Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Make a Stuffed Animal Backpack

AKA, "Don't look now, there's a monkey on your back!"

I was looking for some quick craft gratification Friday night, and it came in the form of this $2 plush monkey:

D'aww. Just lookit dat face!

I thought: hey, why not turn him into a backpack?

So I flipped him over, ripped open his back, and yanked out most of his stuffing:

Good stress relief, that.

Then I found some fabric in my craft stash that kinda matched:

I stuck a small salad plate in Mr. Monkey's butt to determine how much room he had in there, and then used the plate as a template to draw two circles on the fabric. I also cut out a long rectangle of the same fabric.

Next I pinned and sewed the rectangle to the circles, leaving a slit open like so:

Here's a side view:

As you can see, the "good" side of the fabric is on the inside.

Next, my first-ever attempt at installing a zipper:

And it worked! Huzzah!

(Yes, I know it looks wrong right now. You'll see why in a second.)

Finally, I stuffed the whole thing in Monkey's back and hand-stitched it in place along the zipper edges:

My hand-stitching looks like the monkey is the one who did it, but fortunately that fur covers everything. (Just fluff the fur with a needle to release any tamped down by your stitching.)

Now I had a hollow monkey with a zippered back.

To make the monkey ride piggy-back, I needed to attach his hands to his feet. I found a spare strap from a travel bag long gone, cut that up, and attached D rings to two of the ends. Then I ripped open a little bit of the seam on the monkey's paw...

...stuffed in one end of the strap, and hand sewed the whole thing shut.

In the end, it looked like this:

As you can see, I care so much about showing you guys how NOT to do things that I attached the D rings to the wrong end of the monkey. (They should have been on his hands, not his feet.) That's me taking one for the virtual team, guys. Because I care.


Here's the finished Monkey Pack:

Here's his back view:

You'd think all that fur would get caught in the zipper, but so far I haven't had any snags at all. I think having a plastic zipper (as opposed to metal) helps.

And finally, the best part of all: a photo shoot with John wearing a ridiculous monkey backpack. WOOT WOOT!!

Ok, so this shot doesn't really show off the backpack, but... mmrowr. Am I right? Besides, John won't let me post any of his kissy-face "Blue Steele" shots. Harrumph.

(I also told him if he ended up on Sad Etsy Boyfriends it was NOT going to be my fault.)

Ok, ok, here's a better back view of the monkey pack:

Isn't he cute? (The monkey, I mean. Heh.) The head flops back quite nicely - it helps to remove some of the stuffing in the back of the head and neck area to allow for this.

So there you have it!

Mr. Monkey was really just my prototype, though; he's not quite geeky enough for me. (Although he's ridiculously comfortable, like wearing a giant fuzzy vest.) So next on my chopping block is a large Mickey plush from Hong Kong Disney. I'm also seriously considering hunting down a Hugga Bunch doll - remember those? Or a large Rainbow Brite - although her plastic head might be too hard. Hm...

Help me out, guys: what other geeky and/or 80's era dolls would make great backpacks or purses? (Pound Puppy Purse, perhaps?)


Come see ALL of my craft projects on one page, right here!


  1. don't take this the wrong way, but John is hot!

  2. Please oh please make one of these out of a popple:

  3. I'm eyeing the Felix the Cats I have around the house now. I actually HAVE a Felix backpack and little bag I use to carry my iPod and keys into the gym. But your craftiness has sparked my interest. Thanks! And yes, hunky hubby!

  4. Too cute. The first thing that came to my mind was that you should use a popple for your next backpack.

  5. Oh man NICE! I suck at sewing but I think I could manage this! Maybe.

    I think a crocodile plushie backpack is in order...

  6. @ Anony - Heck yeah he is!

    @vm - Ah, how did I forget Popples? 'Course, they have a pouch built-in, so it'd be extra easy! :D

  7. I totally love the Monkey on your Backpack! I think some cute 80s stuffed toy purse ideas would be the
    Fluppy Dogs:

    or Popples:

    I had both those toys -- and probably still do somewhere. ;-)

    And, yes, John is super-duper cute, and not just because of the fuzzy pink critter attached to his back. ;-)

  8. I have a Hugabunch Doll that My Grandfather got me when I was a kid. I don't know if I can stand to tear her apart but that is a neat Idea because those dolls are just way too cute.

    vmdesign Popple's would be very cute also. ahhhh the trip down memory lane

    Now I am wanting to try something like this LOL!!

