Saturday, September 26, 2015

September Art Roundup: Dino Astronauts, Super Girls, & Wood Block Robots!

Time for this month's roundup of awesome geek art!


I'd like this little Sweetie to have her own cartoon, comic book, and line of plushies, STAT.

Here's another find from Dragon Con last month:

Fun papercraft monster heads by The Legend of Awesome!

Plus, watercolor monster sketches! 

It looks like she only sells at cons, so follow her Facebook page for more goodness.

Lacey Marie Simpson's "Bits" characters are too cute::

Plus she does these fantastic, cheery landscapes:

Disney, Star Wars, Wonderland, and more! I love her candy-colored suns.

 Check out Lacey's Etsy shop for both originals and prints starting at just $10. You can also follow her on Facebook for more.

Warren of Famous After Death recently started making the BEST wooden robot figures... and I totally bought this one:

THOSE EYES. Ha! And he has a button on the top that plays the tick-tick-boom of a toy grenade. 

A few more:

Follow Warren on Facebook or Instagram for new art, and/or check his TeePublic gallery for prints and shirts. (The robots aren't for sale online yet, but he can sometimes arrange sales via e-mail.)

Another moment of weakness: I had to buy this new watercolor print from Mike Maihack:


And once I tell you that print is only $5 in Mike's online shop, I think YOU may have to, too. ;)

Mike Victa recently added two more to his TMNT set, and look how cute:

 Shredder and Splinter have never been more adorbz.

Here's Mike's original Turtle set:

Mike sells all 6 as stickers over on Redbubble.

Emily Cheeseman has a stunning, almost storybook illustration style:

 My only complaint is she doesn't have much work online!

Emily also hasn't listed any prints in her webstore yet, but maybe if we ask nicely?

Some punchy Star Wars goodness from Caleb King:

Individual prints are $20 at King's webstore

  You can also follow him on Facebook!

My friend Bianca Roman-Stumpff cranks out more amazing paintings every week. I swear she's an art-making machine:

Prints of these "Tinysaurs" are coming soon.

And I'm crushing hard on this new series:

 Prints of these two start at just $10 in Bianca's online shop.

If you ever see Bianca in person (which is likely, since she travels the whole country doing conventions) - and you're reeeeallly nice, she might let you see her Big Book Of Original Paintings. That's where I first saw that purple & lime girl up there, and fell in love. (I'm, uh, still convincing Bianca to part with the original. :D)

This one would be extra sweet in a little girl's room:

 You can grab a print here, OR you can win this one on the Give-Away Board!

And finally, since I'm a little short on new artists this month, let me heartily recommend this Tumblr:


Slothilda is every introverted, food-loving, geeky girl's spirit animal. I don't see any actual prints or products for sale [sob!], so just go soak in the animated comic goodness.

This one makes me laugh every. time.

 Ah, but before you go, don't forget to comment for your chance to win your choice of art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board!

In addition to one wild card winner, I'll also be picking two MORE of you to win these:

So be sure to mention in your comment if you like either/both of these, so I can enter you for those, too! I'll announce the randomly selected winners in a few days, and I'll ship anywhere, so internationals are welcome!

UPDATE: The give-away has ended, and my winners are:

Congrats, ladies, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!
Ok, time to announce this month's art winners! So congratulations to:

Nicole S., who wins the Batman "Don't Look Back" print

Bethany Luther, who wins the Avengers one, and

Lisa Howard, who gets her choice from the Pinterest Give-Away Board!

Congrats again, ladies, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!
- See more at:


  1. I love it all! The Tangled scene is gorgeous. My family would enjoy either of the bonus prints.

  2. I love love love that little girl one. And I need that Cinderella's Castle one. And the robots. I think you found quite a few amazing artists this month!

  3. I love monthly art giveaways. And september is my birthday month (hint, hint) :). Avengers print looks pretty rad:).

  4. Thanks for doing what you do! Still holding out hope that I'll win someday.

  5. Another great round up!

  6. You are so great at finding these artists! I love love love the little girl on the cape AND the triceratops in space. I saw she has a brontosaurus too.

  7. You have a great eye for fun paintings!
    I saw these season-themed seahorses the other day and they reminded me of some of the art you post.

