Friday, December 18, 2015

Frizzy Flailing Under Fire

On Tuesday I staggered out to do a little gift shopping with John -  my first real outing in weeks - and I had the whole post-sickness, frizzball frumpy no-makeup thing going, and a fan recognized me in the aisles of Barnes & Noble, and I was so embarrassed I stammered something about how if I hadn't just been sick for a month I'd be all over her (YES I ACTUALLY SAID THIS, right in front of her male companion), then my whole face caught on fire and John started smirking because I never blush, and finally to distract everyone I gave the poor girl a pin I found in my purse, and she said some lovely things before backing away slowly, turning, and sprinting for the exit.

Ok, maybe that last bit was an exaggeration, but I'm sure she wanted to.

"Oh gosh, ohhhh gosh, I think my whole face is red. Am I really red?" I hissed to John once the couple was out of earshot.

"Yes, but it's adorable." John said.

Then I wailed a bit, and John gingerly suggested that maybe I *could* do something with my hair, and I wailed a bit harder until I got distracted by a pretty Alice in Wonderland puzzle which I made John promise to buy me for Christmas.

Look how pretty.

As we were walking out later - and while I was still frantically finger-combing my hair - John remarked, "I know you didn't want to be seen like this, but you know what? You're Jen from Epbot. People love you enough to overcome their shyness and come say hi to you. C'mon. That's pretty awesome."

And it is.

So if you ever see me somewhere in public, PLEASE say hi. Just know that I may accidentally come on to you and then turn into a tomato.

But at least you'll probably get a pin out of it.


  1. That was hilarious!

  2. I look for you every time I'm at the parks. :)

  3. I met you IRL at your book signing in Austin at BookPeople and you & John were perfectly lovely!

    1. Hey, me too! And when I met you again IRL, I will cry. Like a lot. It's this whole PBA disorder thing. Much more embarrassing than tomato-face, so no worries! We'll be wrecks together!

  4. I met you IRL at your book signing in Austin at BookPeople and you & John were perfectly lovely!

  5. Ugh I know the feeling of turning bright red at the slightest embarrassment/excitement/nervousness. It really does blow!

    I've been working hard to try and get you more followers too because you are so awesome! I post your cool things in all my geeky mom groups and tell them they need to follow you.

  6. You cracked me up. And I have similar issues. I run into people who recognise me a lot (I'm very memorable?) And I always feel awkward and can't remember their name, but inexplicably know the name of their dog, and it's just...weird.

  7. Aw, I'm sure the person you met was thrilled. And I recently accidentally came on to a stranger too. It's something that happens to those of us suffering from anxiety. I complimented the lady's jacket and then announced loudly, "I'm serious, I could rip that right off of you!" I was mortified when she reacted. So embarrassing. You're not the only one. That's one of the reasons we love you.

    1. I can one-up you. Got in the elevator with the daughter of the owners where I work. She was wearing this adorable bolero jacket in a really nifty fabric, and while she was chatting, I rubbed her sleeve and said, "Crinklyyyyy...."

      So I mildly molested the future CEO of my job.

  8. You cracked me up. And I have similar issues. I run into people who recognise me a lot (I'm very memorable?) And I always feel awkward and can't remember their name, but inexplicably know the name of their dog, and it's just...weird.

  9. We know your heart! What you look like is irrelevant. (But it sure doesn't hurt that you are pretty darned cute.) (and John is cute too!)

  10. It's good to know you understand the two awkward encounters I've had with you at Dragon*Con where I geeked out and sounded like a weird stalker person. ;)

  11. I am completely like that when I meet someone I follow or who does cool things that I check up on so your fan might have been feeling exactly the same as you! I got my picture taken with Summer Glau at a con and I don't think I even said hello to her. I just awkwardly stood beside her and smiled while the photo was taken. Or I look and have a feeling I know who they are but I am way too chicken to say anything at all. (spotting Kristin Kreuk at a local shop when she was filming something in my city - didn't recognize Billy Boyd at all!)

  12. Last year I had the supreme honor of meeting you and John. I was working a small con with my sister to promote her book. There were some minor celebrities there and it was neat to be in close proximity to "famous people" but the only time I was starstruck was when I spotted you two walking around. You both were tired from attending a different con the previous day but fought through the exhaustion to talk to me. It confirmed my opinion of you both - that you're both funny, nice, geeky people and we should be best friends. I'm sure the woman you met didn't care how you looked, the stammering, or anything like that. She's probably like me - fist pumping that she got to meet Jen and John from Epbot!