  9. You say 80s, I say Care Bears...although they're a little on the small side for a backpack. And I don't think I could bring myself to rip one open and pull the stuffing out. That backpack is totally cute (as is the guy wearing it! LOL).

  10. I used to have a Hugga Bunch named Patootie. Also, I agree with everyone who wants to see what you can do with a Popple.

  11. Oh please make a pound puppies purse!!. How about a wuzzles backpack? maybe the wings would give a little trouble but could be really cute

  12. John is totally hot. bears backpack.

    - June Clever

  13. Oh my gosh! Hugga Bunch was my favorite movie when I was a kid. I even found it on DVD a few years ago and bought it. I continue to loan it out to friends, who all think the movie is creepy. My best friend and I talk about the "file clerk in my head" as the person that finds old memories. I imagine mine as the bookworm. I guess I know what I'm watching tonight!

  14. Care Bears!! And oddly enough that was my husband's idea. ;)

    P.S. John is HAWT!

  15. I saw a cute stuffed Yoda backpack for sale somewhere on the web. It would be much nicer to make your own so tha the straps fit nicely!

  16. I would love if you made like an Ewok backpack. I haven't seen Ewok plushes recently but I have been obsessed with those little guys forever.

  17. A POUND PUPPY purse? I think I would actually die of cute-overload if you did that. But it would be a nice, warm, fuzzy death, so that's OK.
    (Your monkey is cute too though!)

  18. I have several plush beavers (seriously) that could be repurposed as purses...Hmmm.

  19. This is adorable - and I have a baby cousin starting kindergarten in the fall - I think this will be a summer project for me...

  20. I appreciate John taking one for the team.

    Remember that My Pet Monster doll for boys? I'd want a backpack made of that.

  21. I'm thinking... THIS little guy would make an adorable backpack, facing backwards of course. I'll just have to figure out what sorts of straps to add. :)

  22. Sad Etsy Boyfriends...bwahaha best site ever. Yeah, that's what happens to girls who only have brothers and no sisters; they make the bros take them shoe shopping and pick the right color lipgloss. Haha like they care, but seriously! John looks like he's having a blast with the monkey pal and this was a super ingenious idea!

    Haha WV: Tessight - That thing they do to make sure you're not going blind with the E Snellen chart.

  23. I have a Fievel Mousekewitz that i think would be perfect for this...

  24. There's a 16" Wicket the Ewok on e-bay right now...

  25. Speaking of Rainbow Brite, I used to have her horse (I can't remember its name), and it would make a very statement clutch.

  26. I don't know how well a Pound Puppy would work, as their main seam is in their belly, not their back. (Plus, Harvey, my pound puppy that I've had since I was a kid is cowering in the corner trying not to unrepress his memories of the times when he had to have his tummy restitched, or his nose glued back on, or the multiple other stuffed animal surgeries he's had since joining my family). But there were the wrinkly dog puppets that were popular maybe a bit after Pound Puppies might work well. I think they were just called "Wrinkles". Here's a bunch:

    What about a "Santa Bear"? Those were HUGE at Christmas in the mid to late 80's, at least in the Detroit area. My sister and I got ours in 1986, the same year we got our Swatch watches. Wow does that bring back memories.

  27. Okay, am I the ONLY one who thinks Jon looks ALOT like Keifer Sutherland in that first picture?

    ....*chirpchirp chirpchirp chirpchirp*...

    If Jack Bauer could be pursuaded to wear a monkey backpack to save the world, that is...

    Carmen, the Un-Stalker

  28. @Elaineh - Wuzzles? YES.

    @Mandi - My Pet Monster? ALSO YES.

    @Kris - I had my own Fieval (the big one) for the longest time! Now you've made me all nostalgic for him.

    @ Angelina - Fraggle Rock? YES YES YES.

    Now I'm off to search Ebay for all of those. :D

    @ Anony - I've often said John looks like Kiefer, so I'm glad someone else sees it! Especially Kiefer in Three Musketeers, when John grows out his scruff. Heh.

  29. I wonder if I still have my Alf doll?

  30. A man walks down the street with that backpack, people know he's not afraid of anything.

  31. Just got back from Disneyland and quite a few folks were wearing the Yoda and Chewie backpacks. Super cute! They always made me smile when I saw them.

    My daughter has been playing with my old Popple recently and they are cute, but would make a rather "mini-size" backpack.

