Friday, August 28, 2015

August Art Roundup: Paper Ponies, Tattooed Belle, & AT-AT Walkies!

Time for another month's best art finds! I spotted almost all of these during Tampa Bay Comic-Con.



 "Mononoke Hime Inspired Deer God"

Absolutely gorgeous. Prints come in a huge variety of sizes & materials, and start at just $10 in Biggers Etsy shop.

I'm a big fan of papercutting, so John and I spent a while ogling The Paper Pony's booth:

These are made by a husband-and-wife team, and we ended up chatting with the hubs, Brian, quite a while. Super sweet guy. Their pieces start at $35 for the individually framed ponies up there, and go up to $100 for this insanely intricate Wind Waker design:

As their name suggests they make LOTS of different MLP art, but there are plenty of other fandoms, too, from Mario to Buffy to Totoro. Go see their Etsy shop for the rest!

"Inked Belle" by Joel Santana

LOVE her tattoos. And check out little Chip!

Joel does sell prints, but it looks like his online shop is down for maintenance right now. Maybe watch his Facebook page for updates?

Oh, and I talked John into buying that print at Tampa Comic-Con, but he was so embarrassed - and still is - that I don't think he'll ever hang it up. So you guys MAY be getting a new prize option on the give-away board later. ;)

Fantastic colors from Luis Santiago, aka Pertheseus:


You can see all of his work on DeviantArt, and he sells some prints here on Redbubble. (You can also follow him on Facebook!)

Iron Giant by Kalli LeFav:

I bought a small version for the board, but you can buy larger sizes here, starting at $15.

I couldn't find the other two prints I got from Kalli on any of her various sites, which is frustrating. (I find most artists have an average of 4-6 different websites/social media accounts, each with a different assortment of art. It... gets really confusing. :/)

Anyhoo, here's a low quality scan of my favorite of hers:

 Isn't it gorgeous? You can follow Kalli on Facebook, and see more of her prints in this online store.

New droid print from my friend Christie Cox:

This and her other prints are just $5! Here's her Etsy shop for the rest.

Will Pigg also has some STUNNING paper art, including these intricate hand-cut silhouettes:
He frames them between two pieces of glass, so the white sections are actually clear. 

 They have an elegant, almost art nouveau feel. Love.

Check out all the tiny details in this Princess Bride one:

The papercuttings are $45 at Will's Etsy shop - or more, if you want them framed.

Oh! And Will also paints! John fell for this sad, crooked little TARDIS, and had to buy a print:

Small prints start at just $10. Go see the rest!

Erich Schoenholtz is a new artist with some fun, retro-styled comic posters:

Really punchy in person, especially in large sizes. Erich doesn't sell online yet, so I bought the Cap one for the give-away board. Give Erich a follow on Facebook, and while you're at it, tell him to open an online shop!

Some pretty watercolors by Jessica Thomas:

These prints start at just $3! 

Her ACEOs are also quite drool-worthy:
So... tempted....

Lots more goodies - from bookmarks to stickers to pins - in Jessica's Etsy shop.

I had to buy these 2 poster prints from James Mascia:

See why? :)

Lots more in his DeviantArt Gallery, but sadly James doesn't sell his art online. Those two are going on the give-away board, though, so at least you can win them here!

For you parents, here's something fun from the Epbot P.O. Box: David Zobel sent me his new "Monsterbet" book:

Really delightful stuff, and there are a few bonus coloring pages at the end of the book.
Then David sweetened the surprise by including this:
AWW YEAAAAH, monstrous EPBOT! Woot woot!

You can buy prints of David's monsters, plus his book, PLUS custom name plates like mine, here at his website.

I've featured Katrina of Kicking Cones before, but she's come out with some fabulous new (to me) pieces. In fact, John and I kept coming back to buy more of her stuff! John got this for his man cave:
And I got this one:
I don't usually go for words on art, but this one socked me right in the gut. Love it.

Katrina likes to combine two of my favorite things: cuteness, and PUNS:

Where my math nerds at?