  13. I'm feeling better about my total geek out with you at Epcot a while ago, where I got on my little topic (fanfic). You understand fannish obsessions.

  14. good news is that if we ever meet, my hair will be more of a disaster than your so you will feel fantastic. also, if i accidentally come on to you, my apologies. #allgoodnow

  15. I just love John. I want to squish him and call him my squishy and he will be my squishy. Because he's so freaking awesome for you!

  16. I've never been hit on by a famous blogger before, that would be so cool. Especially if it was a famous blogger who resembled a tomato!! :)

  17. I met you IRL in snowy Boston. I sat next to some of John's family and gushed to them on how much I loved you two! It was so worth the drive from Maine.

  18. Haha! This reminds me of a gas station cashier who said to me "Please don't take this the wrong way, but you're REALLY pretty." MEANT THE WORLD TO ME. I AM STILL ON CLOUD NINE AND THAT WAS A WEEK AGO. Coming on to someone can make their day! You're great Jen.

  19. If I met you in real life, I'D be the one blushing, inadvertently coming on to you, and stammering all over the place. :D

  20. Don't worry, I tend to be horrifically awkward when meeting people (there's often a lot of stammering and/or rambling). Although, the few times I've met up with online friends it's gone fairly smoothly, so who knows. But then I've never met any of my favorite bloggers, so I could very well out-flail you, should we ever meet. (That didn't sound weird at all, did it?)

  21. Jen, we love you just the way you are, and we know you love us back!

  22. Jen, one of the things I love in this life is people who can laugh at themselves, which is one reason why I think you're awesome. I too am an easy blusher. It just sneaks up on me and then everyone notices and comments on it and I blush even harder, and it's a vicious cycle. Ah well, tomatoes of the world, unite!

  23. I'd prolly be the exact same :)
    And you're still so much cooler than I will likely ever be lol
    One of the reasons I love this blog so much is for how real and approachable you are.

  24. I approached you in the most insanely awkward manner possible at Dragon*Con. You guys were walking through the food court, and I recognized John in his Dreamfinder ensemble before I saw you. I had been eating extremely messy food while sitting in the floor surrounded by random confolk, so in order to burble semi-emotional nonsense at you, I had to stand up in my REALLY NOT SUMMER APPROPRIATE multi-layered Viking Queen outfit while juggling food. Then, I said some random weirdness to you and we agreed not to hug, and I was trying NOT to make eye contact with John because I love Figment and I was afraid I'd cry if I got a close look at him. Why? I have no idea. I was a mess.

    You are, to date, the only "association by internet" person I've tried to "meet". I'm so sorry.

    If there were some sort of point to all of this, it would be that John's right. It means enough to us to meet you guys that it doesn't really matter how you look. We are probably freaking out about how we look too.

  25. My husband is a pastor, and we recently moved. We got out of the car at the parsonage, and there was a welcoming party consisting of the church president, head elder, his new secretary, and his secretary's adult daughter. My husband introduced us, but in his nervousness accidentally pluraled the word "wife" instead of "son." He laughed, and said "Only one wife!" And what did I say? "He actually has a secret wife who only comes out at night!" That earned some wide eyes and a "Wow..." Then I turned red, threw my hands over my face, and said, "Oh my goodness! That came out all wrong!" When I forced my hands down and looked again, I saw that they were all laughing, and the awkwardness was gone (if not my embarrassment). My husband thinks it was my best faux pas ever.

  26. Jen, you're adorable. Thanks for being real.

  27. I met you guys for the first time a few years back at the Steampunk gathering at the Orlando Museum of Art and one of my friends had to actually make contact with you for me because I was so nervous! And then we had an awesome conversation about everything geek. So don't feel too bad, we all have awkward moments and I'm sure she was thrilled to meet you frizzy hair and all. ;-)

  28. Ya know, I've always been really shy about saying "hi" to someone like an actor of blogger I've respected from afar. I've been convinced I'd make an utter fool of myself, but this gives me a whole new perspective. I guess it never occurred to me that things can be awkward on the part of the one being greeted. Mind = blown.
    Also, if I ever met you in this situation I think I would probably immediately feel relieved that I wasn't the only one in the store who'd forgotten to brush their hair that day. I bet your fan thought your accidental come-on was hilarious; I know I would!

