I just read this article about little Katie being bullied by her classmates for carrying a Star Wars water bottle to school. She's only in the first grade.
This, my friends, cannot stand.
Katie's mom has asked for fellow females who love Star Wars to leave a comment showing Katie she's not alone, that lots of girls love Star Wars, and, dang it, that it's not just "Ok" to be different - sometimes it's BETTER.
Ok, maybe I'm paraphrasing a little there, but you get the idea.
Please go leave a comment for Katie, and spread the word. There are only 18 comments as of this writing. Let's put a few zeroes behind that number.
[UPDATE: Just realized you can't leave a comment on the article without creating an account. Grr. Ok, new plan: leave your comment here, and I will make sure Katie's mom gets the link so she can read them all. Thanks, guys.]

And Katie, my little Star Wars sister? I think I speak for every Epbot reader here when I say: Don't let the scruffy nerf herders get you down. You rock that water bottle with pride, and know that there are thousands of other fans out there (myself included) who would be proud to share a lunch table with you.
Oh, and may the Force be with you.
(Also, a big thanks to Michele for pointing me to this article.)
11/19 UPDATE: WOW. Since I published this post last night it has taken the web by storm; I've watched it go viral on Twitter and Facebook, and seen post after post on other great blogs pop up - including the official Star Wars blog! I'm thrilled both for Katie and for geek girls everywhere to see such an outpouring of support, and I can't tell you how proud I am that you Epbot readers were the first wave of fans to get her story out there. Thank you.
Happily Trisha over at Geeking Out About... managed to get a hold of Katie's mom, Carrie Goldman, last night for an update. In addition to Cat Taber's lovely comment and offer of gifts on this post, Katie has received an invitation to a Clone Wars premier by Tom Kane, the voice of Yoda, and a special art card by Scott Zirkel of herself holding a light saber. Apparently they've also been inundated with offers of Star Wars toys and merchandise, which Goldman has asked that we instead donate to shelters and hospitals in Katie's honor for the holidays. (Read more at Trisha's article here.)
According to Carrie's update on the original article, Katie is overjoyed with all the comments, and her folks plan to print them all out in a big book for Katie "to read whenever she feels the need." Which is just the awesomest thing ever.
You know that's not the end of the story, though, right? Katie and her water bottle have unleashed a powerful force [smirk] for good. Let's use it. Let's keep it going. Let's make "Katie's water bottle" our battle cry against bullying. Find the "Katie" in your life, so that you can lavish all the support and love (and yes, geeky toys!) on him or her that s/he needs. And be proud of who you are, so you can lead by example!
And most importantly:
Have a great Friday, my friends. :)
Addendum: If you're looking to contact Carrie or Katie directly, please know that I'm just a blogger who thought their story deserved more attention; other than a few e-mails, I don't have any direct line or relationship with their family. I'd suggest leaving your requests either on Carrie's follow-up post or contacting her through ChicagoNow.com. Thanks!
That is not cool. You are the AWESOMEST for carrying that water bottle. I blog (mostly about Star Wars, heh) and there are a bunch of other girls on my blog who love Star Wars too! You're not alone! Don't let the bullies or anyone else discourage you from liking ANYTHING.
ReplyDeleteMy comment to Katie - I like Star Wars, but what I really love is Star Trek, and Doctor Who. I also read tons of comic books. I've been into sci-fi since I was about your age, and it's great! Don't let anyone tell you who to be or what to like.
ReplyDeleteI bet your water bottle is awesome!
ReplyDeleteI have been a Star Wars fan since I was little and my Dad first watched the movies with me. They are the greatest, and all those meanies at school don't know what they're missing!
Star Wars chicks are COOL! You rock that water bottle, Katie, and don't let any one else bring you down!
ReplyDeleteI am a fellow Star Wars fan, and very proud of it. I'm not as fond of the other "geeky" stuff, never did follow any of the Star Trek beyond the first one. That said, I'm proud to be a 55 year old geek, and want to say welcome, Katie, to the new generation of geeks.
ReplyDeleteMay the Force be with you forever & ever & ever.
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Lots of girls (really COOL girls) like Star Wars. I did when I was a kid. I wanted to be Anakin. You be you. Don't let those bullies get you down. I'll tell you a secret - when you get older, nerds run things. So, here's to you being a future leader of the world.
May the force be with you.
If I had a Star Wars Bottle, I would carry it everywhere. Better Yet! I want a lunch box!
ReplyDeleteI personally think that Star Wars fans are smarter than the average person. So take pride in being so much smarter than those kids who made fun of you.
ReplyDeleteMy two girls, ages 8 and 6, love Star Wars and will play light sabers with their dad and brother all night long. They sing the music to it too. You're not alone Katie! You've got better taste in movies than most girls your age!! :)
ReplyDeleteI went on my first date to see the very first Star Wars movie. I still have the two album soundtrack and wish I still had my T-shirt.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars is still cool in my book!
We geek girls will inherit the earth. ('Course "the others" will have wrecked it by then but we will bring it back from the brink!)
ReplyDeleteHi Katie,
ReplyDeleteAs one science fiction fan to another, let me say that you should never be embarrassed about the things you like. Other people might have different interests, but you can just say, "Well, I like Star Wars!" and hold your head high.
Average Jane
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, some very mean boys made fun of me for carrying a Disneyland lunchbox, because it had my father's name written on it. I was sad, too. But I kept carrying my lunchbox, and some of my girl friends starting carrying lunchboxes with their father's names on them too. It made me happy. The only thing that would have made it even better would have been if it was Star Wars, because Star Wars is so cool. If the boys tease you, just remember that there are a lot of girls that love Star Wars and boys are sometimes just mean because they don't understand what cool really it.
Katie, you're a beautiful girl! Star Wars=Awesome! Don't let them get you down, they are just jealous! Some day you will be their boss since you are obviously smarter than they are. Show them that what they say doesn't bug you and they will leave you alone. Know that there are many of us out here who know what you are going through. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie!
ReplyDeleteThis is Ori and I am a geek girl too! When I was your age I loved Star Trek and Ghostbusters and Red Dwarf and X Files and I got teased a lot too. It was really hard sometimes, and sometimes I cried to my mom, but she was always there for me.
Now that I'm all grown up I have a great job as a scientist where I can do geeky things all day and talk about geeky stuff with all my wonderful, geeky girl friends. And then I go home and play online videogames with all of my geeky friends in other countries.
It's hard to grow up being different than people think you should be. It takes a lot of work, but I know that you can do it, and I know that the end result - growing up to be the person you want to be -is worth it.
Ahhh!! I'm in the process RIGHT NOW of designing my very own ewok costume.
ReplyDeletetell her to OWN IT! and for the rest of her life, she'll be loved by boys and men of all ages.
I love star wars! When I was a little girl I had Yoda t-shirts and all kinds of other Yoda paraphernalia.
Let Katie know that I have loved Star Wars ever since I was even younger than she is now. I was born mere weeks before the original movie came out, and my earliest movie-going memory is watching The Empire Strikes Back at the drive-in. When I was 18, I had the Rebel Alliance insignia tattooed on the back of my neck, that's how much I love Star Wars.
ReplyDeleteOh Lil Katie! First movie I EVER saw with my daddy. I loved it and still do today! You are not only allowed to be a "girl" that loves Star Wars, but to grow up to be a woman that does too!!
ReplyDeleteMy sister wanted her Halloween costume a few years ago to be the simple Helen Narbonic (http://www.narbonic.com/ --or the first picture I found of someone costumed up: http://www.flickr.com/photos/55852108@N00/1317327693/)
ReplyDeleteReally, it's a simple t-shirt with the word 'evil' center chest with the 'i' dotted with a heart. Since I was off shopping for t-shirts and iron on printer paper anyway, I got an extra for Little Girl. She got picked on too, sadly, and never wore the shirt again. One day she'll understand how little others' opinions matter, but we couldn't get her past it this time. She never wore that shirt again.
Wishing better luck to Katie and Katie's mom.
Katie, I LOVE Star Wars, and I have ever since I was a little girl. Whenever I'm babysitting or with kids watching Star Wars, they ask me who all the characters are and I can always tell them about it. There are so many people who like Star Wars, you always have something in common with someone. I wish I had a Star Wars waterbottle like yours!
ReplyDeleteThanks for passing this along, Jen!
Katie, don't worry your rocking little head about those kids who just don't know what's cool yet. They'll learn someday that Star Wars is the epitome of awesome. You're just ahead of the curve. And before long those same boys teasing you will be clamoring to hang out with and (once you're old enough and boys stop being icky) date a girl who loves Star Wars. You'll be like a unicorn to them; rare and the very definition of cool. Stay you, love what you love and forget the naysayers.
