SO...who wants a Halloween candy bracelet? :D
Yep, I'm giving away my bracelet to one of you lucky and oh-so-gifted-with-impeccable-taste-in-blogs readers. Plus, look! I found the perfect box for it in my craft stash!

Oh, and I should mention that the bracelet is a bit smaller than average: just over 7 inches around, as opposed to the usual 8. So if bracelets tend to be snug on you, this may be too small.
UPDATE: And the winner is....Alyssa (aka alyssag721)! Congratulations, and please e-mail me your mailing address, Alyssa!
The contest has ended!
Now, rules: leave a comment (one per person, please) with a link to to one of your favorite Halloween things: costumes, crafts, jewelry, or what-have-you. (Don't forget to embed the link!) Also be sure to include a way for me to contact you. And just to reward all my fellow staying-in-on-a-Friday-nighters, I'll be randomly choosing the winner *tonight* at 10pm EST. Yep, in less than 5 hours. See? It pays to check my posts early!
Check back on this post at 10:05pm for the winner, or I'll also be announcing it on Facebook.
Good luck!
Candy bracelets are totally cool and so is this: My Future Pumpkin
My mom would love this bracelet. She is a holiday-themed dresser. haha
ReplyDeleteFav Hallowe'en thing? Gotta be
pumpkin cheesecake!
I hopes I win! adamo83(at)
Well, I LOVE costumes and decorations, and how is halloween complete without jack-o-lanterns?
ReplyDeleteI'm quite fond of This one that pink ray gun put out a couple years ago. (Ten will always be my Doctor, no matter how much I adore Eleven)
Love the blog and the bracelet!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Halloween? The food: food
Cool! Your bracelet is adorable. I would love to have it.
ReplyDeleteI love Haunted houses and plan to take my boys to one this one this weekend. This one looks really scary. I went to this one last year and it was pretty good too.
My favorite thing to make around Halloween time are these
Mine has got to be watching all of my favorite Johnny Depp movies. Sleepy Hollow, The Ninth Gate, From Hell, Sweeney Todd, Corpse Bride, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and now Alice in Wonderland...
ReplyDeleteHe is soooo the quintessential Halloween-y actor. He plays the most brilliantly dark roles with awesome-tacular costumes!!! Oh who am I kidding?! I'd watch Johnny all day long without Halloweeen.
Oooh! I love the bracelet and all of your posts! And I'm not even just saying that to win! (though it may help????) This is my favorite halloween costume... Candy Corn Dog Costume
I love/hate this. I'm opposed to dog costumes in general, but my friends have an old inside joke about beedogs.
ReplyDeleteAs a cosplayer who does DragonCon every year, it's hard sometimes to get excited about Halloween (it seems so...tame in comparison!) but perennially spooky Kambriel is really one of the most amazing designers I know. She actually made the coat that Neil Gaiman wore to the Oscars, and she has made numerous things for Amanda Palmer. Her patchwork coverlets are sumptuous and beautiful creations, and her One Of A Kind page features some gorgeously spooky chokers and jewelry!
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed! My contact info is
My favorite thing is painting people's faces for Halloween!
ReplyDeleteI figured giving a huge choice would be best:
ReplyDeleteHalloween Goodness
This site has everything you could ever want in regards to Halloween: history, costumes, pumpkins, jokes, surveys, and MORE!
I love this bracelet! So cute! I bought all of the stuff to make these- now I just need the time to actually make them!
ReplyDeleteI love Oriental Trading for a lot of my Halloween "stuff". LOL
ReplyDeleteBeing a Vol. Firefighter one of my big kicks is safety, so I always ordered a lot of their Glow-in-the-Dark, GID stuff and some of their little flashlights to give out instead of candy. Hopefully all of the little ghosts and goblins (or Marios...) are seen and safe.
Love this bracelet! And it will go great with the super-awesome Mickey Pumpkin Head light-up ring that I bought at:
ReplyDeleteDisney's Not So Scary Halloween Party
which I'm posting as my favorite "halloween thing" since I can't find a picture of a light-up ring.
There are tons of cookie/dessert crafts that I want to attempt this year, but my favorite Halloween thing might just be the overall nerdery, illustrated oh-so-wonderfully here: Sci-Fi Pumpkins
ReplyDeleteLove it.
Oh my gosh I would go gaga over this bracelet!! NOT Lady, just gaga. I love Disneyland at Halloween!
That bracelet is adorable. As for good Halloween stuff, I really want to dress up as Vampire Willow but I fear I will not be nearly as successful as this person. She must have made that corset jacket herself for all I can find anything like it online. I bow to those with sewing talent.