 We got this one on a coffee mug for a friend:
 And this happens to be the only print in Katrina's Etsy shop for some reason. Uh... Katrina? MOAR PLS.

And finally, an original marker sketch we picked up from Kit Steele:

This was just an ink sketch at first, and Kit actually never intended for him to look like Figment. Isn't he the spitting image, though? So we asked her to add some Figmenty colors. :)

Kit doesn't sell online, but she goes to LOTS of conventions. Give her a follow on Facebook to keep up.

Phew, lotta art this month! Hope you guys enjoyed. Now, as always, comment below for a chance to win your choice of art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board!

In addition to my one wildcard winner, I'll ALSO be choosing 2 winners for these original pieces of art:

So if you like either (or both!) of these, let me know in your comment so I can enter you in the extra drawings.

Winners will be randomly selected in a few days, and internationals are always welcome. Happy commenting! 


UPDATE: The giveaway has ended!

The winner of little Chewbacca is: Bunnylaroo
The winner of Monsters University is: LaurenKE
And my wildcard winner is Ronja, who mentioned wanting It's A Star Wars!

Congrats, guys, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. Love them all! But I especially love Chewie and Threepio.

    Jen, Q, and M

  2. That Belle getting tattooed print is awesome!

  3. I love the Chewie and C3PO art work, so much fun!

  4. The Paper Pony's shop is closed :( Maybe they'll come back soon?

    1. We're up again. We just had the shop on vacation mode while we moved!

  5. The Belle is great, but probably not getting framed and displayed in your steam punk room, huh! I'm partial to Chewie, but my son is a Monsters fan too.Now off to the 6 Etsy tabs I opened. Thanks again!

  6. Chewie!!! Love love love! I love all these prints...just have to find more wall-space! Ach! Who needs family photos, anyway?

  7. Oh my goodness, I would *die* for that Belle getting tattooed print. She's my favourite princess, and I am a tattoo fanatic/hopefully-someday-artist!

  8. I love all of these!! But I think my favorite out of all of them are the otters (oh my goodness how ADORBS!) and the penguins print. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan and LOVE Darth with pet AT-AT! You find some of the coolest stuff!

    PS also love the Chewie and Monsters Inc sketch. I wish I had just a fraction of the talent!!

  9. Loved that Mononoke, just gorgeous.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Aww Christie's little Star Wars bots! Also I love the watercolor Tardis too. You always find the best art.

  12. Aww Christie's little Star Wars bots! Also I love the watercolor Tardis too. You always find the best art.

  13. And again, you enable me to spend too much money on Etsy. XD I'm definitely going to have to buy some of those cut-outs.

    (And yes please to the extra giveaways! Those are both adorable.)


  14. Those papercutting ones are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your amazing finds as always.

  15. Kicking Cones (the otters and penguins) has a shop on Zazzle with lots o stuff 😀

  16. Math nerd here! I am a high school math teacher, in fact, and that Protracturtle is the cutest thing I've seen all week!

  17. The laser cutouts are simply gorgeous. I also love the watercolors.
    On the wild card, I Chewie with C3PO has to be my fave. :)

  18. punny art and math too, so fantastic!

  19. They're all so gorgeous! Chewie with C3PO is adorable.

  20. That paper cutting is lovely. I'm not a MLP fan, but I love their style.

    I'd be interested in winning that Monsters U piece also!

    1. Oh, and because there are multiple Karens, I should specify I'm Karen LM.

  21. :flail: That inked Belle! :flail:

    Dude. I have to find that print. Oh and yes plz for the original art!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I love that San art.

    I'm also interested in the Chewie ACEO!

  24. I keep staring at my walls trying to decide if it's worth dragging everything out of my room to repaint, or whether I should invest in new art and cover the walls that way. All of this loveliness makes the art idea sound even more appealing! I particularly like the turtles. Hee!