ReplyDeleteThose other kids just don't know what's good in life. They are so miserable in their own disinterest in all things wonderful like Star Wars that they don't like to see you happy. Well I say forget them! If they can't wake up and see the fantastic awesomeness that comes out of Star Wars, Star Trek and other geeky goodness, then they aren't worth your time. You rock that water bottle and your love for Star Wars as hard as you can! I'll be right there with you flashing my Star Wars poster in my work office.
Geek Power!
May the force be with you, always,
ReplyDeleteI'm a girl and I love Star Wars! One of my favorite shirts when I was in 5th grade was a Star Wars shirt. I wish I still had it, but unfortunately even the force can't seem to hold a shirt together for 16 years!
Katie, giiiirl, you rock that Star Wars water bottle! You are too cool for those other kids. I bet they don't even know what Star Wars is. Don't let those other kids bring you down. You Rock Katie!!
ReplyDeleteHey Katie! It's awesome that you are showing off your fondness for StarWars. Go You! Just don't forget the other sci-fi shows. I loved Star Trek when I was your age and still do. :-) Stay strong my sister in geekdom.
So not cool! I like your water bottle a lot! Don't change who you are for anyone. You are free to be who you are and what you are and if you like Star Wars, then that's your choice! Stand Tall and know that The Force is with you!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie!
ReplyDeleteI have loved Star Wars since I was your age. Some of my fondest memories are of watching Return of the Jedi almost daily one summer because it is just that awesome! And so are you!! :) Keep your head up! You are such a special and unique individual - never let go of who you are because of some silly boys.
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome! Keep on being you. Geeks rule the world, so please don't be shy because you're different. Be proud and keep on drinking from that cool bottle!
To Katie:
ReplyDeleteYou don't deserve to be bullied at all! Just tell them that you don't make fun of their Barbie backpacks or PowerRanger shirts, so why should they tease you? Don't ever change because some people tease you, you'll only regret letting them have that power over you. ROCK that water bottle!! May the force be with you Katie!
What?! This is ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteTo Katie: One day, you will understand that being proud of your differences is SO important. I was the girl in my class with glasses, and they were weird glasses. I never let that keep me down! I grew up watching "boy" movies and "boy" TV shows. I liked all kinds of things that were usually liked by boys. Was I made fun of in school? Yeah, I was. Was I even more different in high school, and proud of it? Heck yes! So be different with pride, because different girls are really the cooler girls!
By the way, I bet they're actually jealous of your awesome water bottle. I want one!
Katie,it's totally okay to love star wars! Don't let the silly boys with cooties make you cry,sweetie. They're probably just jealous of how awesome your water bottle is!Lots of awesome,awesome girls LOVE Star Wars-Awesome girls like YOU!
ReplyDeleteKatie, Don't let your lame classmates keep your from carrying the best water bottle EVER! If those boys say girls don't like Star Wars, just roll your eyes and say, "THIS girl does, 'cause I'm made of PURE AWESOME!" Or if it's "only boys like Star Wars"...then "...and REALLY EXCELLENT girls like me!" =D
ReplyDeleteKatie, I'm 28 and still carry my Star Wars lunchbox to work with me every day!! I met my (adorable) husband when he complimented my Star Wars lunchbox and thermos out first day in middle school. I've made my best friends doing geeky things and I'll never stop being a geek girl!!
ReplyDeleteLittle Miss Katie... I just wanted to let you know that you rock. I seriously wanted to be Princess Leia when I was your age. You rock that watter bottle!
ReplyDeleteCool kids carry a Star Wars thermos, un-cool kids make fun of the cool kids because they are jealous. You hold your head high and don't worry about what the other kids are saying. If you like the thermos, then that is all that really matters. You are a cool kid with a cool thermos and Star Wars rocks!
Katie, my kindergartner thinks you're one of the coolest kids she knows! For her 5th birthday, she had a cake with Iron Man blasting Disney Princesses, and when she grows up, she wants to be a scientist.
ReplyDeleteAnd let me tell you, as the girl who sits on the floor in Borders in a little black dress and heels, reading D&D books while my husband is away, ALL the guys flock. You may not appreciate this now, but you will in 10 years or so!
Keep rocking that thermos, I think you're strong, and brave enough, to show other girls your age (or older), that it's AWESOME to be a geeky girl <3
Katie--I think it's awesome you have a Star Wars water bottle. You are keep on being you, and eventually the boys will realize you've always been cool. When I was in grade school, I proudly carried a Return of the Jedi lunchbox to school every day. I still have it somewhere (and I'm in my 30s)-now I feel I must go find it.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I LOVE Star Wars! One of my very first memories is sitting on my daddy's lap and watching "Return of the Jedi" in the theater.
ReplyDeleteDon't let those other kids get you down. They don't know what they're missing!
KATIE!! keep your chin up and keep using your water bottle and doing whatever you want, I'm a teacher in England and I teach girls and boys between 11-18 years old, there are boys and girls who do what other people do without thinking for themselves and this is usually because they are unimaginative and boring, which is kinda sad! All of the interesting students I have are different, and they're interesting because they've got their own opinions and lives that don't depend on other people and what they think.... Also the kids who have their own opinions are usually smarter!
ReplyDeleteOn top of that Im a huge star wars fan myself and I loudly (and proudly) call myself a Geek at every opportunity, 3 months ago I married a man who custom builds 3 3/4 inch star wars action figures as a hobby, what could be better?!?!
stay strong girl!
Katie - you are an absolutely awesome little kid for sticking to your guns (or lightsaber!) and carrying the water bottle that YOU love. I have four little boys, but if I had a little girl, I'd want her to be like you. Hold your head high, and know that "geeky" girls all over the country (and possibly world) know where you're coming from and support you whole-heartedly! Keep rocking that water bottle, Katie!
ReplyDeleteKatie, I'm a 24 year old girl, and I LOVE Star Wars! I have two big brothers who were really in to the originals and so I really liked them, too! I got teased a lot when I was a kid (mostly because I was smart and got good grades), but know that kids only make fun of you because they are insecure or jealous. Try to ignore it, but don't be afraid to stand up for yourself when necessary.
ReplyDeleteI think all of that teasing actually made me a better person as an adult because I'm more compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive towards other people's feelings. So, in a way, I'm grateful for the teasing! It made me a much stronger person in the end! But I know it's hard to deal with when you're still young.
Just know that there are people out there like your mom who love you and care about you SO MUCH!
Katie- I spent the better part of my childhood hiding my inner-geek so as to not be made fun of...and you know what? I regret that. Don't let those mean kids get to you. Keep rocking the Star Wars/Star Trek/Buffy/insert other geeky item here items and know that it gets better! Big hugs from a fellow geek girl!
ReplyDeleteStar Wars is not just for boys! My then 4yo daughter dressed up as Darth Fairy this year to share in her love of Star Wars. You can see her here: http://blog.booturtle.com/2010/09/day-darth-fairy-went-to-town.html
I'm a grown women and still love Star Wars and often wear BOYS Star Wars tee shirts proudly.
I know it's hard to stand up to the teasing boys. I was teased a lot in school for my name and other foolish boy-picked things. It gets better. The boys do get nicer. And you and Star Wars rock. My daughter says one reason Star Wars rock is because of Princess Leia...she's a princess and she carries a GUN.
Sending you all our best wishes the boys back off from fellow Star Wars girls in Atlanta.
Jen, once again you are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteAnd Katie, Hi! I'm a girl and I have loved Star Wars since I was just a little older than you. I was sure that one day I was going to marry Luke Skywalker! I have three daughters now, and they are all HUGE Star Wars fans! The world needs more girls who love something just because they love it, and not because it's what all the other girls love. Stand tall and be proud of who you are!
Katie, Geek Girls are the best! My daughters are in fourth and first grade and they both love StarWars. My daughter just had her birthday and her favorite present was a StarWars t-shirt! Remember, some of those boys will be working for you some day!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter (9) LOVES Star Wars (and lots of other "boy" things), hates pink and princesses, wears glasses AND a patch, and is the most awesome kid I've ever met.
ReplyDeleteAt her step-cousin's "princess" party a few weeks ago, the girls were supposed to get tiaras and the boys, swords. My SIL gave her a choice, and she chose the sword. As she was fending off a half-dozen boys in a sword fight, a girl came up and said, "Girls are supposed to have tiaras." She looked at that girl like she'd gone green.
So, you GO, Katie. I'm more of a Doctor Who girl myself, but nothing beats a Jedi.
I use to get made fun of for wearing baseball hats because I'm a girl. If I was your age and saw you caring that I would have fun up to be your best friend. Stand Strong! Your smart, beautiful, and awesome!