Favorite Halloween thing? Has to be Monster Mash! It can't be Halloween without hearing that song at least once! :)
ReplyDeleteContact info is sarahjanewheeler(at)gmaildotcom
(you should have it from the lovely steampunk computer desk picture I sent. LOL)
I love cool homemade costumes Making costumes for my family is the highlight of my year and I love seeing what other people can do! This year I'm stealing the idea from one of your D*C posts and making everyone in my family Candyland costumes! I spent about 4 hours attempting this bracelet & failing. You need an Etsy store so we can shop your crafts!!
ReplyDeleteYour bracelet is totally rockin', and while it would clash with my costume color-wise, I'd totally wear it if I won...the whole family (me, the hubby, and our two kids aged 4 and 2) will be dressed as a character from this page...
ReplyDeleteSo cool and cute.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite halloween thing:
Candy Jar
ReplyDeleteI came across this the other day and I love it.
i am SO in love with the bracelet! your craftiness is inspiring ;) which is why i also love THESE crafts!!!
oops! I forgot my email address!, sorry :(
I think this is fully the cutest thing I've seen in a while.
ReplyDeleteThis is a pic of two of my favorite halloween things in one: costumes & vamprires
The best part of Halloween is, hands down Tootsie Roll Fruit Rolls. Where I live I can only ever find them for Halloween and they are the yummiest candy ever. I always buy a few bags, with the intention of making them last, but I invariably eat it all before Christmas. :)
ReplyDeleteI love to carve cool pumpkins. So here is my favorite site to get a template~
Oooooh, this would be the perfect bday present for my sister-in-law (who I adore) who is a Halloween baby!
ReplyDeleteThree of my favorite edible Halloween creations are snugged in together in the lunch I packed for my son last Halloween.
Awesome bracelet-so fun for the holiday! Favorite costumes HERE and HERE and HERE and (just one more!) HERE. Now, to convince my hubby that I need them ALL... :-)
I gotta say, my favorite Halloween/costume thing right now is the steampunk costumes I made for my husband and me. :D Just finished them a week ago!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love tiny things, so I thought this was super cute! I think I need to buy more scrapbook paper... :)
ReplyDeleteNaomi at
(I really hope my link thing worked... I've never done that before.)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the last post, I forgot to include my email address! It's inuchan01(at) . :)
ReplyDeleteEach of my daughters adore having a Halloween Advent Calendar. Easy to make and great for building up anticipation for the big day.
Is it wrong of me to love the pirate costume I made for my son last year the best? This year will be even better. This year, he is going to be a wizard with a sparkly purple robe and hat.
The best thing about Halloween? The Turbine Pumpkin Carving Contest!
ReplyDeleteLike everyone else, I love Halloween. One of the things we do is make a haunted gingerbread house; this is last year's.
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute bracelet! So far my favorite Halloween things I've seen this year are dead man burgers. I might not end up making them with veggie burgers, but I'm definitely going to make them.
ReplyDeleteMaking jewelry is one of those crafts I've never really tried...I love your adorable bracelet!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy spending Halloween with Charlie Brown and making sad faces every time he gets a rock.
This year my favorite Halloween thing has to be my little monster featured on my blog.
Ah, I've been drooling over your bracelet ever since you posted it! I can't imagine having the patience to pull something like that off. :o)
ReplyDeleteI love all the costumes ohdeedoh has been featuring lately, but this collection takes the cake. Who wouldn't love a two year old Nacho Libre?
Also, you need to go to New York and go to this steampunk haunted house sometime!
My favorite Halloween thing last year were these papercrafts I found through the blog 'How About Orange': Halloween Papercrafts - I love the Halloween Tree especially and can't wait to make more of these in the coming weeks
ReplyDeleteOrange is my color, October is my month and my email is
How could you not love Star Wars costumes for dogs?
ReplyDeleteCrossing my fingers,
Yay for random drawings of your adorable stuff! I <3 these things - easy and no craftiness needed since I totally lack skills!
Honestly? My favorite thing about Halloween is candy corn. And this tiny felt candy corn. Winning this bracelet would therefore be super awesome for me! :D
ReplyDeleteprincessbee728(at) :D
I love love love that bracelet!
ReplyDeleteThese are so cute!!! Halloween Bottles (Link Kitty
I love the big bang theory and really want to dress up like Dr. Sheldon Cooper, this website had great ideas!
I love it all, so orange!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite would probably be the Princess Bride costumes I made for us last year!
Buttercup and the Dread Pirate Roberts
No question, has to be the making of a steampunk pumpkin
My site....
I love the bracelet! I love all things Halloween, but these skull soaps are my newest favorite find.
ReplyDelete(wish I could link to something on my own blog, but it appears I haven't actually blogged much in the way of Halloween, despite my undying love.)
I could spend hours AND millions here...if only I had either. Lol
Thanks for the laugh every day,
Oh...LOVE! And I have tiny wrists, bracelets generally don't fit me.
