Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May Art Roundup: Star Wars Propaganda, Retro Batgirl, "SQUEEwoks", & More!

Yikes, May is almost over! Guess I better get this month's art post up, huh?

I couldn't fit all of my MegaCon finds in last month, so let's just consider this Part 2. :)

 First up, another lovely Supergirl, this time by Patrick Thomas Parnell:

Digging the muted colors and canvas texture.

Check out Parnell's site for more, though sadly he doesn't sell online. (So aren't you glad I snagged this one for the board?)

On the other end of the spectrum, Megan Fisher has these SUPER saturated prints that practically leaped off the table at me with their cheery colors:


I bought those two for the board, since I don't think Megan is selling them online yet. However, you CAN get these two at her Society6 store:

 Velma is reading the Handbook from Beetlejuice! AHHH!!

Ant Lucia uses fabulous rich colors for her superhero pin-ups, and some are styled like vintage movie posters, which is extra fun:


 Really diggin' her retro Batgirl aviatrix:

Ants posters are a big 18X24, and range from $25 to $35. Head over to her online store to see the rest - and don't miss her Star Wars propaganda set!

You've all watched Princess Jellyfish by now, right? :)

That's by Kristen, aka "Digitoonie", who also has some punchy Sailor Moon art:

Both of those are available at her online store for $15 each. Follow Kristen on Facebook for more!

Al Abbazia has some excellent Star Wars propaganda & cover art posters:

 This Star Trek one first caught my eye:

But I love the Art Deco feel on the World's Fair one, too.

Abbazia has plenty of other fandoms, too, from Back to the Future to Fallout:

 You can see lots more at his site - and while you're there check his convention schedule, since it looks like you can only buy from Abbazia in-person. (Boo.)

[Update: I just heard from Al, who says you guys can order prints for $15 (plus shipping) by emailing him here. Yay!]

Next up, some goofy fun from Justin Peterson:

Plus an old-school postcard:
 And a clever kids' book cover for you Game of Thrones fans:
I'd be tempted to trim this down, attach it to a real book, and then frame it in a shadowbox.

As of this writing all of Justin's prints are on sale for just $5 - but I think they'll go back to $10 this week. (Sorry!) Go see the rest here.

Victoria Gedvillas has been doing some gorgeous princess ACEOs lately, and I was lucky to snag this Aurora at MegaCon - but sorry, guys; this one's for me. :D

A few more from Gedvillas' Facebook page:

 Her online shop is closed 'til the first week of June, but be sure to bookmark it for great prints like these:

And finally, some 3D art from Stephanie Kotkin, who paints custom - and geeky! - ceramic bowls and piggy banks:

 Plus she sews these delightful "SQUEEwoks" and "WamPALs"- in your choice of colors - for just $16:

I'll give you one guess who got the Epbot one. :D

I featured Steph's SQUEEwoks a couple of years ago, and since then she's become a good friend and Hashimoto's adviser to me. Oh, and she even donated that arm-less Wam-Pal up there for the give-away board! Who loves ya? 

Click over to Stephanie's Etsy shop to see the rest, or to order your own.

Aaand that does it for this month, and for MegaCon! Now, as always, comment below for your chance to win your choice of art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away board. International entries are welcome!

Plus, I'll also be picking a second winner to receive my oldest piece left on the board, "Tea Time With Wampa" (appropriate, huh?) by Erika Taguchi-Newton:

 So be sure to mention in your comment if you like this one.

I'll announce my two randomly-selected winners in a few days. Happy commenting!


UPDATE: The give-away has ended, and my winners are:

salamanda76, who wins "Tea Time With Wampa"
Jasry, who wins his/her choice from the Pinterest Give-Away Board!

Congrats, guys, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. I love the Starfleet Academy poster, the Jon Snow book cover, all the SQUEEwoks and Wam Pals, and "Tea Time With Wampa."

  2. Those plushies are ADORABLE. The princess ACEOs are also great.

  3. Awesome as always, and the Star Wars and Trek stuff is always my favorite. I'm running out of wall space!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  4. I love me some Jack Skellington!!!

