Actually, this mission comes from another Jen, who is turning a yucky situation into a show-off-her-amazingly-bad-ass-geekery situation. To put a finer point on it: Jen just found out she has cancer.
But - BUT - in her own words, "Don't worry, it's Hodgkins - the most curable wimpy cancer and I shall be triumphant in my whomping of it."
Triumphant whomping! Yes!
Jen goes on, "But, I will lose my hair. So, I am on a mission to find geekie nerdtastic beanies and bandannas to cover my soon to be chrome-dome."
What's that I smell? A SHOPPING ASSIGNMENT?!?
Ahem. Sorry. Please, Jen, do go on.
"What I need are links to said beanies and bandannas. Yes, links. I don't expect (or want) people I don't know to buy me stuff. I'm financially solvent and have good insurance (thank the cosmic muffin). I just need help with the searchin' and the findin' so I can get to buyin'."
Oooh, now this is my kind of mission, guys. C'mon, GEEKY SHOPPING?
So, to get us started, I did a quick search of my own. My first find came from Great White Snark, who, ok, was making fun of it, but for those into Pokemon this beanie is actually really cool:

Actually, I'm not even into Pokemon, and I would still wear this. Totes adorbz!
(Did I say that right? Still workin' on my groovy/rad/hip lingo.)
Next I went looking for an R2 beanie, since I remember seeing a fabulous one somewhere before. Here's my fav of the ones currently listed on Etsy:

A little pricey, perhaps, but that detail looks well worth it.
Or how about some Hello Kitty?

For the bandannas, I got to thinking: what if you hunted down vintage character bedsheets/pillow cases and made your own? I'm sure there are already lots of folks on Etsy doing so, but it'd be pretty simple (and cheap!) to crank out your own if you have a sewing machine. A quick search of Ebay turned up sheets for the Smurfs, LoTR, He-Man, Star Wars, Care Bears, Pac-Man, and oh my goodness, I may have to buy some of these!

Plus, most of these look to be selling in the $10 range. Not bad!
Ok, guys, your turn! Share your links to great geeky beanies and/or bandannas in the comments - and please, remember to embed your links so that Jen and the rest of us can click on them!
Happy hunting!
Happy hunting!
Jen sounds awesome. Good luck to her.
ReplyDeleteHow about Jane Cobb's, from Firefly, hat:
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to knit, but this Dalek hat is pretty nerdy:
Jayne Cobb hat!!
ReplyDeleteHero of Canton!
I am in the process of starting an etsy site for crocheted hats, etc. I'm just waiting on the pics from the photographer to put them up. However, there is a preview of them on the photographer's blog: Janey Pie Photography. Specifically check out the alien, Yoda, Pikachu, and my own Hello Kitty (only $20 for adult sizes).
ReplyDeleteMy etsy site is The Crafty Pirate, or she can email me at since I don't have the items listed yet.
Best luck to Jen!
This may not qualify as a beanie, but I think they are pretty cool...
I had never heard of a "kufis" I am learning new things. As I come across stuff I'll just post links. :) It's cheap too!
There are a ton of cool Super Mario themed hats on Etsy. Some of them are also costume made in your preferred colors.
ReplyDeleteMy vote - now and always - goes to Gir from Invader Zim.
ReplyDeleteJens of the world unite! Whomp that cancery evil!
So, this hat is not especially geeky, but is super cute. I put it on my christmas wish list, but no one bought it for me. It is available in three flavors!
Enjoy the hats!
Jayne Cobb Hat
ReplyDeleteClearly the best hat in the world, Jayne's hat from Serenity!!!
Frodo-licious Tendril Hat. It's even made in New Zealand aka Middle Earth.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with the whomping.
Here are some great Star Trek inspired hats...
ReplyDeleteHat inspired by Scotty
Andorain Hat
Klingon Hat
hat with Star Trek logo
Okay, so I know you said beanies and scarves, but these caps make me giggle!
ReplyDeleteYOUR TEXT
two words: Goomba beanie:
What?! The unbeatable Jen has CANCER?! Whatever the case of it may be, just want to let you know that you are in my prayers and I wish you ardently a safe and easy recovery.
ReplyDeleteCute animal beanie hats...
Missmonster's tentacle bandannas - she's got several other colors available in her shop.
ReplyDeleteThis chick makes adorable beanies, but she's currently closed
That's all I could find for now. Best of luck to her, though.
ReplyDeleteHere is a TARDIS hat pattern if she knows a knitter...
ReplyDeletebigger on the inside
You can design your own fabric here:
I would think one could come up with some really cool bandana fabric.
Hello, Jen!
ReplyDeleteI realize these links are to patterns, not finished products, but I hope you will tell your friend that should she like any of the designs here, I will be happy to make it for her. Here's a little smattering:
Princess Leia Wig
Storm Trooper Beanie
R2D2 Beanie
Mario Mushroom Hat
Bowser Hat
Luigi's Mansion Hat
Jayne Hat
I will be praying for your friend, that she makes a quick recovery, surrounded by love, friends and an abundance of geekery.
Here are links to a few hats I found on amazon:
ReplyDeleteFun Super Mario hat
Simple mushroom beanie for everyday wear
Legend of Zelda triforce beanie
Lucky four leaf clover hat Maybe not strictly geeky, but still sweet!
And finally... Totoro hat! =)
I saw this before Christmas and wanted to get it for my bf, but alas, they sold out:
ReplyDeleteTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Hat
You kick that cancer's butt!
ReplyDeleteMonter Head Hugger
amazing beanies
This is the Princess Leia hat mentioned above but already made. I've seen other sellers doing them, too, but this is the best one up currently.
