Monday, February 18, 2013

February Art Round-Up and Give-Away

Time to get our art on, fellow geeks!

Jessica S. sent this in last week, and it literally made me laugh out loud with delight:

 By CGHUB member barak144

This is the happiest, cutest thing I think I have ever seen. Seriously. Can you look at this and NOT smile? NO YOU CANNOT.

I coudn't find any information on the artist beyond his/her gallery folder, sadly, but even more tragic is that I see no way to purchase a print! (NooooOOOoo!) I WANT THIS ON MY WALL!

[3/11/13 Update: Good news! You can order prints now! WOOHOO!!]


Karen Hallion does some of the best geeky mash-up and nouveau-inspired art around, so odds are you've already seen plenty of her work around online and at various t-shirt sites. Her steampunk Disney princesses series was wildly popular, and this Nouveau Labyrinth piece is still one of my favorites anywhere:

Karen's most recent series combines the Doctor with all the different Disney princesses, which is super fun:

Head over to her Etsy shop to see lots more! 

I've been drooling over Camilla d'Errico's work for years, although I seem to have a knack for falling for the paintings that aren't available as prints: 

"Canadian Tiger"

"Grasslands Goddess" mini-print, $20 ($27 signed) 

See the rest of her available prints here at her webstore, along with other goodies like books, jewelry, and even pillows. (And if you like her work, note that I have a three-print set of hers on my give-away board, so be sure to comment to enter!)

Time for some more cuteness:

"Like A Sir" by  Salvador Ramirez Madriz 

It's not available as a print (yet?), but you can see the rest of Madriz's work at his DeviantArt gallery

The always amazing Tom Whalen has a new Transformers piece out: 
(Released as LE posters, but they've already sold out.)

I love absolutely everything Whalen does, and not just because he has so many Disney and geeky pieces. His style is just so dang cool! Sadly his prints usually sell out in a matter of days, if not hours, though, and since they're all limited edition they don't come cheap. I still mourn the loss of the Steamboat Willie poster I was just a few hours too late to purchase. (Although I'd settle for Duck Dodgers, if anyone out there is feeling generous...)

I've mentioned Jason Thomas and Jennifer Teeter of Red Rocket Farm a few times over the years (you might remember my Sharpie tattoo from Jason last year), but I don't think I've ever really shown off Jason's art:

Each of his handmade paintings are 3D, like a paper cutting made with wood, and most come in three different sizes that start around $35. I have three of their smallest sized paintings in my office already, and their t-shirt featuring this little guy (aka "Splatbot") is one of my top five favorites. (John's favorite is Ollie.) 

We had dinner with Jason & Teeter a few months ago, and I was amazed to learn that Teeter does all the shirts' screen-printing and packaging by hand - the shirts look so professional, I thought they were mass produced!

And I know I don't have any room left on my office walls, but that doesn't stop me wanting this giant rocket ship:

So. Cool. 

That one is something like four feet across, but maybe I can talk Jason into doing a smaller version some day. [hint hint, Jason. HINT HINT]

And finally, Bianca Roman-Stumpff is a local Orlando artist, so of course I'm half tempted to NOT show you how awesome her work is just so I can keep her all to myself. :D However, her series of geeky teddy bears alone is too fabulous not to share:

And here's another favorite:

 Would you believe I *just* noticed that his tentacles are forming a heart? AWWWW.

I have two of Bianca's pieces hanging in my office now - one of her original "Puff Monsters" and this adorable TMNT print. I think all her newer work is only on Facebook, but you can see lots of her older stuff over on DeviantArt.

Right now you can only purchase from Bianca in person at local Florida events and conventions (she'll be at Megacon again this year), or you can contact her on Facebook about commissions. Maybe if we all ask nicely we can get her to open a web store that offers shipping, though! And as a consolation prize, I'm adding another of Bianca's original Puff Monsters paintings to my give-away board (this one), so at least one of you will have the chance to claim some of her art that way.