  8. The creativity represented here blows my mind. Love all of it and my son would love the robots and the Avengers print that you posted last :)

  9. As always - beautiful art!

  10. The "You can be anything" print is fantastic! Of course, the Batman print needs to be in my house. :)

  11. Lacey's stuff is so cute! I'd love to win anything from your board. I certainly would not mind the Batman or the Avengers artwork.

  12. Whelp. I'm now in love with Emily Cheeseman's work. Dang!

  13. This stuff is great, I'm loving the you can be anything print.

  14. I know somebody who would love the little girl art!

  15. I love all the art! I would love the Avengers print! :)

  16. So many cute pieces! And I'd be interested in the Avengers print. Thanks for sharing with us! =D

  17. Thank you for posting all the art stuff! My room is decorated primarily because of your "geeky roundups" helping me find stuff to hang up... :)

  18. I love that astronaut dinosaur, so cute and the colors are lovely. And that art by Emily Cheeseman are gorgeous.

  19. The wooden robots and Slothilda? Yes please!

    ~ Rachel ~

  20. I do love the Batman "Don't Look Back" but I can never pick my favorites on the board!

  21. Emily Cheeseman seems to have a lot more work and sketches at her tumblr (, actually. And also delicious progress pics!

  22. I've never entered one of these, but I LOVE "You can be anything" - reminds me so much of my daughter. My mom made capes just like that for all the grandkids and my daughter's favorite thing is to race around in her superhero cape and tutu.

  23. Art posts are my favorite! Jen, you always find the most beautiful and fun things! <3

  24. Wow, wonderful round-up today ! !

    I love the old AND the new and would like to win both :D

  25. Yay for Art Round-up! Here's my comment for entering: ADORABLE. Although I'd love that Enterprise Wave, which is not what I'd call adorable.

  26. I have a little girl who can be anything!

  27. As always, you find awesome/adorable stuff! I totally squee'd at the Tinysaur print! As for the give-away, I love the Mario prints and the Avengers 11X17 up there.

  28. I am down for either of the oldest prints, or would take the "Marvel Roundup" from the board. All of these would be gifts for a friend's birthday. You are so awesome to post these every month.

  29. I can't decide if I like the Tinysaur print or the Space Dino one more! Thank you for sharing these wonderful things with us!

  30. I love your art roundups, and both of those pieces!

  31. Gah!! I love them ALL this month! So much squee-worthy cuteness and prettiness! I really like that Avengers print from the give-away board!

  32. Another great art roundup! I like the Batman bonus print.

  33. It's a Star Wars is still my favorite on the board! I love the bonus prints too!

  34. The Lady of the Lake (right? Totally looks King Arthur-y to me) is gorgeous. I'd love to have that for my home. I NEED that Batman print! So much goodness here, thanks for sharing!

  35. You find the best stuff!

    Would love to win the Avengers print!

  36. Geeky art is my favorite thing ever. Love these posts!

  37. I'd like the Avengers print, or most anything on the art board. Love seeing the art each month. Makes me wanna spend all the munnies!

  38. The bits artwork is so adorable! And I love the mini Avengers print there at the end! Great finds as always Jen!

  39. I like the little girl "you can be anything" print. It reminds me of my 2 year old daughter who runs around the house in her superhero cape. Granted, all of the art you put up here is awesome. I love both the Batman and Avengers prints too.

  40. I love your art roundups they are soooo good! Loving the batman print; but those watercolor monsters are awesome!

  41. Oo, the Avengers one for my Marvel-loving daughter. And I will have to show her that Slothilda Tumblr, she will love it. I love everything on your art board, especially the Disney and Star Wars stuff.

  42. Slothilda!! Immediate follow.

    These are definitely a highlight of my month!

  43. Oh my goodness, Slothilda is adorable! There goes the next several hours...

    The beautiful Disney princess watercolors on your board really catch my eye every time. I'm sad Mulan is gone, but Belle is just lovely.

  44. So many nice prints! I look forward to seeing the artistry every month. I love the Doctor Who/What does the Fox Say!

  45. I always have a sudden urge to completely redo all the art in my house when you do these art roundups! My son is hanging over my shoulder going crazy over the monsters, and wants to try making his own monster head now. You are inspiring future generations of artists! :) I am still in love with James Hance's Wookie-the-Chew on your Pinterest board. I swear if we were going to have another kid I'd decorate the nursery all with his art!

