Friday, June 10, 2016

Nightmare Before Christmas Chair, Hogwarts Book, & Bob The Steampunk Robot

I'm in a little crafting slump that always comes after finishing a big project, but you guys give me the best get-off-your-butt-and-do-something inspiration over on Facebook.

First, Elizabeth C. shared the most beautiful thrift store chair makeover any Tim Burton fan could ask for:

She hand-painted the whole thing(!!), and the bat tie is made from stiff felt. LOVE. 

My favorite part is the soft aging on the seat pattern. That gives it so much dimension, I had to ask Elizabeth if it was actually paint, not fabric! 

Elizabeth started with an unfinished chair from Goodwill, and has guaranteed I will never walk past  one-off thrift chairs again without seeing potential nerdy accent pieces.

Next is something I fangirled over on the Epbot Facebook page a while back:

... which its creator Chelsea just mailed to me! 

This is another thrift store makeover: Chelsea found an old book (which is actually a story written by a teacher about her 3rd grade class, so how perfect is that?) and added the raised gold title and castle silhouette - and I believe that's all hand-painted, too, which boggles the mind. SO PERFECT. (Chelsea, how??)

Chelsea also did the spine, and hid a fun surprise on the first page:


 Plus she made me a bookmark!

(D'awww. And it's not just in your head, Chelsea; we are TOTES BFFs now.)

And finally, just yesterday Epbot reader Dorean sent me a video snippet of her steampunk robot creation, Bob - but it turns out there's so much more to this dapper fellow than his gears and wee bottle of "Magical Elixir":

Dorean also sent me an e-mail, explaining how she was directed to Epbot by her daughter to learn what steampunk was, and how she quickly fell in love with all things gears-and-cogs. But more than that, along the way Dorean found commonality and inspiration and even a bit of courage. I don't want to post anything too personal, but suffice to say Dorean went to her very first Comic-Con last weekend... and she brought Bob! So this little guy is a symbol of great things, of happy things. And that makes ME so, so happy. 

(You can keep up with Bob's adventures at that link, or check out Dorean's blog here.)

Please keep sharing your projects on the Epbot FB page, guys! Even though I can't share everything, I DO see them all, and appreciate your links and photos and snippets more than you know.

Oh, hey, and while I've got you here, quick poll: what kinds of things do YOU want to make that you'd like more tutorials/help on? A few options I'm kicking around, though of course you're not limited to these:

- Cosplay accessories (props, hip bags, tiaras, etc.)
- Geeky fun furniture  (themed tables, shelving, storage)
- Jewelry from unusual finds (ie hardware store bits or sentimental things you have no other use for)
- Display shelves or frames for your toy collections (like POP figures)
- Display props (too many to list, but what movie/game/TV thing do you most want on your bookshelf?)
- Thrifted furniture makeovers (probably with a steampunk flair, because this is me, after all)
- Faux leather from EVA foam (great for steampunk bags & accents)

Feel free to be as specific as you want, because I DO take requests! Just no sewing, please. We all know how bad I am with sewing.  >.< 

(Then again, I can just make John do it, so... BRING ON THE SEWING.)


  1. I love seeing your posts related to furniture and jewelry. I have an old wooden chair that I've had since high school, that I've intended to refinish. I've only gotten as far as sanding it...and....I'm now in my mid 40's! I make my own jewelry, so I'm always looking for inspiration.

  2. I love the prop tutorials - I have learned so much from watching you guys work! I'd love more about working with EVA foam, and maybe some no fear foam carving for those of us scared of screwing up??

  3. Oh man, I have a ton of POP figures because I have a monthly sub box dedicated to them... So, display shelves please? LOL And I always love the bits and bobs that go with cosplays, like bags or storage that blends in. Last, but not least, I'm always for jewelery. :)

  4. Shelves, props or... more book reviews?? True story, once upon a year ago, I tried to make a master list for you of all the recommendations of books to read on all your posts relating to reading. Needless to say, that didn't end up happening as I got overwhelmed! But I love your recommendations, and I've found new literary friends that way! So... Yeah. Boom reviews please? :)

  5. Is this our first sneak-peek of the new dining room table?!?! Whatever you end up doing with that is what I want to see a tutorial on! Doesn't even have to be a tutorial, actually. I'd be thrilled with process shots and then a final reveal, but I'm sure you were going to show us that anyway. I don't have any other suggestions or requests though because I'm always delighted by whatever new project has inspired you and/or John.