Which brings me to this month's give-away! Just like last month, all you have to do to enter is leave a comment. The winner will be randomly selected next week, and will get to choose their prize from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board. I've added a few more pieces since last month, too, so I just might pick TWO winners this month. [eyebrow waggle] 

I'll ship anywhere, so comment away, everyone! And I hope you enjoyed this month's roundup!

UPDATE: The drawing has ended, and our winners are Jade Rodger & Amy Broadhurst! Congrats, you two, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses & art choices!


  1. I *so* want to be friends with that tiny little robot!

  2. You pick such adorable art! I would love to enter your contest. Thank you for doing this!

  3. How have I never noticed your giveaway posts until now? Pick me! Pick me! I'm askin' ya with my *brain!*

  4. I love your art round ups! So much awesome in one place :D

  5. Looks like the octopus came from barak144...?

  6. I love ALL of these, but especially that little octopus and Ariel with the TARDIS!

    (and those steampunk Disney princess are so fabulous I want to do the steampunk Belle as a costume. I'd thought about it before but couldn't come up with something I liked. I love that one.)

  7. So I let out an undignified squee when I saw the octopus and spun the monitor to show my husband and his response was "... you know that's shopped right?" The things I have to live with. :D

  8. Oooh, so much cool art! Seriously though, nothing tops that amazingly happy little octopus. :)

  9. Reading this blog is so dangerous to my bank account!

  10. I'm on break from school and so far, in stead of catching up on reading (Helloooo Mr. Shakespeare) I've been looking at old Epbot posts. I've decided to build a time machine so I can go back and buy the crack house. Post reno of course.

    Thanks so much, as always!

  11. I always enjoy your art round-ups. We have fairly similar taste, and you always find the most wonderful things! That being said, I have to scroll quickly past the octopi since anything with tentacles gives me the heebie jeebies.

  12. Aaaah! That Disney princess/Dr. Who mashup is amazing! Your art round ups are so much fun :D

  13. Oh, I would so love to win one of those artworks. I have had the most horrible week ever and really really need something to cheer me up.

  14. You have an eye for such fantastic art, thanks for sharing it with us!

  15. So fun! That octopus made me smile, and today wasn't a very smile-filled day. Thanks!

  16. So I sqeeed for minutes when I saw that first pic. How flipping cute it that.

  17. I always love checking the site and finding a new art round-up page at the top! There are so many great pieces here, as always. :D I think my favorite this time has to be the DW/Disney mashup. But that could just be because I'm going through DW withdrawals. Thanks for the smiles, Jen! ^^

  18. That octopus made me gasp louder than anything I've found while searching tor wedding stuff!

  19. That octopus really is one of the cutest things I've seen. I absolutely love his expression.

  20. I love the one of Ariel with the TARDIS!

  21. I came so close to making silly, little happy noises when I saw that octopus. Seriously, so cute. It's impossible to not smile. And your taste in art is awesome. Cute, geeky, and cool all in one post.

  22. I would love to have any of these pictures

  23. The Ariel/Doctor Who is my fave! - I had to favorite her shop on Etsy asap

  24. That tiny little bot made my heart break.....but then the little octopus at the top fixed it LOL

  25. Cute Octopus - really adorable, oh and I love the splatbot too - reminds me of all the crobots I crocheted last year for a school fete!

  26. I knew working third shift had to have some perks! Thanks for the fun assortment to browse so I can stay awake another 6 hours :)

  27. Gasp Harley Quinn bear! That is soooo cute!

  28. I'm so happy now I know where to get that art nouveau Princess Bride piece I've been seeing everywhere.

  29. oh my gosh! So much amazing stuff! Love.

  30. That is the happiest octopus ever! And so well done, I had to look at it a few times to convince myself it wasn't Pixar!

  31. Splatbot is so cute! I really want to buy him another icecream. :)

  32. Octopi are so cool, in looks and brains, so I'm loving the artistic appreciation they're receiving!

  33. I may or may not have just ordered each of the Disney princess/Dr.Who notecard prints. I plan on framing the cards and putting them in our Master Bedroom since I love Disney, and my husband loves Dr.Who (Well, I do too...) Thanks for sharing such happy art!