  29. As much as I giggled at this, I have to say, it just proves you are a normal and real person. I'm always amazed how posting what I consider embarrassing, unflattering photos of myself (which my husband always assures me are the cutest) get the most positive comments. I think people relate more to the awkward & less polished things in life. Thanks for being you. And trust John's opinions. =)

  30. I know exactly how you feel! I'm a teacher and like to do my grocery shopping on Sunday morning, pre-shower. Of course, I always see students in my makeup-less, messed up hair state.

  31. We were hoping to meet you guys a couple weeks ago while we were at Disney, while you were sick, and I got sick too! We could have offered each other tissues and zonked out on the same benches! It would have been so cool! ;-) But I'm glad you're feeling better!
    Next time, Gadget!

  32. We were hoping to meet you guys a couple weeks ago while we were at Disney, while you were sick, and I got sick too! We could have offered each other tissues and zonked out on the same benches! It would have been so cool! ;-) But I'm glad you're feeling better!
    Next time, Gadget!

  33. This is probably the most adorable post I've read in a long time. :)

  34. I met Anne Rice when I was at a book signing. I chose to wear a Pinky and the Brain tshirt instead of a costume, and she said she liked it. All I could say for the rest of the day was 'Anne Rice likes my shirt'.

  35. John is absolutely right: YOU'RE JEN FROM EPBOT!!!!! We do our own ::kermit flail:: at least on the inside when we meet you - and we're just going "ohmigosh she's SO COOL!" and we are not noticing whatever you're thinking we're noticing. Except those awesome wedding rings that I spotted on you when I met you guys at a book signing. Keep being you, both of you - you're the most awesome people I follow online in a non-stalking way! :)

  36. You're so adorable.

    You're Jen from Epbot (and CakeWrecks)! You can do no wrong!

    I'd be pretty thrilled if you ever said anything unintentionally (or intentionally) dirty to me! Luckiest fan ever! Hahaha!


  37. Kermit flails all around - Jen from Epbot is feeling better! I think John's remark is wonderfully sweet and true. No one cares what you look like, we are just glad to get the opportunity to meet you and John. Geek on with that post-sickness, frizzball frumpy no-makeup thing going - we understand and love you anyway!

  38. I like your purple Dragon.
    And his sweater.

  39. I like your purple Dragon.
    And his sweater.

  40. John is a wise man. He knows what he's talking about. You're Jen from Epbot and you're adorable. Solid truth right there.

    On a random note, I got one of the other Alice in Wonderland puzzles for my sister for Christmas. o.O I think that is a sign we should be friends. Is that creepy?

  41. Aw, you are so adorable. And I love John's completely appropriate reaction to your adorableness. Also: adorableness kept trying to autocorrect to adorable mess. ;-)

  42. When my husband and I met you a couple years ago at Magic Kingdom, I was in my full-fledged sweaty frizzy touristy glory, and you looked super cute and put together. But you still managed to make me feel cool by association :)

  43. I'm 90% sure we will never meet, because I don't plan to go to Florida any time soon. But if I do, and I do happen to see you somewhere, I'd probably just end up staring at you, thinking, "Is that her? No. Wait... maybe. It looks like her. No, why would it be? Yes it is... should I go say "HI?" No.. what if it's not her? No.. It's not her. But, it looks like her. Is John with her? No. No, it's not her, then. Well, maybe he's in the bathroom. Maybe I'll follow her until I see him. No, that's creepy. Don't do that. It's not her."

    You'll feel the awkwardness and probably run away. Then, realizing it really was you, I'd reach my hand in your direction and scream, "NO! Jennnn! Come back and love me!"

    *and scene*

    --Piper P from Washington State

  44. Must find you!!! Um, I mean that in a totally fangirly and not at all creepy way, promise :)

  45. Once upon a time tween-age horse-crazy me met her hero Maguerite Henry. She had her hair in curlers,and was wearing house slippers. And while decades-ago me was a bit shocked, since this was pre-internet and I was young and silly and had built up a mental picture of her as looking like the Wesley Dennis illos of Wiild Horse Annie, I was still totally thrilled.

    The moral of the story is that your fella is right: even if you're perfectly correct in your judgement: Good, Lord, I look horrible! If you run into a fan looking that way, not only will she not care, but if you're like the gracious Mrs. Henry (who signed a bookmark for me) you will have given her a happy memory that she will recount to another neat young lady 40 years later (yes, I am that old. Sigh.)



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