ReplyDeleteKatie- My daughter is 6 and she loves superheroes. Sometimes she doesn't want to wear her Spiderman shirt to school because it's "for boys." But sometimes she does feel brave enough to wear it. Someday, girls like you and my daughter are going to be awesome grown ups, because you know what you like and you're brave enough to let people know about it. Don't let other kids try to keep you from liking what you like, no matter what it is! Be brave and strong like Princess Leia! You can do it!
ReplyDeletethey're just jealous! Seriously, I know you won't believe that now, but my mom always told me that if someone is going to put that much energy into making you feel bad, then there is probably a reason.. and that reason is usually because they're jealous--of your awesomeness!!! I'm now 30 (!!!) and know this to be true. Keep being yourself. And pay those jealous meanies no mind. :)
P.S.,One of my bestest friends in the whole world is a girl who LOVES Star Wars! She's pretty cool and I think you are too.
ReplyDeleteP.P.S. Smart girls wear glasses,cutie :)
Those kids just don't know what cool is. My daughter is 12 and totally loves Star Wars. She really loves most science fiction stuff. Stay strong and be who you really are, no matter what anyone else thinks. The only opinion that counts, about the things you like, should be your own. I'm proud of you for being an individual, and being true to yourself.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I forgot to add that when we went to Disneyland, the only souvenier my 8-year-old daughter wanted was a light saber!
ReplyDeleteOh man! I'm jealous. I would LOVE a Star Wars water bottle. Heck, I'd love a Star Wars ANYTHING!! I love that you are being you. Rock it little lady!! :D :D
ReplyDeletePoor girl. I made a point to mention how much Star Wars stuff I have and that I want to buy some of those cool looking Star Wars Lego kits.
ReplyDeleteI actually have an account at Chicago Now, so I left Katie a message there. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Katie-I love Star Wars too! And now I want a Star Wars water bottle! Proudly carry that water bottle and I say get yourself a Star Wars backpack too!
ReplyDeleteKatie, I'm a girl too (well, I'm 30 but I still FEEL like a little girl) and I'm wearing a Star Wars shirt at work today. You wouldn't believe how many of the girls that I work with commented on how cool my shirt was and quite a few girls asked where they could get one.
ReplyDeleteAlways remember, there's not a darn thing wrong with liking whatever you like. Regardless of what others may say to you, or about you, you keep on doing your thing. It'll pay off later when you're super cool and awesome and self-confident, and they're not.
What what what?!
ReplyDeleteKatie, you are so not alone. I would carry a Star Wars thermos right along with you, as well as a Mario backpack and my My Little Pony spoon set. Because I'm a geeky girl. And I love it. ^_^
Besides, my 6 year old boy in first grade would think you were too cool for carrying your thermos. Seriously, he loves that stuff!
So carry it proud and smile, because you are amazing kiddo!
Argh, tried to create an account on the original post, and it wouldn't let me login afterwards. Yarr.
ReplyDeleteFor Katie: Katie, I am a woman with long hair almost to my knees, and I wear skirts everyday; you know what else? I was the Star Wars trivia champion in my Star Wars club in college, and lightsaber-duelling champion for two years running! I have all kinds of great Star Wars stuff, and I love all of it. Girls can ALWAYS be a fan of whatever they want: Star Wars, Star Trek, science, princesses, engineering--WHATEVER you want!
I just went to Florida to watch a space shuttle launch, and got to meet lots of amazing people who are involved in doing REAL SPACE STUFF, and a LOT of them are women!
And remember, one of the best characters in Star Wars is a Princess: Princess Leia, who can shoot a blaster just as well as anyone else!
Don't let their comments get you down, they just don't know any better.
May the Force be with you!
Hi Katie,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sarah and I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I've loved the movies since I saw the very first one a LONG time ago.
I have a Star Wars mug that I keep on my desk at work, I drink my coffee out of it every day and all the boys in the office are jealous of it because they want one too. I'm going to see if I can buy a water bottle too just like yours - it's aweson,
Star Wars is for everyone - you stick with it and don't let anyone tell you what you can like!!
I'm a girl and I love Star Wars too! I grew up with a brother two years older than me, and together we watched Star Trek, Ghostbusters, James Bond and Ninja Turtles, Indiana Jones, and then he would play My Little Ponies, Barbies and house with me. I remember him giving me "boy lessons" so I could learn to do things like go the wrong way up slides and how to throw a punch without hurting my thumb, so I could hold my own with the girls AND the boys. There's nothing wrong with liking any of that stuff -- it's not just for boys! If they wise up, they'll realize that they're missing out on having the coolest girl ever for a friend... if they don't realize it soon, they will before you go to high school. Every great grown-up boy wants to be friends with a smart girl who likes cool things.
ReplyDelete(After all, adult ladies, there's a reason they put Leia in the gold bikini, but cast Harrison Ford opposite her. Mrow.)
Katie, Star Wars is awesome. My sisters and I used to play with Star wars toys when we were kids. We had a Millenium Falcon, and we would make Ewok villages out of our Lincoln Logs. And I know three girls that were Star Wars characters for Halloween this year. The oldest girl was Queen Amidala (she's in first grade), her sister that's in Kindergarten was Ahsoka from the Clone Wars, and their little sister that's almost three was Princess Leia. And their mom was a Jedi Knight! And I know another girl that was a Storm Trooper for Halloween last year, and I think she is in fifth grade this year. So see, even girls that are your age love Star Wars! So rock your Star Wars water bottle. By the way, I think your glasses are super cute! I wish I could wear glasses so I could look as cute and pretty as you! And did you know, lots of kids secretly wish they were adopted. My sister and I used to pretend we were adopted when we were kids, because our other two sisters would drive us crazy (and so would our mom and dad)! You are an amazing girl Katie!
ReplyDeleteKatie: That is the best water bottle ever! I love Star Wars and always have. I think it is super cool that you are so excited about your back pack and water bottle. I am going back to school and I think I will go get them just to show them off! Don't worry what those scruffy-lookin' nerfherders say. Do what YOU like. PS, my favorite character is Boba Fett. What's yours?
ReplyDeleteKatie, you are a wonderful little girl and don't let them get you down!
ReplyDeleteI think you have excellent taste in movies, and I am totally jealous of your water bottle! I love Star Wars, and Star Trek, and all sorts of wonderful geeky things... they're the best! Being "different" is okay- them bullying you about it is not. I'm sorry they're making you feel this way. Hang in there, and stand proud!
Katie - You go girl - if you love Star Wars, you can tell those boys just that! I love Star Wars, too and have ever since the first(fourth) one came out when I was about your age! I had Luke Skywalker and Han Solo posters on the walls in my room, and I would have LOVED to have a Star Wars backpack and water bottle!! You're the coolest, and I hope you carry your Star Wars bottle proudly!
ReplyDeleteI love Star Wars, and other "boy" things. The best part about being different is you always have something interesting to share or talk about with your friends. Rock that Star Wars water bottle and prove to those boys that you're more interesting than they are.
Everyone is different. No two people are exactly the same. I'm married to an identical twin and I'm telling you, even THEY are not identical. Different is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThis same thing happened to my son, who has Asperger's. He is already so aware of all the things that make him different and it broke my heart when he gave up his love of Thomas the Tank Engine because kids told him it was only for babies. He still secretely plays with the trains, but he wouldn't want the other kids to know of it. And that hurts me inside so much. It breaks my heart that any kid would feel they had to abandon something they love because other kids couldn't accept their differences.
Don't let anyone take away something that makes you happy. If you like that water bottle, drink from it proudly! And when someone says something, just smile at them and tell them "It works just fine for me". Hold onto who you are. Its a precious precious thing and too many people give in to the pressures. These boys just want to feel like they fit in. So they've ganged up on you over something they probably don't even really believe.
I think Dr Seuss said it best: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
My 7 year old niece was Princess Leia for Halloween this year and her 3 year old was Luke. We made their costumes including light up lightsabers. They got tons of compliments on their costumes with lots of kids wishing they were Star Wars characters. Keep the faith and may the force be with you!
ReplyDeleteStar Wars was the first movie I ever saw in a movie theater and I've been hooked ever since. I even owned every Star Wars toy you could get! People who make fun of you for being different, just don't know what they're missing out on.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars rocks! I am all kinds of girly and I love sci fi, comic books, fantasy, all that good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI named my dog after one of the X-Men(Gambit).I have every episode of Buffy, Angel, Alias, Lost, and Firfly on DVD and watch them all the time. My husband and I have instituted a Christmas tradition of watching V whille we decorate the tree.
Not only do I love this stuff but my family and friends love me because of it. Anyone who doesn't like it isn't cool enough to hang with me any way. Don't let anyone tell you it's not okay to be different. Different is just another word for special.
