So, I have about four new craft projects in the works, but nothing ready to share yet. So instead, here's a little update on the life of two hermit blogger persons:
- Remember that orange safety knife that matched our car and John bought at a dead mall after the nice British sales lady sliced her finger open with it and sprayed blood all over the place and I freaked out like a squeamish McSqueamerson?
[reminiscing] Ah, memories.
Anyway, someone stole it! Right out of our car! They left the old iPod and CDs and somewhat pricey mobile Internet card, but took our $12 window smasher/knife thingy. They rifled through all our stuff and even used the knife to cut open a package I hadn't mailed yet in the backseat - but left everything in the package. Odd, right? So now I figure this is all a plot by a clever killer who's planning on making our little pocket knife his new murder spree weapon of choice because it has John's fingerprints all over it. The fact that I've been watching the new Sherlock over and over again has nothing to do with that theory, either.
- Speaking of awesome TV shows: DOWNTON ABBEY OMG!! I can't remember the last time I was this excited over new episodes. You're all watching it, right? RIGHT?! Please, I need someone to understand my pain and madness and wishing Thomas would just fall in love with a nice boy and maybe arm-length evening gloves would come back in fashion and do Mary's eyebrows fascinate any one else out there or is that just me?
- As I type this, John is cleaning the house and singing pretty songs at the top of his lungs. I joked on Twitter that I was waiting for the helpful woodland creatures to show up. Because I can totally make Disney princess jokes about my husband. TOTALLY.
- On a serious note, tomorrow is a terribly important non-event for us, because tomorrow is the day John and I decided many months back that we would shut down Cake Wrecks. For good.
Told you it was serious.
We'd told our closest friends and family and I wrote the final post and we faced the incredulous lecture of our financial adviser and friend who could not believe we wouldn't even consider selling the site. (And just to go on record: we never will. I won't see CW turned into a soulless Cheezburger network clone - ever.)
It wasn't because we've lost readership- we've held steady with our numbers for forever, and I still have nearly 10 times the audience there that I have here - and it wasn't because I don't enjoy writing it anymore. It wasn't even that I felt unappreciated - if only you could see the touching, makes-me-cry-at-least-once-a-week fan mail. I was just tired. Physically, mentally, spiritually - I felt drained and uninspired, and the daily deadline to BE FUNNY NOW was chipping away at my motivation to even get out of bed every afternoon. (Blogger's hours, doncha know.)
I have mild bouts of that kind of depression pretty regularly, but after the last book and 5-week tour it reached a critical level. Stopping CW seemed the only way out.
Then the tour ended, and we got home and purposely planned a low-key holiday season with minimal travel and family interaction. I got back to my crafting, and spent a lot of time alone with my cats and my hubby and learning to breathe again.
And I felt better.
So, for those of you who might be concerned, Cake Wrecks is NOT ending tomorrow. There won't be another CW book, though. I've learned where my breaking point is, and writing and promoting a new book while maintaining two blogs and my sanity is IT.
That said, I still haven't really caught up. I usually write posts about a week out - once even two weeks out - but for the past month I've been writing each day's post at 8pm the night before. John says I write better this way, since I can't over think it. I say it's still pretty dang nerve-wracking. I'm hoping to muster the motivation to get back in the black sometime soon.
And 'til then: I have a few crafts to finish. ;)
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300 x 600 Supplemental
300 x 600 Supplemental 2
300 x 250 Supplemental 3
- Household Geekery
- Sunday Afternoon Movies
- Frame Your ACEOs By Cutting Corners
- The Force is Strong With This Nursery
- Raid the Attic!
- DIY Hat Display Stand
- Baby Epbot 'Bot!
- The Great Non-Event
- An UP Engagement & A Steamy Wedding!
- Vintage Space Art Playing With Portals
- Walk Off The Earth Awesomeness
- Convention Photos From 1980!
- Desperado Decorating
- Gettin' My Geeky Groove Back
THANK GOD. You had me seriously worried there. It was like being told that my best friend was dying, or that BFF wasn't making another album. I wouldn't be able to live anymore. Phew.
ReplyDeleteI about nearly had a heart attack!! I <3 CW! One of the few things I can look forward to on a daily basis!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are keeping it going!
As for the books...who can blame ya. I can just imagine the amount of time and energy goes into not only compiling the book, but promoting it!
Thank you Jen for all you do! You, John and all your minions rock!
I don't ready Cake Wrecks- I prefer your steampunk craftiness- when I have I found it funny. But I am glad you found your mojo back.
ReplyDeleteDownton Abbey is fantastic, as is Sherlock! For CW, I would suggest a once-a-week post...quality is better than quantity! Don't stretch yourself too thin, I did that at my last job and ended up with twitching eyelids and ulcers. Keep it at an enjoyable level for you and we'll all understand.
ReplyDeleteHey Jen-- just wanted to say thank you for sharing your time with us. I've been going through a rough period for the last year or so, and reading Epbot has helped put a smile on my face when I really needed one. I love hearing about your life and what you're excited about. Thank you for that generous gift.
ReplyDeleteif one day, you ever had to stop writing CakeWrecks for your general well-being and continued good mental health, I know your fans would support you.
ReplyDeletebut I'm really glad that day is not today. :)
oh and yes, I love downtown abbey
While I fully understand (I gave up my blog for a few months in a depression) I am glad that you aren't shutting down the site. I enjoy my daily geek - here and there.
ReplyDeleteYou scared me! I am glad you are keeping CW up and running. So glad you are feeling better physically & emotionaly. Take care of yourself first!
LOVE me some Downton Abbey!!!!
ReplyDeleteI JUST discovered I can watch it online in 'almost' real time :-)
Oh, the joy
Wow, serious sigh of relief there. My husband just asked what I gasped at when I read the beginning of your bit about CW.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say thank you for all you do, both here and on CW. I really enjoy reading your blogs, and am very glad neither of them are shutting down! :D
So glad cakewrecks is not ending. Whew! I love reading your posts, please keep it up.
ReplyDeleteEek! That was a close one! :) I csn totally understand how tiring it must be and the pressure of being funny every day. I'm very clad that you decided to stay with us. :)))
ReplyDeleteI would totally understand the need to stop and yet I'm thrilled that you're not going to. Also as an aside, OMG Downton Abbey!! Bitchy sisters and revolutionary chauffeurs and yes Lady Mary's eyebrows are awesome, most especially because they make me feel better about the fuzzy caterpillars above my eyeballs. I also want all her clothes. ALL OF HER CLOTHES. Until I win the lottery I guess I'll just watch it over, and over, and over, and design my day dress for Steampunk World's Fair based on her wardrobe. *le sigh*
ReplyDeleteHooray for the non end of Cake Wrecks! However, I would TOTALLY understand if you cut back on it (like twice weekly blog instead of 6 days a week).
ReplyDeleteHowever.... I've read that Wrecks is going to SOPA blackout on Wednesday. Will EPBOT be doing the same?
I'm happy to hear that Cake Wrecks isn't going anywhere...and good for you for knowing your limits.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes on the eyebrow question.
#1 - I JUST started watching Downton Abby on Netflix last night and I've found about 6 other people who are in the same boat. I can't believe there's a 2nd season?!
ReplyDelete#2 - Dangit, you almost gave me a heart attack with that talk of shutting down CW! If you need to cut back the number of posts per week, please do so, but don't you ever leave us! [Picture a little girl with the scrunched up mad face wagging her finger at you.] At least give us time to plan a proper funeral for CW or something. lol
SO glad to hear that you're not shutting CW down--although if you had, I would have totally understood and supported your decision (would have been very sad, but still supportive). When something that used to be fun becomes a chore instead, it's always time to go in a different direction.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm glad you're feeling better!!! I totally understand the overwork stuff. However Downton Abbey screened in Australia last year and is AWESOME!!!! And as Gavkigrif said, so is Sherlock (which I now own).
ReplyDeleteSo much inspired by Epbot (more than CW) my friends and I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes and we dressed up Steampunk/Neo Victorian for the pleasure. I found I was looking through Epbot to make sure I looked ok!!! We had an absolute blast!
Downton Abbey: OMG yes, I count down the days between episodes! I love that show so much! I watched season 1 (and made my husband watch it with me) after you recommended it to us, and then I couldn't wait for season 2 to start. So thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteOrange knife: That's really bizarre and also sad that something with special memories for you got stolen. Glad they didn't take the expensive stuff from the car too.