  5. I'd be thrilled to win any of your art, including Tea Time With Wampa! ~KrystineM

  6. OMG! The Star Wars propaganda! Tea Time with Wampa!!! The Captain America pig... all... yes please. :)

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  7. oh my goodness gracious me! So much to love this month! My partner is a Marvel fan, that spider-man comic movie poster - genius! My mum is the world's biggest Star Wars fan, so much squee! and personally Captain America has a soft spot in my heart, that print is so cool!

  8. Those plushies are super cute!

  9. Oh my, that tea time is adorable! Lookit the little AT-AT puppy! And the probe droid serving tea! And...and...! *head explodes from the cute*

  10. Those Star Wars propaganda <3 !! And Tea Time with Wampa! How is that still on the board!
    Must go peruse the wares at Ant Lucia now and see what I can't spend my hard earned simoleons on...

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  11. I love the Supergirl and Tea Time With Wampa! I would also love to have any of the Doctor Who or Groot prints you have on the board! :-) ~Melissa

  12. Supernatural moose and squirrel makes me giggle. Tea time is cute too!

  13. Wow, that artistic wonder woman poster is gorgeous! But so many awesome prints to choose from you have spectacular taste :-)

  14. I adore the Mario Princesses! Squee! I have a photo from my wedding (9 years ago today) with my bridesmaids all holding a little figurine of each of our characters that we use in Mario Party (Peach, Daisy, and Yoshi)- yep, we're geeks!

  15. Those princess ACEO's are beautiful! I think I need some for my princess ..

  16. I'm definitely still in love with DC Bombshells - so retro and cool! Those posters by Al Abbazia are awesome as well!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  17. Squee! Geeky art is my favorite! :)

  18. I love the fallout one! Plus the ceramic bowl! Most of my geeky artworks is Firefly themed, I need to start branching out

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  19. So pretty! I like the ceramic bowl.

  20. Love the propaganda style! And wouldn't mind getting Tea Time with Wampa. :)

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  21. Thanks again for sharing. They are always fun to look at. Also wouldn't m mind getting the Tea Time print.

  22. Love all the geeky art!!! Very much also love the Tea Time with Wampa! Star Wars was the first "nerdy/geeky" show I ever fell in LOVE with curtesy of my Dad.

  23. Today is my birthday, Jen! I'm such a big fan of yours and hopefully I can finally win some art. I'm in love with the Velma one and the Jessica Rabbit (my name is Jessica). Thanks for everything you do on your amazing blog. :)

  24. I'd like the Tea Time with Wampa. And I'm dying over the stuffed wampa.

    I'm so psyched you features Al Abbazia's work - we went to grade school together and I've been wailing & gnashing my teeth over the lack of online sales for ages.

    1. Hey Jen! Haha…thank you! I do sell online! Pinkie promise!!!!

  25. Thanks for sharing your latest finds! I love the Tea with Wampa and anything from your giveaway board.

  26. I'd have to choose either the blue dragon (for my son) or Elsa (for my daughter). Almost like having to choose one of my kids! LOL Such great artwork!

  27. Oooohhhhh! I've had my eye on the Tea Time print for a while! I even mentioned it in previous give away. I love the soft, dreamy feel.

  28. I desperately need that Boba art for my hubs!!! WHY O WHY can't he sell online?!?!?!

    1. I do Rosemarie lol. I swear! Email me at My prints are 15 dollars each :)


  29. Love, love it all. "Empire of One" would make my son, serving over in Kuwait at the moment, super happy - his birthday is next month. I love the Wonder Woman, and lots of others (the Mario Princesses? Adorbs!) - may need to pick up a few things. Yay indie art!

  30. Wow, great stuff this month! Love all the book cover ones. And one-armed Wampa is hilarious and sad all at once! Poor little guy....

  31. Lovely. :) Pick me!

  32. Lots of great stuff. The silly Captain American print made me giggle.
    Thanks for the chance to win. The tea time with wampa would look great one of my walls!

  33. I forgot about wam-pals and squee-woks, so THIS TIME I can bookmark them!

  34. Steph definitely appropriately named her SQUEEwoks. So Cute!!

  35. So much lovely artwork to choose from! The Walking my Octopus and the Dr. Who Tardis/Fox are my favorites so far. I just binge watched all the Star War movies again this weekend so the Tea Time with Wampa is a perfect whimsical mashup of all the wonderful characters. I just picked up a few pieces from Christie Cox Art - an artist I found from your site. Thanks for helping me spend money!