ReplyDeletePumpkin Whoopie Pies. Tied in little cellophane bags with some fab Halloween ribbon? My go-to Trick-or-Treat treat this year:
Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
I would just like to say that my favorite color is orange too, and I love candy corn! :D
ReplyDeleteI have recently been looking at Halloween things and so I decided I would try to do some face painting on my own girls. I found that this woman had some tutorials on youtube but the work she has on her website is beautiful.
So far my face painting ventures have been fun but I could never hope to be any where near this:
<a href=">MY TEXT</a>
Cutest little bracelet ever, and speaking of cute things I designed this Little Magnet based on my favorite Halloween costume ever - a ferocious grizzly bear.
Extreme Pumpkins (I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves this)
ReplyDeletealso I have a small wrist so small bracelet works PERFECTLY! <3
the awesome
ReplyDeletecoloring books
because i am just a kid at heart
Nothing is better than roasted pumpkin seeds! But wait, this IS better! Pumpkin seed bracelets!
I just found this link today other wise I would have no Halloween craft to post, and I really want that bracelet. jack o lantern cake
ReplyDeleteP.S. I have tried many times to post a comment and it has never worked. so here's hoping it works the one time I really reeally want it to.
YEAH! I love halloween!! And since I *LOVE* to bake, and do things very thematically, one of my favorites is baking stuff like Kitty Litter Cake
I LOOOOOOOOVE your candy bracelets! One of my favorite Halloween crafts is to stamp on candles, like this:
ReplyDeleteHalloween Candles
I like this site for the stories ;)
Oh yay, yay, YAY!! I was SOOOO hoping you would do this!!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite costume sites!! I love to go and DROOL over all of the adorable-ness that I A. can't afford (because I love all the super expensive ones, of course), or B. wouldn't wear, because I'm not quite *that* brave!
I hope, I hope, I hope I win! :D
Horse head masks.
ReplyDeleteSo creepy and delightful at the same time.
I LOVE the candy bracelet! Would be hard not to eat it.
Best way to contact me is at
I'm a confessed SHEGEEK and a science teacher. Any Halloween-Themed Science project is fun - but without a doubt, Spooky Dry-Ice Bubbles are the winner. You will sit and play with them for HOURS.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, and I know you'll agree that for halloween, this is a kick !
ReplyDelete(got to mention I'm french -which probably rules me out for the wgive-aways but well-, so I have to make do with this little theme park we have here :p)
ReplyDeleteThis isn't my work, BUT I carved one just like it last year, except my skull and crossbones was just scraped, not carved all the way through (thus giving a 3D effect) DEFINITELY my fave carved pumpkin EVER!!
ReplyDeletePirate Ship Pumpkin- OH YEAH!
I think you can contact me through my Blogspot profile? If not, post it- I guarantee I'll be lurking and will see it ;)
I love Halloween TV specials!!! My absolute favorite as a kid is Hocus Pocus. It's so cheesy now, but I still love :)
ReplyDeleteI put a spell on yoooooou~
How about... I love your designs, although they're not my style! Been reading for ages, and you are so artistic I thought I'd post and tell you. My talents lie elsewhere on the creativity spectrum. Hope whoever gets this bracelet loves it.
ReplyDeleteWe love carving pumpkins
ReplyDeleteand wearing creative costumes.
Adorbs! Me (27 year old girl) and all the grandmas in the world will love this :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Halloween thing is obviously dresses up infants as food items.
I love how you turned my all-time favorite halloween treat into an adorable bracelet! (candy corn!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Halloween thing is my friends' house. Every year they do a different theme and turn the entire front of their house into something amazing. It's been fun helping them with the process, which you can track here
Yes, I am in several of these pictures, but I'll just mention that my little guy has been dressed as a naked mole rat for the superhero year (Kim Possible, anyone?) and as a young Prince Philip for last year's Sleeping Beauty theme. :)
My favorite Halloween thing is actually I-Mockery's candy reviews. Ridiculously fun, and helps me decide what to get at the store! Here's last year's: 2009 Candy Review
ReplyDeleteYou can reach me at tinidril_of_perelandra (at)
Darnit...I don't know what I did first time trying this but I will try to link it again:
Since I am horrible at pumpkin carving, I love to go ogle Extreme Pumpkins and dream of doing what they can.
ReplyDeleteInitially I was intending to link to a youtube clip of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show", because that's one of my favourite things I associate with Halloween. But I couldn't find a good one, and let's face it-you need to watch the whole thing in its entirety! So I found a good free pumpkin stencil website. I did Jack Skellington last year! It was so good! Check it out
I love the Pumpkin King! Pumpkin cheesecake is awesome too... I just love Fall! krob.08(at)
I'm not a big fan of Halloween, for many reasons (among them being having my bro-in-law's viewing Halloween night and having people show up as vampires and such), but I do like Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. Mmmm... I need to make me some of those babies!