Cake Wrecks: I had a panicky moment until I finished reading and saw (phew!) that you won't be ending the blog. It sounds like it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of what's possible (books, tours, etc.) and now you're going to stay focused on what's important to you and John. That's how it should be, because it's YOUR blog, and you get to do it YOUR way. :)
--Amy (a fan of both of your blogs and a fan of you, because you teach me things and make me laugh and add a bright spot to each of my days)
I LOVE Downton! I've even gotten my mom into it. Have you seen the spoof with Kim Cattrall? It's hilarious. Part One and Part Two.
ReplyDeleteOn a completely different topic, have you seen Bonjour, Girl?
P.S. I used your HTML cheat sheet. Hope I did it right!
@ Tracibub - we're still working on the logistics of CW's black-out (and watching the news on the off chance it won't be necessary!), and since we're paying our web guy to handle it, I don't know if I'll be blacking out Epbot, too. If it's not to complicated or scary, I probably will. But if not, I'll post something on SOPA/PIPA to at least spread the word that way.
ReplyDeleteI found you through CW and laughed very hard but EBOT makes me feel right at home. On another car related note my first car was broken into and they took my whole bag of boiled sweets was unforgivable!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are feeling better now, and that it didn't take closing CW to get there. It would have been very sad to loose one of my favorite daily distractions! But you need to do what is good for you, too, so I hope you keep remembering to breath ;)
ReplyDeleteJen and John, first of all...(HUGS) and thank you for your honesty. I thank you for being concerned about quality rather than quantity.
ReplyDeleteThat being said-I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE NOT GOING!
And I'm really really sorry that you are feeling burnt out. So please, take whatever time you need to recharge. Your fans will be here if ever you feel like jumping back in the fray. Don't feel you need to burn that bridge just to get a chance to rest.
Because, as John Watson realized, he missed the chaos, and I think you would too. (Yes, I'm watching Sherlock again too!)
And that limp you have? Psychosomatic.
But use the cane until you feel that wrecky spirit come back. ;) All the best to you and THANK YOU!
Always take care of yourself first. But I'm really glad that for now taking care of you and posting on CW are compatable :) Love all your posts both here and there, always puts a smile on my face. Thanks for the laughs, smiles, and inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't familiar with Downton Abbey, but was goibg to check it out after seeing clips on the Golden Globes - now it's even higher on my to-check-out list.
ReplyDeletexkcd publishes regularly on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Maybe you could consider something like that? As much as I love the daily dose of CW, I care more about your well-being. Take care.
Hey you have to take care of yourself. Life's too short. That being said, I'm glad the hilarity will continue for now at least.
ReplyDeleteOh my God. I just got home from my first of two baby showers, which ended in an explosive fight this morning between my mom and sister (making me feel super awkward) then had to drive 3 hrs with my over-worked, sleep deprived sister. I thought I would cheer myself up by visiting and I see that Cake Wrecks is ending. I swear, I burst into tears. That bit of news, after this whole weekend, is what set me over the edge.
ReplyDeleteNot to add to your mounting pressure, but I am truly relieved that my one comedic outlet every morning is not going anywhere, just yet.
So thank you. I think we both need some rest. I'm gonna go watch last nights DA online.
The only bad thing about Downton Abbey is that it is only on ONCE A WEEK! It is one of the best shows ever and my latest addiction. /sigh
ReplyDeleteYou just scared me silly.
I'm so glad I met you on the current book tour, and I can completely understand why there won't be another. And OH MY GOD please don't take my cakewrecks awaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!
Seriously, I'm glad you're feeling less stressed, though.
I'm glad that you are feeling better. Maybe you can ask for guest bloggers every now and again to give yourself a break. They do it with cartoonists, why not wrecked cakes?
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that CW will continue, but I'm even more happy that you're in love with Downton Abbey! My friend got me hooked and I've watched all of the episodes. I'm currently waiting rather impatiently for the 3rd season to start in September (in the UK)! AND you have to watch the Christmas special! Amazing!
ReplyDeleteDo what you need to do to keep yourself healthy! I'd wish you good luck, but I'm sure you won't need it :)
ReplyDeleteAs a lover of Downton Abbey I have to recommend Downton Abbey Dolls house on You-tube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGXam5nv7rw) "Yes I'm young, hip and political and I'm wearing yellow dungarees"
ReplyDeleteI almost cried. Really. I look forward to CakeWrecks with my coffee every morning.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I'm glad your not going to shut it down. If you ever become overwhelmed again, I'm sure we'd understand if you cut another day out of your updates.
Don't you dare EVER f***ing scare me like that again! Aaaaaa! I swear, I felt the earth tilt completely off its axis there for just a second!! Since you've done the right thing and decided to keep Cake Wrecks, however, I will share, just between the two of us, that I, too, am COMPLETELY obsessed with Downton Abbey (and definitely keep "Bloggers hours"). I also understand depression/anxiety issues all too well; I'm just glad you're able to keep the blogs going.
The Beauty of Eclecticism
I love Cake Wrecks but I honestly would have cried more if you decided to stop writing Epbot. I love this blog.
ReplyDeleteBut I know how you feel. I work full time and run a business on the side and sometimes I just want to quit my side business even though it's the thing I love to do and hope to make it become my full time business. Sometimes you just need a break. A regroup. I feel ya. Hang in there.
I think you're completely awesome and deserve a break if you need it!! I would miss Cake Wrecks so much, but your sanity is more important than a blog! :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am in love with Downtown Abbey and Sherlock. Both. I, too, am fascinated by Mary's brows.
Keep being fabulous, Jen!
Wish I could be a guest snarkimentator on CW to help you out when you need a break. Glad you were able to depressurise and get back on track. Thank goodness you have a wonderful support system, especially John!
ReplyDeleteI ALMOST cried when i read you might stop CW. Honestly. When I have a crappy day, I check CW and it makes me happy. Every. Stinkin. Time. I've passed your site on to many crappy day-havers and they too have smiled. And I think I speak for all of us when I say you can even half a$$ it a few days a week and we won't even care!?!?! We love you. Don't leave us. Wreck on.
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo.....oh. Ok, that's a relief.
ReplyDeleteDowntown Abbey is totally awesome. It's OK to obsess over a soap opera as long as it's British.
So says I.
You had me so scared for a moment. I absolutely LOVE CW! Hopefully you'll be able to find a way to make it work and not make yourself sick over it. I really like some of the suggestions of a MWF blog, or guest bloggers. Good luck in figuring out what works best for you!
ReplyDeletelove CW, love Downton Abbey, love Epbot - as for Mary, to hell with her eyebrows, I WANT that house! I am obsessed with the whole kitchen downstairs thing... it would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI totally love Downton Abbey I discovered it on NetFlix over the summer watched them all straight through. I can not wait for season 2 to hit there. I am so glad, as are all your other fans that CW is not ending but I understand how things can get you down like that. I am glad too that you found your limit and you are slowly getting your groove back. No matter what you decide to do your fans will support you. (Now excuse me while I go back to NetFlix to check out Lady Mary's eyebrows!!)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you aren't quitting CW! I would have been so sad! But I can definitely understand needing a break. I took one myself this last December. I hope you get some time to work on your craft projects! Thank you so much Jen! and John too!
ReplyDeleteYou need to do whatever you need to to maintain good mental health and balance in life . . . so if ending CW is what's necessary than so be it. That said, I would have cried real tears and am very grateful you're not!
ReplyDelete2 things:
ReplyDelete1- PBS in my city keeps not playing the audio for Downtown Abbey! >.< I will just have to watch it in their website I guess, grumble, grumble...
2- I echo the sentiments of my peeps; I am so glad you aren't stepping away from CW. :) On a related note, perhaps the Wrecky Replay could be a regular thing? I really enjoyed it while you were on tour!
Oh Jen! Thank you for continuing cakewrecks. You don't even have to write anything. Just post the pictures! No meltdowns needed.
ReplyDeleteDownton abbey - oh my. love it! I am usually pretty uninterested in following a tv show, but i'm undeniably hooked and really hoping that our baby doesn't come before it's finished and distract me from the last episode or two. (is that bad? it's my last chance to be selfish, right...i'm gonna take it).
Thank you so much for all you do!
Whew!! so glad you are not shutting CW down!!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face every day with that site!!
ReplyDeletePerhaps this has been said already: You could always post less often. I anxiously await for a postsecret.com upload each week...