I hope my daughter is strong enough to embrace what makes her special when she goes to school.
Star Wars is cool for everyone, boy and girl, young and old! I have loved Star Wars since I was a kid and still wear SW tees, etc, even though I am a mom. I went to a Star Wars convention with my sister!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry that the boys are upsetting you. Hope you can find a way to be true to yourself and still be comfortable at school. Don't let the bad guys bring you down.
ReplyDeletehi there! I LOVE Star Wars and have ever since I was your age! Don't worry about those other kids! They are missing out if they do not enjoy one of the BEST movies ever. Remember to enjoy what you want because YOU enjoy it...and not because you are suppossed to. Be good and be kind and honest to yourself!
ReplyDeleteMy very best childhood memories are of watching Star Wars with my mom and grandpa. When I was your age, I was a Jedi for Halloween! Do not let those boys get you down, one day they will remember that you had awesome Star Wars stuff and they will be jealous that they did not! I only wish that I had a Star Wars water bottle. (Where do you get that at?!?!)
Hi Katie!
ReplyDeleteFirst off...girl, I *heart* your glasses! Styling and cool. Very difficult look to pull off but you rock it!
Second...the first movie I saw in the theater was Return of the Jedi. I had watched the other movies on video and I remember I couldn't sleep the night before--I was SO excited. It was better than Christmas. I always have been and will always be a Star Wars fan/geek. I wear it proudly. And so should you!
Let the boys know where they can purchase their own water bottle since they're apparently jealous of yours. :)
And, just so you know...my son (who is in kindergarten) carries a pink water bottle. Because, while he loves his Star Wars backpack and lunch box, his favorite color is pink.
Keep your chin up, sweetie! You have an army of geek girls behind you! And most of us have our own light sabers.
Katie: Star Wars is awesome! I wear glasses and love star wars and a bunch of other "boy" movies like ghostbusters. And when people call me a nerd or a geek or a dork I say THANK YOU! Because I love who I am and you should too! And as a grown up nerd girl I work for a law firm making big bucks and for fun I do roller derby! Geek Girls Kick butt!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie ~ You and your Star Wars thermos are AWESOME! Stand tall - continue to be yourself and realize that you are a true leader in the making!! Rock on Girl and May the Force be with you!! Gina
ReplyDeleteHey Katie, I wanted to let you know that you are an amazing girl for carrying a Star Wars water bottle to school, no matter what those boys say about it! I am a girl who absolutely loves Star Wars, and I'm quite proud of it. I am in college, and every day I go to class with a Buzz Lightyear backpack (it even has wings on it!). I know that I could be made fun of, because I love Buzz Lightyear more than any of the Disney Princess, but you know what? I have so many people who tell me that they love my backpack! So, be strong and carry that Star Wars water bottle with pride. One day they'll all realize how cool you are. May the force be with you!
ReplyDeleteKatie honey, you ROCK. I am so glad another girl has joined our ranks as a fan of Star Wars. I had all the toys I possibly could as a child, and I coveted those Star Wars toys I didn't have.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you have to deal with the boys teasing you. I wish I could make it better. Just know that it's okay to like Star Wars - and it's okay to be different. You like what makes you happy - don't change just because someone makes you feel wrong for liking what you do.
Be strong Katie, you are amazing!
ReplyDeleteYou carry that Star Wars water bottle as long as you want to! I love Star Wars, all of my friends who are girls grew up watching Star Wars, and it is TOTALLY OKAY to like Star Wars or (anything else for that matter.) Don't let someone's mean words discourage you from something you love- and I know it can be tough when you're in school and have a lot of people bullying you. I was bullied and teased as well, but I turned out to be a lot smarter, a lot more creative and a lot more artistic because I loved the offbeat things I did AND still loved them despite what others have said! You go girl!!!
PS I bet your water bottle is really cool!
Katie, you rock! Keep on loving star wars, and whatever else you want, and as you get older the other kids will - eventually - realize that you are way cooler than them.
ReplyDeleteKatie, Star Wars Rocks! And Geek Girls Rock, too. I am a geek girl and proud of it. I married a geek guy and we have a geek kid (who's 2) and we have lots of geek friends who we hang out with, watch movies with, play games with and talk to. Some people are very immature and they will try to make you feel bad for liking Star Wars. Ignore them. Be yourself and be proud of who you are.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I've been a glasses-wearing, scifi-loving geek girl since I was about your age, and I for one am proud of it. I wouldn't want to be like everyone else. You should always be proud of who you are, and never be afraid to be yourself. If those boys have a problem with you liking Star Wars, it's their problem, not yours.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I haven't even seen your Star Wars water bottle but now I want one :)
ReplyDeleteYou have learned a valued lesson many people don't learn until they are in their 20s. Be proud of who you are. People who think alike and like the same things are boring.
When you grow up to be a gorgeous and smart young geek girl you will meet another cute and smart geek boy (when boys don't "stink" anymore) and you will fall in love. Then you will play the ending theme to Stars Wars as you are announced man and wife... and people will applaud your uniqueness... trust me. It happened for me and it can happen for you!
Keep fighting the good fight, Star Wars Geeks are Awesome and so are you!
I'm a girl and I love being a geek! I have a Raccoon City Police Department badge on my bag, and Star Wars is the most awesome old school geek love there is!!
ReplyDeleteA great man once wrote, 'Be who you are and do what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.' That man was someone you might have heard of.
His name is Dr. Suess. Don't you EVER let anyone make you feel bad for doing something that brings you happiness. Those kids would feel a lot differently if it were someone making fun of them for something they liked.
Don't be mean to them, don't be as bad as them...be better. Keep having fun and doing what YOU love, because the worst thing you could do to those boys is show them that you're having a good time and are happy, despite them being mean to you.
You keep loving Star Wars, because there are a lot more people who love it just as much as you do than there are people like those boys, and some day, you're going to meet a LOT of them, and they're going to be your friends.
As far as we're all concerned, you ROCK!!!!!
-Zidders Roofurry-
The concept of "This is for a boy" and "This is for a girl" makes me angry. Nothing has to be for just one. Especially something like Star Wars memorabilia. If Star Wars is only for boys I guess my whole childhood was that of a boy also. I'm female, I love the movies, and I think it's awesome to carry it around. Do what makes you happy girl. Not what other people think should make you happy.
ReplyDeleteMy 8 year old daughter and I are HUGE Star Wars fans. I think you rock for being an individual and letting your classmates know what it is that makes you who you are. Your Mom rocks too for helping you thru this and for supporting your love of Star Wars.
May the Force be with you.
Katie, there are SO many Star Wars girls out there! I'm a mom myself now and still love Star Wars! My little girl is 5 and a big Star Wars fan. Don't let them get you down, honey! Be you and keep on loving what you want to. They don't know what they are missing! Star Wars girls at the best! There are more out there in the galaxy than you know!
ReplyDeleteMay the Force be with you, always.
ReplyDeleteMyself and my daughters LOVE Star Wars! In fact, my 1yr old, Sarah, is playing with Darth Tater right now! I hope to find a Star Wars backpack and water bottle for my girls when they start school, that would be awesome!
Don't let anyone discourage you from being who you are!
Ally, Amelia and Sarah
Hi Katie!!!
ReplyDeleteFrom one geeky girl to another, don't let anyone get you down and make fun of you for your waterbottle (I wish I had one!). I have loved Star Wars my whole life and have discovered so many new things to love. My love of all Sci-Fi made me interested in Science and Math and now I'm all grown up and am and Engineer. Keep your head up and know there is an army standing behind you!
Being different isn't okay, cool, or good. It's AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteOh and I can so relate to this! I was teased for my E.T. metal lunchbox and thermos. (Yes, I know that makes me kind of old, but bullying is a rather old problem.) My niece was teased and shunned for her Batman t-shirts a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteSo Katie - you are not alone, and it does get better. Those other girls with the Disney Princess water bottles are being told what to like. They didn't decide for themselves like you did. So stay strong, little padawan. The hero's journey is not easy, and only a few are chosen. You are special, your midi-chlorian count is high. They are jealous because they are weak-minded and easily influenced. "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
To Katie: You are definitely cool in my book. Princess Leia is one of the most beloved princesses of all time and I bet you are just as pretty as her! Rock on, Katie!
ReplyDeleteKatie, you keep rockin' that Star Wars water bottle, to heck with those dumb old boys. My kids have Star Wars names, that's how big of fans we are at my house. Those boys are just jealous they're not as cool as you are. Star Wars isn't just for boys, it's for girls too.
ReplyDeleteOne of my best friends (her name is Kim) is a HUGE Star Wars fan. She has multiple Darth Vader helmets, an entire Christmas tree full of Star Wars ornaments, and even a Darth Vader outfit for her cat. She would love a Star Wars water bottle and I can tell you right now she would be jealous of yours and she wouldn't let any boy tell her she should swap it out for a pink one!