    I think it would be fun to have Kermit clinging to your back, but he wouldn't have much storage space. And I second the Wuzzles. One of my brothers had a Rhinokey plush that would be about the right size. Plus he's got that cute tail. :)

  32. OMG! I had the Hugga Bunch with the purple hair/dress/shoes! <3

  33. Geeky backpack ideas?

    Hmmm.... Did they ever make any large Stay Puft Marshmallow Man plushes?

    (A quick check of eBay says "yes", but I'm not sure if 20" would be big enough for a backpack.)

  34. I'm thinking a care bear bag. But the zipper would be inset (hidden zipper) on the stomach behind the name-sake-circle-thingy. That way your back is protected from the zipper, and you can shout "care bear stare!" and then open the bag and pull a rainbow scarf, wallet,or whatever out. I figure you have to take the bag off to get into it anyway, so the zipper can be on the stomach, you just have to make sure there's a little padded tummy between you and the zipper.

  35. I am really jealous! I call my husband Monkey, we even had a monkey themed wedding and I collect stuffed monkeys but none are big enough to do that too! Too cute!

  36. @ Lizzie

    Rainbow Brite's horse was named Starlite

    And Jen - I have a HuggaBunch doll that I would gladly send you to try this with. She has served her usefulness with me and I would rather see her go to someone who would appreciate her... email me!!

  37. The backpack turned out awesome! The monkey is so adorable!

    And speaking of Hugabunch, I had seen the hugabunch movie a lot as a kid but for the longest time couldn't remember the name. People kept thinking I was crazy when I described the plot to them. It wasn't until a couple a years ago thanks to a little google and youtube searching, I was happy to find out I hadn't made the whole thing up.

  38. I second the fact that John is Kiefer's long lost brother, I had to do a double take when I saw that photo.
    The bag idea is really cute, reminds me of a dalmatian bag that I had in high school. While there's not many soft toys in my house (and the few that I have, have been claimed by a 3.5 pound chihuahua), if I had a sewing machine, I would totally be going toy shopping :)

  39. How about a turtle shell?

  40. I had no idea that Hugga Bunch was a thing- I have one, though she is quite worn out... you just made my day because most people just look at me like I'm crazy when I mention Hugga Bunch. Thanks!

  41. Not sure this counts, as I remember these being from the 90's, but I've seen potential for a little drawstring bag in the 'Kinder Garden Babies' carrier. Photo here.

  42. vmdesign beat me to it - the first thing I thought of was a Popple!

    Or maybe a Wuzzle?

  43. Awesome!

    One suggestion. On one without fur, like a Mickey doll, put the zipper on the front of the doll. May not be as comfortable feeling the zipper against your back, but it will be more secure against someone just coming up and unzipping it.

  44. Such a good way to recycle or repurpose!
    Love that the monkey 'hugs" the wearer.

    Smurf Backpack?
    Oooh Classic Winnie the Pooh!!

  45. What about a Gizmo from the Gremlins?

    I love giraffes and elephants, but that might be better as a clutch with handles than a back pack.

  46. Oh my gosh, my son *needs* a Pound Puppy bag! I'm thinking duffle style, yeah? I'm digging the Care Bear idea, too, and of course Popples would make awesome purses. So many fantastic possibilities!

  47. Two words: Stay Puft

  48. I love lots of these ideas, but rather than suggest a good geeky subject for a bag, I'm here to offer a sewing hint. If you attach the zipper before sewing the rectangle section to the circle ends, you may find it a lot easier. And then when you sew on the ends, you'd sew across the raw zipper ends and they'd be even better secured.

    Just a hint from someone who has sewed a lot of bags in her day.

  49. How about a cthulhu plush. They are really cute and it would be a neat backpack.

  50. Cute! I was thinking you need to do this with a Yoda. (Is there a stuffed Yoda?) 'Cause then you could be the Jedi in training with Yoda on your back. :-)

  51. @Marnie: A yoda backpack is such a great idea! ThinkGeek actually has one (here), but I think it would be more fun (not to mention cheaper) to make it.

  52. This is SUCH a great idea, although I don't think I could bring myself to de-gut one of my 80's many fond memories with each lil' friend. But I am thinking, why not a trip to Build-a-Bear workshop? Buy an unstuffed skin, they'll give you some fluff if you ask (for the head, arms and legs) then create away! The opening in the BaB animal's back may need to be increased, but that wouldn't be difficult. They just came out with a dachshund! How cute would that be as a purse!!