ReplyDeleteWe just watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey this past weekend. It is fantastic, I can't wait to get started on the second season.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've found a little balance again. :)
I just wailed, loudly, at my desk at work. One co-worker compared it to the sound of a whale being harpooned. Thank GOODNESS you reconsidered. Maybe if it's really overwhelming you could harness your amazing following into an intricate network of guest posters??
ReplyDeleteDearest Jen,
ReplyDeleteI discovered Cake Wrecks long ago, through a link from some site that I don't remember any more. My daughter and I laughed and laughed that day--there were tears running down our faces. There may have even been a bathroom emergency for one of us, who may or may not have been the one who gave birth to four babies. :-P We've kept up with it, and I started following EPBOT when it began, finding myself enamored with steam punk and deciding that I really like orange. I can't imagine a day/week without Cake Wrecks and EPBOT.
That said, I've come to care a lot about you and John, as much as you can care about people whom you've never met face-to-face, but feel would be great fun to hang out with. I'm glad that you're continuing, but please, please, take care of yourself first. If you ever feel as though you need to cut back or suspend or quit posting to protect your emotional or physical or mental well-being, don't think twice about the rest of us. OK?
Now, confession time--I have not seen Downton Abbey or Sherlock Holmes. I know that I need to Netflix them, but first I need a Netflix account. *Hanging head in shame*
I'm happy that CakeWrecks isn't over, however I totally understand the feeling you're going through. I went through a time when I got really depressed and stressed out, and it led to having to give up a dog we had just gotten a few months before. It was sad, but necessary.
ReplyDeleteBoo about your car getting broken into. One time my car was broken into and they stole my toaster oven out of the back seat. I was taking it to donate it anyway, so no biggie. Well, other than the broken window.
Cake Wrecks has made me laugh on the worst of days and I am so thankful for all that you do there! Every other day, once a week...whatever you can do I'll take it! Thanks for being your awesome self!
ReplyDeleteI found this blog through CW, so that, along with the laughs it provided, I am thankful for it. But Epbot is the one I really like. This is the blog I'm glad you're not shutting down.
ReplyDeleteBut does that mean no Epbot book?
Hi Jen. TV shows go on hiatus (i do not know the plural form, if it has one, of hiatus without googling it and i don't have time to do that right now), so I say take one every now and then! CW can then have "seasons" =) and you're not burnt out...
ReplyDeleteI will always love Cakewrecks but I have to say I love Epbot even more. Don't kill yourself trying to be funny! Trying just makes it harder and you are naturally funny. =)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes! LOVE LOVE LOVE Downton Abbey and have waited impatiently for it to make it here to the States! I had planned to start making some Downton inspired dresses and ended up joining the 1912 Project to test vintage patterns from that era. If you are interested in following that with me, you can read more here.
And I still have to finish that prototype that I plan to send you - it's the top of my to do list! It is so right up your alley that I just have to give it to you. =)
Have added Downtown Abbey to my list of things to watch!
ReplyDeleteAnd while I love CakeWrecks, I can only imagine the extreme exhaustion it must create. Not to mention...January. I mean, really? This month seems to have sucked the life out of just about everyone I know. But I'm glad you've reached peace with yourself. Peace with oneself always makes for better crafts. And isn't that really the point to life?
(I SO cleaned up on ornaments to turn into hot air balloons, but never did find the round flattish ones to steampunk up.)
Cake up and Craft on.
I'm so glad that you decided to keep Cake Wrecks, Jen. CW has been a daily laugh and often inspiration for me--and actually led to a whole new hobby baking and decorating cakes! CW has been a portal into the blogosphere for me, too and led me to all sorts of new places and down merry trails that have improved my daily grind of working on the computer all day. You do great work!
ReplyDeleteAlso - a great big SQUEE for Downton Abbey and Sherlock! I <3 Benedict Cumberpatch, and not just because he has the best name ever!
I'm glad you changed your mind about CW, I've read it every day for the last two years and it always brings a smile to my face. And sometimes laughter that makes my husband look at me funny. BUT...I would totally understand if it was something you had to do. You have to take care of yourself first. Even though I don't really know you, I feel like I do on some level through reading both CW and Epbot. And though I'd miss my daily CW it would be more important to me to know that you aren't struggling and are happy. Sappy, much? ANYWAY...Wreck on!
ReplyDeleteGlad that CW will continue! Thank Goodness!
ReplyDeleteOn the car-broken-into-note, my husband and I took a one year anniversary trip to St. Louis to stay at a bed and breakfast. We were checking in when someone called from next door to tell us that our car was broken into.
They left the cell phone and CDs. They took the antique Spanish swords. Yeah. How in the world did they fence those things? They weren't worth much, but my aunt had brought them back from Spain back in the 60's for my mom. The neighbor who reported the theft to us said they thought they were stealing fishing poles. Just silly.
Why not take a vacation? 2 weeks off with some tropical drinks and little umbrellas might make you want to post again. We will all be here waiting, I promise!
I started reading, and then stopped, and then thought "it's not April Fool's Day, is it?" Whew...
ReplyDeleteBut if you do need to scale back for your sanity's sake, I as an overacheiving multitasker, will understand. :)
just want to chime in that I'm glad you are keeping CW. Just beginning to check out Epbot, and I like this site too
ReplyDeleteSince you aren't doing anymore books/tours, I'm extra glad you were in Fairview TX! Got both my books signed and enjoyed meeting you and John. My son loved chatting with John and finally understood why I specifically told him to wear a geeky t-shirt lol
Like one poster said....maybe par down the days you post on CW. Gotta have time for crafts and fun :)
I enjoy CW but don't want you wear yourself out
Well I'm so glad you're getting your "mojo" back! There are times when we all lose it, but I'm so glad that you're not closing CW. I'd be lost and since I've been going through my own severe depression and you are my daily smile, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Take time when you need it! Take care!
ReplyDeleteYou do what you need to do for you. And if that means stopping CW, then that's what you have to do. And I would be grateful for the laughs you gave me. No one can fault you for trying to find your sanity.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are finding your balance and your breath. :) I hope you can keep it. I know how hard it is to be overwhelmed with everything.
Just continue to love and play with John, enjoy your kitties, be artsy, and be funny when you want to be. It will be okay.
Because you are awesome.
Holy cow, Jen, that was close! Though I totally understand your need for sanity, I'm REALLY glad that you aren't shutting down CakeWrecks. If you need to cut back and do re-runs or have guest blogger(s), so be it. And I'm even MORE glad that my hubby and I traveled to Chicago-ish for your book-signing - it will become a collector's item now!
ReplyDeleteThough I'm more of a CW junkie than Epbot junkie, I enjoy both your blogs. Keep up the great, funny, clever, talented, creative work!
I love Downton Abbey so much that I made it the ringtone for my phone (blushes)
ReplyDeleteAnd I think if I had read "this is our last post" tomorrow, I would have absolutely wept. I don't post comments often, because I'm not witty or charming or clever - but you have brightened many a dreary day with your blog. I would miss you and John terribly.
Honestly! Cake Wrecks is FIRST in line across my Firefox browser. If nothing else gets a glance, I'll always click to see what giggles are in store. Even when you get annoying songs stuck in my head with your parodies....
Anyway. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm glad Cake Wrecks is staying around. And I'm glad someone else understands that Edith is always overshadowed by her sisters and wasn't it so nice when she actually got some recognition and did you also need a tissue at that moment?
No? Ok then.
Hello! Reader from the UK, here. *waves* Thank you for keeping going with Cake Wrecks, at least for the time being. I'm a teacher, and your posts materialise around about the time the school day finishes...no matter how narky and adolescent the little dears have been, Cake Wrecks never fails to make me smile!
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, 'tis for Downton-based reasons that I post. I don't know how far behind the UK the US is in terms of broadcasting dates, but I wanted to give a heads-up that the Christmas special is AMAZING. Like, seriously wallow-worthy. You will love it...Lady Mary and Cousin Violet on top form. In other news, there was a fab behind the scenes documentary called 'Downton Abbey: behind the drama'. I'm not sure what links will work for in the US, but this might? There's also been a behind the scenes book published.
Sorry...that was mega long. But, y'know. The glory of Downton is important, and should be shared. xx
You gave me a fright!
ReplyDeleteI'm really really glad it's not closing down tomorrow. I'v looked at these blogs everyday for over a year.
Take the time you need and take care of yourself! Maybe post every other day, guest bloggers- whatever you are comfortable with.
