I will never tire of drooling over polymer clay jewelry. NEVER.

(No sign of this bracelet at the moment, though!)
Confession: I've never tried a macaron. So to me, this bracelet looks like Rainbow Brite made a batch of Whoopie Pies. And believe me, I am perfectly fine with that. :D
Are door knockers geeky? Ok, maybe not. Still, this ring looks pretty darn cool:

And if you have any friends in Japan, tell them to be on the lookout for this über geeky pi necklace:

Math nerds, rejoice! Except I don't think it's available online anywhere, so maybe don't rejoice too much. It's probably just as well, though; this looks both expensive and kind of scratchy. (Just keep telling yourself that, Jen...)
And finally, for my fellow gamer girls:

It's all in the wrist, baby - or in this case, *on* the wrist. This bracelet is like a trip down memory lane with all the different game controllers, plus it comes in four different colors! I'd wear it with my Nintendo controller belt buckle, even though I'd get mocked mercilessly for it by all my friends. (Except you guys, of course. You wouldn't mock me, right? Guys? Hello?)
So, seen any great and geeky jewelry lately? Share your links in the comments!
BORING PERSONAL UPDATE: By the by, all, just thought I'd mention that I'm in the midst of writing CW book 2 - which is due in 3 weeks, eek! - so posting here will continue to be a bit sporadic for the foreseeable future. I have lots of fun tutorials and posts planned out, but I also have to survive the next month. Heh. So, thanks for being patient while I handle my "real" "job," and I'll do my best to continue posting here at least twice a week.
ReplyDeleteWV: tholi: The Greek couple enjoyed taking a tour of all the tholi that littered their favorite goddess's temple site.
(for those of you who are not art history nerds, a tholos (which this word made me think of (kind of a plural form for it i guess) is a colonnade (columns in a row) set up in a circle with a floor below and a round frieze up top)
I think those are actually macarons, not macaroons, although both are delicious. Macaroons might look like little multicolored Koosh balls on a chain, though.
ReplyDeleteBaker's note: a macaroon is a flourless, coconut-based dessert - mushy and rich. A macaron is a delicate meringue-based confection - two meringue domes made with almond meal sandwiching a sweet filling. The ones pictured on that gorgeous, delectable bracelet are macarons. Recently bakers have gone nuts with macarons, creating the most amaaaazing flavors that gives rise to lovely rainbows of colors, giving rise to pretty jewelry for us to drool over. I love the huge amount of polymer clay dessert-based jewelry that Japanese sweet lolita fashion calls for. It's desserts pairs with frilly skirts - my favorite combination EVER!
ReplyDeleteI like how the Pi necklace looks like old typwriter keys. It is the same font.
ReplyDeleteOh how I love these!! I can spend *hours* on etsy looking at things in the geekery section. All of the jewelry made of lego pieces alone can take me an hour to go through. Makes me want to make some myself but my 11 year old would not be happy with me raiding his lego stash! And thinking of geeky jewlry takes me back to High School in the late 80s/early 90s when we used to watch old episodes of Dr. Who and listen to REM while making shrinky dink and/or fimo jewelry.
ReplyDeleteGood luck making deadline. I adore reading what you come up with on this blog and will hang on until things calm down a bit for you again!
That French macaroon bracelet is awesome! And Jen, you absolutely must try French macaroons. If they are well made, they will be a little bite of heaven. And you'll want about 2 dozen of those bites... :)
ReplyDeleteOops, thanks for the macaroon/macaron correction, guys! Blogger doesn't think "macaron" is a word, which is what threw me. Or at least, that's my excuse. ;)
ReplyDeleteActually, "macaron" is the French way to spell "macaroon." The difference is the "French" in front of either spelling (or "Parisian"). French macaroons are almond based, whereas non-French macaroons are coconut based.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, macaron= macaroon. There are just different kinds out there.