  34. These are all so great! And yaaaaay for Red Rocket Farms, I love seeing them at Dragon*con!

  35. Oh, litle tea dog!
    I collect tea art, the goal is to fill the kitchen! Thanks for another great artist to add to the list (and wall).

  36. Gosh, I love art prints! I haven't bought any since an artist I liked stopped shipping outside the US. :(

  37. The Doctor Who Ariel piece is awesome!

  38. That octopus is adorable. I must admit that I have a soft spot for Octopi and butterflies which if why I'm drooling over the Camilla prints on your give away board. Thanks for cheering me up after an evening of frustrating knitting!

  39. I love that second octopus. His eyes are so happy. Too bad that's not one of your give aways. :P

  40. That little octopus is just the best thing I've seen today! And I really really wish that "Like a Sir" was available as a print :)

  41. Oh what a sad little robot! I love him!! Dawn xx

  42. Oh my goodness the Harley Quinn teddy is too cute :D

  43. Camilla d'Errico's pieces have such incredible colours. I can't believe how fluffy and soft all the animals look. It almost makes me want to pet my computer screen!

  44. Cutest happy octopus ever!! And I love Karen Hallion's work, I have some of her Firefly stickers, and of course anything Doctor Who is a win in my book. I can always count on your to post art I'm going to love, thanks for all the goodies!

  45. I would love some geeky art for my very bare walls... Something to look at to remind me to smile every day :)

  46. The little octopus is adorable!!!

  47. Too much cool stuff as always!! Just inspired a hunt for presents for a few of my friends!

  48. I'm in love with most of these, but when I redo my kids' room, Karen Hallion's work may be the focal point!

  49. i would like some art ;)

  50. I didn't realise how cute octupi were until now!
    (crossing my fingers for luck over here!)

  51. Everything you post is wonderfully geeky, yet wonderfully artistic - which is my favorite aesthetic! I love *heart* octopus, and everything Karen Hallion does. Beautiful as always!

  52. Love the octopus! My daughter is into fairies and jelly fish. There are a few prints on your board I think she would like!

  53. Oooh! I remember that chick! Karen Hallion huh? I remember voting on her design on threadless to have her Cinderella with Tardis printed on a shirt! I adore her work! Loved her steampunk art nouveau is awesome and I love her new Doctor Who + Disney mashup! Thanks for pointing us in the direction of her etsy! (Love her Firefly pieces too ^_^ )

  54. Oh my Gosh!! That first little octopus is adorable! The "Like A Sir" by Salvador Ramirez Madriz is cute as well xx

  55. I want that Harley Quinn teddy near for a certain 12 year old Batman aficionado I love with.

  56. All these are adorable!!

  57. You have such awesome taste in art. I am so jealous, i can never find anything half as lovely as the things you find *runs off to buy a giant rocket ship*

  58. I love the art posts. Sometimes I think I need a house with more walls, just so I can hang more pretty stuff.

    Hmmm picture frames on the ceilings, would that work? :D

  59. I love that you are so generous..Thanks! :)
    I have my eye on the Wizard Mickey.
    Hugs Jessie A. Andersen.

  60. These are all fabulous. Thanks for sharing and showcasing great artists.

  61. The art you've picked is absolutely adorable - I especially love the little octopus, and the little dog drinking tea! (I want him for my home office, haha.)

  62. That octopus is just SQUEEEEE worthy. Just so dang adorable :)

  63. I'm trying to build my art collection before I move again. I'm actually thinking of attending my first Con so I can get some cute geeky things!

  64. Karen Hallion also has the "you coming blondie" in a $10 poster size via and the Vlogbrothers.

  65. Ha! I saw that first print when this popped up in my Google Reader feed and I snort-giggled, which was oh so ladylike. :) You're right. It's impossible to look at that and not smile. Thanks for the laugh to start my Monday!

  66. I love love love your art roundups! You always dig up such wonderful things! :)

  67. Thanks for posting links to all this great art! Haven't made it to the con scene in a while and this was like a walk down artists alley!