  36. I love the artwork. Anything would be awesome!

  37. "Tea Time with Wampa" is AMAZING!! How did I manage to miss that all this time??

    Love the art round-ups! So many great artists :)

  38. My nephew would LOVE the "Tea time with Wampa". We made him a Chief Chirpa costume (no generic Ewok for him) that he still adores 3 yrs later. So can you make a boy in Boston happy? And make his aunt look like a super hero?

  39. Megan Fisher's pieces are lovely, I love the style she had used! And Victoria Gedvillas? Ohmygosh, so pretty! Also, kinda happy to see "Tea Time with Wampa" still available--it gives me another chance to redeem myself! :D

  40. Love the Velma print, as well as the tea time one.

  41. Ooooh, still so much awesome art, Jen! I'd be having really hard time to select only one thing off the board :D

  42. The Star Trek print is amazing and I love the retro Batgirl as well. That said I still love the Mario print from the board as well as the moose and squirrel one!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  43. SqueeWoks!! *Squee!* So going on my wishlist.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Oooh look at all the pin up pretties!!

  46. OK, it's just not fair when an artist does not sell online. I love that Star Trek recruitment poster. There are so many good things on your board, but I think my fave is the Wookie the Chew set. The one where Han Solo/Christopher Robin is reading to Chew.

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  47. The Wonder Woman retro is fabulous! As always, great new art to drool over :)

  48. Tea Time With Wampa is adorable! Love it and the awesome Star Trek and Star Wars propaganda posters.

  49. I love so much of the art today! And I adore Teatime with Wampa. I'm surprised nobody has picked it up yet!

  50. I love these posts. Reminds me that I really need more art hanging in my house! That Teatime with Wampa is absolutely adorable! I'm surprised that no one has picked it yet!

  51. Love the art as always! I'm always inspired when I see the month's round up!

  52. Neat take on Velma! It's cool to see her drawn in a different style, artists often mimic the iconic Scooby Doo animation, but she translates very well!

  53. oh how i adore that starfleet academy poster! wow!

  54. Anything Doctor Who would make me kermit flail like crazy.

    I'm even going to cosplay at CONsole Room in Minnesota this weekend. I'm a boomer, so it's a little bit frightening and exciting. "Hello Sweetie"

  55. I've still got my eye on:
    - Walking Your Octopus
    - Sherlock & Watson by Marta Wit
    - Doctor Who Silhouette by Alex Asfour
    - Wedge on the Ledge

    Thanks! :)

  56. I just saw that wonder woman print at a random merch booth at Denver comiccon. I wonder if the artist was in town, or if they were reselling :/. It seemed like the latter, hopefully they had permission.

  57. I would love Tea Time for my daughters' bedroom that we are remodeling.

  58. I adore the vintage-y spiderman one! And seriously- the "She can do it!" one? AWESOME. But if I had to pick off the giveaway board, I'm drawn to:
    Sherlock and Watson
    Adventure Awaits
    Travel by Tardis
    Walking Your Octopus

  59. I love them all so much, it is so hard to choose. I guess one day I will be the one with the golden ticket and will have to finally pick one :)

  60. I would love either the Wampal or the Tea Time with Wampa piece. <3

  61. I would love to win!! And I do like that tea time one :-)

  62. Lots of cutsy stuff this time!

  63. P L E A S E P I C K M E! In love with Super Mario by Melru but now that added Mario Princesses by Megan Fisher don't know which one I love more!!

  64. I love your eye for geeky art!!! I would be honored to be chosen to win ANY of these :)

  65. I love the tea time print! It's adorable!

  66. I love Tea Time, and the armless wampa! Please pick me!
    (Followed your link to Justin Peterson's page, and there's a dancing Groot coming to my house soon! Thanks!

