesome...

  107. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the Sherlock print! You pintrest board is always fun to look at. The Princess Bride Iocane print is too clever!

  108. I love all of your finds. I wish I lived in an area more accessible to cons.

  109. Oh boy, love that Mermaid one especially, thanks so much for the chance!

  110. Hello Kitty Wonderwoman!!!!! My daughter would love it.

  111. Oh I'd love to get that Leia for my friend (she was the Beach Leia cosplayer you featured last year)!

  112. My jaw dropped at the Star Trek and Sherlock art. WOW. That is all.

  113. The Amanda Tolleson paintings were AMAZING. The expression on Uhrua's face is fantastic.

  114. As always, a very lovely art post.

    And great news about another reno at your house. I love when you have projects you share. I'm especially jealous of the wood work the two of you do because I feel that I could do quite a bit of that kind of thing if I had the tools!

  115. Maybe if I hold my breath I will win? :-D

    (crosses fingers, holds breath)

    (passes out in a corner...)

    Hmm. Might need to rethink this!

  116. Oh, wait, I wasn't trying to suggest that I don't like all of your arts and crafts and cosplay and photos and book reviews and whatnot - I love those too. Clearly my brain has shut down already on this Friday.

  117. Wow, that Leia and R2 piece is gorgeous!

  118. The Ariel and Eric one is FANTASTIC.. but I'm really digging the Leia and R2 for some reason! You have such freaking good taste.

  119. I love it all! So pretty!

  120. Oh my gosh! The stuff by Amanda Tolleson is so amazing! And I love the Little Mermaid one!!

  121. You have SUCH great taste in art Jen!

  122. Very cool! My daughter's shown me Amanda Tolleson's stuff before, she loves her Supernatural art. :)

  123. The Beauty and the Beast one is probably my favorite. Belle is definitely my favorite Disney princess.

  124. Love those Amanda Tolleson paintings. It is so lifelike!!

  125. Lots of great new things! So many great prints. Two lucky people are gonna have a VERY hard time choosing LOL

  126. Oooo, pick me! Then I'll have to decide whether I'd rather indulge myself or watch my friend's jaw drop over the Sherlock piece!!!

  127. I comment every month hoping to be among the lucky winners! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  128. There's never a month that you post the art roundup that I don't see someone that I have to follow up with. Fantastic artists.

  129. Oh wow! I am buying the Ariel and Eric one right now! That is amazing. The art roundup is always my favorite post :)

  130. Love them all! Thanks for the opportunity!

  131. Love those disney prints! Wow! So much detail!

  132. Maleficent! I like the other Disney ones, too. But Maleficent... There is only one Maleficent!

  133. You've convinced me I need to spend more time browsing the art at our next con! So amazing! As usual!

  134. The Beauty & the Beast print is amazing!

  135. After watching all of Supernatural... twice... I am trying to figure out how to convince my own personal Moose (nicknamed prior to watching Supernatural) to watch it with me this time around. Beautiful art, thanks for sharing!

  136. Your art finds make me want to browse Etsy for fun art prints. Im gonna need a bigger house. Or more walls.

  137. Whew, I'm glad you clarified I could get that Sherlock print via email. I need it!

  138. I just moved to HI and neeeeeeeed new art for my so very white boring walls!!

  139. The Star Trek paintings make me want to cry in a corner cursing the fact that I can't paint-- they're amazing! I also love the Leia and Ariel prints!

  140. Love the Disney ones and Sherlock! And of course Castiel is always a great choice :)

  141. Oh I'm dying a little on the inside from all the happy! I want to win so much. That Sherlock print. Is freaking epic. The highlight on the creepy smiley face is just sque inducing

  142. I'm trying to geek up my workspace - the one tiny corner of the house that isn't dedicated to my son/family. Please pick meeee!!!

  143. Art is the one way I can put a little bit of fun in my dorm room. I love it!

  144. You and I have such similar tastes in art that I have a love/hate relationship with these posts. I love finding new artists, but hate that I don't have enough money for everything!

  145. Wish I could see the Disney prints in person! They are gorgeous!

  146. That Leia and R2D2 piece is fab!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  147. So much awesome!!! I've only just started watching Supernatural (from the beginning) so I don't understand the references yet, but I will!

  148. Lovely, lovely art! Have fun in the man cave! I'm slowly redoing my kitchen with a makeover instead of a complete reno.

  149. The Domo-kun in the Totoro suit is so cute! I really love the Sherlock portrait too! Great art as always!

  150. Yeah, because the giveaway board just isn't at all appealing....(/sarcasm)

  151. Wow, you really found some awesomeness this time around! Love the Spock and Uhura, and the Sherlock is just delicious!

  152. I love these! especially leia and the wonder kitty!

  153. Those Castiel pieces are incredible! I would love to have that.

  154. i LOVE the beauty and the beast one!!!!

  155. Think my comment got eaten. But yeah, I love that Sherlock so I had to post.

  156. I would love the Leia and R2D2 print! Thank you for showcasing all these amazing artists. I recently bought 2 Mike Maihack prints for my daughter ( based on seeing his work here on your blog.

  157. Sherlock is beautiful, and Wonder Kitty is too cute for words.

  158. Good luck on the man cave! Ooh, I love me some Artoo, but I'm a sucker for Hello Kitty too! IF I ever win, I'm going to have one heckuva time making a decision! ;-)

  159. As usual, the art is AMAZING. I love the Leia & R2D2 print. And those paintings, WOW!

  160. I love all of the disney stuff from this round of art. The beauty and the beast is one of my favourites.

  161. The first thing I'm going to do when I finish nursing school is buy all of the art. Well, and pay my student loans, but you know.

  162. Not sure if my phone just hates my previous comment to the point of just tossing it but whatevs. The one that I may have to get if I can scrounge up the money is the supersized Yoshi (makes me want an actual Yoshi now, even if I do just go around causing mayhem and destruction :D).

  163. Jen, You always find the coolest art - I love everything! Thanks for sharing.

  164. You always find and share the best art. Thanks!!

  165. Oooh, my husband's a HUGE Mega-Man fan! I might have to check that out. Thanks as always for sharing! :D


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