  68. The first one definitely started my day off with a smile. Thanks for finding such awesome stuff!

  69. So much art, so little time :)
    Makes me want to put down the wire and start painting again.
    ~erin kristine

  70. That octopus is the cutest! There's a print on your give away board that would be perfect for my son's big boy room!

  71. So many pretty things! Here's hoping for a cool new print to spice up the house :D

  72. I always love your art choices :) I just recently bought a house, so maybe if I win I'll have some spiffy new art to plan my decorating around (hint hint)!!!

  73. I love your art roundup posts!

  74. I just made a baby quilt with an Octopus border (Ed Emberley fabric print). That little guy is just so happy to be an octopus.

  75. Thank you thank you for sharing such great art! I never have time to look around for different styles and I love what you share! Have a great day!

  76. Thank you so much for being you! Every new post brightens up my work day!

  77. Ohhh that rocket ship! I am coveting it for my nursery! So pretty <3

  78. The sweet little octopus made me break out in a wide, wide grin. Thanks for the smiles. Oh and pick me. :)

  79. I love the Alice in Wonderland print. Thanks for doing these :D

  80. I love the Katie Cook robot ACEO and the three-eyed monster by Bianca Roman-Stumpff! Both of the octopi in this post are fabulous as well.

  81. Aww - such a cute cephalopod

  82. Love the Labrynith one!

  83. That first octopus is so adorable. I just want to huggle it. :D

  84. I love that first little octopus so much! And that rocket! Ah! I can picture that being the central art in my boys' room! LOVE!

  85. you have some of the best art connections. so many talented people!

  86. I love your art round ups! Bianca might be my new favorite artist. I love her stuff!

  87. I have to admit this has become one of my favorite features on the site! I love all the roundups, but I'm only beginning to realize how little I am exposed to Deviantart and the other galleries out there. Thanks for making this a running feature!

  88. I want that rocket ship too! So beyond cute! Where do you find these? And the fact that you are giving away some of your art.. you are to awesome.

  89. The final octopus is gorgeous!

  90. That first octopus is stinking cute! Love it!!!

  91. Love your art suggestions! -MJC

  92. So much fun! I'm in desperate need of some art for my bare walls, so I always appreciate these round-up posts.

  93. Such swoon worthy cuteness. Yea!

  94. Thanks for sharing all the awesome art with us!

  95. I just love Ariel! And that first octopus is just so cute!

  96. I adore those Doctor Who prints! It's one of the shops I favorited on Etsy.

  97. So much fun. It makes me want to re-do a room with geekier art.

  98. That happy octopus is precious! Thanks for sharing, great for a Monday morning. :)

  99. love all things robot! fingers crossed to win!

  100. I love the little octopus picture! Adorable. I also love your art round ups. I get to find out about so many artists I've never seen before.

  101. I'm a sucker for fairies. May the odds be ever in my favor.

  102. I love the Somewhere Over the Rainbow piece by Hannah Lynn!

  103. Thanks so much for doing the art roundup! i love the doctor and disney princesses!

  104. I've tried, and I can't seem to pick a favorite. This is a truly stellar selection! (My favorite *might* be the Splatbot.)

  105. So many pretties makes me wish I had more rooms or at least more walls!

  106. Would love to have a couple of those prints you're giving away. :) Also, love the octopus at the top - it's awesome!

  107. Thank you for introducing us to such great artists!

  108. Yay giveaway! You're collections have been so inspiring to me. The moment I get a space of my own (hopefully in about 2 months when the hubby and I move) I'm going to go crazy with prints!

  109. Wheee! Happy Octopus and giveaway! Love you and your blog!

  110. I love the peter pan art on your pintrest board! Ive always wished i could be off to neverland. Having a picture of him and tink is the closest i could ever get. Pick me pick me!