ReplyDeleteNot exactly nerdy, but JC Penneys has a selection of cute animal hats right now! I have a koala hat, and there are many other adorable ones!
ReplyDeleteI gotta ditto the general consensus ... Jayne's hat rocks. Planning to make a couple for me and the Hubster.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, the Leia wig that Katie received was pretty epic!
ReplyDeleteThis seller makes some great ones (star wars, ironman and that cute robot) Not all are adult sizes but could still ask...
Be sure to check out the awesome Leia bun beanie too! And tiny Yoda booties!!
A couple of my favorites on Etsy:
ReplyDeleteCaptain Hammer
Another Jayne Hat
Everyone is offering up beanies, so i say how about a jaunty imperial death star's officer cap ?
ReplyDeleteLove the angry birds hat!
ReplyDeletePrincess Leia!
ReplyDeleteStorm Trooper!
Beard Beanie!
1UP Mushroom
Cancer Sucks!
Good luck Other Jen! My BFF kicked Hodgkin's Disease's ass in high school and I know you will too!
I have a great friend who created a site dedicated to all things "hats". I suspect you will find some great stuff here, and also links to the makers whenever possible so it will give you some direct links to buy. I hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteBecca at Knit Knax will happily make you a customized hat that is just like one of her tea cozies. like this cute little guy:
ReplyDeletehave fun!
Alleged Human over on Etsy makes some AMAZING hats... including a custom unicorn hat for me (yes, i wore it to renfest this year)
Unfortunately, her shop is empty atm, but if you look through her sold items, you'll see all the neat stuff... including my totally awesome hat (look for the one reserved for MyOrcaDreams). The fact that she hasnt totally shut down her shop makes me suspect she'd still be open for a custom job if you were interested.
Tron:Legacy ear hat
ReplyDeleteHi Jen(s)! My momma is a breast cancer survivor herself, and she has recently started her own Etsy shop. She has some really pretty beanies with knitted flowers, but she DOES have a nerdy one...
ReplyDeleteBaby Yoda Hat
Now, I know that it's a baby hat, but she can totally make regular head sized hats, too. May the force be with you! Her next project is a Jayne hat (for regular people AND babies! Ma Cobb would be so proud!)
Hope you turn up with some good stuff!
I'm undergoing chemo right now. There are a lot of great hats on Etsy, but here's some tips. Look for hats that are very thick without holes. Lots of knit hats are made with too any air leaks! lol ;) Also, make sure it comes way down in the back and over the ears as far as possible, especially if you were use to long hair. My sweet roomie from college sent me a beret. lol At home I live in my liner and flannel chemo cap from Etsy's "English Traditions" shop. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteWhat are Jen's preferred geeky indulgences? I would love to knit her a custom cap, if she would like it, and if she doesn't mind sharing her address.
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome to hear! I knit cupcake hats for my daughters and their friends, and can easily size it up for an adult... Sorry for the cruddy picture, but it was one of the first I finished, and can be done in any color and all that jazz hands :)
ReplyDeleteHermione Granger
Golden Snitch!
Another Hermione!
Jen, I thought of this hat immediately when I read your post - the Hallowig. Unfortunately most of my links are to the instructions. Maybe your friend knows a knitter?
PS: tried embedding, it didn't work sorry :-{
Jen sounds really cool and fun. Hopefully she will find some really cool beanies.
ReplyDeleteWell, you know my go-to geekery always falls in the shadow of Hogwarts, so there's always a Hogwarts House beanie. Available in any of the four house crests/colors, of course. They tend to range from $9-12.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe a cap?
I'd also like to say that my thoughts are with you, Jen, and I wish you a full and speedy recovery!
Being a Super Mario nerd, here are my faves :
ReplyDeleteOMG Yoshi Beanie with a big plush NOSE!
Also, I might be a huge Harry Potter nerd too, so there's this, which admittedly is not as fun, but still cool nonetheless:
Gryffindor Beanie
Also, this one is just cute:
Cupcake Beanie
Best wishes to Jen! :)
Star Wars Wicket Hat
ReplyDeleterobot hat
Spiderman Beanie
Iron Man
Despicable Me Minion Hat
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Hat
Chewbacca Hat
Buzz Lightyear hat
Kirby Hat
R2D2 Hat...same fabulous detail and half the price
Had to add a couple more =P
ReplyDeleteAdorable fox hat via ebay (Only a couple days left on the auction)
Cheshire Cat themed beanie
Minnie Mouse cap
Pirate beanie!
These are patterns as well. I would be privileged to make one for Jen2!
ReplyDeleteHat of horns
Hogwarts student hat
Just a fun bucket hat
Crazy cat hat
Witch's hat
Sock Monkey
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Harlequin hat
Pixie Hat
I don't know what Darkmantle is, but this is a cool hat
Such a cute fish hat
Mohawk hat
Kitsune fox
Last but not least...
While she's looking at bedsheets, Jen might also want to raid her linen closet for some old napkins.
ReplyDeleteFabric napkins make great bandannas!
I silk screened devil horns and fangs onto the ones I made, but you could also use fabric paint and stencils to do something similar.
I'm pretty sure I had those Star War sheets (a long, long time ago . . .)
ReplyDeleteI found these when I was *ahem* doing research on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios for a family trip. Strictly for research purposes. I wasn't really making my own wish list (much):
Gryffindor Beanie
Sorting Hat
Professor McGonagall's Witch Hat
I know the Sorting Hat and Professor McGonagall's hat aren't beanies, but I loved them and had to include them.
When my mom was going through her cancer treatments, she had a baseball cap that said "No Hair Day" (and also a shirt that said "It's all about me", but that's something else entirely!).