  46. Short on new artists? I can't believe how you can find so many great ones every month. Thosen wooden robots! Such a pity its not a idea to have such nice things around with two toddlers at home.
    But I did some Super Mario hamabead... things (this is by no way art) and hung it above the door to my kitchen. As the other walls are still empty and I've fallen in love with the doctors (3 exactly, until now) last month, I would be absolutely happy to win the Doctor Silhouette.

  47. That Batman print would be great for my brother-in-law!

  48. I'd love the Iocane poster!

  49. As usual, blown away by the awesome. My son would LOVE the Avengers print but I'm still holding out for the DC Derby Girls.

    Thanks for all your awesome!

  50. Well, I already had to order the Space Trike. So fabulous! The Avengers print is super cute, but my heart really belongs to the Date Night postcard on the board. :)

  51. So many amazing things I'd love to hang on our soon-to-be-nursery walls...and thank you so much for not deleting the already-claimed art pieces, since we're likely to be buying prints of our favorites, assuming they are available online (Baby Vader, the new "You can be anything" Superhero-Ballerina, Baby Groot, Wedge on the Ledge, so many others--seriously, if I could, I'd just set up our Baby Registry on your Giveaway Board.)

  52. There are so many good things on your art board! I think my fave is the Walking Your Octopus. I would love the Don't Look Back or Avengers, too!

    -Just Andrea

  53. Awesome as always!

  54. As a paleontologist, I enjoy adorable dinosaurs :)

  55. I have been going crazy making & buying new art for all my empty walls (new house). I love these posts because I find new artists to enjoy. I'd loved the avengers one for my older daughters room (or my own maybe).

  56. Awesome art as always. :)

    My friend would go gaga over the Batman one.

  57. The storybook style illustrations are incredible, wow! I would definitely love some prints from her. And the "Don't Look Back" Batman print is actually one of my favourite things on the giveaway board!

  58. Gosh I really love the Emily Cheeseman, it reminds me of Kali Ciesmeier -- whose work you might want to check out (there's some amazing sci-fi and fantasy stuff)

  59. Ahhh these are amazing as always!!!! I would love the Don't look back print, it's always been one of my favorites.

  60. I would love to win that Bianca print. My niece was born on Thursday, and it's perfect for her nursery.

  61. I have two girls and would love that "You can be Anything" print! and those Batman and Avengers are amazing!

  62. Already drooling over Lacey's Etsy shop, trying to decide between HP or Star Wars, or maybe Mario...I'd be delighted beyond belief to win a piece of art, and the little Avengers would be a fantastic gift for my little superheroes.

  63. So much awesomeness! Thanks, Jen!

  64. I love Bianca's stuff! I still want "Walking Your Octopus" the most though.

  65. So much cute!!!
    Alaina G.

  66. The Avengers bonus picture is so cute! I love all of them, though!

  67. Aww the little robots! They are so cute!

  68. Batman and the little Avengers are both awesome. And I need me some BB-8.

  69. Great selection of eye-candy, as usual; I look foward to you posting these ovo

  70. Any art is amazing for me! I especially love Avatar The Last Air Bender, dinosaur, dragon, video game, and superhero themed stuff! Oh! And How to Train Your Dragon and Calvin and Hobbes are up there too! Here's hoping!

  71. Awesome round up once again. I'd love to win either of the extras or a pick from the board!

  72. Enter me as always for the random draw Jen! Neither of the two bonus prints are to my taste this week but, as always, the main board is to die for.

    Those high fairytale drawings are the best art I've seen this month *drool*

  73. Love the new turtle set! Adorable :) Can't believe you haven't given away the DC Derby Babes print yet though!!

  74. I love the colorful monsters! The storybook-style drawings are really lovely, too.

    For the art giveaway, I'd like to be entered in the general drawing and in the drawing for the "Don't Look Back" Batman print!

  75. I'd love the Avengers one.

  76. I can't believe the Wonder Woman art nouveau is still available! DO WANT

  77. Space Trike! And the Endor landscape! And either of the bonus prints. This is a wonderful roundup! You find the best things!