    1. D'oh! Forgot to say:
      Awesome Bob, Dorean!
      Cool book painting, Chelsea!
      Beautiful chair, Elizabeth!


  6. *teases* If even sewing is allowed on the table.... I would love to see John make you a corset! It would have fun hardware bits and measuring for you to mess with and John would do the sewing! The idea of him making something that cuts down on your pain 1/3 of the days of the month, while making it with your sense of style tickles me pink! I had/have one that had an insanely heavy duty zipper in the front that is so much nicer to deal with than the busks. It's gotten a bit tatty from 10 years of ownership and wear, but it's still a beautifully solid piece.

    Beyond that personal bit of voyeuristic wish fulfillment, I love your blog and everything you posts makes me happy. Thank you so much for sharing with us the last 7 years!

  7. All of those things. Please. But I'd particularly like geeky furniture, cosplay accessories, and display props. Yup. Definitely display props. I really want to make a cool a Erebor key display and I'm not really sure how to go about it.

  8. Post what makes you happy and I will enjoy it! Always fascinated by the imagination and ability of others.

  9. Eeeep!! Totally Kermit flailing over here!! I am so glad you got it! I was afraid it would get lost in the mail.
    I used gel pens! I bought a bunch during that whole mandala coloring book craze. The ink takes forever to dry, which makes it PERFECT for embossing powder! Which is pretty magic itself, so I thought it was fitting for magic books! And distressing the book was pretty fun too. 😄

    1. I thought it was embossing powder! I've used it previously with rubber stamps...even had a special stamp pad with clear ink that you would cover the embossing powder with...never tried it with gel pens!

      For those of you not in the know, the embossing powder needs to be treated with a heat gun, which is what makes it all raised and shiny.

    2. Yeah, it was super shiny once I cured it. But I figured with the Hogwarts students stuffing it in their bags over the years, it should look worn. So I aged it up a bit so it wasn't so shiny. :)

  10. Geeky fun furniture and jewelry from unusual finds !

    I received a dremel and a drill press for Christmas, and I still don't know how to use it to it's full potential... Also, I tried paying a bit with acrylic jewellery, but had trouble finding the right way to do stuff.

    I love when you post step by step pictures and explain all the little details that allow me to succeed.

  11. Ok, how's this for specific? Darth Maryn has a metric crap tonne of headbands. I have an idea rattling around that involves pvc pipe, upholstery foam, velvet, and LOTS of spray adhesive but I'm not sure how to make it stand (I was thinking of making it horizontal but vertical may be better...) nor do I have any concrete ideas for finishing the ends. What say you, Crafty One?

  12. I vote making things with sentimental things you have no other use for! Because I have a lot of those. :)

  13. All of the above please! I learn something from every single project you post, even if it's not one of my fandoms. Your so good at presenting new materials and techniques that could be applied to a wide range of projects. I still think your next book should be an Epbot geek crafting book, with some of your favorite projects, tips and tricks, favorite products, sources, maybe even feature some reader projects inspired by your posts. Even though I'm a loyal reader, I'd buy the heck out of that book. Every one of my craft geeky friends would get one for Christmas, as would my nieces, and one for me of course too!

  14. Stupid autocorrect, your--you're... And I should have said,"Even though I'm a loyal reader and could look your projects up online..."

  15. I think the Hogwarts book was decorated with embossing powder. Embossing powder is sprinkled on embossing ink (Maybe in this case drawn on with a pen? Not sure. Mostly I used mine with rubber stamps.), and the excess powder tapped off. Heat it up with a heat gun, and the powder melts! I'm sure there are a zillion youtube how to videos if you wanted to try it. It might make a really fun accent to some of your steampunk stuff - shiny cardstock gears and keys!

  16. Jen (and John), I've been reading your blog(s) for years. You have inspired me on so many levels, and I've always meant to let you know, but I'm not much for leaving comments. So let me just say this - you are amazing and I will read and enjoy whatever it is that you want to share (although I do love your tutorials). It is because of you and your passion that I started making fun cakes for my nieces and nephews for their birthdays, that I went to my first convention, that I fell in love with steampunk and even have done a little cosplay. Your creativity sparks my imagination, and I am awed with how much you are able to accomplish. Remember your post about the steampunk bathroom? Well, I decided to make my bathroom steampunk, too. Except I have a problem with laziness and procrastination... and uh, four years later it still isn't done :P So I tip my hat to you and everything you do, and I will eat it up! Especially if it's cake.