ReplyDeleteI was going to suggest the MissMonster bandanas but I see they've already been linked.
Best of luck, Jen!
Some more fabulously geeky hats...
ReplyDeleteStormtrooper Hat
Admiral Ackbar Hat
Boba Fett Hat
Princess Leia Bun Hat
Dalek Hat
Appa the Flying Bison beanie
Pacman Ghost hat
Alien hat with ear flaps
Sock Monkey Hat
Gamer Hat
Brain Slug Hat
Pacman Fleece Hat
<a href=">Mario Invincibility Star Fleece Hat</a>
I was going to throw in a link to the Jayne Cobb hat (I got my Firefly-loving brother one for Christmas and I'm regretting not buying one for myself too), but I see other commenters have beaten me to it. Best of luck to Jen!
ReplyDeleteOk, I am a fellow bad-ass hodgie survivor (10 years this year!)
ReplyDeleteI was not a hat person at all. I had hot flashes from some of the drugs, and never wore hats before chemo. On the rare cold day I did wear something similar to
this, which is a scrub hat.
But, if you really want to rock the chrome dome, I recommend an artsy friend and some markers and glitter glue pens. Also, fake tats are pretty nice too.
Onward and upward!
Cheryl just posted all the same pattern links that I was going to post. Even if she has to create an account to see them, Jen should totally look at those. I'm sure she could find a knitter to make them for her, especially if she buys the yarn.
ReplyDeleteSpencer's Gifts has some cute, geeky hats available. I was originally thinking of a Stay Puft laplander I saw, but they appear to be out of it. I did find this cute TMNT lapdangle though. (Side note: This is the first time I have attempted embedding a link. Sorry if it doesn't work.)
ReplyDeleteMay the Force be with you Jen, I wish you complete healing!
ReplyDeleteI don't have time to seek out geeky headgear, but if I were financially solvent I would totally buy you that R2D2 hat.
Girl Viking hats with braids:
Legend of Zelda hat:[0]=tags&includes[1]=title
R2D2 hat:[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade
Jack Skellington cap:[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade
Alice in wonderland Mad Hatter hat:
Good Luck, JEN! I don't know if anyone else posted something like this but if you know how to knit, I think this hat is the most AWESOME hat ever - complete with Leia buns!!!
Sorry didn't format the links. Use this comment instead.
ReplyDeleteViking girl
Jack Skellington
Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter hat
Here's a Domo-kun Plush Hat that I wish they made in baby sizes. Too cute!
ReplyDeleteThinkGeek also had a couple other cute hats that are totally geeky.
I really hope you beat cancer's butt, Jen. Best Wishes!
So here are my ideas...
ReplyDeleteHead Stomp!
ThinkGeek You can go for straight-up Geek or Domokun
And there's always Space Invaders
Enjoy, and good luck Jen!
Here's a neat airship pirate bandana!
Ninja kitty!! There are other cute animal hats, too, but I'm fond of ninja kitty. (Check out the fox, too - it's super cute!)
I saw some cute aviator beanies for kids, but there must be some out there for adults, too - surely?
For those of you who crochet, you should do what I'll do... make Jen one!!! Here are some awesome patterns.
ReplyDeleteDespicable Me Minion
Mario Chain Chomp
Sock Monkey Hat
And for the knitters
That R2D2 beanie you linked to
A less detailed R2D2
My friend makes beenies... mostly for kids, but she also does them in adult sizes. here's her link!
I think this viking hat is the most wonderful and nerdy example I've ever come in contact with in my own Etsy wanderings.
The shop owner is super nice and the hat themselves are awesomely well made and comfy.
I just LOVE this Fabby pink hair hat
ReplyDeleteI want one now that I no longer have fabby pink hair of my own!
Harry Potter hats (beanies for the different houses as well as Dumbledore's tasseled hat and a cool pilot hat).
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot I want on this site, but this hat made me lol
I am not sure if this is still around, but how about this adorable Katamari Damacy hats?
Mickey ears!
I also give you a link to Genki Hats:
They make all sorts of geekery to wear on one's head. Not knitted but felt.
- Gyp
OMG, my family HAD those smurfs and star wars bedsheets! I'd cry so hard if someone cut them up. XD
ReplyDeleteIn fact, they may still have them! I think when I went home last and stayed at my sister's place, she had the smurfs ones.
anything from this shop
ReplyDeleteI make a Mr. Bill hat and sock monkey hats
This Etsy shop has a bunch of cute fleece beanies. The dragon/swamp monster one is probably my favorite. That, or the white kitty with the red and black satin brocade in the ears.
ReplyDeleteWhat could be geekier than propeller beanies?
ReplyDeleteI wish Jen lots of love and energy and a speedy recovery (love and energy to her friends and family too at this challenging time). Go Whomp that Hodgkins!
ReplyDeletemohawk hats! beanies! and she'll do a custom order too!
ReplyDeletemohawk hats and beanies- and she'll do a custom order!
A Super Mario Beanie that is awesome!
Hot Topic also has some cute Beanies and animal hats.
ReplyDeleteThese are pretty cool, they're fleece hats (available in a plethora of designs), that also have scarfs attached to them.
She doesn't have anything listed right now, but I'm pretty sure that you can contact her about it. :)
Jen might look in to learning to knit. It's a great way to pass time at doctor's offices, during cemo, etc.. has over 6,000 free hat patterns.
ReplyDeleteBearded Beanies!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't seen the word Cthulhu on here at all, and I'm disappointed in my geeky counterparts.
Cute Cthulhu
OMG! This is INCREDIMAZATASTIC!! Thank you all, so much!! So many links!! So many amazing ideas!!