ReplyDeleteI love halloween accessories simply because halloween is my favorite holiday. My favorite halloween activities are scaring small children and dressing up in my favorite attire as Alice!
ReplyDeleteAnd other tom foolery as well! (note, I am totally kidding by the way about scaring children)
You're late for a very important date you know. You should pick me!
There are lots of cool things about Halloween. Candy, costumes, etc. But my current favorite thing? Disney's Halloween Time. I get to go ON HALLOWEEN this year. So excited.
Here is my very very favorite thing about Halloween. MNSSHP
ReplyDeleteFavorite Halloween thing?? Hmmm... I don't think I can decide!!
ReplyDeleteCandy Corn
Nightmare Before Christmas and of course
Sweeney Todd!
My very favorite thing about halloween is candy corn! I restrain myself from eating the awful-for-you, oh-so-yummy candy the rest of the year. :)
ReplyDeleteMy pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies! I'll be making more soon and can't wait to eat some! ;)
ReplyDeleteHalloween is my favorite holiday! I'm toying with the idea of making this awesome Marie Antionette costume. It honestly does not sound as complicated as I thought it was.
ReplyDeleteI love this bracelet! It would be worn all year if you pick me. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd my favorite part of Halloween isn't actually Halloween. It's Dio de los Muertos!
The best part of Halloween are the Haunted Houses. The rush of adrenaline, the stomach tingling in anticipation of what's-that-around-the-next-corner?, being able to hold onto a certain guy's arm...I love it! My favorite haunted house is Nightmare on 13th
I LOVE this bracelet, and the box, and even the ribbon! My craft is "rock pumpkins" I am actually doing a pumpkin patch with this craft for a patch of dirt meant for flowers in the front of my house.
ReplyDeleteStone pumpkin
Hope I did that right!
Since I'm horrible at carving pumpkins I love to go ogle Extreme Pumpkins and dream about doing the things they can do.
Maybe I shouldn't win this. I don't know how I could possibly keep from gnawing on it lacquer and all LOL!
ReplyDeleteHere's the best place to scare yourself silly in Ottawa. Even in the daytime, frankly. I spent a really disturbing hour in a hedge maze once. NOT funny.
EEEK! ::soaks up the crafty candy goodness!::
ReplyDeleteSo adorable! As they say on the radio, 'long time listener, first time caller'. In this case its long time reader, first (maybe second?) time poster.
I got my mom and two of my sisters your cake wreck book because they have a side business making cakes - They LOVED it! My dad was even laughing when he picked it up one day, we're all looking forward to your next one!
Since I like Halloween in its entirety, there really isnt just one thing I can say I like the most about it... so I'll just post the wikipedia entry on Halloween because I can.
is my e-mail :)
Keep up the awesome work!
These are a must at Halloween for me. My mom made them every year. With out that roasty toasty smell, there is no fall!
ReplyDelete(I am an absolute Luddite, so please no one ridicule me too much if my embedding doesn't work... I tried! :))
My fave Halloween thing was the iPhone costume I made last year, but we have no pics on the copmuter, so, wah wah. Anyway, here's my second favorite piece of Halloween awesome: Victorian Butterfly Halloween Paper Doll
ReplyDeleteHope I win!
Hmmm... tough one. I love theme cakes (since I want to be a pastry chef when I get older). But I also love makeup and costumes (I'm a geek with many random interests :D) so I'd have to say this Tim Burton Look I found.
I am all about carving the pumpkins. However mine always look like a 3 year old went at it with a chainsaw. lol But this site Extreme Pumpkins may help me this year!
ReplyDeletePS. Love the bracelet and think my daughter would as well.
bannasmom1 @ yahoo. com
When I was little, my mom stuffed clothes with newspaper to make a little person, who we put on our porch for Halloween. His name was Boo. This is the closest thing I could find online. We used a plastic bag with a baseball cap instead of a pumpkin for a head, though.
ReplyDelete<3 candy bracelets!
So I love thinking I'm crafty, but sadly not the case. I found this site a while ago and made all the Halloween cards...super fun and the fam/friends loved them!! =)
I love the pumpkin carving! the guts and seeds, laughing with family! Can't go wrong with it!
Love the bracelet!
ReplyDeleteCheck out this One Ring pumpkin, I wish I could make one like this!
torigreene at yahoo dot com
I desperately want that bracelet.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite new decoration this year:
My favorite part of Halloween? The traditional viewing of Ghostbusters, and Jaws of course! (what do you mean Jaws isn't Halloween themed? It is in my reality!)
ReplyDeleteOr possibly the wearing of my extra long Tom Baker Scarf? Instant Halloween costume for those in the know! Jelly Babies anyone?
Ok, first of all I have a not-so-secret love affair with Candy Corn.