Like everyone else, I love Cake Wrecks (and I mean love it, like when you were a kid and someone said they loved something and some little twit said "If you love it then are you going to marry it?" but I would say "yes" in this case, if one could marry a blog, I mean without having to give up my current hubby 'cuz he's awesome; but that much love.)but I can't say I'm really surprised that you've been thinking of stopping. That is a tremendous job for one person to do, no matter how wonderful and supportive and helpful their hubby is. I am so glad that you are feeling better, and I am so glad that CW will go on, and I'm so glad I have a carrot jockey necklace.
ReplyDeleteAs many others have said, take care of yourself, go at your own pace, and know that you are adored by many. Thank you so much for making us laugh with CW and for sharing yourself with us here at EPBOT.
Interesting. Downton Abby was just recommended to this morning, which was the first I had heard of it. Now, here it is again. I'm really going to have to check it out. Also, I'm glad to hear you won't be ending CW. I would really miss it. Take care of yourself, you make me laugh all the time! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful that you decided to keep CW going. But I don't want you to get burned out and start to hate it. Have you thought about posting only 2-3 times per week (plus Sunday Sweets)? That would still be plenty for your loyal readers, but it would hopefully give you enough of a break to still enjoy it. ps--I attended the tour stop in Salt Lake City and I thought that you and John were wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI honestly can't believe you've been able to maintain that kind of breakneck speed of production thus far! I'm so glad you're taking time for you now, before a crazy(er) breakdown happens. And yes, Downton Abbey is amazing, I can't believe Mr Bates and Anna don't get to be together yet! Killing me!
ReplyDeleteI very nearly had a heart attack. Or went into labor early. Both of which would have been very, very bad.
ReplyDeleteI am so, so, so, SO happy you decided to keep going! I love reading CakeWrecks, and I have since the beginning!! You guys are amazing.
You may realize this, or you may not, but we seriously love you. Reading your lovely snarkiness is what had me laughing the day I miscarried last year. (Prior to this pregnancy, clearly.) Looking at the baby shower cakes has me TERRIFIED for March, when I will have my baby shower. All in all, your fans love you. Keep it up, but keep your stress level down. Your health is more important. :)
Whew. You had me concerned for many reasons. I have been waiting to post about your book tour on my blog until I had photos. Finally got them, in the process of scanning *yeah, I know* and gee, my three-month wait on that entry would have been completely awkward. (I'll let you know when it's up.)
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, we love you, take it easy. Enjoy your Downton Abbey (which I need to start watching) and Sherlock (which kicks tail!).
Oh, my. My heart is beating again so I can type this.
ReplyDeleteI am so GLAD you are not cancelling Cake Wrecks! Thank you thank you thank you. I can't remember how many people I've told about your site, but I'm still spreading the word whenever I can. I am also very glad to hear you have reached your limit and know where it is. Kudos to you, Jen, and you, John. Take care of yourself. As much as I would pine horribly if Cake Wrecks stopped, your health and well being is so much more important.
And, I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more about the craft projects!
I am a long-time reader (actually, shy lurker) of both your blogs, and I'm SO glad you decided to keep cakewrecks going! Your daily dose of humor keeps me going when I feel burned out myself, and it is my ambition to one day find a true cakewreck in real life. (A co-worker and I were actually really disappointed last week when a ccc appeared at work and it wasn't all that wrecky...)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am completely addicted Downton Abbey, and none of my friends watch it, so I was so excited to read your comments, because I am having a nerd fest all by myself here. I have to say that my favorite part of this season is O'Brien actually becoming human and being all protective of Lang and Cora.
Hope you continue to feel more inspired and less burned out, and know that we all really and truly appreciate the little bit of joy you bring to our lives.
whoa! i had to re-read the post a few times to make sure i was getting it right. you aren't shutting cw down, right?!?
ReplyDeletethough really, why should my mild panic attack make that decision for you. your health outweighs my need for giggles every day, but i do thank you from the bottom of my heart for those giggles. and i am truly happy to hear that you will be continuing. and i agree with a previous commenter that your cw fans would totally accept a post every few days or once a week. but you already know that.
now down to real important stuff. i am just about to watch the first episode of downton abbey. all these comments have really made the expectation bar quite high. i'm looking forward to it.
from your fan in the city of beaver tales
I am sorry life has been squashing you. We would have understood it if you did shut CW down. We'd have still cried, but we would have understood.
ReplyDeleteI know it's already been suggested, but bi- or tri-weekly posts might let off some of the pressure! And fewer wrecks would be much better than no wrecks at all.
I don't know at all how blogging works, but do you have to monitor CW comments to post them? I know all the negative people can be soul-sucking.
But at any rate, I am very glad you're feeling better.
Geez, I almost had a heart attack when you said that CW was ending tomorrow. I'm glad that you feel you can keep it going (for a while longer at least). I appreciate your concerns that it NOT turn into an "industry" as some other sites have. I could certainly see why you might want to cut down on the number of postings per week, though. You make it look so effortless but we know it is a lot of hard, painstaking work.
ReplyDeleteThe main thing is: take care of yourself. I hope you know how important you are to many of us. You both are, I should say.
Jen, my dear. I think the number of comments down here alone will tell you how much we value your blogs, but we value you even more. If you need to cut back/get some help/quit altogether obviously we'd be sad, but you gotta do what you gotta do. We'd feel simply awful if you burned out just to fulfil the daily giggle quota of your readers.
ReplyDeleteSo chill out, have a mug of some hot beverage (preferably tea, I am British after all) and bask in the support you know you'll get from all of us here at Epbot.
P.S. John, not to put too much of a load on you either dear, but you look after our girl. She's important! And make sure and take some time out for you too. Not that I'm demanding or anything ;)
I have to tell you this...you actually made me cry. It's been a stressful week for my family. I try to shelter my children from any financial, health, mental, spiritual, you name it, pain that my husband and I go through. Juggling family and work issues, and putting on a happy face in front of my boys, is TOUGH.
ReplyDeleteI go to CW when I need a laugh, and here when I need happy, pretty, and cute things to distract me. Reading that CW might have disappeared brought tears to my eyes. I love your sites and sense of humor. Thank you for everything you do to bring a bit of joy to my life.
You scared me there! I am glad you are not closing Cake Wrecks after all. I understand the stress though: I once aimed at posting everyday on my costume blog, but it became a burden. Might I suggest getting more helpers to write with / for you?
ReplyDeleteOHMG DOWNTON ABBEY! Have you watched the Christmas special yet? It is AMAZING! I want to slap Edith though, she's such a wet mop. But Sybil. I love Sybil. And Mrs. Patmore. And Carlson. I do wish O'Brien would do something with her fringe.
ReplyDeleteHow far in are you?
I'm so glad you feel better. Craft and geek on!
ReplyDeleteFirst, GASP, AAGGHH!! Oh, keep reading...phew! Thank goodness tomorrow will be a "non-event"! I so love reading your posts on CW, and I very much appreciate the time you spend on them. Even my 7-year-old twins, who are the reason I'M so far behind in stuff around here (so you're not alone on that front!), enjoy them on occasion too.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, my husband and I are also addicted to Downton Abbey. So glad PBS carries this. And if you get a chance to see the Masterpiece Mystery with Sherlock Holmes (our local PBS carried it last night after DA), that was superb as well!
I would give you a hug if I could. But you might not take kindly to a stranger hugging you. Or you might, who knows.
ReplyDeleteWhen you post, I read it. When you don't, I peruse the archives, and get my giggles there. I <3 Cake Wrecks (it's been my dream to be in a Sunday Sweets post for evah) and I <3 Epbot too. You are too funny and crafty and snarky and I'm thankful to have found your blogs.
And Downton Abbey is in my queue, I just haven't found the non-kid-infested time to watch it. That said, I have to go finish gluing my kids' science fair projects together. ;-)
You scared me! I love Cake Wrecks. It is one of my first stops in the morning, and on those days when I need a pick-me-up it's where I go and read old entries. I am so glad you have found the balance you need. I can only imagine the strain of writing an marketing a book and I'll happily take a long future of Cake Wrecks over another book.
ReplyDeleteI love Cake Wrecks, but maybe cutting back would help? Like doing Sunday Sweets and then T Th, or something? Burnout sucks. I hope you feel better.
ReplyDeleteMy heart just stopped. I'm sorry you've felt so stressed, but I'm glad you are continuing CW. You bring me smiles everyday.