ReplyDeleteHey Katie, Star Wars is the best! don't you ever let anyone put you My name is Sandy and I'm a girl who has lots of Star Wars toys and books and games, and of course, all the movies. I've dressed up as a jedi for Halloween too and have my own R2D2 and lightsaber!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a StarWars water bottle yet... I do have some mugs and cups and glasses though.. even have a Star Wars lunch box ;)You have fun, girl. Enjoy what you enjoy and don't let anyone make you feel bad for it!
Katie, my dear sweet geeky girl! You let your geek flag fly high a proud! I am not Star Wars fan, but I'm a glasses wearing, mythical creature, Harry Potter loving, library dwelling geeky girl who would have loved to have a someone like you to hang out with a lunch. You're awesome don't let anyone tell you differently! Drink proundly from your cup o' Star Wars, or whatever else you're little heart desires!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a Star Wars water bottle! Star Wars is one of my favorite movies. When I was a kid my favorite cartoons were Transformers and G.I. Joe. Don't let those boys' teasing make you change who you are. You sound like an awesome girl to me.
May the Force be with you.
Katie, according to InnerGeek, geek guys outnumber geek girls 10 to 1. For a gorgeous geek girl like you, this means, in a few years, in the sci-fi/comic/video game/etc world, YOU will be a ROCK STAR, and you will have your pick of any number of smart, interesting, funny, geeky guys who will not only understand you, but will treat you like a queen! Just a little something to look forward to ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs for now, just calmly look at those idiots that are teasing you and say "You don't need to tease me. I'm not the target you're looking for. I'm going to go about my business. You can move along."
LOL, ok, maybe not, but wouldn't it be awesome if you COULD Jedi mind trick them?!
Hang in there, the geeks shall inherit the earth!
Star Wars ROCKS!! Go Katie, you're the coolest kid in school, wish I had a Star Wars water bottle when I was in first grade *runs off to internets to buy one now*
ReplyDeleteHello Katie!!!
ReplyDeleteA Star Wars??? That is just so AWESOME!! As you are, sweetie, for having tastes you can be definitely proud of!! Never be ashamed of what you like, because it is a part of who you are, and you definitely are a lovely, marvelous girl!!
Katie, your glasses are so cool! Mine didn't look nearly as cool when I was your age. Don't be afraid to express who you are. My 3 year-old daughter loves to play dress up, but also loves to play with her monster trucks. Liking these two seemingly different activities makes her the fun and interesting person she is. Believe that you are awesome, because you are! Rock that Stars Wars bottle with pride.
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! I'm a girl and I -love- star wars and always have. I used to have a blaster gun when I was your age, like the one Luke Skywalker had in A New Hope. Pew! Pew! It was great! We used to pretend we were on Hoth when we played outside in the snow ... it was our favorite game!
ReplyDeleteKeep your chin up!
You are AWESOME!!
ReplyDeleteYou drink from whatever you want. If they can't handle your personality, they don't deserve you.
ReplyDeleteI was a little on the outside as a kid, but I went to MIT (top nerd school) and now I run a Lego club for my 2nd grade and kindergarden daughters and their classmates. If you lived near Boston, I'd invite you over for a playdate. Then you could tell my girls what's so great about Star Wars. I know I liked it when I was a girl and it first came out.
You might want to check out New Moon Girls, or Pigtail Pals for some other cool girl stuff that's not all about unicorns and princesses. And it's OK if you like that stuff along with Star Wars.
ReplyDeleteDon't let anyone try to tell you who to be. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Star Wars rules and never let anyone convince you otherwise. I applaud your excellent taste in cinema and I think you are awesome for having a Star Wars water bottle.
Your sister in the force,
GO KATIE! YOU ROCK! I am actually quite jealous, I wish I had a star wars water bottle :P Be true to the things YOU love, don't let anyone tell you that you're not "cool" just because they don't like what you like. When you get older you will find good friends and awesome boys who like the same things you like. you're the COOLEST little chickie! We're all very proud of you! stay cool kiddo! You could grow up to be the first woman president who LOVES Star Wars and all of us will be with you! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Katie;
ReplyDeleteWhile I understand how hard it it to feel like you are different from everyone else around you; it's those same differences that make you the interesting and unique person that you are! Please don't allow silly people to take away from you the enjoyment of the things that you love. I know it can be hard to ignore the teasing; and you shouldn't have to; but sometimes people feel better about themselves by making someone else feel badly.
I've been a fan of Star Wars since the original movies came out; and then I started to like Star Trek, and other Sci-Fi stuff that 'girls aren't supposed to like'. The one thing that being a fan has taught me is that we need to be tolerant of other people and the things that make us different.
While in first grade it can feel very hard to stand up to the teasing; know that you have tons of us standing behind you and supporting you as you tell those silly classmates of yours that you can carry any kind of water bottle you want; and if they don't like it they probably aren't even fans anyway.
Stay Strong Katie!
Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you're not "normal" because you like something that other girls (or boys) may not like. Be true to yourself and don't let anyone tell you that Star Wars *isn't* for girls too! Where would Star Wars be without Princess Leia? Girls can (& do!) like lots of things that people say only boys should like but I think that makes the girls even cooler because they aren't afraid to be who they know they are. Rock that water bottle & know that there are THOUSANDS or MILLIONS of girls out there carrying it along with you! BIG HUGS!! Angie
ReplyDeleteHi, Katie. I happen to think you're a young lady with refined tastes. That means that I think you're cool and that you like cool things. The people who are making fun of you have tiny brains and no imagination. You just keep being the person you are, liking the things that you like and carrying that Star Wars water bottle! You're already way cooler than the other kids and when you're adult, they'll wish they had been more like you as a kid. When I used to get teased (and I did . . . all the time), my mom told me it was because people were jealous of me. I didn't believe her then but I think she was right afterall. That's probably what's going on here with your Star Wars water bottle. Those other kids just wish they had one half as cool! Hang in there, Katie!
ReplyDeleteAs a proud Star Wars girl geek, I say, Let's put the haters in the garbage compactor! Although that will give the poor monster indigestion.......
ReplyDeleteHi, Katie! I'm a woman and I like all kinds of stuff. Some of the things I like are "girly" things, like knitting, and some are more "boyish," like Star Wars and video games. Just because people say something is for boys doesn't mean girls can't like it, and just because people call something girly doesn't mean BOYS can't like it! I hope you continue to explore your interests, and don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't like.
ReplyDeleteGeek Girls are the COOLEST. I've been a geek since I was tiny and I've got three geek daughters- 6,5 & 2. You go girl. And why not try Doctor Who and Star Trek and Dark Crystal and Princess Bride... oh Katie, so many fabulous geeky things for you to find. Don't go changing.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter who is in second grade has had friends pick on her for things she chooses to bring to school also Katie....and I'll tell you the same thing I tell her: don't let the man get ya down! If you like it, that is ALL that matters honey, carry that Star Wars with PRIDE!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry this happened to you Katie. I'm a 35 yr old mom of 2 girls. They are 9 and 6. I'm a Star Wars fan along with many other Science Fiction shows and movies. My girls watch Star Wars and have both been obsessed with SpiderMan. Once they hit your age, they stopped wearing their Spiderman T-shirts. My 6 yr old loves to play with trains but was afraid to share that with her class because she thought they would make fun of her. It really makes me sad when I see them trying to hide their true selves.
ReplyDeleteYou are allowed to like whatever you like and anyone who makes fun of you for it has the problem. You are a perfectly normal little girl. I don't know who decided that Star Wars was only for boys but they are wrong because MANY girls love Star Wars.
Hi Katie. You should know that my kids (8 and 5) would LOVE a star wars water bottle and that just today they requested to watch star wars. Their favorite is Return of the Jedi. I have been reading lots of science fiction books my whole life. It's great and awesome that you do too! I hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteSweet Katie,
ReplyDeleteStarting very early in my life my mother started watching the Original Star Wars Trilogy on a weekly basis. I was subjected...I mean privileged to watch with her. As time went on...ok I admit, I loved it from the start...I loved these and still do! My son is in Kinder and would probably want to be your friend! Star Wars is awesome and so are you! Keep being a geeky girl sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a Star Wars water bottle to carry around! It shows great character and awesomeness to see the brilliance of Star Wars at such a young age. You keep toting that bottle around and you'll find out at least one thing: Who your true friends are.
ReplyDelete“Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because
Those Who Mind Don't Matter
and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.”
-Dr. Suess
Be proud to be yourself and to do the things YOU like! You rock the Star Wars and be proud of it and know that there are tons of other girls out there that love the same things you do!!!!