  67. All my favorites in this post are the Star Wars ones--love the propoganda posters, and LOVE the SQUEEwoks and WamPALs (I've had those favorited on Etsy for ages!)! :-)

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  68. It's not often there's a CLEAR winner, but this time it is, without question, the Game of Thrones book cover. WANT! Aaand then, there's about 7-8 runners up! Thanks, Jen, for showing us what's out there.

  69. I love that World's Fair print. I also love the Wounded WamPAL (she's on my Etsy favorites list as well, likely because of previous posts of yours!).

    This is the first time I actually wouldn't mind being a runner up either for the Tea Time print. :)

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  70. Oooo, I think that Supergirl print is my favourite, but they're all so fabulous!

  71. Such talent these artists have! Wowza!

  72. The ACEOs are great and those ewok plushies are so adorable!

  73. So many choices! I want all of them! :) And I keep forgetting to share this with you - since you're sharing some stuffed creations, you should check out the Fleece Menagerie ( - this is a friend of mine and she makes *the cutest* stuffed things.

  74. You always find such great artwork!

  75. You always find such fun things!

  76. Just when I resolve to be more fiscally responsible...Thanks, Jen. :)

  77. I love that tea time one.

    Is it weird I thought "if Star Wars was set in Narnia . . ."

  78. Delightful, as always! I heart that armless Wam-pal :)

  79. LOVE LOVE LOVE the retro bat girl. Love it. and NEED it. There was a fire in my office and I will need artwork when we move into our new digs.

    1. I meant Wonder Woman - had bats on the brain. Wonder woman- I remember watching that as a kid with Linda Carter.

  80. Are past ones up for grabs too?? Because if you have any toothless left, that would make my life. If not, I'm loving the Mario princesses! And of course, the Gotham wave :)

  81. Hello Pony is adorable! Want!

  82. love Tea time with wampa! I super love that quantum leap poster! these are all so fantastic! what a wonderful roundup!

  83. The retro DC ladies are gorgeous!

  84. I love the Justin Peterson prints and the Avengers piggy banks!

  85. TEA TIME WITH WAMPA!!! Love this!

  86. If my teen daughter ever finds this board, I am in trouble. She loves Avengers. And my husband and son the Star Wars stuff. Me ... everything

  87. The Nintendo princesses made my gamer girl heart squee! And I love the work by Al Abbazia...wish I could buy some of it online.

  88. LOVE all of the retro superhero ones!

  89. What a great roundup, I love the Ant Lucia wonder woman, all of the Justin Peterson, and the Star Wars Army of one! Also my brother and I are going to our first con this weekend and I must say after following epbot for a while, I am most excited about Artist Alley!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  90. Phoenix comicon is this weekend and its my mission this year to start up my geeky/tea art, lol. My 2 favorite things!!

  91. Love the retro/propaganda ones! This is a great roundup! I'm heading over to Justin Peterson's site to snatch up that Jon Snow print ;) Oh and yes plz consider me for the Tea Time print as well!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  92. While I love practically all things "retro", and definitely everything in that style that you've posted, "Tea Time with Wampa" definitely struck a chord with me. There's just something touching about it, I can't even put into words. What I can put into words, however, is a huge THANK YOU for introducing me to TheGorgonist (Kraken Attack Ship in a Bottle Necklace) in a recent post. While perusing her shop, I came across some lovely Sherlock Holmes art that I HAD to have. Love it!

  93. I love these posts, they give me such great gift ideas for the nerds I love! Thanks again, as always, Jen!

  94. It is almost impossible to choose! I think I'd go with "Adventure Awaits". I'd take the whole board if I could, though!

  95. That Starfleet Acadamy poster is so cool! I love seeing all the great things you find, Jen!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  96. I love just about everything on your board! But my absolute favorite is Toothless 😊😊😊 Or as my hubby calls him "dragon cat" and my next favorite would be Stitch 😊😊😊 . I also like tea time - its kinda star wars wonderlandish 😊

  97. Oh, I love all the super hero ladies featured this month! Thanks Jen

  98. I am in love with those piggy banks! And that super girl :)

  99. I love the Star Wars propaganda posters, and the Sqeewoks and Wampas.

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  100. I never watched many popular movies or TV shows when I was growing up. I just preferred SciFi/Fantasy books. "I understood that reference" is exactly why Cap is my favorite. Well, that and his 1940s gentlemanly charm, and Chris Evans being nice to look at doesn't hurt either.