  17. Tiaras, jewellery,and anything Disney would be so fun! I'd love to see some crafts inspired by the "less popular" Disney movies, like Wall-E, ratatouille, the princess and the frog, treasure planet, Atlantis, and the like. :D but you do you, pikachu!♡

  18. I have a really random one for you: at Target (etc) you can get faux woven straw placemats that are circular. These are pretty popular for making quick historical reenactment hats (especially late 1700s). I have done a few myself, but the "straw" looks a bit plastic-y, I would LOVE to hear any suggestions you might have for aging and/or making them look more realistic!
    Here is one I made, for reference:

  19. My favorite thing about the blog is seeing all the passion and creativity! Keep up being inspirational and eclectic. But if you're taking requests, I specifically love seeing you take fancy steampunk ideas (like the light fixtures!) and come up with your own DIY budget versions (your re-decorations are amazing!) Also thrift shopping is so much fun, so any excuses to re-purpose random "found" objects are wonderful! Also cosplay pictures, lots and lots of cosplay pictures, please!

  20. Ooh, EVA foam stuff, please! And I like your tutorials about how to make things light up with little LEDs stuck to tiny batteries, and such. I don't know what I need lit up in my life, but I need to find something!!

  21. What H.H. Bandersnatch said. Also, I find your quick-craft techniques very useful, such as your paper bows or string netting or various aging/finishing/faux finish methods. Even if you didn't make up the technique and are just directing us to a good tutorial elsewhere, you have a great eye for selecting "tricks of the trade" that really come in handy and have a very good visual effect.


  22. Well, I'm all for costuming stuff. In fact, if you have any ideas on how to go about making steampunk arm bracers, I'd love to see them! Especially if you know how to get little lights on them.

  23. I'd love to see more costuming stuff. Also, I'd really like to start working with leather and I know you guys have done some stuff with that so if you have any tips/tricks/tutorials that would be really helpful.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Cosplay props and faux leather from EVA foam please, they are areas I really need a lot of development in :D

  26. I would LOVE tutorials on display options for Pops! and other geeky items. I've got a lot of cool geeky things that aren't getting their full display potential just sitting on my bookshelves. And omg, I have so many Pops! that it's getting ridiculous, so more ideas for highlighting the different fandom collections would make my day!

  27. Geeky furniture and geeky props and geeky decoration in general! ^_^

  28. How about some geeky knits? Even if you don't knit yourself (not saying you should) some links to those who do would be great!

  29. Definitely display ideas! We have so much great stuff but are at a loss for how to display because we're still renting an apartment and can't comit to big projects....can't wait to buy a house! Someday...

  30. You guys know so much about faux finishing, I'd love to see more of that. Plus it's applicable not only to decorating, but I just made a D&D armored Funko Pop figurine for a friend and used some of your tips to make the armor look like worn iron. More tips please!

  31. Portal Mirrors! Say this and thought you and John would love it!

  32. I would love something that could be used in an office that isn't overtly geeky. Like, you'd walk by it thinking it's just an ordinary decoration, but look close and OMG, geek secret!

    I'd also love some food-themed geeky display items for the kitchen!

  33. We have a lot of Star Wars Legos and LootCrate Figures that we don't know how to display! I vote display shelves or creative display ideas!

  34. could we have a tutorial on how to make Rose's shield from Steven Universe? I'm in withdrawal from the new episodes

  35. Id love to see your version of the Ravenclaw diadem, with step by step instructions. I've seen so many, but they just don't look right somehow

  36. I'd love toy displays. I just re-did my office and my walls are a blank slate for re-hanging everything! And i have so many toys.

  37. i love seeing all of your tutorials. even if i think i am not interested, i check out what you have done and BOOM, interested.

  38. That Nightmare chair! *Drool* I now have inspiration of what design to do with my chairs... I steampunked my table... trying to find a way to blend steam punk and nightmare.

    -Piper P from Washington State

  39. Bring us more tuto about anything!!!! I love what you make, in every shape and materials!!!

  40. I would love to see more display tutorials! My husband and I have a looooot of toys (an unhealthy number of POP figures, mainly...) and very, very limited space. I'd love to get creative and make the most of the little room we have.

    Jewelry and furniture tutorials are also a favorite of mine! I've always wanted to make jewelry, but I'm afraid. xD Still, looking at enough tutorials might inspire me someday!

  41. Wow!! I love Epbotters (?!). So talented.

    As for things I want to see...yes. All. :) LOL!!

  42. I want a tutroial on how to make your husband join in on all the epic craft projects! My husband is quite handy, and I would love to do fun projects with him, but he is always so practical.

  43. Would LOVE to see tiaras -- especially for how to start with a base that won't make me want to claw off my own scalp!


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