ReplyDeleteBTW, 8PM obviously works well for you 'cause today's post was hilarious!:-)
Don't stress...the pictures you post cause enough laughter. When you hit on just the right comment or phrase it's just the icing on the cake.
ReplyDeleteWe were so thrilled to meet you and John in Houston! I am glad the stress and strain of the tour is over for you, but honestly, you two seemed so relaxed! (Maybe a bit tired, but a book tour does that to anyone!) I'm glad you have found the strength to continue. Cakewrecks is a bright spot in my day, no matter how stressful the rest is. Keep it up as long as you find joy in it!
So glad Cake Wrecks is not ending. Cake Wrecks is my daily dose of working weekday sanity.
ReplyDeleteI am glad, however, that you can recognize your own limits. It is more important to take care of yourself and those you love then feel pressure from others!
So take care of yourself and craft on!
I am so happy to hear you aren't stopping the Wreckage. But I would feel worse if it ceased being fun for you to do. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI'm way more than mildly obsessed with Sherlock, and I am completely over the top obsessed with Downton Abbey!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you've decided to keep CW going. But I'm also happy that you've found some rejuvenation, too. You're the most important factor in CW, so it wouldn't be the same without your heart, or from somebody else.
Thanks for the update!!
I absolutely love both of your blogs, and I am so glad I discovered Cakewrecks when I did. Cake wrecks is great because it led me to Epbot (which I love more with every post.)
ReplyDeleteAlso, Mary's eyebrows TOTALLY fascinate me! Downtown Abbey is amazing, as is Sherlock :)
Ok, I think my heart stopped for a minute there. Not that I'd blame you - I can't even keep up with one blog.
ReplyDeleteBUT, no matter what, thank you two for keeping it going for so long. AND for Epbot. I love them both!
Jen, you should always take care of yourself first. We love what you do for us, but you are more important.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you to an infinity…i hate that CW might not be as fun as it once was for you…but you and your snarkiness are the few normal moments in a day crammed full of deadlines i get to enjoy…and yes I read both websites back to back. That's normal right? Anyways while it was good to cry a bit, both sad and happy tears, I'm glad that you will be with us a little bit longer.
ReplyDeleteMaggie Smith = Downton Abbey FTW!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, *all the sympathy* with this. I developed chronic sleep problems and anxiety (funny how it's harder to control your mood and energy when you CAN'T SLEEP) a few years ago, and in essence I had to drop *everything* I was doing at the time and start over from scratch. Even now I have to manage my energy much more carefully, and I tend to put it in much different places than I used to.
ReplyDeleteSo what I'm saying is, however much we may love humorous comments about weird cakes, at the end of the day YOU are more important than that.
(...Anyway, not to sound too understanding and selfless, I'm more devoted to this blog than the other one in the first place.)
Funny you should mention Downton Abbey. I missed a good night's sleep catching up on episodes that I'd missed with a bunch of my friends on Saturday. SO GOOD!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank goodness CW isn't going away. I really need that laugh sometimes!
Jen, I love both CW & Epbot, and completely understand The need to take a step back. Your number 1 priority needs to be you, and it looks like you're completely supported in this.
ReplyDeleteDowntown Abbey...yes! My mom, who's Welsh, got me started on it. It reminds me a bit of "Upstairs, Downstairs" that I used to watch with my parents when I was growing up. I agree with you about Mary.
Thank you, Jen & John, for sharing your humor & yourselves with all of us.
Delyth <---yes, it's a Welsh name.
First, I cannot tell you the love I have for Downton Abbey!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I cannot tell you the relief I have that CW will continue!!!
Lately I just reread your picture of: "Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breathe."
ReplyDeleteStay healthy and crafty. : )
I am glad you are able to realize your breaking point and come to terms with it. Many people don't and over-stress themselves. Crafting is my release too. :) That and reading. ;)I got my Epbot pin in the mail just before Christmas. Don't tell anyone but it was my favorite gift. (That's not saying much, we had a very small Christmas.) Thank you for thinking of us little fans even when you are so stressed.
ReplyDeleteBreathing a HUGE sigh of relief here. You had me scared for a sec. There will come a time, I'm sure, when you'll know it's best to quit CW. I hope that day is far, far in the future, though. You bring joy every day you post on CW or here on EPBOT. This is good for my mental health! (((Hugs)))
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself, but I have to tell you that if you'd stopped CW it would have left a hole in my life. It is by far my favorite blog; I always save it to read right before I turn in for the night because it always cheers me up.
ReplyDeleteWithout you (and John (thoJ)), there would be no Cakewrecks or Epbot.
ReplyDeleteCut down the posts. Send out a call for more minions. Let somebody take over the site for a day and let them see how hard it is to be funny for a couple million people. Do whatever you gotta do. It's called a mental health day.
Yes, people will b**** and moan but bet you $5 that they'd still read the blog anyway. :o)
wv: Exhausted bloggers undetyp.
Oh Jen! Please don't stop doing Cake Wrecks! Even if it becomes a weekly thing...I need my wrecked cakes (I know that sounds selfish!) How about you get more guest posters? Like Cracked? I'll do a guest post! I say this blithely on the brink of having a baby and starting a new job... but hey!
ReplyDeleteI totally understand why you would be thinking of shutting down cakewrecks! Trying to produce that level of funny every day is going to be exhausting.
ReplyDeleteInstead of potentially shutting it down why don't you do what xkcd and doghousediaries do... a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday?
If you were to shut down the site, would you keep epbot going?
And if you do decide to shut down cakewrecks, don't be worried about backlash from people. All your TRUE fans will support you in whatever you decide
Ohh Jen. Livin' the dream. I hope someday that I too have a husband I can make Disney princess jokes about. :) And I love CW, but I would be much more sad if this blog were to go away. (No pressure though, of course.) It's just that I think everyone has their 'people' and I found mine here. Still hoping to run into y'alls at a Con someday. :) Hugs from Ohio! PS: Do you still have Epbot buttons? I just found the envelope it turns out I never sent you!
ReplyDeleteYou nearly gave me a heart attack when I read CW was ending.
ReplyDeleteJen, by all means, if you only posted once a week to save your sanity that would be fine with me. Just don't go away.
first let me say, my heart skipped a beat reading this. but if you realise you need to cut back on entries or shut cw down altogether, your mental health comes first of course. but i also want to say i'm so glad you wouldn't sell the site! it wouldn't be the same. whoever would take it over wouldn't be as funny, and the cheezburger sites suck. there's so much crap crammed in every corner advertising this and that, it makes my computer run so slowly.
ReplyDeleteoh, and wait a second. waaaait. you have an orange car? what kind of car is it? are we talking orange orange here or like a brownish orange? regardless, awesome. the two of you so strike me as the type my boyfriend and i would want to hang around and do stuff with, if i lived in the area. i don't mean that in a creepy way, but you both are awesome. :)
I <3 you. *hugs* I love Cake Wrecks, but your mental health and happiness are WAY more important than entertaining the masses!
ReplyDeleteYou are AWESOME, Jen. CakeWrecks is my daily dose of happiness. It's so sad that it's been such a drain on you! I'm glad you're feeling better after the tour and everything and that CakeWrecks will keep wreckin' on! Yaaaaaay! *Kermit flail*
ReplyDelete(Yes, I learned that from you.)
*Massive internet group hug!*
Take care of yourself! So glad you're doing better. And go John for being so supportive of you! :)
I honestly have NO idea how you lasted this long, my dear. I've done a weekly ezine and several blogs and I know exactly what you've been through...it gets soul-crushing all right. You made the right decision! I'm on hiatus from writing myself right now and the crafting ROCKS! (Plus I quit reading CW long ago and just adore Epbot.) Have some fun, you've earned it!
ReplyDeleteThere is something to be said when a creative person gets burned out. I agree, if you need to cut back CW to 2 or 3 posts a week and perhaps open up a day or two to guests moderators in order to re-charge, do so. We can wait. Perhaps not paiently, but we can wait. Books are hard, hard work. Harder than many people know. Hard to write, hard to edit and brutal to promote. Please baby yours self. Find that nugget of enjoymenty you had when you started this blogging business. Remember it is a business and all good business people take the time to re-charge thier batteries. For creative poeple THIS IS VITAL.
ReplyDeleteAlso addicted to Downton Abbey!!! I just want Anna and Mr. Bates to get together already!!! Downton Abbey is Britain's version of "Gone with the Wind" - the war changes everything, and you can't go back to the way things used to be. LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you like this, try reading "Brideshead Revisted". Same kind of idea. Or just watch the movie!