Have you seen this geektastic site/shop? http://www.clonehardware.com/
ReplyDeleteWant to try to do something like those myself!
You're so coool.
Am I the only one who sees macarons and can't help but compare them to Spongebob's Pretty Patties?
ReplyDeleteI saw this necklace before I saw your site (a few months ago). I have wanted it ever since! I wanted to make it for myself, but you can NOT find number beads at the craft store. You can get them online, but only in bags of same numbers, for like $5 a bag. So, I'll just keep saving up for it!
If anyone is in or around TX, this amazing cheese shop called Gourmage in New Braunfels has macarons. And they are amazing. The shop and the cookies.
ReplyDeleteLove! Speaking of polymer clay jewelry, one of my uber-talented childhood friends sells funky food/candy/monster earrings. Oh, and steampunk teapots. Srsly.
ReplyDeleteShe takes special requests for vintage candies, characters, and anything else you can dream up too. She's still pretty undiscovered, so I know she'd be thrilled if any readers out there would take a moment to stop by her store!
ACK! I love the gamer bracelet. I totally wouldn't make fun of you for it, Jen. Of course, I'd want to take off the ones for the systems I didn't like. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd been wondering why posting on Epbot had slowed down. I was afraid you'd grown bored with it. Glad to know it's just real life getting in the way. :) Good luck with the book, but we look forward to getting you back to Epbot more often!
I totally think door knockers are geeky (reference Labyrinth, for example). Wherever I go, I end up taking pictures of old door knockers and using the photos as screen savers. Or, as Dr. Frankenstein commented, "What Knockers!"
ReplyDeleteWe heard you on The Splendid Table this morning and squee'd. Then I did a little dance while I listened. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, nice stuff.
ReplyDeleteJust this week I was looking for faux gold finishes to use on costume jewelry. In the process I stumbled across quite an assortment of unusual goodies.
Love love LOVE that gamer bracelet...and I totally wouldn't make fun of you...I would be more like "Squeeeeeee! I want I want iwantiwantiwant!" But maybe that's just me.
Oh so much awesomeness! And I know for sure I could make something like the first and last items, so I'm extra happy. Oh, and I THINK a few of the first ones were made using postage stamps...
ReplyDeleteI totally just made myself a little Mario 1-up mushroom to take with my to Video Games Live in Seattle this weekend!
ReplyDeleteGreat minds think alike. =)
Nope, I definitely wouldn't make fun of you, and I bet your followers wouldn't either! :)
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who makes a bunch of cute and geeky items like this Lego Man necklace and this Teddy Graham.
ReplyDeleteThat pi necklace is amazing!
ReplyDeleteMy sister makes and sells her own jewellery although not sure where it lands on the geeky scale. She made He-Man wallets and My Little Pony bags but I think they've all been sold. I like the sign language rings though! http://www.folksy.com/shops/JollyGood
She works out of her little studio in a village in Scotland which is the cutest little building
I'm in love with that necklace! We're going to Japan in a couple of months, so I think I'll hunt this one down. It's so geeky and so fabulous!
ReplyDeleteFirst thing I thought of when I saw the macaron necklace? Spongebob's "Pretty Patties" episode.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine makes some amazing polymer clay jewelry. Here is her Artfire shop.
I think if people really want a Pi necklace, they could easily go to a crafts store and just buy those numbers (and order some extra) and put them on a leather string :) you don't even need to be handy to do that!
ReplyDeleteI am actually going to Japan in March. Where would I go to find the pi necklace? We'll be in Tokyo, so any hints as where to go rummaging would be appreciated. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWhat a weird coincidence! My friend Jamie, just posted this blog about her neon whoopie pies and they DO look like the macaroon bracelet!
ReplyDeleteCheck it out HERE
I'm a huge Okami fan and I've just bought these earrings from Etsy! ^^
https://sites.google.com/site/artnouveausquid/home has tons of awesome polymer clay. Made by a 13 year old!