  78. I love so much! Either of the bonus prints would be great for my boys room

  79. I LOVE both the bonus prints, especially the avengers.

    I also love all the art on the give away boards though so...maybe it's not a surprise... :-D

  80. I definitely need to get that 'You Can Do Anything' print for my niece. So cute!

  81. Once again so much great art. I would love either of the wild cards or the chance to pick something for the board. Your blog is awesome- geeky goodness and a great place for anxiety sufferers to find advice.

  82. So many great picks on the art giveaway board! Loving all of the Disney stuff as well as the Marvel comics :)

  83. I love them all!!! The dinosaurs are so cute!!
    We'd love the Avengers print!

  84. Aaah! Avengers print is so adorbs!
    Love the paper craft too, and definitely need to get some of Bianca'so art :D

  85. Love them all. The bonus prints are fantastic too!

  86. Slothilda cracked me up! Thanks for all the pretty eye candy. :)

  87. Zomg, you totally made my week. I've been on a dinosaur kick lately. Although you'd make it even more if I got that avengers print for my 30th birthday in a couple days (i'm totally going to go buy myself dinosaurs for my birthday now... excuse me :D)

  88. I love the dinosaur prints! The Avengers print is cute, too!

  89. Tinysaur!! And watercolor monsters! <3

  90. I love the wooden robot you got. So awesome.
    I love the avengers print in the bonus give away!

  91. I love the wooden robot you got. So awesome.
    I love the avengers print in the bonus give away!

  92. The tinysaur is the best!! i love this stuff

  93. Amazing picks as always. I'm particularly loving the stuff by Bianca Roman-Stumpff

  94. OMG, you've added so much amazing stuff since I was last there1 And you even have some James Hance! I follow him on FB and just love watching in his WIP's :D
    I ALWAYS check out your roundups, but for some reason I don;t always make it over to the board... and I don't know WHY I don't go straight there >.< I can't even blame my brain for having a 'brain-fart', because it usually saves those for at work ;) lol
    That Batman print is just fabulous and is my absolute fave of the two, but tha Avengers is kinda damned cute too.

  95. I adore the little girl with the Cape blowing bubbles. I have a 2 year old who has recently love with Supergirl AND blowing bubbles, and it would be utterly perfect to hang in her little room.
    It is beyond fabulous that you find and help promote the work of these artists. Thank you for bringing them to our attention!

  96. Am addicted to the art of Bianca Roman-Stumpff! (And throw my name in the hat for the little Avengers, if you would, please!)

  97. So in love with that "you can be anything" print!!

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. The Mike Victa TMNT stuff is soooooo cute!!!!

  100. Everytime I've commented on an art give way post it's been to win the Batman Don't Look Back piece for my husband. Would love to give it a good home :)

  101. Oh man that astronaut dino is adorable! Also loving the sloth animations :D

  102. I see the triceratops, and all I could think of was "Dinosaurs!...on a spaceship!"

  103. Everything is so stupid cute this month! Eeeeee! Love it!

  104. The Chibi Labyrinth print is so cute! And I love both the Batman and Avengers prints.

  105. This is me happily entering.
    Also, I like the Batman "Don't Look Back"
    I can not handle the cuteness of tiny Splinter!

  106. I love that cute-as-can-be Avengers print at the end! As well as everything else in this post. You really have an eye for art.

  107. So much goodness! Oh, and the Avengers one would be perfect for my hubby!

  108. I love that Slothilda clip - she should sell prints, definitely! The Locoduck Avengers print is wonderful, too.

  109. Tinysaurs! So cute!!

    Sign me up for the little Avengers drawing! Adorable. :-)

  110. You were right, I HAD to buy the BB-8 print! And I picked up the Boy Walking with Dragon too. Love the round-up as usual. Please enter me for the regular drawing and the little Avengers!

  111. Love those ones by Emily Cheeseman!

  112. It always makes me so happy when I see an art roundup! I am so in love with the BB-8!

  113. Lovely stuff as usual. Those wooden robots are adorable!

  114. I own that Labyrinth piece of Lacey's and 3 others! She was a Geekycon and I just fell in love with her cute style. :)

    My Lacey art all framed!

  115. I keep entering the giveaways, some day I will get lucky. My favorite art on the board is Stitch by Chris Butler and those Avengers are adorable.