[gasp] Don't DO that! I need my CW, and I really need my Sunday Sweets!
ReplyDelete(And, I get CW on a LiveJournal feed. I didn't know you did steampunk! Great, something else to lose hours per day in....)
I can only imagine the kind of intestinal fortitude it takes to keep two hugely popular blogs going, let alone write and promote books. Good for you for backing off a bit.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I *love* both Downton Abbey, and PBS needs to air new episodes of Sherlock because I pretty much have the original three memorized by now.
I just want to send a big hug of love and appreciation.
If you do get to a point where you can't do Cake Wrecks anymore, we'll miss you so much. But at the same time, I totally understand. I struggle to get a regular blog entry out on any consistent basis. Not for lack of material so much as lack of time. It's exhausting and frustrating.
Just know we love you. <3
While I'm glad to hear Cake Wrecks isn't going anywhere, you need to do what's right for you.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Downton Abbey!!! Love, love, love! Except I'm not good at keeping engagements, so watching it on TV doesn't really work for me. I have to wait for Netflix. (Yes, those eyebrows are magnificent.) I was not born in the right era.
I also am very glad cake wrecks isn't ending! It's fabulous!!
ReplyDeleteYou're wise to maintain your mental health as your primary focus. Perhaps you could switch to only 3 or 4 times a week or something. (Have you seen the latest Hyperbole and a Half ? Hilarious post on depression.)
Many blessings to you moving forward.
While we would all, I'm sure, understand if you had made the decision to shut down CW, I think I speak for the masses when I say "Thank you!" for not shutting it down. Perhaps a weekly post would be better? I know that I love daily updates from you, maybe that's too much to handle? No reason you can't go to twice a week - one wrecky, one Sunday Sweets? While we would miss you terribly, better to space it out than end the amazing-ness that is CW? Just a thought. And, much relaxing and healing love coming your way - overwhelming yourself is never good. (So says the mom who is constantly on-the-go and chaotically crazy!)
ReplyDeleteLet me first say how VERY glad I am that you are not shutting down CakeWrecks!! It's one of the highlights of my day! (Hmmm, I can't figure out if that is a compliment to you.....or an insult to me....)
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo......Downton Abbey....LOVE that show!!!! Are you watching the original UK version or the "dumb-downed" American version? (I didn't even realize they had cut a bunch from it for us over here, since I *cough*downloadedit*cough* and watched seasons one and two just after Christmas. It's one of my favorite shows now! Love seeing the interactions of the upper class and the servants.....the clothes....I could go on and on!
Speaking of UK shows....have you watched Merlin yet?? It is by far my favorite show EVER! Season 4 is airing on SyFy now and seasons 1-3 are streaming on Netflix.......you would love it, seriously!
Jen- you bring so much joy to me on BOTH of your blogs, and I also hope you know you aren't alone in a struggle with depression. Learning to let go and not do too much has helped me immensely. I have learned that I need to only meet my own expectations, not others.
ReplyDeleteDownton Abbey is fabulous! I totally understand the eyebrow thing too. I laughed because I posted this on FBook while watching Sunday night: "DOWNTON ABBEY OMG!!!!!"
I'm glad you're starting to feel better! I prescribe a lot more Sherlock. Maybe Sherlock all the time. Yes, that ought to help.
ReplyDeleteI started watching Downton Abbey after you posted about it. 6 eps in one night, dammit. It's all your fault!
ReplyDeleteI've been an avid follower of CW for a few years now. One of my friend's wedding cake was featured on there, and I've been hooked. Have you ever considered having guest writers? I know you've had a few in the past, but you could make it a regular weekly feature to take some of the strain off of you.
If you're still going dark to protest SOPA/PIPA you're going to really have folks in a panic. Glad it will only be one day!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteOMG you scared the hell out of me! I know how depression can be... it has been a lifelong ordeal for me too... for you to reset your boundaries and pace yourself is a great choice. I'm sure I'm not alone in supporting your decision in the interest of staying healthy. Good for you! Making people laugh is such a great endeavor and you are so naturally good at it. I'm, of course, relieved you're keeping CW alive and all your's (and John's). Ecstatic in fact. In a chronically depressed kindofa' way... you know what I mean. You are loved by a whole lot of people, me included. --a.
ReplyDeleteGood Lord, what did you have to mention those eyebrows for?! I always knew there was something peculiar about that face, couldn't quite place it. But now I can't stop staring at those eyebrows...
ReplyDeleteAlso, thanks a million for changing your mind about quitting the blog (for now). That little autistic person inside me, who abhors any kind of change, let alone the end of something, let out a deep sigh of relief! For now. Thanks for all the laughs!
Dear Jen,
ReplyDeleteI've been reading both Cake Wrecks and Epbot for a couple years now, and I just want to add my voice to the chorus affirming that your hard work has been worth it. I check Cake Wrecks every morning when I get into work so I at least start the day with a smile. Also, a year or so ago, one of your jewelry posts on Epbot inspired me to take apart a bracelet that didn't remotely fit but I couldn't bear to get rid of because it was given to me by my late grandmother. I went to Michael's, bought a couple jewelry making tools, and used the charms and beads from the bracelet to make a pretty necklace; so now I get to wear and enjoy that nice little memory of my grandmother instead of letting it sit in a sad little box, and I never would have thought to do that or believed I could make something pretty on my own if I hadn't been reading your blog. So I sincerely thank you for that, and thanks for giving me a reason to smile every morning, even dark dreary mornings like this one.
And you are definitely not the only one who gets OMG excited about Downton Abbey! I get all nervous before every episode, and frequently end up clutching my chest or sobbing into my hands, and then chat up a storm about it with my friends when it's over. I love everything about it - the charactes, the stories, the COSTUMES, I'm sure you understand :)
Best Wishes,
Thank goodness! Without Cakewrecks, what would I have to cheer me up at work? ;-)
ReplyDeleteAlso, Downton Abbey! The awesomeness of it....I literally said after this past episode "Want more NOW!" to which my parents (had to go over to their house to pick up the dog who spent the weekend there while I was playing dress up at a masque....anyway..)nodded their heads in agreement.
BTW, if all of Mary's clothing doesn't end up in my closet by the end of the year, I will cry. Especially since I need to make at least three dresses from that era before the big June costuming event...
My blog IN NO WAY compares to yours (yours is so much better) but I do know how it feels...
ReplyDeleteHowever, there is no law that says you have to post daily. NO LAW. So don't. Post a couple times a week if that's all you have time for. We shall survive. And most importantly, so will you!
Just about everyone else has said it, so why add my two cents? Why not?
ReplyDeleteI write for a mid-sized weekly newspaper. Just my editor and myself write every bit of copy for the paper. I had the first actual vacation in three years at this past Thanksgiving, I actually got to go out in the sunlight and didn't have to ask anyone to spell their name. It was nice.
This job and my personal writing had worn me to the bone. I didn't even realize how much I needed a break. Putting together consistently decent material for that long with no re-charge is mind-numbingly stressful and just about impossible. It is OK to take a break once in a while.
I'm glad you took the holiday to de-stress. It's important. I love Cake Wrecks and Epbot, as my co-workers know (since I bust out laughing at my computer six months ago, with tears just streaming down my face -- one co-worker said I sounded like a chicken in a panic), but no writer should just go forever at the same break-neck pace. Do whatever you have to do.
I'm glad you're sticking around. I'm not sure what I would do without my daily dose of wreckiness. Of course your personal well-being is more important than cakes covered in poo, but I definitely will miss it when you finally do end CW.
ReplyDeleteAnd on a completely unrelated note, my WV is 'upchav.' That just makes me giggle.
Oh, and yes to the whole eyebrow question! I had to work Sunday nights for the past two weeks, so I stayed up past midnight just to watch it! Why can't Anna and Bates just get together and be happy? Why can't Mary and Matthew get back together?! Arrrgh. Counting the days until Sunday.
ReplyDeleteHey Jen.
ReplyDeleteI've been far too nervous to post before, but wanted to let you know I really appreciate you and what you do.
I'm so sorry to hear things have been tough and i'm really glad you're feeling better about everything.
I found you (Epbot) through CW and am so thankful for it!
Your posts make even the worst day awesome. I know I don't know you, but I feel like I do, and I couldn't thank anyone enough for it.