Katie: I wish I was lucky enough to have a Star Wars water bottle! But I do have other Star Wars stuff, so you are not alone! Star Wars is for *everyone*, not just boys. I think the boys teasing you are just jealous.
ReplyDeleteMay the force be with you!
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you, it might seem pretty crappy now, but if you decide that boys are not the cootie-ridden pests that you think they are now, they will FLOCK to you for your love of sci-fi. And, let me just tell you, geeks are the best. The best friends and the best spouses. You stand up to those bullies and you let them know that they only *wish* they could be as cool as you.
When you are in school, everyone wants you to conform to some crazy standard and they pick on you if you don't. But, when you are out of school, people value you for being different. So, hang in there and keep rocking the Star Wars thermos. I would sit with you at lunch with my Doctor Who thermos any day.
Katie - You rock! It's so cool that you have a Star Wars water bottle! I really like Star Wars (as well as a lot of other awesome scifi and fantasy movies) and I'm really proud that I have found these awesome worlds to daydream about. You should too! :)
ReplyDeleteLike what you want to like. No-one has the right to put you down for liking something. You go, girl!
I was a freshman in highschool when Phanton Menace came out. My friends and I all already loved Star Wars and gave ourselves nicknames from the movies. I was Amidala and my friend Andrea was Padmé because we say we are twins even though we look nothing alike. :) Our friend Hannah collected every single one of the Star Wars Pepsi cans that came out that year too. Ten years later we still use those names for each other. :)
ReplyDeleteRock on Katie! You can do or like anything you want to; gender has nothing to do with it.
Hello, Katie, my fellow geek!
ReplyDeleteI'm not so much a girl anymore; I'm old enough to remember waiting in line for hours at the movie theater when "Empire Strikes Back" came out the first time! And about that time is when I decided to go to medical school to become a doctor, and a lot of boys told me that THAT was just for boys, too! They were just as wrong as your little classmates are! As a lady doctor, I have had a male nurse before, and we made shirts with "DOCTOR" and "NURSE" written on them really big so everyone could know it was okay to be different than what 'everybody' thought should be the way it is. You rock that Star Wars water bottle, girl, and then come help me save the world from themselves since we obviously know a lot more about what's good and right with this world than they do!
Go geek girls, go!!
I would have totally been rockin' the Star TREK water bottle, but y'know? Star Wars is just as cool! You go, girl, and be proud of your geekiness. I know I certainly am, and girls (be they young or...of the "older" persuasion) of the geek world wide stand behind you, Katie!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! Don't let the other kids get you down. It's tough now sometimes, but someday you'll look back and be proud to be that girl who stood up for a series she loved! You're not alone, I was teased as a kid for the shows and games I liked, too. But that didn't stop me from enjoying them anyway! Never let anyone get you down for something you believe in.
ReplyDeleteYou carry that water bottle with pride, honey. *hugs*
Hi Katie! You made a great choice when you bought your Star Wars water bottle! I've loved Star Wars ever since I was a little girl, it's awesome! And I knows lots of other girls who like it too.
ReplyDeleteI think you're a really cool girl, and I hope you won't let those mean kids stop you from enjoying something you like! Hugs to you!
Hi Katie! First off, I'm jealous that I don't have a Star Wars water bottle. It'd make me the coolest girl in my office for sure!
ReplyDeleteI started reading Sci-Fi and watching all things geeky at a really young age (Quantum Leap, Sliders, Start Trek: TNG, and of course Star Wars). They were all things I shared with my Dad before he passed away, and I feel like my Sci-Fi love is something that will always be something I got from him. So, as someone who defended herself against the closed-minded out there, here's my advice:
Do you like it?
Yes? Then who cares what everyone else thinks. Carry that water bottle proudly, and (trust me on this) others who share your love of Star Wars, and wonderful geekiness, will rally around you. Jen's already started a nice little rally herself, and I'll be passing this link on to the geeky girls in my life.
Stay strong, Katie! We've got your back.
Both my sister and I LOVED (and still love) Star Wars growing up. I know if I saw Katie with a Star Wars water bottle (or anything Star Wars related), I would want to give her a high-five and tell her she's awesome!
ReplyDeleteMaybe next year would be a good year to don the Darth Vader Princess costume from Craftster! Pure win!
Stay strong, Katie, and may the force be with you!!
Katie - It's never wrong to love something, whether you're a boy or girl. What IS wrong is what those boys are doing - they're trying to make you give up what you love. You're perfect and beautiful the way you are. Don't let those stupid boys convince you otherwise.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell ya, little sister. There is nothing in this world that is better than being yourself. An awesome band once sang:
"There's only one thing that I know how to to well, and I've often been told that you can only do what you know how to do well. And that's be you! Be what you're like!"
So Katie, do what you know how to do well, be yourself!
Sending you lots of hugs from one Star Wars girl to another <3
ReplyDeleteI was just about your age when I started watching Star Wars. I watched it many, many times, practically wore out the videotape. That love of Star Wars helped introduce me to the amazing world of science fiction and fantasy, a world I still visit daily with Star Trek, Doctor Who and many others. Please, don't let anyone let you what you can like. Know that there are lots of geeky girls standing right there with you, ready to back you up against the small-minded bullies of the world.
I love Star Wars, Star Trek, and most everything sci-fi. I got teased for being a geek and it wasn't fun. But here's the thing to remember, Katie. The teasing stops, but the fun you get from the stuff you love doesn't.
ReplyDeleteI found one of my best friends freshman year in high school when she saw me reading a Star Trek book. She asked what I was reading and I braced myself for the teasing I thought was coming. But she didn't tease me. It turned out that she liked Star Trek too. We had the MOST fun geeking out over it together.
So hang in there, Katie, and don't be ashamed of or hide what you like. I barely remember the teasing anymore, but I can still remember all the fun my best friend and I had with our sci-fi obsession.
Dear fellow Star Wars lover!!! You are one of the coolest girls ever for proudly displaying your love of Star Wars. I'm 25 years old married lady and have R2-D2 on my keychain and C-3PO & Darth Vader hanging off my purse. My email address also includes the word Jedi and I'm proud of it! Don't worry about what those other kids say. Be proud that you can display something you love! You'll find the right friends who enjoy the same things you do and have a blast with them. :)
ReplyDeleteBesides, who is cooler than Princess Leia? Did you know she was the most accurate shot with a gun than anyone else in the whole series!?!
May the force be with you!
Katie, just remember "Girls rule and boys drool!" You rock that Star wars water bottle and remind everyone that girls can do and like anything they want. High five, kiddo!
ReplyDeleteKatie, someday some of those who tease you will realize how stupid they were when they actual stop and watch Star Wars, and then again some of them won't. But you know what? It doesn't matter, what matter's is that you are being you and enjoying what you like to enjoy. I personally think Star Wars rocks, and I hope my little girl will like it as much as I do when she's your age (she's too young for it right now). A number of the greatest people in history were teased and made fun of before the world realized what they had to offer. Take it as a sign that you rate right up there with the greatest minds in history.
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! Don't let those boys get you down - being a girl who likes Star Wars is not only ok, it's awesome! I'm a girl and I like things that people say only boys should like. I watch a lot of science fiction. You'll find that there will be some people who will like you more because you like Star Wars! Keep carrying your water bottle.
You rock, Katie! I love Star wars too! Don't listen to those people. God made you who you are, and don't be ashamed of it. PS- I have a jedi knight costume and i wear it proudly!!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie,
ReplyDeleteI am proudly and happily a geeky girl who has had to wear glasses since I was about your age, so I understand being teased about that. I love Star Wars and Star Trek and reading and all kinds of things that make me a little different from everyone else. Remember that you are you, and you don't have to be like anyone else. You rock, just the way you are.
P.S. I went to your mom's blog to see that you dance ballet as well. So do I, so from one dancer to another: Keep dancing through life!
Oh and one more thing, Katie. One of my friends made me a bouquet with a hidden lightsaber inside for my wedding.
ReplyDeleteStay a fan forever!
Girl, you rock that water bottle as long as you want to. You get to like anything you want, and those boys can just go take a hike. Don't let the meanies get you down!
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone. I grew up loving Star Wars and still do. And I was also 1 of 2 people in school that had to wear an eye patch.
Don't let anyone tell you who to be. You are awesome just the way you are!
Hi Katie! My name is Sarah, and I am 27. I have loved Star Wars my whole life: I used to act out the movies and make up new Star Wars stories with my little brother, and I still love to watch the movies and read the books. (I even wore my favorite Yoda T-shirt to work yesterday!) I know it can be hard to be made fun of--I was the only one in my class to have glasses from kindergarten until fourth grade--but eventually people realize that being different is cool! I have made lots of great friends when they found out I liked Star Wars, Doctor Who, and other science fiction "boy" stuff! So be proud of your great taste; Star Wars is awesome and you are too.