ReplyDeleteThis is The Jen... probably a good idea to mention that. But WOW!!
My little geeky heart is pounding like MAD! Like MAD I tell you!
I don't have enough adjectives in my vocabulary to say how grateful and thrilled I am for your help.
Massive, humongous, GEEKY hugs!
Jen Tidwell
How about a fez? Because fezzes are cool.
ReplyDeleteBert hat
ReplyDeleteCheck out the Mouse Works; all recycled, the whole business is eco-friendly, and he'll customize orders. My daughter has a Piglet hat based on his bunny style.
ReplyDeleteThe Mouse Works
oh, for bandanas, check out
Totoro Beanie:
ReplyDeleteAnd also see their "Echo Base" cap, I know it's not a beanie but I love it:
Good luck to Jen...i'll be keeping you in my thoughts!
ReplyDeleteAnd here are a few links I found that I liked. Hope they aren't dupes!
A link with MANY links attached inside of it!
Thinkgeek has an awesome assortment, and now I really want the Mario 1UP one. There have one that is a beanie headphone hat--how cool is that?!? Personally I would go for the chain mail Knights Who Say Ni option, but that's just me. :) Here is a link to the entire hat/beanie selection:
Also, there are lots of kitty beanies out there (my favorites!!), but I love this one because it's actually furry!![0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade
Good luck, Jen! You seem to have a GREAT attitude, which is what really matters.
Ok, so I've had a chance to review the 100+ (wowza!!!) links so far, and I am even more overwhelmed with geeky glee!
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of beanies with puff balls on them - BUT! - the Jayne Cobb beanie is a major exception! It's GORRAM awesome!!! I will totally be buying.
I'm also probably going to get a Harry Potter Gryffindor Beanie, and a Mario Bros Beanie of some type, and a Star Wars R2D2 beanie and OMG A TARDIS BEANIE!!! (I Love Timey-Wimey adventure!)
But, fellow Geeks, there is one beanie I have not found. One beanie that would be (for me) the penultimate beanie.
(Only it has nothing to do with LoTR)...
I would be forever in debt to the person who locate or create an adult-size, tightly-knit, beanie with The Muppet Show logo on it.
I know, right?!? I know... **whispering**
i know....
If anyone can find one already in existence and up for sale, please link it here!
OR - If you would be interested in undertaking to create such an awesome article of head-clothery, feel free to reach me through my little blog here:
You've Never Heard of Jen Tidwell
Not expecting a free thing for a lot of hard work, please don't be offended when I ask you what your hard work will cost.
Again, thank you all!
LOVE this. My 6 year old was diagnosed with Leukemia on December 22, right before this past Christmas (hey, Christmas in a hospital room, not fun, but not THAT horrible either).
ReplyDeleteI'm totally going to look at this, 'cause we need to find some cool head coverings for my little man who LOVES his hair more than any little boy should and is loosing it in large amounts now.
Have some awesome sheet sets I bought from thrift stores for around two bucks! *huggles He-man and Tiny Toon sheets*
ReplyDeleteMy favorite indie/geek/cutesy shop(that is actually in my favorite city to go hang out, yay for localish) is Shana Logic.
Racoon hat, be like Mario!
This is for Jen of Epbot.
This is also for Epbot Jen.
There are those who call me...Tim?
K, I'm not quite as quick with Jayne hats as my friend friend -- Jane, amusingly enough --but I've made one for Hubby (she made one for my Little Boy and one on my request for Hubby's co-worker who lost a parent). I would be willing to make one for you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you feel up to handicrafts there are enough free hat patterns listed on ravelry to keep a person busy for a very long time. Some of them are worth learning to knit for. (Husband is tempted to learn to knit for a Dr. Who scarf because I told him I don't have the patience for a 30 ft scarf.)
My friend does brain slug hats and other nerdy designs. Most of the hats she has posted are for tiny people, but she does custom orders for big people as well.
It may not be specifically "geeky" but has a cute little cupcake beanie
ReplyDeleteThere are also a slew of Harry Potter hats here
Ok, so the full-on Quidditch helmet might be a bit much, but I think you could rock it.
The Etsy seller CritterCr8er has adorable stuff! All video-game related.
Good luck! We're rooting for you!
Just noticed that someone posted a link to MissMonster's awesome bandannas, cool to see that.
ReplyDeleteAlso, just remembered that Hot Topic has some crazy fun hats right now. The minotaur/viking hat is seriously tempting me right now.
I got mine from JC Penney . I have a brown bear one with a pink flower which doesn't seem to be available anymore. My kids at work love it =)
ReplyDeleteat they have a stay-puft beanie
ReplyDeleteCheck these out from etsy: awesome pokemon hats. We love the Wooper hat the best!
ReplyDeleteNot sure if anyone linked this seller, but CutieHats does custom hats in many geeky-styles. I spotted Muppets, Disney, Star Wars, and Pacman, all at a reasonable price.
ReplyDeleteFor the crafter, my friend Allie has this knitting pattern on her site: Knitting Ninja - Chain Chomp Hat.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't exactly a beanie or bandanna, but perhaps it could be turned into a beanie or bandanna. It does fit the "geekie nerdtastic" description (more or less): click
ReplyDeleteI went Etsy diving for a bit. Here are my finds... I wish all the best to Jen - you kick that cancer's metaphorical ass!
ReplyDeleteChain chomp
Leia hat
Kiwi hat (that seller has some other pretty neat ones)
Cupcake hat
Knitted flippy wig
This seller is well worth a visit - there's a Super Mario beanie, a Ninja Turtle one, Space Invaders... and also Hermione's cabled hat, which is still nerdy but more subtle.