Thankyou for everything, much love! Sophia. x
You have been so incredible for so long. It's only natural to need a break. I hope the permanent one is far in the future.
ReplyDeleteIn the meanwhile, I volunteer my minionhood.
You scared me! CW is the ONLY blog that I religiously follow!!! Thank you so much for entertaining me! You've gotten me through some dreary days in Russia. :)
ReplyDeleteDear Jen.
ReplyDeleteI've often wondered how in the name of cake you do it all and I guess here's my answer...you (and all us women out there, because it's in our genes)did too much! I'd say change the format to once a week instead of daily and alternate weeks with Jon's Sunday Sweets and voila...extra time! I know...over simplified, but there is a solution out there that'll keep you a happy, funny, functioning normal being and let's you do this 'vitally important' web-site (I mean it! There is no other web-site I go to as often as yours!!! None!!) at the same time. You need some "me" time, trust me, it'll improve you life!
I don't know how bloggers do it, especially ones that do a daily post, as you do with Cake Wrecks. So, I bow down to your persistence and endurance, I much admire your drive to do what you do with so much personality and joie de vivre.
ReplyDeleteI am also glad that you took personal inventory of your life and took that time during the holidays for the R&R. Thank you for sharing and being an encouragement to those of us who push through so much but forget to nurture ourselves!
May you have the BEST new year!
Ahem...umm...won't there still be bills to pay and cats to feed?
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean you'll have to get a "real" job?
Ugh...think about that for a minute.
Besides, writers write and you won't be able to completely give it up for terribly long.
Wow- thank you for not ending Cake Wrecks- I love that you bring silliness into our days. Hopefully the outpouring of love here will help keep you when things kinda suck.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I know, Downton Abbey, right?!?
One of the things I love about you and your blogs is that you and I have so much in common....I'm a geek girl myself, we're just about the same age, married at about the same time, and much to my husband's eye-rolling chagrin,I love puns. Oh, did I forget to mention the crafting and depression, too?
ReplyDeleteWhile I can understand totally the pressure to be funny on demand and how that can suck the life right out of your soul, I hope it helps you to know that when I'm having trouble getting out of bed, I read Cake Wrecks to pull me out of my funk. Seriously.
Also, big time solidarity congrats on the SOPA/PIPA protest. And is it just me or is the new Sherlock super dreamy?
ReplyDeleteI'm a longtime fan of CW and so is my wife - we've plugged your site on our shows numerous times. To lose you would be awful. I know what it's like trying to do too much, something I ALWAYS do (11 websites and five podcasts at the moment, and growing) and it's my hope you'll ultimately decide to stick around...maybe a weekly instead of a daily or maybe a newsletter instead of a blog...but stick around...cause if you didn't, we'd miss you TERRIBLY...
Cheers from us, and best wishes!
TC Kirkham
Jen, as an artist and designer who HAS to be darned tooting creative every single darned day to bring home the bacon (hmmm... bacon...) I understand the burn out.
ReplyDeleteRight now I am taking classes to hone my craft and learn how to make my creativity constant and not so frustrating/flaky.
Have you thought of taking comedy workshops? Your sense of humor is right up my alley, so I understand how tiring and stressing it can be to have to be witty/funny all the time, maybe some pointers from professional comedians would help?
I know the classes from higher level creatives like illustrators, animators and designers have helped me immensely when I thought I just needed to quit my job before I stopped being as creative as I need to.
And about your crafting? I really can't get enough of it so if in the end you decided to put a stop to cakewrecks and start blogging only about geekery and crafting I'll still love you just the same ;)
Oh and... where the heck is my personal maid to do my hair, dress me, etc? Downtown Abbey is making me want to get impossible to get into gowns LOL
YAAY! Phew! Stick around please. And yes, I understand overwork and lack of inspiration, so do what you have to. But in the meantime, phew! CW is the bright spot of my day.
ReplyDeleteAnd YES to Mary's eyebrows! I covet them. Mine are blonde and mostly invisible and not nearly so fascinating.
Jen, as terribly sad as i would be to lose CW each day, your health is way more important. should CW have shutdown tomorrow i'd have been extremely sad and would have spent many hours trolling aimlessly through the interwebs looking for something to amuse me that wasn't just lolcats or failbook. that said, i would also be glad because in some weird and wacky way i think we, your readership, see ourselves as your friend and as your friend whatever you chose to do would be absolutely fine by me. :-) i would seriously miss the cutesy adorableness that is the two of you though. honestly, women i've read your posts to want to steal or clone john. me personally, i still wanna marry patrick stewart...........
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you've found a way to balance things and are feeling better!:o)
ReplyDeletep.s. i desperately love Downton Abbey and have been very much in love with Mr Bates since day dot, probably because i've loved Brendan Coyle since i feel in love with the BBC miniseries North and South. (Watch it if you haven't already! Wives and Daughters too. but North and South. Richard Armitage swoon!)
ReplyDeleteHaha, Mary's eyebrows. I've only seen a few episodes, but they are just so mesmerizing...
ReplyDeleteHow are you watching Sherlock, by the way? Are you using a proxy, or did you just get the DVD online, or what?
DOWNTON ABBEY ROCKS! Seriously. You have friends. :) And I was totally prepared not to like the new Sherlock that followed it this week, but the patch-addicted sociopath totally dragged me in! (And is he a cute sociopath, too!)
ReplyDeleteI adore your sense of humor. I adore your cleverness. I adore you. LOVE you. So if you ever go away, I will understand, but I hope it isn't for a long time yet. (Though, if you do, I have a sister-in-law who would TOTALLY rock as your replacement voice on CW. So think about that!)
Oh Jen!!! I <3 you, Epbot, CakeWrecks, & your books!!! I totally feel you on not doing any more books...but I gasped when I read that you were shutting down CW, loud enough that my hubby rushed into the room to make sure I was ok...I would miss your snarky cake "reviews" and your sweet Sunday findings oh so much. I go to the bakery department of every store I enter just to try and find a wreck to share with you.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you changed your mind. Love you TONS...and...Be excellent!
So glad others are obsessed with Downton Abbey as well! I hooked up my TV antenna just to watch it after watching the first season on Netflix. That is fine praise indeed.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I second others opinions about less frequent posts on CW to alleviate some of the stress. I would rather see less posts than see CW disappear altogether. I hope you'll keep up the wonderful work and take care of yourself!
So glad the big event was a non-event. I would be so sad to lose my morning beverage through the nose moment while reading CW. As an amateur cake decorator, CW makes me feel better about myself! I just did a wedding cake and when I was stressing out over the potential of ruining the biggest and most important day of this couple's life my sweet hubby pulled up CW and suddenly I had hope again....because there was neither flotsam nor poo on my cake. :)
ReplyDeleteOn a serious-er note, I'm an author and blogger too and I totally get it. Give yourself grace...and a day off. You're worth it. And if you ever need a heavily sarcastic & slightly twisted helper monkey...I'm your girl. You might like my recent post titled "I Love the Smell of Decomposition in the Morning."
Anyway, that's all...go back to crafting. Just know that you make me smile on pretty much a daily basis.
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blogs. I read them daily, and they always put a smile on my face. I am so happy you are sticking around :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is the FIRST time I have ever been (found) your BLOG! And I am SO VERY glad you aren't done yet!! Love your CW, I've been a fan for a few years!!
ReplyDeleteI guess the thief or thieves just needed the orange knife/hammer thingy to break into another car that had more attractive contents.
ReplyDeleteI was going to get one of those car escape tools myself, until I read than no one in the whole history of cars has ever been trapped in a car in such a way that having a seatbelt-cutter/window-smasher handy would have freed them, which kind of dampened my enthusiasn for the whole thing. So I guess the main usefulness of that invention is for breaking into other people's cars, after all (though I'm pretty sure that's not what the inventor intended.
So glad to hear that Cake Wrecks is continuing. As much as I love to read your posts every day, please don't be afraid to take a day-or even two- off. We've all managed to survive those post-free Saturdays. Everyone needs a break once in awhile. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat was the significance of January 17?
ReplyDeleteOh, Jen, we're so glad you're not going! (You are my homepage.) Take good care of yourself and take it easy- even if you only posted three times a week so you could look after yourself it would be lots better than nothing/Jen burnout.
ReplyDeleteI can't stop staring a Mary's eyebrows. *HOW* do they get so high/perfect/perpetually surprised....?