  25. Oh, there's some wonderful new art this month!!!! And I love the Chewie card. :)

  26. My art wall is hungry! I like "Belle", "Beaker & Honeydew", "Ariel's Headphones" and "Wall-E"!!

  27. Belle is my fave princess, but I'm pretty sure I can't go on breathing without the Princess Bride cutout!


  28. Love, love, love! The 2 extras are some of my faves from the board.

  29. Inked Belle please. And Chewie and 3PO for the original art.

  30. Vader taking the At-At for a walk is fantastic...
    Also the Marvel/DC cross over with Harley and Deadpool is adorbs.

  31. 'Dat Harley and cutepool! Also, that Chewie ACEO, I can't believe no one had snatchers up for a good home, which I would offer it :)

  32. I love the Wall-E art piece, and am also interested in the Monsters Inc one. Love your art round ups!

  33. I desperately want to see the Pony Place shop but it's closed :(

    1. Our shop was on vacation mode while we moved but it is up again! Hope you find something you like!

  34. I love the Little Chewie! but would gladly do any art.

  35. So much awesome art (as always!). Will definitely be looking at that Monsterbet book. And love the little Chewie. :)

  36. I love the Doctor Who Silhouette, it would be the perfect gift for my teenage cousin who is just developing her fandom.

  37. The baby Deadpool and Harley. How cute is that?! My best friend is a huge Deadpool, Spidey, and Batman/Girl fan, and is expecting a brand new geek girl in October. It's absolutely perfect for the nursery!

  38. I always look forward to your art posts. Love the paper art, and the Star Wars ones, of course :)

  39. I always get so excited when I see that the art post is up! ^_^

    I love Christie's droids so much! And I'm still super in love with her Dogtor Who one on the Give-away board.

    The watercolor Totoro is gorgeous, too! I finally watched the movie for the first time last week and it is soooo sweet!

  40. Paper Pony is GORGEOUS! I'll have to bookmark her shop, for when she opens again.

  41. Our kid turned 11 last week and as part of his gift we're redoing his room a bit and one entire wall is just going to be random art of things he loves. So far the majority of his wish list is Star Wars, Superheroes (those Schoenholtz prints are up his alley), Minecraft, and hockey. I always show him your site, he's going to love so many of these. Looks like we may have to go Etsy shopping later. He LOVES Chewbacca, the Chewie and c3po would be a huge hit with him.

  42. I love your art posts - and since art isn't in the budget for us now, I hope I win your giveaway sometime!

    1. So much great art this time around! I need more walls!

  43. I just want to huggle Chewie and CP3O. Except I imagine that's hard, the print being 2D and crushable and all.

    And I'm going to have to save up some money for one of those paper cuttings--I especially love the Princess Bride one. Gorgeous.

  44. So much art!! I have so many favorites on the Art Board, and the 2 original pieces are amazing!

  45. love all of your art! as always. wish I had more wall space for sure. I didn't even get the stuff I bought last month framed yet!!! Would love the Katie Cook or Vernoica originals!!! xo

    Renee Myers

  46. I need to get Monsterbet for my son... reminds me of Zoophabets I had when i was a kid

  47. Hoping this is my month! :-)

  48. Wow wow wow wow wow wow! So much good stuff this time! I LOVE both the paper cutting ones (Paper Ponies Etsy shop is temporarily closed, btw), but that princess bride one takes my breath away. I also really love the watercolor T.A.R.D.I.S. Katrina's stuff is so cute! (and Punny!). I just love your art round-ups!

  49. Please put my name in for your oh so generous art giveaway. Thanks, Jen!

  50. I love the Paper Pony - found them at the first MegaCon I went to in 2014, and bought my hubby a Poison Ivy for his man cave. This year I bought my mom a cute Ariel from them. I haven't quite been able to find a pony one that is just "perfect" for me, but their work is amazing. I also enjoy the silhouette paper art by Will Pigg that you shared! And, might have to pick up that Vader and his AT-AT one for my incoming munchkin in Dec :D Too cute!