Awesome seller with a lot of choices
Also, if Jen is a Doctor Who fan, I would like to offer my knitting services. I haven't been able to find one to sell but there are some really nice TARDIS hat patterns out there so let me know if you would like one! I am mnemosyned on Etsy, you could message me there :)
OMG, I ADORE that Pokeball hat! Infact, I adore pretty much ALL these hats! And good luck with the cancer, Jen. Whoop that Hodgekins in the BUTT! :D
ReplyDeleteHere are the results for a totoro hat search: many, many of them.
ReplyDeleteTinkerbell do rag/skullcap
ReplyDeletePig Elvises on Motorcycles do rag? (I don't know if it's geeky but it sure is amusing. Too good not to share.)
No, Google, when I type "geek bandana" I don't want to see a bandana made for cooling off your dog! Work with me here!
Stopit! Now Etsy's into it! "star wars bandana" should not lead to a R2D2 bandana for a dog!
Too literal? (dernit, it's out of stock. Maybe they'll restock soon?)
And because I am a "perpetual kid" I want all of these.
BTW...totally didn't get carried away exploring And totally didn't find this totally off topic totally awesome item: Motherboard Menorah
Cutie hats makes some, well, really cute hats. Don't let the pictures fool you. All hats can apparently be made in any size.
Oh Em Gee an Ewok hat.
Ooh, I like these Pacman hats too.
It's bloo! From Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends!
Storm Trooper!
He This one makes it look like pacman is eating your head. *snrk*
This is a surgical scrub but it's adorable! Owls! Squee!
This dots candy dorag is pretty spiffy as well.
Little Mermaid!
I second or third the Jayne Cobb hat. I got my husband one for Christmas from this shop on Etsy and it is fabulous! She did an awesome job.
Alright. My original comment was too large to share. So. Here’s what I’m doing to solve this problem. This comment will be for Beanies and the next will be for do-rags.
Too literal? (dernit, it's out of stock. Maybe they'll restock soon?)
And because I am a "perpetual kid" I want all of these.
Cutie hats makes some, well, really cute hats. Don't let the pictures fool you. All hats can apparently be made in any size.
BTW...totally didn't get carried away exploring And totally didn't find this totally off topic totally awesome item: Motherboard Menorah
Oh Em Gee an Ewok hat.
Ooh, I like these Pacman hats too.
It's bloo! From Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends!
Storm Trooper!
Hee! This one makes it look like pacman is eating your head. *snrk*
Do-rags/doo rags/dorags/doorags/doo-rags/do rags/skull-caps:
ReplyDeleteTinkerbell do rag/skullcap
Pig Elvises on Motorcycles do rag? (I don't know if it's geeky but it sure is amusing. Too good not to share.)
This is a surgical scrub but it's adorable! Owls! Squee!
This dots candy dorag is pretty spiffy as well.
Little Mermaid!
Now hopefully I’ve got the html correct.
BTW. A couple hours of searching and 45 minutes of attempting to post. I'm totally okay with that.
ReplyDelete...totally going back to
Good luck to Jen! I had Hodgkin's 10 years ago. I beat it. I know that she'll do great as well. :)
ReplyDeleteI know not everyone likes cows as much as i do, but i had this beanie made for me before coming to canada.
i loves it!!!!!
Jen, I don't have any links or patterns or bandannas or anything useful like that. What I do have is mega-supportive vibes and best wishes that I am sending your way. You keep your chin up, even when you just feel like barfing and screaming at the same time. It is going to be alright and there is a huge world out there waiting for you to spend the rest of your life in it. So, go get 'em girl! I've got your back. Lots of love and hugs!!! ~Carrie
ReplyDeleteI'm a knitter, so I had to post this link. It looks great in a natural hair color, but lots of fun in a funky color. BEST WISHES, JEN!
ReplyDeleteThe No-Hair-Day Hairy Chemo Cap
Furlicious Furs & Fleece by Doriumlux on etsy make some fun, funky hats. Maybe more anime than geeky, but still fun to check out.
ReplyDeleteOh, and a Nintendo beanie!
Oh, and Cutie Hats on etsy has sooo many fun things, esp this Star Trek beanie and this appa the flying bison beanie!
And this beanie is just fun, sculptural.
Okay, this might be a bit strange for a woman, but I looooove the bearded beenie. So funny! The creator also has some more stuff for ladies.
ReplyDeleteAlso an etsy search for Star Wars hats turned up these cool hats. Love the Admiral Akbar!
Kermit the Frog Beanie
ReplyDeleteOne of my cousins was wearing this at Christmas and I wanted it so bad!
Furry Sesame Street laplander hats --->
ReplyDeleteLittle Miss Trouble --->
Sock Monkey -->
Aviator --->[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade
I'm so sorry to hear your bad news =( Cancer sucks, been fighting for 2.5 years with colon cancer, on my 3rd round of chemo.
ReplyDeleteIf you plan on making your own i like this fit for the summer
best of luck
Jen, I tried to find something orange with a poppy, but this was the best I could do
Sorry I read your tutorial several times and I still can not figure out how to embed a link!
ReplyDeleteI went to and even though I know this is not a beanie or a bandana I think it will work just the same and it is very geekilicous. Best of luck to you Jen and hurry with the butt-kicking!
To Jen (no the other Jen),
ReplyDeleteGood luck in your fight! I'm glad to hear how positive you are. It's so wonderful to hear. I'm happy for in that you WILL get this cancer licked!
And I have to be honest--if it were socially acceptable, I would shave my head. Seriously. I love my hair, but I like it short, and I can't always afford to get it cut. Shaving it would be so much easier!
My brother had ROTJ sheets a million years ago. Mine were purple with white unicorns and rainbows on them. I wish I still had those.