ReplyDelete(Now I really want a Star Wars water bottle.)
Rock that water bottle girl...
ReplyDeleteKatie-I'm the mom of a girl who loves Star Wars. I am knitting her an R2D2 beanie because she likes Star Wars so much. You stay brave and remember that smart girls like science AND Star Wars!
ReplyDeleteKatie, I also have Star Wars water bottle and I think it's pretty cool. (Mine is red with Darth Vader.) I'm a girl and also wear one of those Burger King Luke Skywalker watches everyday. You just tell those boys that you can like Star Wars whether you're a boy or a girl. Don't let them tell you what you can like.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I'm a woman who loves Star Wars and I have an eight year old daughter who also loves it. She even went as Princess Leia for Halloween (I knit her a cool wig, you can see it here: http://zebrabelly.wordpress.com/2010/11/02/holiday-craftiness-2/ ). You are NOT alone, even though it feels like it some times. I loved to play with cars and He-Man figures when I was a little girl. And I know lots of boys who like to do things we normally think of as girly. My son loves to wear his sister's old princess dress-up shoes. Remember that these "rules" we have are silly and random and really old-fashioned. It sucks right now, but things will get better. I promise.
ReplyDeleteMargie (that's my daughter) wants you to know that she knows a lot of girls who like Star Wars in her PE class.
Jen, I will share this link today with my readers at The Shape of a Mother.com (or maybe just the Facebook page). THANK YOU!
This brought a tear to my eye, no joke.
ReplyDeleteI am 23 and a proud female Star Wars fan. Right now I'm in grad school, studying gender and geek culture (video games, comics, Star Wars, all those "boy thing"). I also am an avid costumer who volunteers with the Rebel Legion, meaning I have the honour of interacting with many young Star Wars fans throughout the year.
There are lots of little girls who are Star Wars fans and they are always my favourite to meet.
I was always teased for my love of geeky things as a kid, but I am glad I never let them go, they make me who I am and have helped me meet so many friends.
If there's a local 501st or Rebel Legion group in your area, try to go out to some events to meet them! It's a chance to meet some great Star Wars fans and other young people who love it too.
ReplyDeletesmart people drive really nice cars. Since you think for yourself, and know what you like, I am guessing you are pretty smart.
So, someday cars will fly, and you will be driving the sweetest one in the neighborhood, and those other goobers will still be walking ON THE GROUND.
Hang in there! Keep being who you are!
Katie, you are TEH AWESOME! Just keep doing what you're doing and being who you are and in a few years, adorable geeky boys will be swooning over you (as well they should)!
ReplyDeleteSo keep your chin up and remember you have the support of all the Geeky Girls who read Epbot!
Girl geeks are the coolest! Plus, for Katie's age group Star Wars is so retro, which is even cooler! Cooler than coolest! It can be hard to go against the grain, but don't be afraid to sing your own tune - you'll respect yourself more, and be much better off in the long run (though I know the short run can suck sometimes!).
ReplyDeleteKatie, I'm almost 38 years old, and when I was your age I ran home from school every day to watch Battle of the Planets on TV. Rock on with your awesome self and don't let anyone else bring you down!
ReplyDeleteStar Wars is only for boys?! Katie, you tell those boys that if it weren't for Princess Leia, Han Solo would STILL be frozen in carbonite.
ReplyDeleteI watched Star Wars every day when I was 3 and wanted to marry Han Solo when I was little. Part of me still wants to ;)
ReplyDeleteStar Wars is awesome, you will find other girls who like it and will be friends with you because of it, and then one day you will find a person who loves you even if they've never seen Star Wars before (don't worry, you'll make them watch it too).
Love what you love, there's a whole world out there of people who will love it and you too.
Katie: I have loved Star Wars for as long as I can remember! It is seriously so awesome. And YOU are so cool for actually carrying a Star Wars water bottle! Keep at it! :)
ReplyDeleteKatie, my cyber friend..... STAR WARS ROCKS! It is classic and it will ROCK forever. You are awesome. You are beautiful and you carry any ole thing you want!!! You have a whole squad of Star Wars/Star Trek/Sci Fi lovin' girls behind you!!
ReplyDeleteGirl geeks are the coolest! Plus, for Katie's age group Star Wars is so retro, which is even cooler! Cooler than coolest! It can be hard to go against the grain, but don't be afraid to sing your own tune - you'll respect yourself more, and be much better off in the long run (though I know the short run can suck sometimes!).
ReplyDeleteKatie, I admit: I don't love Star Wars. But I love you for loving Star Wars! I may be a different kind of geeky girl, but the secret for all of us, big & small, is to hold our heads up high and be proud of who we are, because we are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteKatie- I am so proud of you! You are a smart and wonderful person. Sometimes people can be hurtful when they don't understand something. Keep carrying your water bottle for as long as you want. You can be a Star Wars fan and still be a girl. Trust me, I am too!
PS. Ask your mom if it's okay the next time someone gives you a hard time about your water bottle to tell them to go kiss a Wookie.:)
hi katie,
ReplyDeletei'm the mom of a 5-year old boy who also loves star wars. it's too bad we live in a different city because i'm sure he'd love to play light sabers with you. he also likes to wear nail polish on his toes but is embarrassed because he's gotten teased about it by other boys at school. i hope he keeps painting his toes anyway, and i hope you keep bringing your star wars stuff, because you shouldn't have to miss out on anything you like just because other kids are being mean.
Embrace your nerdiness, Katie! The best people aren't afraid to love what they love and do so proudly. If I was your age and went to your school, I would proudly sit with you at lunch and ooh and aah over your Star Wars water bottle. I bet most of those kids are just jealous of how special and unique you are. Give your mom a big hug for all of her support. She sounds like a great role model. Stay awesome, Katie!
ReplyDeleteStar Wars isn't my thing, but plenty of other equally "boy" things are. I read fantasy books, I play video games, I can quote Monty Python. And I have friends and a husband that appreciate all aspects of my personality. It's hard when people are mean, but eventually you will find out that being your true self is worth it! Plus, as they get older those same guys will be really impressed when you can quote the Star Wars movies. Be yourself!
Hi Katie,
ReplyDeleteI am sad to hear that your classmates don't think that a Star Wars water bottle is for girls. I know lots of girls who like Star Wars, so I don't think they really know what they're talking about. I hope you take your water bottle to school again soon. As long as you like it, it doesn't matter what they think of a little ol' water bottle. Be who you are, because that is the only way to be happy.
Your friend,
Geeky Girl in PA
Physicist and gamer geek
I love Star Wars and always have! Katie, you just tell them they can't decide what you like, only YOU get to do that!
ReplyDeleteYou go, Kate! I was about your age when Star Wars first came out, and not only did we go to see it four times, I played with the action figures. And dressing up as Princess Leia was *the* costume for years.
ReplyDeleteWhat's not to love about Star Wars?
It's not even that geeky, really. Yeah, sure, it's set in space, but there's a princess and knights and pirates and a bad guy. So it's also a fairy tale.
And, Kate, here's a secret: Everyone is different. Everyone has something (or several somethings) about them that is not just like all the other kids. Sometimes those things are harder to see than your differences. But they're still there. When kids tease you for being different, think to yourself: "Yes, I'm different, and I'm brave enough to show my differences." Often, the kids that tease the most, have differences that they are embarrassed about and won't let anyone see.
Hold your head up. Carry that cool water bottle. And know that the things that make you different are the things that make your mom love you more than you can possibly imagine.
Hi Katie,
ReplyDeleteDon't let those boys get you down. Star Wars rocks!! The very first one came out two days before I was born, and my mom took me to see it over and over again (and all the other ones, too). My sister and I still love watching the movies, as well as other sci-fi like Doctor Who, Firefly, and Star Trek. Be proud of your geekiness!!
ReplyDeleteStar Wars is the BEST! I'm with ya' girl! Just wait until you get into Star Trek, Dr. Who, Battlestar Galactica and Firefly! There is a whole world of amazing Girl-geekery just waiting for the next generation! You're in for a great time! Keep your head up, and when they give you grief, laugh in their faces.
Love you oodles, babe!
OK, I admit, I've never actually watched Star Wars-probably because I'm just not cool enough. And by the looks of all these comments, it sounds like I'M in the minority! Just wait, you're ahead of the curve of geeky coolness, these kids just haven't caught up yet.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I'll be honest with you. When I was your age Yoda scared the snot out of me. But I'm quite nerdy in other ways. Being unique and different can feel like a burden when you're young. But it makes you a creative and interesting person and that is a gift. Be yourself and never apologize for it!