  53. Sooo cute. Am not sure I have the stomach for gutting a muppet, but does anyone remember Puffalumps? Those might make a cute and slightly rain-resistant bag.

    WV: Sidin - Sidin here reading this when I should be working.

  54. Are you sure your hubby isn't moonlighting on The Glades?

  55. A big plush Stay-Puft! They have to exist somewhere.

  56. In 6th grade I carried (still have) a teddy bear backpack purse. The zipper is on a side seam, which may be a better option for several plush animals mentioned above.

    Also, Think Geek sells the Yoda purse here as well as large Star Wars plush, here if you want another option like Chewbacca.

    I like the Fraggle idea, I have Gobo, but his stomach area seems a bit small for a purse. I wouldn't want to pull him apart anyway.

  57. Omg, you should try it with a Lossa Love, or whatever they're called. You know, from Toy Story 3!

  58. Great prototype, but a few suggestions:

    I think that the zipper should be on the belly so it can't be opened while you are wearing it.

    And it should zip from top to bottom so it isn't opened by gravity.

  59. Alf!! Yes! Alf would be amazing! :)

  60. I vote for Alf or a smurf, actually check out what a Womble is that would be cool LOL
    Oh and as the first commentor said "John is hot" LOL

  61. A good-looking hubby who can make/fix pretty much anything? Does John happen to have a single brother, who's also into geeky girls?? *eyebrow wiggle*

    Really though, that's a pretty awesome idea for a backpack. I have a floppy t-rex plush I'm eyeing now, lol.

  62. LOL - John looks sssoooooooo um *happy* to be wearing that backpack! Ha ha ha ha ha ha Thanks so much for sharing your how-to. Clever and excellent. And cheap!

  63. No comments on who the next backpack should be made of, but a fabric choice comment. The red that you chose made it look like guts. It looks like you would unzip Mr. Monkey and reach into his guts to pull out all the cool things you would keep there. Not to say that this is a bad thing, but having the inside of a monkey backpack look like guts may not have been what you were going for. It seems like a bright green, orange, or blue might have worked a little better to prevent ever thinking of guts. Of course, now I'm just thinking of green and orange and blue guts.

  64. The Disney geek in you should take a moment to check this out -

    Excellent combination of acapella and Disney!


  65. On the Care Bear pack idea--I don't think you have to go down the middle of the belly. If you want a zip on the front, it can go on a curve around the edge of the belly. Instead of a vertical cylinder, you'd do the circles on the front & back matching the belly diameter. If you want him to face out with hands & feet straps, he might look like he's on The Rack. Just sayin'

  66. I'd be happy to send you this hugga bunch, Tweaker:

    if you merely plug my blog when you show off the backpack

  67. Jen, what if you made the rainbow brite backpack where Rainbow B. is facing outward from your back? If you make the straps a bit longer, her head where the ponytail is will be at your back and it will be no more uncomfortable than having a regular backpack on. :) Fun idea!

  68. How can you think of the 80s and not think Cabbage Patch Dolls? You may have the same issue with the weight of the plastic head though.

    My vote? Monchichi. Or Poochi (Poochi for Girls, not the robo dog that was the answer to Furbys). They both remind me of high school classmates because a couple of my peers had hair very similar to the stuffed animals.

  69. Julie G. from IowaMay 23, 2011 at 11:59 AM

    Care Bears!
    Or a Stay Puft Marshmallow guy?!

  70. How about a Shirt Tales bag? Kip the kangaroo and Digger the mole were my faves when I was a little kid! :-)

  71. This immediatly made me think of doing a star wars lego back pack! Do a jedi and use the cloak to hide the zipper. I'd prob just make the star wars lego guy myself though. I don't know if there is a enterprise plushy but that would a super cool backpack! I wonder if I could make one before this weekend trip to amusment park it would be fantastic!

  72. Does anyone else think of George Michael's song when looking at the look on John's face?

    "Why can't you do it / Why can't you set your monkey free / Always giving in to it / Do you love your monkey or do you love me?"

  73. My Little Pony, they seem to come in ridiculously large plush versions. Speaking of ponies, you have seen these, haven't you Jen?