  51. I would be proud to hang ANY of those on my wall! =)

  52. Oh gosh Cap is beautiful. And I need another TARDIS print like I need a hole in the head, but wow I want all of those too.

  53. The Belle is really cool but the otters!!! Still squeezing!!!
    I'd also like the Wookie entry

  54. Ahhh! This might be my favorite art round up so far. I had to like several artists just because they were so amazing. That papercraft! Ahh! Where am I going to find more wall space? must build additional walls.

  55. Love the array of art you inspire us with each month.
    Chewie & C3PO and Mike & Sully are just the sweetest! I wouldn't say no to these sweet giveaways (or my choice of the board)!

  56. I love the Belle print! SO glad you are feeling better!

  57. Another great haul of art goodness! Captain America is my all time favorite.

  58. Lovely picks as always! I have actually had my eye on the cute Chewbacca drawing on your board for a while. And others :)

  59. The protractor and compass animals are amazing! Thanks for sharing. And I love the Chewie/C3PO as well as the Mike and Sully art.

  60. I'm a big Captain America fan and that poster is stunning. As it is, I think I'm gonna have to pick up that Totoro print...

  61. So much amazing art!! I love the Chewie and C3PO by Katie Cook!!

  62. I've been a fan of your page for years, but this is the first time I've worked up the nerve to say anything. All of this artwork is amazing, especially The Princess Bride and The Otters. Thank you so much for sharing!

  63. Love your selection this month!

  64. Eeek!! I NEED that Vader walking his AT-AT for my new baby's room!! LOVE!!!!

    And the wee Chewie with 3PO by Katie Cook would be great, too, so add me to that drawing! And now I'm off to drool on these artists' pages... :D

  65. That Wind Waker one is AMAZING!! Jen, thank you so much for sharing all this awesome art with us!

  66. LOVE seeing The Paper Pony team get some attention; they are not only fantastic artists, but good people. And great partners for Cards Against Humanity.

  67. You always find such beautiful art! Maybe this month I'll be lucky enough to win :)

  68. I've already won, and won the thing I'd been lusting after forever, so you don't have to include me in the drawing. I just wanted to say that the Inked Belle is awesome and John needs to be proud to own it!! :)

  69. I hate to be that person, but it's Wind Waker, not Wind Walker.

  70. Those are all spectacular! Any of those would be a fabulous addition to our growing collection. =]

  71. Harley and Deadpool! AH! They are all so neat. Thanks for sharing all your great finds.

  72. The cute tiny chewy!!
    My current fave on the give away board is STILL the "It's a Star Wars" print that was put up a year+ ago. DC derby babes are pretty awesome too though.

  73. I love tattoo Belle and everything else. My art wish list is increasing!

  74. lovely way to start my day :D that chewie is so cute though!!

  75. Badass tattooed Belle is badass. I may have to get my own tattoo referencing Beauty and the Beast someday. :D

  76. I wanted to say thank you for showcasing Will Pigg. He is a friend of a really good friend and his work is amazing! He also has a show in Orlando on September 5th!

  77. I love the days when there is a new art roundup! You always find amazing things to share, so thank you. :) I looked through Will Pigg's Etsy apge and saw the most adorable lonely Stich art....ohmygosh I want that.

    That Darth Vader walking the AT-AT is pretty cute, too.

    Hmmm, I don't know. I like both those last two art originals. Mike and Sully are awesome and the Chewie/C3P0 are squishy-cute. :)

  78. this is your most dangerous post of the month!! so much want

    i also really like wee Chewbacca. . .

  79. I love these posts. Thanks so much for them.
    I've always loved that little Chewy ACEO.

  80. Some amazing art here! I'm going to have to pic up a print of that Spider-Gwen portrait, I think, and that tattooed Belle is something else.

  81. I am always impressed by the art you find!

  82. Oooh, so very shiny. I am in love with the paper silhouettes.

  83. Why was John embarrassed? Tiny Chewbacca would look great in my daughter's room right along with the tiny Batman and tiny Joker she already has.