ReplyDeleteSecond of all my contains two of my favorite Halloweeny things. My very radical x-ray Boston Terrier shirt from, and my super-fun 7 year old daughter who LOVES Halloween.
I love everything about Halloween! I love making the costumes and hanging out on the porch handing out candy, I also love carving pumpkins. I don't have links to any pumpkins I've done myself, but these are great :)
ReplyDeleteThis year, I think this wreath is my favorite Halloween thing. So cute! I love candy corn!
shoot, just noticed that the gal that did the skull soaps didn't link to Graphics Fairy for the images. you can find the skull image here and the label image here
ReplyDelete(not trying for another entry, just wanting to save you frustrations in finding the images and such)
I have small geeky wrists, this would be awesome! Oh, and check out this milk jug storm trooper helmet!
ReplyDeletecalimcook at gmail dot com
I adore this bracelet! I love a lot about Halloween, but this is my favorite hands down: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! It's just not Halloween without watching this!!
ReplyDeleteyaaaay I wanna win it! I love candy corn!
ReplyDeleteGotta love chocolate caramel apples!
ReplyDeleteI want this halloween platter
ReplyDeleteOrange is my favorite color, and candy corn is awesome!
Can I say I love my kids' Halloween costumes from last year? Self-serving, I know but it's true and I'm still proud of my husband's handiwork with a plotter and cardboard box. This year looks to be more meh, but Wall-E and Yoda were rockin' our block.
ReplyDeleteLove it! Forked Eyeball Recipe is a tradition here!!!!
ReplyDelete<a href="'>forked eyeballs</a>
Next knitting project hopefully finished for Halloween 2011! Who wouldn't want to be a Lord of the Rings-esque dwarf! ;)
I absolutely LOVE Halloween: the costumes, the decorations, the candy! I even have a black cat that I adopted on Halloween. But my favorite part about Halloween has to be the abundance of horror movies that can be found on TV. My favorite bad '80's horror movie is "Motel Hell". I love watching it around Halloween. MotelHell
Oh, I really, really want this bracelet! I even forwarded the link to a friend of mine a few days ago because it was so cool. I definitely don't have time to make one of my own. :( My favorite thing about Halloween? GIANT PUMPKINS! I have always loved them.
ReplyDeleteWord verification: doushing - I won't even go there.
My favorite thing about halloween is carving pumpkins! I like some of the ones found here: Patterns
ReplyDeleteperpetual_optimism (at) cox (dot) net
Hmm, not sure if this counts but seeing this is my favorite thing about halloween.
ooo....I love the bracelet. Here's my fave halloween thing this year. It'sthis mask
ReplyDeletethat would be perfect for a Poison Ivy outfit!
Next knitting project for Halloween 2011! Who wouldn't want to be a Lord of the Rings-esque !
Love the candy bracelet! I found this cute little bride of frankenstein on etsy today. I might have to buy it. :)
ReplyDeleteHalloween is my favorite holiday, it always has been. I love dressing up and it makes me sad that there's only one costume related holiday during the year. And of course, the candy doesn't hurt. Well, maybe it hurts the waistline...
ReplyDeleteMy link is from Martha Stewart, who is my hero, after Jen, of course! Because Jen loves Steampunk. It's this year's pumpkin line up and I think they're pretty amazing. I love really beautiful ideas for carving pumpkins and the leaves on the first slide are pretty spectacular.
But this year I think we'll be carving Mario Bros. pumpkins. I love themed costumes for the whole family and this year I wanted my almost 2 year old daughter (who LOVES Mario games) to be Princess Peach, my almost 6 month old son to be Toad, and my husband and I were going to be Luigi and Princess Daisy. Unfortunately, I do not yet own a sewing machine and therefore couldn't make costumes. So pumpkins will have to do.
I'm not sure what we'll be doing for costumes, but I know your fabulous candy corn bracelet would look great as I hand out candy!
Favourite thing about halloween? It has to be that one awesome little kid who trick-or-treats dressed as a dinosaur
And awesome candy bracelets, naturally.
My daughter would love this bracelet, I showed it to her last week!
ReplyDeleteMy fun favorite dessert to make it this cake, it's so cute! Pumpkin Cake
My email is on my profile! *fingers crossed*
I love the bracelet! and my favorite thing about Halloween (and your blog) is all the star wars. STAR WARS COSTUMES!!
I love candy corn and fall colors!! Your craftiness is inspiring, thanks for the tutorials!
I'm going the old-school route and nominating as my favorite Halloween thing. My husband and I watch it every year, and it will always signify the "start" of autumn for me.
ReplyDeleteI hope this works - my favorite Halloween project so far has been turning my front light into the Eye of Sauron: TheEye
ReplyDeleteI can count this as my favorite Halloween *and* Christmas movie, right? Here is the intro to Nightmare before Christmas.
ReplyDeleteNow for the song to be stuck in my head all day!