  74. I'm not even kidding, EVERY TIME you post a tutorial I have an insatiable need to make whatever you made (domed pennies and flip flop hangers come to mind - although they didn't have a doming kit at my local Harbor Freight dangit, so I haven't gotten to that yet..) Since I have a little boy on the way, I am super excited about making one of these cute little back packs for him when he starts walking! Carry your OWN diapers, kid! :)

  75. My immediate thought was Popples. Wouldn't even need much work to make them since they already have a pouch!

    I also have to second whoever said Alf! I had an Alf doll that was the PERFECT size for just this sort of project-and he TALKED! Of course I'm sure he's long gone now to a yardsale or the house fire when I was 12.

  76. If you sew the zipper before you make it into a tube it's much easier to do :-) I have a college degree in Costume Construction and I STILL hate zippers!

  77. I have a large plush Kermit sitting in my office that would make a cool buddy, but he's too SKINNY to make a good backpack. I could maybe fit my keyes in there at most. I'd need a plushier muppet, maybe a Fozzie Bear or Rowlf the Dog?

  78. so i was brushing my teeth while reading this, and the pic of john mussing it with a cute fuzzy monkey back pack almost made me snort toothpaste

  79. I'm thinking some of those larger makeup bags like you get free at Ulta might make the job WAY easier...just sew the zipper edges to the animal like you did, only right-side-out. Especially if you're making a smaller one for a little kid. I've got dozens of fancy ones from Estee Lauder, too.

  80. I'm in the popple club! I still have mine in storage somewhere! I have some pound puppies too...

  81. oh man, I just donated my sister's old Hugga bunch to the good will a month ago - want me to go see if it's still there? I would totally buy it back if you wanted to make a backpack out of it.

  82. Have you seen those toddler harnesses (OK, leashes. Yes, I said it. Leashes), that look like puppies and are supposed to double as a backpack?

    Well, I bought one for my toddler yesterday, and I have to say, I was very disappointed with the backpack portion of the thing.

    Please, Jen. Go to Target and look at one (in the baby travel section), then recreate it geek-style, with actual room for more than a baseball card in the pocket. Then I'll buy it from you. The only real difference is the straps, and the tail that clips on to be the LEASH.

  83. I have to say, the first thing I thought of when I saw the finished pack was that it would be very easy for a thief to get into that pack without you knowing it. Next time, make the zipper on the side facing the back, not away. Wouldn't want to ruin a good thing with a bad event like being robbed. Love the work, though! I like the Pound Puppy Purse idea.

  84. I did this with a large Figment plush from Disney a few years ago. I love it!

  85. I made a backpack like this out of a large Figment plush from Disney a few years ago. :-) I love it! I also have a Popple, but haven't altered it in any way.... yet...!

  86. Sweet. I have a stuffed Snork that would be really cool.

  87. Did you know your flip-flop hangers were featued on TipJunkie??
    Kudos to you! :)

  88. Jen, you are WAY TOO creative - makes me envious and a bit sad, because I'd never in a million years think to do something like this, much less be able to execute the project. In any case, I'm impressed.

    @jrbn - Figment! There's a blast from the past. I remember Figment when we went to DisneyWorld about 25 years ago. I always thought he was cool. Great idea for a backpack.

    Now, must search for flip-flop hanger project post...

  89. They are not really from the 80's, but the North American Bear Co. has a line of very cute animals called Flatsos. They would be a good size for a backpack and are floppy and, of course cute.

  90. A little late to the party here (busy week!) but my first thought was Alf, for sure! 2nd - One of the TMNT gang. My best friend and I played the pop the balloon game at the Fun Forest for hours to get those. Or, best of all - make a Chewie backpack with C3PO on HIS back! That would be fun :) I have zero sewing skills, but love to live vicariously through those who do.

  91. I'm also late to the party, and I have no idea where you'd find one, but...
    Lauren Beukes' "Zoo City"!

  92. You say '80s' stuffed toy, I hear ALF. Also on the Rainbow Brite theme, how about a sprite? Or the big brown furry bad guy, Lurky? I always thought we was good deep down! There are some very cute plushies of him - with his giant nose and uber cute converse type shoes!

  93. Finally! I get to see John's trimmed down physique!! Lookin' good!

  94. that is just too cute and even better since you got John to model it! gotta go find a big enough smurf now.

  95. @RU
    i actually have a kermit the frog backpack that i bought off ebay for 8 bucks. it actually does fit a lot of stuff. the tag says disney world and my cousin said she saw them there when she went and i think u can still buy them there. but you can get them for a lot cheaper prices on ebay.
    -kate the glorious geek


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