  84. That Monsterbet book is too cute! Might have to get that for my little guy.

  85. I'm a longtime blog reader and first time commenter... please enter me in the drawing for the Chewie & C3PO and Mike & Sully prints, they are great! Also, more cat posts please! :o)

  86. The art is amazing, but not as amazing as you!

  87. Glad you're doing better enough to look at art. But I am putting in my Mike & Scully love, please...

  88. Sooo many pretties :-)

    And the Chewie one is totally cute

  89. The Chewie&3PO is adorable! I also really like the watercolor TARDIS look, and those cute little punning drawings Katrina does (Protracturtle! Ah!) are just the best!

  90. Love them all! Must go and have a look at the "I like you a lottle" penguins now!
    Love the old Mike a sully too :)

  91. Wow, what a roundup! I can't even pick a favorite, everything looks so gorgeous and I need more walls in my house to hang things on. Love anything Star Wars and I want to take a closer look at those paper ponies and the watercolor Tardis is so beautiful and and and...

  92. One of my favorite time of the month... When Jen posts new art! Please pick for Chewie and 3PO

  93. What a great roundup! I really l ike the papercuts, those are just amazing and the work that goes into it! I love Katie Cook's Chewie!!! Though because my husband loves Monsters Inc so much, the Mike & Sully one is also just as awesome!

  94. Oh my goodness! I must have that Princess Bride paper art! Poor Will, I am going to cyber stalk him until it is back in his store.

  95. Oh heavens, so much geeky goodness : )

  96. Gorgeous collection in the round up. On the board I love the Brian Kesinger Walking Your Octopus (and have loved is work for ages), but on the other hand, Baby Groot by Bianca Roman-Stumpff is absolutely adorable.

  97. That otter print is sooo cute! They are one of my favorite animals. Love the pun prints too :^) I like the Chewie & C3PO print for the bonus drawing.

  98. I have friends getting married in October, and I need to go purchase that Princess Bride paper art for them!

    You always find the best things! I especially love tiny Chewie and 3P0

  99. I'm down for any type of art! I always love your picks. Hopefully it could lighten up my drab dorm room. Back to college I go!

  100. So much cuteness this month! Especially the little Chewie and C3PO

  101. John, if you ever decide to get rid of Inked Belle, I PROMISE I will hang it! Love her, love the ink, LOVE!!! Some awesome rabbit holes to follow you down this month, Jen! Thanks! :-)

  102. Would love to pick out a zelda windbreaker one or the mike and sully one as a surprise for my younger brother!

  103. I love all of them this month!!!!!

  104. I love all of them this month!!!!!

  105. Love the Inked Belle! (And the two extra give-aways!)

  106. First choice: TARDIS Believe by Joshua Graham - someday I WILL get this!
    Second: Travel by Tardis by Joshua Graham
    Third: Rocketeer by Kate Carleton

    Put me in the drawing for Chewie and C3PO

  107. Eeep! Monsters University ❤😍
    Spider Gwen was sick.

  108. Those cut paper silhouettes are stunning!

  109. You always find the best stuff! I want so many of these :)

  110. Thank you again for an amazing roundup! I love seeing these...

    Also, I'd love to give Chewie and C3PO a new home! :o)

  111. Lovely stuff, as always! Count me in for the Monsters, Inc. drawing as well, please!

  112. That stag god print tho.... *drool*

  113. I love the art roundups!! I would love to get some more art for my wall! I love that chewy!

  114. Oh man! I spent the whole post going "I wish I had more money. But more importantly, I wish I had more wall space."

  115. I would *die* to have those Mononoke Prints in my room!

  116. so much yay! i honestly don't know which is my favorite! i'd love to have either the chewie and c3po or the mike and sully! and why hasn't anyone done a star wars monsters inc mashup yet? sullbacca and miked2 would be awesome!

  117. Those paper cutouts by Will are awesome! And the "I like you a lottle" print reminded me of something I learned just today: In Japanese, the kanji for "Indian summer" read "little spring". Isn't that just cute as heck?