  116. As usual, totally awesome. And I LOVE the astronaut dinosaur.

  117. Ok, Jen, my geeky little son-of-a-geek nephew NEEDS that Avengers print!

  118. The Steampunk Octopus Dance on the giveaway board is so cute! And the Avengers one as well :)

  119. Who COULD resist the wooden robots?

  120. Love, love, love those Lacey Marie Simpson prints! Especially Endor! Also, I really like the Avengers print!

  121. Oh my gosh, my husbands best friend is getting married in two weeks and he would love that batman print! Literally the first thing he said to me when I met him was "hey. Wanna see my batman collection?" And he now has an entire basement man cave dedicated to his love of batman.

    On another note, I am totally in love with the astronaut dinosaur!

  122. I love Emily Cheeseman's style! So pretty <3

    Oh, and I like the Batman "Don't Look Back" one. Thank you! :3

  123. The dinosaur ones are adorable. Also that batman one is awesome.

  124. pick me! Can't go wrong with anything on the board!

  125. I'd love to win anything on the board. I'm so grateful that you feature all of these artists, because I don't really get out to cons, or spend as much time as I'd like to in finding new artists. :)

  126. Monsters and robots and sloths, oh my! Love them all!

  127. Love that Avengers print, so cute! I do so enjoy getting to see artists' work that I would most likely not stumble upon by myself.

  128. I love Emily Cheeseman's work! Although, I'm kind of devastated that the Catwoman art was chose off the board :( I've been trying for that for months.

  129. After the epically crappy month I've had, I need a win!! The Doctor Who Believe piece has been on my want list for months!

  130. I really love BB8 and the dinosaur astronaut. I really hope you pick me.

  131. As always, I love all of the art offerings! I love both the Batman and the Avengers ones as well! I keep holding out hope to win one day... :)

  132. Love the Avengers one!

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Oh my gosh! Dinosaur Astronaut!!!!!! How cute is that???!!!!! And the adorable Avengers!!!!!

  135. Oh man! These are fantastic! I so want the you can be anything poster and the adorable Avengers! My beige apartment needs more art!

  136. I love the Harry Potter and Rapunzel pics on your giveaway board - both are fantastic!

  137. I love the Bits! I'd take the batman or the avengers one!

  138. So much awesome! I love the "Don't look back" print.

  139. Once again, Jen is excellent source of discovering awesome artists! Did everyone see the Babs & Buster Bunny in the tinysnails shop?? I die!
    I just love the Girls are Super print by Bianca Roman-Stumpff! It should be in every little girl's bedroom! And her Falling Rocks print is so sad! I must be too sensitive today.
    Oh and that Batman print is so cool!

  140. thank you for all that you are and do - especially introducing us to such wonderful artists. i want to get MANY of those 'you can do anything' superhero princess prints for my nieces. what a great message.

  141. Astro Dino is the cutest!

  142. The dino astronaut! And those monster heads! So adorable. Also damn you Facebook for not showing me these new pieces from Bianca, time to go like a bunch of stuff again.

  143. Love it all, can't choose. Extra draws please!

  144. Love the turtles series ��������
    But I'd love the avengers print for my 2 year old nephew. He's moving into his new bedroom when baby brother or sister arrives and he loves Iron Man and Hulk.

  145. I love both the Batman and the Avengers prints!

    -Rachel W.

  146. This is probably my favorite art post so far this year! The astronaut dinosaur and Rey/BB8 and the soldiers on horseback and that gorgeous Iron Man and the other little dinosaurs and... basically everything. I love it all! ^_^

  147. I'd love the Avengers print, they're so cute. And Lacey Marie Simpson's Labyrinth is sweet. :)

  148. I still love the Dr. Avant guard prints. I'll be going to a con in November and have been saving up my money to buy art there!

  149. Art Nouveau Wonder Woman or Beaker & Honeydew...I'd have to have to decide between them!

  150. The Avengers print is adorable! WANT!

  151. I'd love the you can be anything print for my daughter.

  152. I love your eye for art. I also love the Avengers piece!

  153. The standouts for me this time are the watercolor monster sketches. Such fabulous colors! And in the world of bonus art pieces, I would definitely choose the Batman picture. It's pretty wonderful.