BTW, the bracelet is rather amazing :)
I have been OBSESSED with this bracelet since you posted it, but there's no way I have the mad skillz to make one of my own. That precious little box just puts it over the edge - I would love to win it!!!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite "Halloween" crafts is these faux caramel apples. If that's not Halloweeny enough for you, I also LOVE these stuffed candy corns I made last year. :)
Halloween is my favorite holiday, and your bracelet rocks! Everyone at work would want to steal it from me!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite halloween decorating links is Anatomical Chart and their Budget Bucky skeletons!
Lace Pumpkins
ReplyDeleteI really hope I win! I LOVE this bracelet!
My favorite thing for Halloween this year is a candy corn trick or treat bag. I love the thing so much I made one for my daughter. She's only 18 months and tiny so the bag is almost bigger than she is lol.
ReplyDeleteHow perfect that I actually read this while I was snacking on Candy Corn? Love that stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my new fav Halloween thing is Pumpkin Carvings by Scott Cummins he does so many great things, including Yoda, Gandalf, Iron Man, etc.
FUNKINS! Seriously, they are easy to carve and then you don't have to watch your work rot away - you can save it to display year after year! I think they are pretty awesome. Almost as awesome as your candy corn bracelet.
ReplyDelete(and in case you can't get to my google account: catherineann at gmail dot com)
Thanks for being awesome. I love EPBOT even more than I love Cake Wrecks and that is pretty amazing.
Orange is my absolute favorite color too! And I don't think I'll mention my candy corn/pumpkin addiction....
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about Halloween is the Zombie Pub Crawl that my husband and I put together every year. We have made so many undead friends and have the best time doing it!! And you're only in you and John can come! Why not? Jen & John come to a Zombie Pub Crawl to see Jenni and perfect is THAT? :)
Picking apples
ReplyDeleteOoo. Okay, how about this ghoulish dinner idea?
ReplyDeleteatrain (at)
I blame you for my latest obsession: Pumpkin carving templates from Pink Ray Gun.
ReplyDeleteI seriously can't decide which one I want to try.
I WANTTTTTTTTTTT! cant get the html thing to work. :(
The cool modifications you can make on regular things to make them cooler... and steampunky ;)
I'm doing this one myself with my own special touches.
That bracelet is ridiculously adorable - and the box made me squee...
ReplyDeleteI love Halloween for the Trick-Or-Treaters and for getting to go wander around the mazes at Knott's Scary Farm
My favorite Halloween item is this 3D Halloween card that I created. Out of all my 3D greeting cards, this one is by far my favorite. I almost couldn't bring myself to sell it!
ReplyDeleteHooray for staying in on a Friday night! (And thanks to everyone sharing their links--I've found all kinds of new Halloween favorites to investigate!)
ReplyDeleteStill, I would have to say my favorite part of Halloween is somehow figuring out how to incorporate my favorite corsets with my Halloween costume while still making it friendly to wear to work. (Last year: FFX's Lulu, and I made the belted skirt out of woven strips of duct tape. My boss asked if I was a witch or a wench...close enough!)
Thanks again, everybody--and happy almost-Halloween!
I absolutely love the bracelet, so let me share the Halloween Site I look forward to every year.
ReplyDeleteI am always amazed at how talented <a href=">MY TEXT</these> people are!
My email address is:
Most of my love for Hallowe'en is because it's as much a celebration of autumn as a scare-fest. And I love autumn so, so much.
ReplyDeleteBut right now, I have this song stuck in my head, and it's making me happy about Hallowe'en.
(I also like getting to stick an apostrophe in the middle of a word that isn't really a contraction. Small things amuse me.)
Oh man, I just adore that little girl that dressed up as Jareth last year - it still makes me squee at the adorable brilliance of it.
ReplyDeleteThis past Sunday night, coyotes killed my beloved dog TOD. While I love costumes and make-up and Halloween in general (aka my dad's birthday), this year I'll be thinking more of my sweet lost TOD. In that vein, I like this Wikipedia entry about Halloween's origins as festivals of the dead and souls wandering around: (the link embed thing didn't go so well). Good to know that it's not just a crafting warm-up for Christmas! If it's any help, TOD was reddish-gold - a very autumn-y color. (It stands for The Other Dog - because when my daughters dragged him home, I wasn't going to get years ago.)
ReplyDeleteI love the bracelet!!! Here is another children's crafts that I really like.
Can I link to your bracelet?Because I love it, I went looking for my very own Dremel and candy corn the other day. I am attempting to embed the link but I am not sure it is working. And, I'm not a suck up, I just love that bracelet.
favorite halloween thing
I love the bracelet!! Here is another site for chilren's crafts that I like a lot...
Ok, so yes, I love both of you blogs and all of your crafty ways. I am a fairly recent admirer (in a totally non-stalkerish way), but I went back to the beginning and read everything on both blogs!