    BTW, I like Chewie (:

  118. I love the Chewie by Katie Cook! My son is in the earliest stages of Star Wars and Chewie is his favorite (so far). Thanks for doing these giveaways.

  119. Loving all the papercuts this round! They're a personal favorite of mine and I'm glad to see some amazing ones!

  120. I love the baby chewie by Katie Cook! also, the bell around the AT-ATs neck is adorable

  121. -Inked Belle is my favorite!
    -And those paper cuttings are just fabulous. I've only ever seen them when you post examples and they're always fabulous. So creative!
    -Christie's droids are so stinkin' cute. I wonder what they're "talking" about? :)
    -What?? Shut up right now! Paper cut Nightmare before Christmas? AND Princess Bride? Must have! They are so beautiful!!! If I had this on my wall I would never stop staring at it.
    -EEK! Baby Vader? Baby Harlequin? You find the coolest stuff!
    -I need "I love you a lotter" for my mama. :) She would "squee", as you would say.

    --Piper P from Washington State

  122. I think this is one of the most fabulous art roundups you've done. I love them all, now I have to check out all of these fantastic artists!

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. This is one of the best roundups yet! Thanks for introducing me to all these amazing artists. I'd love to win anything from the board, as well as the last two pictures! XO

  125. I love that Harley Quinn and Deadpool print, They look so cute!

  126. I love that Harley Quinn and Deadpool print, They look so cute!

  127. I keep hoping I will get the Starwars/ Small World print. :)

  128. That Totoro watercolour is gorgeous! Makes me want to watch the movie again :)

  129. Squeee!!! Love all these prints. A great Art round up this month. Also I love the Star Wars print.

  130. My son would LOVE that Cap piece! (Also, that c3po is precious!)

  131. Awesome roundup! Love the Star Wars watercolor. Can't wait to see the post from DragonCon!
    Shelley, Lehi, UT

  132. Those paper cut pieces are amazing!!! Oh my gosh I want to buy all of them!! I also love both the Chewy with C3PO and the Mike and Sully :)

  133. Wow, what a fabulous collection this month! I need a Star Wars print to add to my geeky gallery wall, and that Vader and At-At is so stinkin' cute! All those little pun-ny prints are so sweet, too! I'm really excited to wander the artists' booths at DragonCon this year and add to my collection, but I fear for my wallet!

  134. Great art as always, I'd love to win something.

  135. Love all your stuff. I really need the "Inked Belle" for my 20 yr old daughter. She just got her 4th tattoo to commemorate her 3 knee surgeries.

  136. Soo cute! Love the papercutting pieces - those are amazing.

  137. Loooove the otter one! (It'll be the theme for a baby shower I'm helping plan!!)

  138. Very cool. Especially love the retro super hero ones! And the Chewie/C3PO is a favorite. (Also a Mathnerd, so enjoyed the Protracturtle & Comp-ass. :) )

  139. So many new things to peruse! If you like paper cuttings, Brittney Lee is one of my favorite artists, Though she doesn't sell the originals. Also, (not paper cutting) I recently found this guy I really like his superhero kid prints. (I got the Thor kid as my phone case.)

  140. The tattooed Belle print is awesome, and I adore the Princess Bride papercut.

  141. As always, throwing my hat into the ring! *toss* Good luck, everyone!

  142. I LOVE the As you wish paper cut, and the water color tardis! so beautiful! Such amazing craftsmanship!

  143. Man, I really need to put art in my budget. The As You Wish paper cutting MUST go on my living room wall! I'd also like to be entered in the extra drawings. They're both great!

  144. Love your art posts! You always find such amazing items.

  145. I love the paper crafts! The work that goes into them.... But I love, love, love Darth walking the Walker. So cute!!

    Would love the C3PO and Chewbacca extra drawing

  146. Wow, those black and white papercuts are astounding. I love the Princess Bride one! And I've always liked the Chewie and C3PO watercolor, so I would be happy to win that one!