I haven't read all the posts yet, but I went online to shop a bit. First I went to and all their cool beanies are out of stock! WAH!
But then I found this...
Beanies with propellers!
Folksy This is kinda like a British Esty, but I don't know who came first. HOLY CRAP! A whole website for bandanas! I LOVE the Happy Bunny and Pink Panther ones!
And just for you, EPBOT Jen: There is no Pac-Man, there is only Zuul.
Others have covered the Who geek for me. But I have to shout out that a gal at Dragoncon '09 made an entire dress out of that exact SW sheet fabric.
ReplyDeleteThere are patterns here
for a Gollum hat and a hat like a pie....scroll down and they are on the right. I'd be willing to make one for you, it's what I do!
Try Geeky Knits!
She has Dr. Who, Harry Potter, and Battlestar Galactica themed (cylon toques - yay!).
Sorry, not a hat, but thought you'd still be interested:
ReplyDeleteYou're famous! :)
When I was looking for a knitting project, I spotted a TARDIS hat. I decided not to follow it up then, but I tracked it down just for you. Unforunately, if you're wanting to simply buy, this isn't quite what you're looking for; it's a pattern, but I don't doubt you can find someone out there who could be coerced into knitting it for you. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteHey there,
ReplyDeleteam in work (on a break honest) so can't really go delving into the depths of the interweb searching for you.
But, have you ever heard of Buffs before? It's a tubular length of fabric that can be used in numerous ways including a beanie and a bandana (it comes with instructions on how to fold it specific ways).
Buff Shop
You find them in outdoor shops all the time and there are hundreds and hundreds of prints out there (so I am sure you can find a muppets one somewhere)
I'm going to suggest that if you know a knitter (or can bribe one), get them (or yourselves, but you'll have to sign up) to check
ReplyDeleteI've given you the search results for "geek" hats. The R2D2 one is in there, a cool robot one and a space invaders hat (which I HAVE to make for myself).
I've also done a search for star wars and found an adult sized Yoda hat.
jack skellington beanie
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I linked that right....
Best of luck to Jen!
ReplyDeleteStill not sure I did that correctly!
This etsy shop has the cutest knit hats all done by a 13 year old...
OK, now THIS Dalek hat might be a bit over the top, but I had to include it for sheer knitting skill alone!
I just wanted to tell your friend Jen to kick some cancer butt! My cousin had stage 4 hodgkins and is now in remission after an intense year. Love the idea of finding hats!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to another Jen. My grandfather had also that kind of cancer and what was most disturbing when I met him at the hospital wasn't the loss of hair (everybody knew this) it was that he was always tired and everything was aching. He was very sad, maybe because everybody around him in the hospital was sad because they all had cancer.
ReplyDeleteI hope your time at the hospital will not be that bad and the hats will cheer you up.
I found an etsyshop just for crazy hats. Here is the link to
The first thing I thought of was Jayne's hat from Firefly, but it looks like it's been recommended a few times already ;)
ReplyDeleteI did find a link for how to make your own Jayne Cobb hat, though! If I did this sort of thing, I'd be all over it :)
Jayne Cobb Hat Pattern
My sister made a Ms. Pacman beanie for me and a pacman beanie for my husband... if Jane messages me her head measurements, she'd probably make one for you...
ReplyDeleteSo many comments, I didn't read them all, but I have an FYI if Jen is a Hello Kitty fan. A fleece version of the hat pictured is available at Sears for a lot less $$.
ReplyDeleteI sell these on my etsy site! I specialize in Geeky stuff! Once I get caught up I'll be adding more. :)
ReplyDeleteYOUR TEXT
Our prayers are with you. We also found this article in the Washington Post on how to keep your hair through chemo. Just something to read over.
ReplyDeleteTotoro beanie
Totoro and friends hat
Totoro felt hat
ReplyDeleteBravo to you for showing your courage in fighting Hodgkins. I wish you all the best.
Forgive me if this is a bit naive, but why not rock the beautiful scalp you were blessed with? It worked for Persis Khambatta , Demi Moore and Melissa Etheridge.
Why should men be the only ones who can rock baldness? Few things in this world are more beautiful than a survivor. Sure, rock a hat or scarf if you're cold, but I propose that it's up to the geek community to boldly go where few women have gone before.
Best of luck to you and may you succeed on your journey.
I just had to proudly announce that I still have those Smurf sheets. And if we had a twin bed in our house, they would still be in use :)
ReplyDeleteNo joy on finding a muppet show logo hat, but if it's any consolation I've now got the theme tune stuck in my head.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights...
because I love HP this got my attention....there aren't many left though.
ReplyDeleteSusan Dillon can custom make you a hat, as she did for my wedding.
So, this isn't exactly geeky, but with the posting, I felt I needed to share this link. It's a site by one of my friends. About a year and a half ago, she was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer and ended up spending a lot of time in the hospital. With her free time, she learned to crochet. Last year, she found out she was in remission, and now is pregnant! Her hats/beanies and headbands are adorable, and my wife absolutely LOVES them.
So, this needs a little explanation, but y'all seem like the folks who will appreciate it...
ReplyDeleteFirst, the link:
Last item on the page is a bandanna that says human and zombie. (Sorry, there web design won't let me link to exact items in the shop) And I have been drooling over it ever since I learned that my higher learning institution has a Humans Vs Zombies club, which basically entail people in bandannas running around trying to tag the humans (if you're a zombie) or shoot the zombies with nerf guns to stun them and survive (if you're human). This is exactly awesome, and the bandanna is perfectly designed to help you designate whether you are a zombie or human by creative folding.