ReplyDeleteDear Jen,
ReplyDeleteToday on Spiegel Online I saw a batch of magnificent urban decay photographs, by photographers Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre. I think it might be something for you.
Of course we wont mock you, I think you would look great!
ReplyDeleteI want the pi necklace too!
ReplyDeletePlus, visit princeton for Pi day 3/14!
Janice S
Check out geeksugar.com. A*maz*ing geeky, girly jewelry. Faboo.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you've seen this already or not, but it seriously made me giddy! I've been working on a new tat design for the past few days, and this popped up while looking for steampunk ideas. Steampunk Cell Phone!
ReplyDeleteDear Jen,
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you blog on Epbot everyday?
I really enjoy reading Epbot.
Pi Necklace online
ReplyDeleteI knew I had seen the Pi necklace for sale, I just wish I could afford it in gold, I just don't wear that much silver...sigh.
NOOOOOO!!! Don't cut up the old comic books! (Well unless they are already ruined and only have a few good pieces left.) Some of those old books are rare and worth money plus it would just be a shame to do that.
ReplyDeleteBetter option is to high-resoultion scan them and then print out photo quality images that could be made into the jewelry. I would LOVE to have a set of Batman (like the Bat Signal) cuff links. I don't wear cuff links often but that would be SOOOOOO COOL!
Statjr-- Or better yet, sometimes you can find the collectable postage stamps online and make those into jewelery. Even the USPS used to sell pins made from stamps back in the 1990s. : )
ReplyDeleteGo here for other geeky pi things!
ReplyDeleteI love this site :)
I feel like bead and craft stores would have number beads, so I think it would be pretty easy to make your own pi necklace. Such a great idea!
ReplyDeleteAlso, this gas mask ring is completely awesome.
ReplyDeleteSomeone I (@pfoinkle) follow on twitter had mentioned this site and I love the pacmanesque ghosties. Blend Creations
ReplyDeleteOMG Jen I know this has nothing to do with this post but have you been to dailyotter.org? Also, zooborns has posted more super cute pics on a white background of the Red Panda cubs squeeeeee!
ReplyDeleteI think the pi necklace would be pretty easy to make. you'd just have to make sure you knew all those numbers...
ReplyDeleteThe comic book jewelry totally reminds me of the keychains sold at my favorite cookie store in Salt Lake City.
ReplyDeleteSo. Cute.
If you're ever in Salt Lake (book tour!), you should totally check them out. They have this whole WWII-era pin-up girl theme going on and the cookies are to die for!
LOVE the comic book rings!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know of a place where I can buy blank photo rings like the one in the picture?
Much appreciated!
@Smother Goose and @Rena
ReplyDeleteAs much as I would love to agree with you, these days 'macarons' are now also called 'macaroons.'
Personally, I don't like 'macarons' because they taste a little gritty to me. I don't enjoy the mix of textures.
Also, they're a pain in the butt to make - perfectionists require both top and bottom meringues to be the same size. So as a baker, (I speak from personal experience) making large quantities of macarons means you have to sit down and sort through so many little circles that look really similar.
That bracelet is really cute, though. <3
Confession: I've never tried a macaron. So to me, this bracelet looks like Rainbow Brite made a batch of Whoopie Pies. And believe me, I am perfectly fine with that. :D
ReplyDeleteThat is all good and well because really who doesn't love rainbow brite? but I tried my first ever macaroon this week and I'm telling you, you have to try one. especially if it's from someone who really knows what they are doing.
I found a <a href="http://www.etsy.com/listing/63733270/pi-necklace-is-sterling-silver?ref=sr_gallery_35&ga_search_query=pi+necklace&ga_page=3&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade>pi necklace</a> on etsy!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite geek jewelry find appeals to my biology geek side: http://www.etsy.com/listing/54739602/spell-geek-necklace-with-amino-acids
ReplyDeleteThat last bracelet could DIY with shrinky dink plastic and two diferent sized hole punches. :)