  154. Awww I need that super tutu girl for my daughter's nursery! ~ Amanda

  155. We are a DC household so the Batman piece would be greatly appreciated! Anything Who Groot or Super is great, but the Iron Giant and the Stitch make me swoon.

  156. I do really love the Avengers print, but I swear my two year old was the inspiration for the tutu and cape print :P


  157. The look on her face as she ascends! And those tinysaurs are killing me!

  158. Oh boy, I looooooove the Art Nouveau Wonder Woman!! Hoping this will be my lucky month! ::crosses fingers and wishes REALLY HARD::

  159. Yet another amazing round-up of pictures! The Walking Your Octopus print is still my favorite piece. The 2 bonus prints are pretty cute too!

  160. I just adore the Labyrinth art nouveau print. such longing and emotion.

  161. Love everything! That space dino is super cute.

  162. The astronaut dinosaur is so cute and combines two of my all-time favorite things!
    Please enter me in the drawing for the Batman print as well as the wildcard.

  163. Hola! I love all of your art choices, as usual. The only thing that kinda creeps me out are those robots...the EYES!!!
    Please include me in the wildcard drawing. I love the Avengers artwork!

  164. I love those Harry Potter prints they are too adorable.

  165. Amazing art, as always! I ADORE your robot! He's so cute! Please enter me in the wild card extras. I think they are both great!

  166. Aww I love the watercolour monster ones and the "Don't Look Back" :)

  167. That Dino is so adoreable!!! So much want.

  168. Those robots are so cute! Enter me for the Avengers wild card!

  169. Oh wow, the Cheeseman art is amazing. I want to frame it, the first with the knights and St. George. The Batman with his Rogues makes me think of the Animated Series and my childhood. I'd love to have it on my wall. You find the best art.

  170. So many cute ones! Love the baby Avengers, too.

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. Usually I can pick between the "bonus" artwork, but Batman? The Avengers? How can I choose???? I can't. So put me down for either please.

    Also, I NEED that Tinysaur in my life!!!!

  173. I LOVE the purple and lime girl. Also, that Batman print. So amazing!

  174. I love those tiny dinosaurs! And the Batman print is gorgeous and moody. Love it!

  175. Oh my word! I don't know how you find all this awesome stuff but I need to start collecting more! Love all the options for giveaways (went as steampunk Harley and Joker last year so missing Harley's mallet in the batman print though lol! ) thanks for sharing ALL. THE. FUN. STUFF!

  176. Astronaut Dinosaurs? Yes please!! And those Ninja Turtles are too cute!

  177. My daughter is going as Captain America for Halloween and I would love to win the Avengers print for her room.

  178. Every month I look at this art roundup and I think "I really should start drawing/painting more." It hasn't happened yet, but I still get inspired every month! Also, I love both of the extra prints this month, but I probably love Batman's just a little bit more.

  179. I look at all the watercolor art and think - if I were only better at it *wistful sigh*. And then I think about how I should really start collecting some better art pieces!

  180. You always find the best artists! Love the sloth!

  181. These are DELIGHTFUL! What a great assortment of artists and techniques. I love the Tinysaurs, the wooden robot figures and the Space Trike (squee-worthy!). The Avengers print is also adorable. I don't know how you manage to find so much cool art every month. You and John must spend many hours perusing!

  182. I'm doing some Pre calculus homework......well I was, until I saw the new post and had to read it ASAP! Thanks for the procrastination inspiration!

  183. Tinysaurus!! I love it! I also love the Avengers print! Sign me up!

  184. Both please! Jen, you're awesome. Thanks for keeping us updated with all that you do. You're the best!

  185. Both please! Jen, you're awesome. Thanks for keeping us updated with all that you do. You're the best!

  186. Oh man! I'd love some adorable geek art for the walls of our new house! The "Don't Look Back" print would look awesome in our office. :D As always, thanks for sharing all these great artists with us!

  187. I just went over to Slothilda's Tumblr site -- too funny and TOO true! There's another plushie line just waiting to be made!
    Thanks for the introduction!

  188. Please enter me for the wild card contest. Thank you!!!

  189. Always love to see what you've found each month. Thanks for sharing! :) And I like the Avengers print.


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