This means limitless opportunities to confuse the crap out of people. And that's a good thing.
Etsy etsy etsy. They have the most awesome geek chic imaginable. Start here: Star Wars Chic
ReplyDeleteThen try this: Star Trek hats
Then (since I'm tired of posting links) search for harry potter hats, my little pony hats, and any other kind of hat imaginable!
Here's just a few that I found (and would love to have myself!)
ReplyDelete[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade&filter[1]=geekery[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade&filter[1]=geekery (might have to get this one for myself!)[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade&filter[1]=geekery
Happy hatting, Jen!
If Jen sews, she can make doo-rags/cancer caps. I made a few for my neighbor while she was doing chemo. I picked fabric that had meaning for her (college logo, holiday, etc.).
ReplyDeleteDoo-rag pattern
P.S. This is a .pdf, I hope I embedded it correctly.
How about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
ReplyDeleteOther Jen, I'm so glad you're planning on the Jayne hat from Firefly. I had one made as a Christmas gift this year and the ear flaps would be especially warm after a round of chemo.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Other Jen! God bless you! A "wimpy" fight is still a fight nonetheless.
This site has all different kinds of head coverings. Tons of styles of hats and scarves. They aren't necessarily nerdy/geeky, but might give an overview as to different styles you could try out above and beyond beanies.
Also, try an etsy search for "chemo scarf." Lots of pretty designs, and I bet you could find someone to use a nerdy/geeky fabric to custom make one. They're very comfortable.
I wish you both a lot of strength to get through this all! my mom found out she had cancer almost a year ago to the day, and 2010 was a hard year for us, with me finishing high school and getting my diploma, and my mom going through chemo and an operation.
ReplyDeleteyou guys will get through this, and there is light at the end of the tunnel, stay positive!
oh, and the hats are a terrif idea! alltough you can hardly tell wigs apart from "the real thing". ;)
How about a squid hat as seen on The Guild from Obey My Brain
ReplyDeleteMy friend wore an awesome pie beret like this one for pi day (March 14), but I can't find one for sale that looks as good and is cheaper than this one on etsy. Although I do have a friend who is a fantastic knitter and can make one on commission for undoubtably cheaper... there's plenty of time between now and then.
ReplyDeleteAcme Klein Bottle Hats
ReplyDeleteI had those Smurf sheets. I miss the 80's.
ReplyDeleteNibbler Fleece Cap there are also some other fun ones there.
ReplyDeleteNot sure how to link this one to you as its on facebook idk what my friend's privacy settings on Facebook are, but I have a friend who's actually dealing with the same form of cancer (I believe its the same form at least...), and she's into knitting hats and scarves. One of the hats she made is a bright orange pumpkin lookin' beanie. She makes it more as a childs hat but it can be modified. It sorta reminded me of the Halloween candy bracelet. :)
ReplyDeleteBest of luck :)
Cookie Monster
Winnie the Pooh
Aang from Avatar
Minion from Despciable Me
Mike from Monsters Inc
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Boo from Mario
One-up Mushroom from Mario
Cute Dinosaur
There is a wide array of hattage to choose from! I hope her head stays warm, and her health continue to get better and better by the second!
Fraggle Rock Winter Pilot Cap Muppets also has an entire Muppet theme store. Not a lot of winter hats though!
Skull Knitting Pattern
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you can turn a tea cosy into a hat without too much trouble
If you like cute cartoon characters this one is the best
ReplyDeletemy favourite one is cookie monster
I bet someone already posted these, but this is a sacrifice for me. I really wanted these for myself! They're not that awesome, but I hope you like them.
ReplyDeleteGamer hat
Snitch hat
This is not only a geeky shopping challenge, it's a geeky crafting golden opportunity. C'mon, Jen, you like to make stuff. If you don't already know about it, is a superb place to look for knitting/crochet patterns. You can make them out of super soft yarns that will feel good right up against your skin. Good luck to you!
ReplyDeleteOver on they have a really cute sock-monkey hat and some gloves to match!
ReplyDeleteZOMBIE HAT!!!!!
Wow. Jen sounds to be a much braver lady than myself!
ReplyDeleteMy blog PrettiGeeky posted some pics of nerdy hats (and nerds wearing hats) just yesterday! Have a look!
First of all, the best of luck to Jen. I just know you'll beat it! :)
ReplyDeleteAs for beanies and bandanas, I have no suggestions. However, I have something else. My mum had cancer a few years ago (nasty one but she beat it) and she wore something called an Ice Helmet during the chemo treatments. This resulted in actually havin hair at the end of them. She lost quite a bit but didn't go completely bald. As she was a teacher she still wore a wig but could have gone without it if need be.
I don't know if this'll help nor do I know how easy or how cheap it is to find an Ice Helmet in the States but I had to share.
Good luck from Portugal!
pacman hat!
ReplyDeletebrave girl. Plethora of Anime and Cos-play hats and other goodies at
ReplyDeleteI almost started crying when I saw those smurf sheets. They are the exact ones I had when I was a kid! I loved those sheets... Ok, emotional moment over. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHello Kitty
ReplyDeleteRasta Beanie
Flower Beanie
Dino Beanie
Jack Skellington
Rayman's Raving Rabbids
You're a Pumpkin!
On Fire
DIY - Vintage
Indy Hat I know it's not a beanie, but couldn't resist.
Tim the Enchanter
Another DIY
And though it's a bit out of date, this is a worthy place to search for that off-the-beaten-track stuff. Clothing Underground
I made a Jayne Cobb Firefly hat, but also love the Starbuck mandala hat from BSG. The patterns are all here (including for that R2-D2 beanie): The Greatest Knitting Patterns in the Universe
ReplyDeleteThinking good thoughts for you, Jen! You and John have brought me such joy!