  111. I'm always up for some geeky art to put on my walls--if only I had the money to get everything I wanted.

  112. Ooooh ooooh pick me! I'd love to win a print!

  113. I love reading about all of your art finds, Jen! And now that I've finally moved into my first apartment, my empty walls are just begging for some fabulous art work!! I just bought Karen's Rapunzel/Doctor Who piece, so maybe I'll go with a Disney theme or something on one wall.

  114. That is the cutest octopus! Love the art roundups. So much fabulous art out there.

  115. I love the way you broaden my horizons! I have always been a geek by nature, but it is SO fun to have such a vibrant, creative community to unite us! And, I suspect it is much easier for you to be in the loop in a large metro area, then it is for somebody like me who lives on the far side of the boonies!

    Truly, I would have a freakin' hard time picking one--l love so many of them!

  116. I'm buying the Dr Who/Princess series for my nursery if it's a girl. If it's not a girl I'm purchasing them for me.

  117. I love that you are supporting so many awesome artists! My bank account hates you, but my walls love you!

  118. My girls love Doctor Who and princesses... pity their birthdays have just gone! Might have to keep it in mind for Christmas :)

  119. The Transformers piece is amazing :) I am very taken with the tiny Katie Cook robot on your giveaway board though! x

  120. I wish I could have you come up here and redecorate my house! I love your style.

  121. Thank you for hosting this giveaway! I would LOVE the postcards--they are so gorgeous!

  122. That baby octopus is deadly. If you get in contact with the artist and he does prints, give us a heads up please! To make myself less sad when taking down Christmas decorations, I started decorating my mantle with a rotating assortment of art and knick-knacks with a different theme every few months. So, really, I need more art for being less sad. make it so! <3

  123. i love your site and love your style. hope i win!!
    Cara Rooks

  124. I love the octopi pieces they are amazing. I would also love to be entered in the contest for the art. You have so many interesting art pieces.

  125. Splatbot just made my day. Thanks for sharing!

  126. I'm drooling over that Doctor Who/Disney princess collection, and both the octupi....too cute!

  127. I squeed all over that little octopus. So adorable.

  128. Wow, all of this art is amazing. Hopefully I can get some sometime soon!

  129. So if we all beg and beg the artist of the first delightful octopus to make prints, do you think it will help?

  130. All of this art ( and all the other art you post) makes my heart smile about a millions times. So if you would "randomly" select me it would be awesome. Also, my husband forget valentines day which makes me a sad panda so I would really love something awesome. You rock!

  131. Sweet Mary, the Doctor and Ariel?!? My life may be complete..

  132. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you don't ask us to share on facebook, mention on twitter, or invite 3 unrelated people we knew at our last place of employment to enter this giveaway! And, I would love to win. Thank you!

  133. I am such a sucker for neat art. I love that first piece, it is fantastic. I swear, it is the bane of my existence when I fall in love with a piece of art with no way to make it mine!

  134. Dawwwwww!!!!! The puppy drinking tea is too stinkin cute!!!

  135. Those octopus pieces are so freaking adorable! Love them. I laughed out loud at the first one, too. The expression is just priceless.

  136. Who knew an octopus could be so gleeful?? Definitely brightened my day.

  137. Most of the art on my walls is my own, but it would be nice to have something new. And way cooler than mine stuff.

  138. Oooo Oooo Oooo Pick Me! Pick Me!That dissapointed robot must be MINE! :P

  139. The first octopus is adorable!! I squealed when I saw him! I would love to win something from your Art wall! I also like the Ariel Doctor Who print.

  140. I need more geeky art. All I have now is the original Princess Bride movie poster and a "Special Delivery from Mars" sericel.

  141. That octopus is very adorable! He looks so excited to find a little shipwreck to call his own! Bet his momma is proud! :-)

    If I win, I'll take any art piece you're willing to give me! :-)

    Your devoted non-stalky fan,

    (you've got my email over on CakeWrecks, right?)