  101. You never fail to find amazing art!

  102. The Starfleet recruiting poster takes me back - I hoped that there would be a Starfleet by the time I grew up! And that hilarious Captain America piece - love, love, love it - and, too, that Jon Snow "Golden Book" - so adorable!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  103. I love the Baymax in armor print from Big Chris!

  104. I LOVE that armless Wampa! And the Tea Time Wampa is great too! And you still have so many awesome pieces on the board!!! I don't know what I would want, honestly!

  105. It seems like this month is kinda vintage themed, not that I'm complaining :) Love the Star Wars prints!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  106. Tea time with Wampa, epic! How have I missed that one? :) as always your art is fantastic.

  107. Omg Squee-woks! Too cute! As always, an excellent round up :)

  108. Oh my gosh, I LOVE that Captain America "I understood that reference" piece. So funny! And that Elsa ACEO is so pretty. Dangit, my fandom art wall is getting so full! And these posts don't help matters any. Lol! Just kidding, of course; I love these round-ups.

  109. I love Teatime with Wampa. HOW did I miss that one?!? And I love the Starfleet Academy one and the Cap and the one-armed Wampa and...and...and...

    I've made favorites of a BUNCH of these artists. My art budget will be depleted one piece at a time :^D

  110. I love the Doctor Who trio on the board. So many awesome artist you have artwork for! I also love the Velma reading!

  111. So much prettiness! hard to pick a favorite! Love the tea with Wampa and the spider man kiss and boldly go and the Jon snow cover.... Makes me wish the arthritis hadn't silenced the drawer in me....Thanks for sharing all these Jen. I love seeing all the talented people out there and there visions.

  112. Oh my!! That Starfleet Poster is amazing! I wonder how I can bribe him...

    And I love Supergirl... All the pretties!!

    1. Thank you! Email me!

      Al Abbazia

  113. I have been after that Star Wars/Small World print since you started posting these. Tea time with Wampa is also awesome. Either could come hang out with my Funko collection.

  114. Oooh, OOOH! I ESPECIALLY love the retro posters (all of them, and YES, for me that IS narrowing it down!). And, I am pretty sure our home will have a WamPal very soon!

  115. I love the wampa one! It is super geeky without being obvious.

  116. Oh man, I want that Wampal so very, very much. And I must never have seen the Tea with Wampa art before, because I'd be all about hanging that beauty in my office.

  117. You have inspired me to start collecting art from cons and I am loving it! Thanks!
    I love both "Tea Time with Wampa" and the one armed Wam-pal.

  118. Love the Wampa but would be happy to win ANY from this awesome board of my DREAMS!!

  119. I would love to give that Supergirl one to my sister for her birthday!!!

  120. The Tea Time With Wampa is so cute! And I love the Supergirl one!

  121. Squee for Princess Jellyfish! It's tough to choose, if I ever win it'll take an hour of staring at the art board. Ant Lucia's work is so cute, I want to cosplay several of the DC Bombshells.

  122. My husband would LOVE that Starfleet print; must check convention schedule next!

    1. Thank you!

      Email me :)

      Al Abbazia

  123. oh my god, the armless wampal is sooooo cute. with the blood and everything......

  124. Love the propaganda posters; I've got a gallery wall of them going in my library. And the one arm Wampa is too cute! Held go well with my crocheted Yoda and plush AT-AT.

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  125. I love the 8x10 Baymax print--it would look so great framed and hung in my son's bedroom!

  126. Another great haul of art - thanks!

  127. I love love love the Boldly Go! Star Trek!

    1. Thank you!

      Al Abbazia

  128. That Velma is fantastic! And then the John Snow...and the Wonder Woman and can you tell I love your art round up posts? Have you checked out Gio the Bio before? I have some cute art from her in the form of leggings!

  129. My daughter is my Tomboy Princess! We're looking at redecorating her room in a light rose pink color and I'd love to hang pictures of the tough princesses/female figures to offset the girly color.

    Ariel, Supergirl, or WonderWoman would be absolutely perfect. My little girl has an amazing personality that is completely represented by these works of art.