ReplyDeleteThank you for keeping CW going. I may have shaved my head AND eyebrows in mourning, if it ever goes away.
Perhaps you'd like a foreign correspondent to post every once in a while.*
YOU ALMOST SCARED THE BABY CHEESUS OUT OF ME! (Sorry! Modern Family quote moment!) Anyways- I am EXTREMELY relieved that Cake Wrecks isn't over! I mean, that's what I have to look forward to every day! Thank you so much for not ending it, and thank you for taking time out of your day to keep these blogs going, and I would like to speak for all of your fans when I say that we really do appreciate all the work you do!
ReplyDeleteLove you, Jen!
1. I'm so glad you aren't stopping CW.
2. I wouldn't blame you if you did. Take care of yourself! And
3. I agree with the person who said even if you post just once or twice a week, we avid blog stalkers, I mean readers, will be OK with it! Finally
4. OH MY GOSH I'm so glad you mentioned Downton Abbey cause I'm trying to tell people how great a show it is. Entertainment Weekly called it "costume porn" as a compliment, of course. And it is! Gorgeous colors and costumes during the season premiere. And I about cried to see Anna and Mr. Bates kiss, yet I knew trouble would stir. Matthew's blue eyes have to be fake right? So blue! And Mary's eyebrows: I never thought about them specifically, but they frame her face so nicely. I like her better so far this season, especially after she just defended Livinia in this second episode. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!
You matter more than the blog or the books. Period.
ReplyDeleteIt would totally suck, as a fan, to lose CW (or Epbot) but you are not responsible for the happiness of your fans.
You don't owe us. We owe you.
BTW, the "you" means John(thoJ), too.
-Barbara Anne
Phew! And THANK you for commenting on Mary's eyebrows. They freak me out and my husband just doesn't understand my need to comment on them.
ReplyDelete@ Erica T. - We picked 1/17 because we wanted a regular weekday after the holidays, once everyone was back to work and their usual routines. We looked at a calendar, and Tuesday the 17th was it!
ReplyDeleteI read both of your blogs, and have to say, they're the highlight of my day! You made my xmas shopping easy with your great geeky suggestions, and your Cake Wrecks blog makes me giggle every day--and believe me, i really need that! So just wanted to let you know how much you're appreciated! Thanks for all the laughs, crafts, and geekiness--keep it coming please!!
ReplyDeleteJust glad you feel better & are sticking around
ReplyDeleteGlad Cake Wrecks isn't going away! My favorite so far is the one of Jesus holding the dinosaur. I could not stop laughing at that. Anyway, I love Downton Abbey, too! I watched the first season on Netflix last spring, and I couldn't believe I was going to have to wait until this winter to watch the second season. Then I totally forgot about it until I read your post. Now I will have something to watch (online) since I live in the middle of nowhere and get only one fuzzy channel on the TV (and I refuse to pay for cable or satellite).
ReplyDeleteDear Jen, as I was reading about the non event, before I got to the non event bit anyway, the lights here in deepest darkest Africa dimmed. It could be 'load shedding' - the power is cut to save, er, power - but I would like to think that it happened because I had a very-nearly-heart-stopping moment. It is now 9:34am and I did what I've done every morning for the last year, opened CW first. However vomit-inducing, laugh out loud, scrunch up my face, tilt my head at weird angles, make everyone in the office check it out, by force if necessary, it is ALWAYS giggle-worthy!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone, your health is not worth anything! So please please please, go on holiday, hide under the bed/in the closet/on the roof but take care of yourself!
Because really, you wouldn't want to be responsible for making Africa any darker right? Right? Jen? (whispering to colleague...I think she got up and left...)
Thanks for CW and Epbot and for what it's worth, you REALLY brighten up my day. And you too John!
PLEASE DON'T END CAKEWRECKS!! (sorry, mild panic at the thought of my very favorite website-even over amazon and etsy!-closing down!) If you need to, I'll still love you and all of the terribly-awesome cakes you've exposed me to, but how about just cutting back? Say, 1 weekday and one Sunday Sweets? Please consider this, before totally calling it quits... The world needs to not take itself so seriously, and this is a big part of the cure! :) That said, sending good resting-up wishes to you :) And THANK YOU FOR THE LAUGHS! :)
ReplyDeleteI don't comment very much anymore, but please know that my heart would break if you ended Epbot. I love CW too, but for me the bread an butter of Jen is Epbot.
ReplyDeleteSerious, you r so kewl. <--Valley Girl voice if you please.
I am completely HOOKED to Downton Abbey. I started watching on Netflix and they only have 7 episodes and I watched them all in a day and now I wish I would have paced myself. I love Baits. He makes me want to hug him.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm glad Cake Wrecks isn't disappearing, but I can understand the reasonings if you would have chosen to take it down.
I *LOVE* Downton Abbey - I'm amazed at how many people are getting giddy over Masterpiece (Theatre).
ReplyDeleteEven if you wanted to go to every other day or something, oh, please, don't take Cakewrecks away.
ZOMIGOSH, I'm so glad to know I'M not the only one who's obsessed with Mary's eyebrows!! They're...so excellent.
ReplyDeleteJen, I've been a (silent) fan for a few years now. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for providing me opportunities to smile and laugh - and to track down family members and show them Cake Wrecks posts that make them smile and laugh. Thank you for this Epbot blog. Thanks for being proud to be you. Thanks for being honest. I love reading your posts, and I am glad to hear that Cake Wrecks will be around for a while more. Though I don't know you personally, thanks for being... my virtual friend. <3
ReplyDeletep.s. I laughed out loud when you mentioned Mary's eyebrows! You are not alone. I can't figure out why they demand so much of my attention.
Oh, no - I went looking for my comment, and either it didn't post, or I was confounded by the WV or signing in on Google - bummer!
ReplyDeleteSo...I just wanted to be one more voice weighing in with love and support. As much as I love to laugh every day over Cake Wrecks, your health and well-being are so much more important! I hope you'll be able to rest up and find joy in it.
To that end, I'm giving you a week off - you can take it whenever you'd like! Spend it doing fun stuff. Heck, fly out to LA and come to Disneyland with us! :) (BTW, if you lived in So Cal, I'd totally be over with a casserole and a cake.)
Lots of love!
Thank you. Every day I have one thing I know will make me laugh. You rock, Cake Wrecks is awesome, EPBOT gets my creative gears spinning, and all I can say is thank you a million times over.
ReplyDeleteIt's "breathe", NOT "breath."
ReplyDeleteI love your blogs.
@Muzition - Ack! Good catch. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the work you guys have put into CW over the years. I remember when I first discovered it, I was in the middle of one of the worst school years ever, and that site was one of the few that could consistently make me laugh. I don't read it much now, having moved on to reading your steampunk crafts instead, but I am still so grateful for what it/you gave me when I needed it most.
ReplyDeleteRest, craft. I have fabric, ribbon, Styrofoam and at least 2 sewing machines. We also quilt by hand here. Come to my house. You don't have to tour.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the couple of posts I have seen that say to maybe slow down cake wrecks. Maybe Sunday Sweets and twice a week otherwise.
And do you really have to tour for 5 weeks? Can't you tour for one and rest for one in between or something? Or at least tour where you know there are crafters to support you and bring you crafts so you can rest in the evening?
I do love cake wrecks, but your health is more important.
I used to read CW only, then I discovered Epbot.
ReplyDeleteAfter some time, I stopped reading CW, not because it wasn't good anymore, just because I had sort of lost interest; but Epbot? I love it more and more with passing time :).
Wishing you the best with both blogs though ;).
Thanks to you, I am now HOOKED on Downton Abbey! I watched season one on Netflix and got caught up on PBS, plus watched all the bonus previews and short videos they have on there. What a great show!
ReplyDeleteNow it's time for me to get caught up on Sherlock, since I saw several people recommend that show as well, and also try out some of the other Masterpiece Theater shows!
I love your CW site, but your sanity comes first. I'm amazed at how you can find so many wrecks to write about daily. I think most of your fans would understand if you need/want to go to a less frequent posting schedule...now I have to go check out EPBOT, I think I'm missing something very important.
ReplyDeleteI can certainly understand you (& John) being overloaded by all the CW-related work. Why not let the "post daily" idea slide, and post as you can for a while? I have several blogs I follow that post on an irregular basis as the writers have time & interest and it doesn't keep me from following them. (In fact, I don't actually check CW every day, although I do check Epbot most days. I love the cool crafts & geekiness you find!)