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm looking forward to making just as soon as I can, Cranberry Pumpkin bread
I love Sarah's artwork over at Cottage Garden Studios. Here are a couple of her things that I especially love!!
ReplyDeleteThe Witches' Shops bookmark and the Halloween Tags gift tags.
Ooooh! and this little house she made is ADORABLE!!!!
And Sherry Byrum's art.... I don't have enough time! Ahhh!!!
For years I have been wanting to make and wear this Padme Picnic Dress as a costume.
Oh the cuteness! I love the box too. I'm not sure if you can see this link - one of my FB friends is so creative and talented... She hasn't blogged about it yet, but if she does I'll try to remember to link that to you on FB. cute pics
ReplyDeleteI hope I embedded the link correctly... lol
This is a completely unfair trick contest! There is absolutely nothing else that I think is as cool as your bracelet. After reading the instructions and discovering that I would be an abject failure at replicating the bracelet, I began contemplating what I could do to pay you to make one for me! Consider balisana at to be your first customer.
ReplyDeleteHere's a great stencil that I would make a great pumpkin:
Doctor Who Pumpkin Stencil
I love your Bracelet. Especially the pumpkins that you painted the faces on.
ReplyDeleteSo my favorite thing about halloween in cooking treats Lots and lots of treats. The one thing I want to make is this yummy apples
As soon as you posted this, I had an irresistible urge for candy corn. And also, to make one of these myself.
ReplyDeleteI just saw this recipe today, and I already have the pumpkin, so I'm looking forward to trying it out!
Contact me through phoenix(takethispartout)ofthestars(at)
I just realized I didn't put down a way to contact me!!!! AHHH! I hope I am not excluded from the contest:{
ReplyDeletebracelet is so amazingly cute!!
ReplyDeleteI wanna make this so badly but i'm not sure i'm quite skilled enough lol
Pumpkin Witch Carousel
Love the bracelet. I have itty bitty wrists, so I'd love to show off your bracelet!
ReplyDeleteI am enamored of these muffins
I don't even care that I'm pimping myself.
I carve an Elvis pumpkin every year because my mom is a huge Elvis fan (what can I say, I love him too!) and I always use the seeds to make candied pumpkin seeds. I basically eat ice cream with candied pumpkin seeds on top for an entire week after carving. Soooooo good.
But if I'm not pimping myself: I also really love Bakerella's Pumpkin Pie Bites
My favorite thing about Halloween is seeing everyone else's costumes. I love the nostalgic ones like this the most!
ReplyDeleteI just love that candy bracelet! It is so cool! So I've been looking for a cool design for my pumpkin this year cause I just love cool jackolanterns
ReplyDeleteI personally like the Yoda one, but I'm not sure I'm artistic enough to pull it off. lol
My daughter thought these caramel apples looked pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteWould love the bracelet--too cute!
ReplyDeleteMy Fav Halloween costume is this banana suit that my 2 month old will be wearing....
Did I mention that my 2 year old will be a monkey?? Tee hee!!
One of my favorite memories of Halloween from my childhood is the under-appreciated Garfield Halloween Special, which seems to survive now only in poor quality you-tube clips.
Loved, loved...Loved...the bracelet the first day you posted it!
ReplyDeleteI'm a sucker for Jack...
I love my Fill-A-Bowl for every holiday. During Halloween, it's fun to fill it with different kinds of candy corn.
Butterbeer! I spend my hallowe'ens (or try to) in cool manor houses/barns/etc with a group of Harry Potter geeks :D
ReplyDeleteMy email is
Oooh! Well, I saw this posted on another one of the blogs I follow (owls, woot woot! oops I mean hoot hoot), and I just thought it was SO CUTE. There is kind of a simple craft compared to what you usually do (which means it's more at my skill level, ha ha!), but if you've ever tried to look for a CUTE owl costume for Halloween, then you know how insanely difficult it is to find one!
ReplyDeleteOwl DIY Costume courtesy of The Owl Barn!
Is there ANYTHING Halloween other than "I got a rock."? I think not! Except if it's Nightmare Before Christmas, but I've always seen that as more of a Christmas movie, anyway. And it doesn't beat out Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown.
ReplyDeletemarythefan @
The bracelet is too cute, the box is super cute... it's almost too much! Almost... I'd still love it. lol This year closer to Halloween I'm going to be making Halloween cake pops and mini pumpkin pies!
My favorite thing about Halloween is...
ReplyDeleteAnimals in costumes! Particularly kitties:
So cute :D!!
My e-mail is
Apparently I'm not good at this "html" thing...