ReplyDeleteKatie, there is much more to being a girl or a woman than pink stuff. You are smart enough to know that girls don't have to have nothing but pink stuff, that is really great and means you are open to lots of fun things that other people might ignore because they think they're only for boys. You should take whatever water bottle you like to school and if the boys tease you then you can tell them they don't get to keep the fun stuff all to themselves.
ReplyDeleteI love Star Wars more than my fiance does, in fact I went to a fancy dress party this year where everyone had to dress up as the thing they wanted to be when they were a child. I dressed up as a Jedi and got a lightsabre which lights up and makes noise! It was so much fun and all my friends thought it was really cool that I chose a Star Wars character. Here is a picture of my outfit: http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n1/tazthepenguin/jedi.jpg
Star Wars is just amazing. I was thinking about getting the stuffed Wampa for my little sister for Christmas. She's only 53.
ReplyDeleteHi Katie!
ReplyDeleteI still watch the Star Wars movies every Christmas with my brother and sister. You don't need to feel ashamed of liking something just because other people think you shouldn't. I like all sorts of things women are supposed to hate, and that's how I got my awesome job and made most of my closest friends.
Katie, I am a girl and I LOVE STAR WARS. I have boxes and shelves full of star wars toys! And I am an adult! Keep being geeky and keep loving what you love. Don't let mean people bring you down. When I was in first grade I was drawing UFOs while the other girls played with barbies.
ReplyDeleteI have loved Star Wars since I was probably about your age. Don't worry about anyone teasing you - they're dumb. There are so many people out here who think a Star Wars water bottle is great!
ReplyDeleteI remember being teased when I was a kid and it's not easy. Just always remember that your special and just be yourself. Just look at all these people that support you and have never even met you! I like Star Wars too, so does my mom and my sister! I know lots of other girls that like Star Wars too, you are definitely not alone!
As a fellow geek girl in school who is bullied for her preferences, I say, keep strong! There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an AWESOME thermos, and people are just jealous that they are not as awesome as you.
ReplyDeleteSome people make fun of other people who are different from them because they are afraid. But if we were all the same the world would be such a boring place, the world is beautiful BECAUSE we are all so different from each other. It means that we have something of ourselves that we can share with the people around us. It gives us all a chance to learn and grow in new ways we maybe never thought we would, to teach, and learn tolerance and acceptance. Be whoever you want to be, be whatever makes you happy because there will never be anyone on the planet like you. We, each of us are unique and that means that we all have something that we can share.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars and science fiction do not have gender biases. Girls rock science fiction. It is not just for boys anymore. You go, girl!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in school, I embraced my geekiness. My friends called me the Queen of the Nerds. I did get made fun of, but I bet it was just because people were jealous. I knew Star Wars and physics and other geeky things were awesome and I didn't care what everyone else thought!
ReplyDeleteAnyone who would make fun of someone for carrying a Star Wars water bottle is simply weak in The Force. You be proud to carry that water bottle and keep on being you!
ReplyDeleteHi, Katie!
ReplyDeleteI'm a geek Mommy soon to be a geek Grandmom. My teenage daughter and I are proud to be the cool ones who know every Dr. Who villain and Star Wars reference. We even have a cat named Anakin! Sometimes little kids haven't figured out that it's ok to be who you are, but don't worry, they will soon. Then they'll realize how cool you really are. And some won't, but it doesn't matter, cause the ones who love you and who want to be your friends will like you just the way you are. Know how I met my husband? He's the only guy who didn't care that I beat him at chess. Yeah, he's cool. And so are you. So don't be afraid to be yourself and hold your head up proud!! (BTW, I took off work tomorrow so we could go to the midnight Harry Potter opening tonight. I'll be wearing my robes and carrying my wand :)
Katie, you're the coolest for rocking that water bottle! I wish I had a Star Wars water bottle! I'd take it with me to college everyday! Just know that you're not alone and you're super awesome. It's great that you're being your own person. :)
ReplyDeleteKatie, you are the coolest girl in class BECAUSE you have a Star Wars water bottle. I love Star Wars and if I had a water bottle like that I'd take it everywhere!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! My name is Tiffany and I LOVE Star Wars!!! I wear star wars t-shirts, put up posters on my walls, and collect star wars figurines. Yoda is my favorite character :) I was always into the tom-boy stuff, growing up with brothers and catching grasshoppers and frogs with them. You know what, Star wars is cool and nothing anyone says can change that. I dressed in boy shirts when I was in school because I always liked the pictures they get better, and even though I was weird then, now people my age think it's cool! Boys and girls alike love star wars. Don't ever be sorry for being different, just think how boring the world would be if we were all the same :) Stay cool, Katie!!!
ReplyDeleteKeep strong girl! I can't say that I totally love (at least compared to some of the other girls here) Star Wars, but it does bring me joy. :) Whatever you love, whether it is Star Wars, or some other "geek" thing, be proud! You are not alone!
Look at all these geeky girls! You're in good company, Katie! Never, ever, ever let someone else tell you what you should (or shouldn't) like, carry that water bottle with pride! And may the force be with you, young Jedi. :)
ReplyDeleteKatie, you tell those kids to be nice! It'll make it much easier for them when they have to ask you for a job someday.
ReplyDeleteHi, Katie, don't let anyone try to tell you that girls can't like Star Wars or that Star Wars isn't awesome! What a great girl you must be to like such a fantastic movie!! I saw Star Wars 17 times when I was not too much older than you!! Rock on, Katie!!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie! I saw Star Wars when it first came to movie theaters seven times! I loved Princess Leia and how strong she was. Don't let those kids get you down. There are a ton of us Princess Leias out there! Be strong in the Force!
ReplyDeleteKatie I'm jealous of your water bottle! Seriously, I love Star Wars! I love a lot of SciFi including Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, and especially the SyFy channel<3
ReplyDeleteDon't let those dweebs get you down! I dress up as characters from shows like these for fun all the time. I even go to conventions with other people who like Star Wars and SciFi. You are not alone! Don't be afraid to be who you are, ever!
Only thing cooler than Star Wars, in my book, is being bold enough to admit what you like and not follow the herd.
ReplyDeleteKatie, you have the makings of a future leader. Don't lose that.
Katie, I am totally jealous of your Star Wars water bottle. When I was in elementary school, I played Star Wars on the playground almost every day. I was the only girl playing so I was always Princess Leia. :)
ReplyDeleteI still remember going to the theater to see the first Star Wars movie (I was 5). My nephew would correct me and say episode IV.
Be yourself!!!
I remember when Star Wars opened. My dad and I waited in a line around the block to the theatre in our small town to see it. It was AWESOME! You dig on SW all you want, little chickadee. Anyone who gives you lip about it is probably related to Jabba the Hut and they have issues...NOT YOU.
ReplyDeleteHugs from one Katie to another...
Katie, you rock! I have loved Stars Wars since I was around your age. I teach art and I have a Yoda bobble-head on my desk. Never be scared to be you, because being you is awesome. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteI don't comment often (I read through an RSS feed), but I even created an account to comment over at ChicagoNow. But I'll leave another one here because I think it's awesome that so many want to step out and remind Katie that it's cool that she's being herself and loving what she loves.
ReplyDeleteKatie needs to know that there's a really proud group of girls/women/whatever who are proud to call themselves geeks. We've embraced it and used it as a sort of pride in what we're good at. (Have I mentioned how much I love that?)
I like Star Wars, but my real loves are the new Sherlock series, Dr Who, ST: TNG -- but I also have "geeky" hobbies. I knit and I'm really interested in it -- to the point of being science/math geeky about it. I weave, I spin my own yarn -- this stuff still gets weird looks, even from people who know I like this stuff -- but it's what I love and people who love me love that I have passions and interests.
Katie will find her niche; there are probably plenty of other "secretly geeky" girls in first grade already -- and Katie just might be someone they can look up to for her fearlessness in being herself. Good on her.
That is so sad!! Katie those boys just wish they had a cool lunch kit and water bottle like you!!You are awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteKatie - don't let bullies get you down. I love Star Wars and other nerdy things like Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and reading in general. I got made fun of in first grade too, but not for long. I stood up for myself and slapped one the biggest bully. Your mom probably wouldn't recommend that though (my didn't either, but my dad did). I stopped getting teased and somehow become some sort of cool nerd. I stayed a book worm with a love of geeky things and still managed to become a cheerleader. And while you shouldn't be worried about boys at your age, eventually all the awesome boys will think your geekiness is super awesome.
ReplyDeletehey Katie, those silly boys are just jealous, I know I am, I wish I had a Star Wars water bottle!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been into star wars and other space stuff since I was a little girl just like you
you're a cool kid :)
Sarah xx