  147. The Pony paper cut art is so pretty! I like the Chewie and C3PO too.

  148. I love everything, including those ACEOs. I want that Zelda papercut too (I know it's not on the board teehee)!

  149. We bought Will Pigg's "Sad Tardis" at Tampa Comic Con too! Love it!

  150. Totoro! :) I love all of the cool art you find.

  151. Harley and Deadpool together! That needs to be in my house.

  152. that as you wish papercut is tremendous! must have!!
    thanks for sharing. love falling for new artists.

  153. ahh these are all beautiful, you have such great taste! I don't know how you have ANY wallspace left!

  154. Love Love the paper cut outs. I have a TON of Chinese paper cut outs I need to do something with eventually. Also Chewy and C3PO are to adorable!

  155. would you be kind enough to enter me in the drawings? i would love to gift a dear friend with the little chewie and c3po!
    thank you!
    kim at vfgusa dotcom

  156. The ponies and other paper art is amazing. They just pop.

    And I love Katie Cook so please enter me in the bonus drawing!

  157. Oh man, that chewie/3pO print is perfect for my star wars art wall!! Also, that windwaker paper print? Wow. But, let's be honest all of the art you feature makes me go wow.

  158. i forgot to say that i would absolutely LOVE to be entered in the bonus chewie and c3po drawing.
    i couldn't find the princess bride piece on etsy so i messaged the seller. he quickly replied saying buy the han and leia papercut, then mention in the comments that you want the as you wish one instead. same price! #whew

  159. I adore the Chewie print, and I love your blog :)

  160. Tell John not to be embarrassed, that Belle print is lovely! Although maybe I do want him to be embarrassed so it will get added to the board. Nope, even though I want it, I still have to go with advising non-embarrassment. Tell him to pretend he's in Europe where sensuality and showing skin isn't seen as shameful. ;-)

  161. There's something extra sweet and charming about a jingle bell on an AT-AT collar! I think that's my favorite in this art roundup. Oh, and if I'm a lucky winner, I think I would choose the Mike & Sully picture.

  162. As usual, you pick great art! LOVE the papercuts! I also like both of the bonus drawings!

  163. I so very much love your taste. Thanks for sharing all of this with us. I think it's amazing that you take the time to promote independent artists. I love both the prints, but I would pick Mike and Sully...Monsters INC is one of my all time favourite movies. xo

  164. I missed entering last month, so I am definitely entering for all three this month please! :D I *love* the Chewie print especially!!

  165. Oh, the cute! Thinking, though, that my daughter might be ready to "go pro." She made a paper pony for her sister that's every bit as nice as those.... Skeptical Mom is now a bit less skeptical. (And I'll take Chewie, if I can....)

  166. Beautiful art picks. So many to choose from. :D

  167. I love both the pieces, but the Mike and Sully one strikes me especially close to the heart, since my now-husband (of three weeks!!!) proposed to me while I was wearing Monsters Inc. pajama pants. (It was Christmas morning, okay? Who gets dressed on Christmas morning?)

  168. Aww, the droids are so cute! And Grimer!

  169. I love Vader walking the AT-AT! It's so cute! And I would love the Chewie print. My husband loves Star Wars (I'm more of a Trekkie) and I'd love to get that for his office :)

  170. Lots of cute additions this month!

  171. Still waiting for the amazing Supergirl print! So pretty :)

  172. My Darth Vader loving daughter would go nuts over the Darth Vader walking the AT-AT!

  173. Oh my goodness, some adorable pieces! That Midna. One of these days I'm going to get picked. ;-D Thanks for sharing!

  174. I think I need to get the Princess Bride paper cut for my wall...

  175. Thank, Jen! These are all so great! They make me want to pull out my colored pencils!

    I adore everything from Katie Cook (still sad I didn't get "Ima cake inna cup"). Would love to have Chewwie.

    Keep up the fun art scouting!

  176. That Harley Deadpool one is adorable. I am pretty much horrified of lots of people in congested spaces, so I love living vicariously through your posts


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