ReplyDeleteOne Ring pumpkin
Hopefully it will work this time...
torigreene at yahoo dot com
I would love the bracelet!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about Halloween has to be the The Simpsons' Halloween specials
I absolutely love all holiday specials but am such a wimp so I can't watch most Halloween ones but I am able to watch The Simpsons' ones :)
The bracelet is so cute! I have to say my favorite thing at Halloween is just all the awesome pumpkins.
My favorite Halloween thing is rewatching Hocus Pocus. It's the BEST way of getting in the spirit for spookiness, grabbing some friends and singing along with "I put a spell on yoo-oou, and NOW you're mi-ine!"
ReplyDeleteI love love love the bracelet, hope I win! nearly(dot)nisha(at)gmail(dot)com
I just love carving pumpkins using these Pumpkin Masters patterns - they are the awesomest!
I was going to link back to your page with the bracelet, but instead, I like this:
I made these for our front yard. Really cute and easy!
Candy Corn was always my favorite part of Halloween but it will be replaced this year by seeing my three year old daughter dressed as Kowalski
Just recently followed you over from your other blog, and was pleasantly surprised to find such delicious geekery over here. And now a giveaway. Fun!
ReplyDeleteThis freaky video of The Cat with Hands.
Favorite thing about Halloween? Even though my dad is a dentist, it has to be the candy.
ReplyDeleteNovelty Candy
I love Halloween even more than most kids do. One thing that I made last year and was requested again all the way back in June are these witch fingers Creepy, easy and yummy, can it get better than that?
ReplyDeleteLove it sooo much!! My favorite Candy, in a BRACELET? to die for!
ReplyDeleteI have been The Wicked Witch Of The West on Halloween for the past 10 years. And it never gets old!
Jen, SOO sorry I tried to use the html "cheat sheet" but it did not work. let me try agan though, just for you!
WWof the west
All bracelets are big on me...i'm a normal sized girl but for some reason have small wrists. This would be perfect holiday fun!
ReplyDeleteAlso, there are outfits/costumes here on an etsy site i found that are just fun! etsy
I belong to a fashion community in which members post their take on various topics. One group is "Flavor of the Month". Obviously, this month's is pumpkin. The link leads to my favorite of the looks so far this month. The owl cookie jar is just too cute! Thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteI love Halloween, as do my five children (4 boys, 1 girl). One of our favorite things to do is to carve pumpkins and we always check out for ideas. Our email: mcminn[at]
ReplyDeleteOh my...there are already so many entries. Well, here is mine anyway. The best Halloween "thing" I've seen this year is this. It combines my love of crafts and Disneyland, and it get me all excited for Halloween. I'm totally making a Trader Sam shrunken head to wear to work.
I would love that bracelet, I teach little ones and they would go nuts for it, especially my sweet little one with Autism, he would never let me take it off! I'm loving all the Halloween crafts on this site eighteen25
I love this bracelet and I could totally make my Halloween-crazy roommate wonderfully jealous. In a good way of course ;) For me, there are two things I love about Halloween (besides the costumes because I have no link for that. Fail). First I love Halloween Treats Yes, there are two links because holiday themed sweets are just that awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, I love The Great Pumpkin Poor Charlie Brown. He only gets rocks for trick or treating.
Email is
Ooh! The candy bracelet is so much fun, I don't know how you can give it up!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about halloween is carving pumpkins with my siblings, something that's extra nice to do this year since I may be moving away before next halloween! However, I don't have any photos of this on account of mostly having my hands covered in cold pumpkin goo during the process (we really need to remember to bring them in to the warm a little sooner before carving...)
So instead, here's a photo I took of some halloween lanterns in the woods, because it sort of fits with the story of the 3 of us carving pumpkins together.
Contact info: terri(at)
I love your candy bracelet. My favorite thing about Halloween besides dressing up the kids is taking them out pumpkin picking and a trip through a corn maze. This is where we plan to go this year.
ReplyDeleteRE the link... are you kidding? I'm crazy about Halloween, it's hard for me to just pick one favorite thing!
But I'll pick one recent favorite I came across: Spider Cakes
No, wait, I have to post another. Shrunken head in a jar prop.
I'll cut myself off here. I could post so many Halloween links!
I love the candy bracelets and I REALLY hope I win!!! =)
ReplyDeleteHere are some of the coolest pumpkins I have ever seen! Some are wacky, but a few are really incredible & creative!
cool pumpkins
I love corn mazes!
ReplyDeleteWV: offent--I hope I didn't offent you with my corn mazes!
I forgot to put in my email address!!! Whoops!
I love this awesome costume more than pretty much anything else. It really is epic
ReplyDeletegabbudd at hotmail dot com
I LOVE candy pumpkins and your bracelet is adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteMy new favorite candy?
This one!
We don't celebrate Halloween...but I did just make my daughter a Minnie Mouse dress and matching ears for our recent trip to Disneyland:)
ReplyDeleteI tried embedding it:
my blog
If I didn't do it right...then here is the actual link:)