    Thank you for all that you offer your minions, Jen! Luv ya - Ruthie

  130. I LOVE everything this month! I've had my eye on the Ant Lucia prints for months. I'm so digging that retro vibe

  131. I love the tea time one! and Sailor Moon eating the ice cream cone. So cute!

  132. I think if i ever actually went down an artist alley at a Con i would fall over and die from all the epic.. You have an eye for awesome stuff and as always I would LOVE something from the board (or the Tea time pic as a runner up) my hat in the ring and now to peruse etsy and deviant art for stuff i want ;) (I may just go check out the pinterest give away board..again...) Have a good day!

  133. LOVE the Mario Princesses! That'd be amazing for my daughter's room ^_^

  134. LOVE the Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl ones! I especially like that Supergirl doesn't look ridiculously thin-she looks like a normal sized girl. This is so necessary for little girls today! Often, female comic book characters are drawn so thing with huge boobs and IMO it takes away from their girl power. Sorry for the soapbox.

    Also, I do love the Tea Time with Wampa. My husband would love it as well, as one of his favorite Star Wars characters is the AT-AT and there's such a cute little one on it.

  135. Susanna Sharp-SchwackeMay 27, 2015 at 2:22 PM

    Loving so many of the works this time around!

  136. You always find the best art!! Maybe this time I'll be lucky enough to win a piece, lol.

  137. So I pretty much love everything on your board, but I would be giddy if I could have the "Travel by Tardis" poster, the "In There You Must Hang", or the Guardians of the Galaxy retro poster. From this post, I'd love the Gotham Shore postcard.
    Thanks for sharing all of this incredible geek art! We're not alone!

  138. Love the tauntaun and the bitty AT-AT in that last print! And all the other geeky artsy goodness :)

  139. Oooooh, I love the Tea Time one! You find the best art. :)

  140. I neeeeeed that Velma. My husband would love "Tea Time" so I would be thrilled to win it, too.


  142. The "I understood that reference!" one made me laugh! :D Love it! The Doctor Who "Listen" space poster is also a fave! The Avengers and Doctor Who silhouettes by Alex Asfour have been my favorites since they got posted, though!

    Somehow, I've missed the Tea Time one when looking at your board! I like it!

  143. THANK YOU to everyone for the nice comments. It's not spelled out clearly enough on my website (I will change that) but you can certainly order online from me. Check out my work at Email me at

    Thank you again for your kind words and support!

    Al Abbazia

  144. OMG, the Wonderwoman "She Can Do It" art! *swoon*
    I also love Velma reading the Beetlejuice manual and the Star Wars propaganda!

  145. I love the "I Am Who" Groot print! It's perfect for my son who loves both DW & GotG!

  146. Love all the Wookie the Chew prints, especially the "too heavy for the light side

  147. Will always comment for wall-e :) love this blog, also having computer issues so if this appears multiple times I'm not trying to cheat! Honest!

  148. too many good ones! doctor who or baymax or star wars or disney princesses!!!

  149. My favourite print has gone. I watched with baited breath each time there was a giveaway.
    Will I ever be lucky enough to win? Not going to chose a favourite again, my nerves won`t
    stand it. LOL
    Sue L

  150. So many great pieces! So hard to choose one!

  151. Here's hoping I win this time, your choices in art are great!

  152. I hope, I hope, I hope I win this month!

  153. Kristin E. From HYTMay 27, 2015 at 3:09 PM

    Oh so many awesome artists. Oh so few walls to decorate.

  154. Tea Time with Wampa is adorable! I love that one! I'm also a fan of all the "wookie the chew" prints. And the Star Wars-Small World mash up. And so much more... :)
    I love your art round ups each month! I've found so many great gifts through these!

  155. I'm loving the propaganda and travel posters.

    There are so many great things on the pinterest board, but I would quite happy with "Tea Time!" The style is quite lovely.

  156. Your art choices are, as always, most excellent!

  157. Al Abbazia totally sold me some prints when I emailed him and told him what I wanted!! :D I'm SOOO excited! So if you're interested, try emailing him directly (the contact is on his website). He charged me $15 a print + shipping.


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