Of course, the powers that be then decided to host it in Seattle - a location which couldn't possibly be farther away from me and still remain in the continental U.S. - and I'm really trying not to take that personally.
But, I digress.
The convention isn't until October, but I'm telling you now because this is their very first year, and they're looking for people to get involved any way they can. You're encouraged to volunteer, spread the word, suggest topics, bring cookies (ok, I'm guessing on the cookies), and just generally get plugged in over at the GGN website.
So, go! Do that. Tell 'em I sent you.
And then maybe start a petition for an east coast version.
PS - Oh, and guess what? Katie and her mom will be there!
Sounds fantastic! Too bad I'm broke, and, come October, will have college to deal with. I actually just last night calculated what it would cost for my friend and I to go to Comic-con some time in the future, and it came to a minimum of...my entire life savings. Why can't this stuff ever happen in Louisville? :(
ReplyDeleteAt least there will be pics!!
Thanks for the shoutout!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you need to road-trip it up here for it! I am so excited it is happening in my backyard!
ReplyDeleteI'm on it.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds great, I wish there were more of these kind of events in Australia.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Too bad my second child is due at the end of September...I don't think I'll be up to doing a Con less than a month postpartum! But, man, the possibilities of the fun costumes I could do with a tiny baby and a toddler! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up Jen! I'll go offer to volunteer right now. Hopefully their writing track needs me.
ReplyDeleteHate to be picky, but as someone who lived in Anchorage, feel I have to point out that Alaska is actually past of the North American Continent, and as such, still part of Continental United States. So it's a little bit farther away than Seattle from you.
ReplyDeleteI remember well the 12 hr flights from Anchorage to Ft Lauderdale where my parents retired to. long long long flights.
It's something of a joke up there, all of the experiences you have and hear about from others, where people mistakenly think Alaska is part of Canada or an island off of Baja, Mexico.
I live at the very bottom of Washington state and have been horribly jealous of all you Floridians and Californians for years with all your Cons...finally there is one I can go to!
ReplyDeleteOoh, thanks for posting, I live in Seattle!!!
ReplyDeleteThat would be so freaking cool.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the shoutout, Jen! I'm the Vendor Manager for GGC and I looked for you all last D*Con and never once saw your yellow boots. :( Perhaps if you go this year I can find you. :D So excited by the news that Miss Katie will be at our convention, she's so awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, as an Epbot/CakeWrecks fangirl, this was super cool to see.
My pleasure, Dixie! I can't wait to see how the con comes together.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, you can count on me being at D*C again this year! I'll try to do better with the tweeting so you'll have an easier time with the finding. :D
Oooh, awesome! Except that it's in Seattle. The bad part about living in the Midwest is that stuff happening on either coast will require an airplane ticket. Or a road trip. But still, awesome!
ReplyDeleteI might have to take my 9 year old for her birthday, Seattle is a quicl flight :)
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!! Thanks for giving us, GeekGirlCon a shoutout!! Its much appreciated!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm petitioning for a Texas con!!
ReplyDeleteOh, man, that sounds way cool; wish I could go. But I did "like" them on Facebook, so I can peruse at leisure.
ReplyDeletedon't think i can make it there myself (super sad), but did post on my journal to share the news. would be awesome to go though! :D
ReplyDeleteDarn it! I live nearly as far away as you, Jen (Virginia), and am even going to be in the Seattle area -- two months too early. Rats! I've been a geek since about 1965, too, and proudly raised my daughter to be one; the family that cons together stays together, right? :)
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you make a stop in Seattle and an appearance at GGC part of your book tour? You'd certainly have enough willing book buyers there for all you do for the geeky girls amongst us!
WV: Vicar, as in the English girl who stayed with us for a year in 1967 and who I happily taught to be a geek is now a vicar.
I second the "Texas Con"!!
ReplyDeleteI've never been to any of these types of conventions in my life, but if GGC were to take place in TX, then I would be first in line.
Good luck, girls!!
Jen, you really should come anyway! Road trip, right? Plus, it only rains approximately 6 out of 7 days a week here in October :)
ReplyDeleteWOW! I'm in Seattle! Maybe i'll see you there!
ReplyDeleteOMG how cool! I would love to go to this some day.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm....we have GeekGirlCon AND the Steampunk Convention (the following weekend) in Seattle?? Are you sure you're not supposed to move here? :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm. . intrigued. I may have to go if I have the money to spare then. May have to round up the local female members of the Mando Mercs to hit it up in costume. ^_^
ReplyDeleteI told my husband about it and if we are not mired in lack of money we are going to try and make it to GGC
ReplyDeleteHi Bubbasmom and Lisadh,
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure where you are inTexas, or what your school affiliations are, but Aggiecon is hosted by a group of students in College station every year. They just had it last month, although I didn't hear about it until afterwords.
If you are in western Texas, I recommend the Bubonicon in Albuquerque - small but mighty (mighty fun, mighty busy) - and closer than DFW or A&M or Austin.
ReplyDeleteSlightly off-topic, but a girl-geek heroine passed away earlier this week - Elizabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith on Doctor Who succumbed to complications of cancer. Condolences to her family and friends; I met her at a Whovian get together and she was a very gracious lady.
Does Harry Potter-obsessed count as geeky? I LOVE Harry Potter and was thinking of going to Dragon*Con dressed as Luna Lovegood, but now there is a Con just for girls? Sweet!
ReplyDeleteVery awesome Bioshock cosplay.
Totally wish that I could go.
ReplyDeleteYESS!!! I'm only like 3 ish hours from Seattle and I am SOOO GOING!!
ReplyDelete@Monica -- not sure where you are in the Mid-West, but there are plenty of conventions in St. Louis, Kansas City and Chicago!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Jen, I live just out of Seattle and will take lots of pictures for you. I already know what I'm going to dress up as; a crossplay girl Dr. Reid from Criminal Minds. This is gonna be so much funnnn... XD
ReplyDeletemaybe someone will send me for my birthday!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteYou've got a place to stay if you want to come on out. (Is that a creepy offer?)