I also bought a Kermit the Frog knitted cap at WDW last year and it's very warm and I wear it all the time. Saw the Animal and Beaker versions recently at our local Maine Mall (in the very classy Lids store).
ReplyDeleteMuppet knit hats
ReplyDelete<3 #21
some of these aren't particularly "geeky" but they are super cute, and I like them (plus they are like under 20 which of course makes them even more cute!)
ReplyDeleteWhat?! The ones I posted earlier had error 404?! I hope THESE links work.
ReplyDeleteStay Puft hat
Yoda Hat
Pac-Man Ghost hat Because the R2D2 one was sold out
If the links, you can just google the Stay Puft one and search on etsy for the other ones.
not exactly geek, but i think this
ReplyDeletesteampunk airship bandanna is cool.
hope that link works... I've never tried that before.... :) hope Jen heals fast.
This Princess Leia hat (w/buns) could be pretty freaking awesome.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, as someone who cuts off her hair to be less than an inch long... let me say that you can rock the no hair look! But, your head will probably get pretty chilly. I've been wearing a lot of hats lately.
Wishing you all the best-- you're in my thoughts. Let me just say, that I came to Epbot tonight looking for the red panda video looking for a pick-me-up... so I hope your readers can deliver the same. You bring a lot of joy into my life.
My friend's 17 y.o. son has Hodgkins. He was diagnosed at the beginning of his senior year, and had the surgeries, and the chemo and radiation while taking 4 AP classes, which he got Bs in. You'll do great. (He's in his second semester of the senior year now and finishing up the radiation, although his cancer is gone, I guess this helps prevent relapse.) Prayers and thoughts with you.
ReplyDeleteshe has lots of cute hats for $20-30.
So, I don't know if these are new since I haven't read through everything.
Cylon hat - this is the pattern but there's an Etsy shop, so maybe you could commission one.
Cthulhu hat
Binary hat for the computer geeks
Kraken kind-of hat
Wierd, outer space hat
Angry robot hat
Dino with TEETH
This whole shop is cool
Non geeky, neat idea
This shop has great hats, not all geeky. I particularly like this pattern (look at the 3rd pic, the first is boring) and this is similar. This is geeky but not over-the top, as is this
Also of course good luck. I personally have really short hair (probably half an inch) and go aroung with a baseball cap at all times (for religious reasons). It's very comfortable, especially in the summer!
Yoda Hat
ReplyDeleteI have an off-topic query.
ReplyDeleteIn the FAQs you say you'll update at some point to explain why you do not post any pictures of yourself online. Can we get an update?
I'm nosy.
must. have. smurf. sheets.
ReplyDeleteHere's a bunch of 'em
ReplyDeleteR2D2 hat
another R2D2 hat
I know it has earflaps, but here is another R2D2 hat
Ewok hat
Admiral Ackbar hat
Chewbacca hat
Snitch hat
and, finally, I give you
Cookie Monster hat!
hmmm, I think he needs a cookie, though. This charm should work. See? You could just get a piece of black string and put the charm on there and tie it on his mouth! Or you could just where it as a necklace and be all, you know, normal. I hope you enjoy your triumphant whomping of your cancer, Jen.
I have alopecia and have recently lost my hair again. I got one of these hip hats with hair, (but without the hat), and they can make it with your own hair. So your friend can cut off her hair (much better than watching it fall out in clumps), and they make a wig with her own hair. Plus she can wear any geeky hat over it.
ReplyDeleteOh, and if her eyebrows also fall out, as mine have, I HIGHLY recommend these temporary tattoo eyebrows.
ReplyDeleteThese really give me a lot of confidence.
Oh my gosh! Jen, you are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for beanies...
This seller seems to have some promising Star Wars items. :)
I love the Leia bun beanie...^u^
Princess Leia Hat!!!
ReplyDeleteI see that you're a Muppet fan.
Do you live in NYC? Nearby? Can you get there? Because FAO Schwartz has the ultimate in Muppet Awesome.
Build your own Muppet Whatnot.
It is also available online, but it waaaay more fun to do in person. I did it yesterday and will be taking home my very own Whatnot - I couldn't be happier! Something about making your own Muppet just...lifts the spirits, y'know?
All the best in you cancer fighting - my Mom is a mets survivor, so I expect you'll kick Hodgkins in record time. :)
Dear Jen (of Epbot),
ReplyDeleteyou have the most awesome readers on the interwebs. I think I look stupid in hats, but I love them anyway and loved all these sweet links.
Dear Jen (of whomping),
best of luck to you and with your mad whomping skillz. That positive attitude will get you anywhere.
Dear the rest of you,
Mario Raccoon hat? Cosplay bunny hat? Viking hat with braids? Ewoks and Admiral Ackbar?! I freaking heart you people a lot.
I can't crochet, but I might try knitting my own version of the Princess Leia hat. :) Geeky sisterly love to you all!
I thought these were cute!
ReplyDeleteCrocheted Raccoon Hat
by Arts Vs. Crafts
Naughty Bunny Bucket Hat
by My Perennial
ReplyDeleteOld-school Atari controller beanie.
ReplyDeleteHat with long floppy rabbit ears... "bunny ears" means something else :-).
Naruto sleeping cap -- I don't recognize it, but am amused by the angry cap.
Gundam beanie.
DOMO Kun cap.
Cat ears cap -- many others available, but I liked the details on this one.
Beard Head
ReplyDeleteMy Hubby just bought a beard head to ride around on his motorcycle with. Although most of the styles are for men, these are fun for women too! Best wishes on fighting the cancer Jen!