  142. I love that there is so much wonderful geek art out there!

  143. I have to hide my credit card when you post art. I love the little octopus!

  144. Awe!! I love the little octopus with the heart, that would be perfect for a babys room! Xo
    -Melissa Charpentier

  145. I love these. And the ones on your board. Thanks for doing these contests!

  146. Oh my gosh, that little octopus is just ridiculously cute! Definitely put a smile on my face.

  147. That octopus is just so adorable! The joy in the eyes just lights up the ocean and brings a smile to my face!

  148. I still love the robot aceo on your board the best! But Splatbot definitely takes a close second.

  149. I envy your amazing art collection so very very much!! I am completely in love with the Bianca Roman-Stumpff monster. It's expression just melts my heart *squee*. Thanks for sharing the awesomesauce with these giveaways!

  150. SO CUTE! I'm so glad I've got a geeky-cute-things-loving role model so I don't have to pretend to be completely mature when I'm grown up! (Okay, I'm technically an adult, but I still verbally keymash and talk about feels, so I'm not sure how "grown up" I am.) (Also I forget that 1 when Caps Lock is on doesn't automatically become !.)

  151. That octopus is adorable! And all of the art you share is always amaze-balls. I hope I can win some art!

  152. I love the octopi-both of them! So cute.

  153. Have you ever heard of Justin Hillgrove? He paints some super adorable pieces as part of his "Imps and Monsters" collection. I picked up a print of "Hanover" at a festival a few years ago and LOVE it!

    Check out his site (and especially his 'tributes' section for some Star Wars, Peanuts and Buffy the VS fun!):

  154. The expression on that little octopus' face... oh my. I just want to pat it on the head and feed it a cookie for being so adorable.

  155. Oooo, pretty colors! I especially love that little Harley Quinn teddy bear!!! *dies from happiness*

  156. Wow, they are all amazing pieces of art. The "like a sir" dog one made me laugh so hard!

  157. I definitely love the wee little robot.

  158. The Ollie t-shirt made me laugh. John has good taste in shirts!

  159. Looooove that little octopus! The stuff on your board is great too; I think I'd first have the difficulty of choosing one, and then where to put it?! But I'm sure all the suffering would be worthwhile ;)

  160. I have never seen such adorable octopi until I "met" you, heh. Who knew?
    I just ordered a card set of Karen Hallion's Disney/Who art, to frame and hang in my daughter's room. I have the Cinderella one on a tshirt, and she loves it every time I wear it. But since she's getting new art, I think that means that if I am lucky enough to be picked to choose from your board, I get to keep it in MY room, yes? ;-)Altho, I'd probably pick the sketch from Disney Cruise that has Goofy in it, and give it to the biggest Goofy fan in the world, my kids' Grandpa Mike. He'd love it!
    Thanks for doing these giveaways!
    -Jen S.

  161. That little heart octopus is so stinkin' cute! He'd match the octo sticker on my car :)

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks animals like that are adorable. My husband just rolls his eyes...

  162. Can't stop the cool cuteness! Love your blogs.

  163. I thinkI need to start collecting geek art. Maybeyou can start me off...
    Heather (and Emily)

  164. I am soooo getting something from Red Rocket Farm at Megacon this year!
    And the Octopus...the SQUEEEEEE!!!!!

  165. Oh my word, octopus cuteness!! Jen, seriously, today was a bad news day, then I pop over here and EEEE! Cuteness and smiles abound. Thanks. :)

  166. That little octopus is darling! What a look of pure joy! :)

  167. The octopus is adorable! i Would like to win Geeky of My own (Hint Hint )

  168. The surprised octopus is the best! His expression is just so perfect!

  169. I love the crossover art. Love the look of those art nouveau ones, too! Thank you for broadening horizons!

  170. Disney princesses and Doctor Who? Perfection!
    And, thanks for hosting another art giveaway. I just moved into a new place and these blank walls are screaming for some wonderful artwork!

  171. Speaking of art (and the Mario/Ghostbusters mash up you posted the other day) I wanted to share This awesome picture by Joe Havasy All of his stuff is labeled as 'cutesturbing' but you may get a kick out of it :)

  172. I just love all the octopi prints. I saw the heart right away! ;-)

  173. My new house needs some new art! Thanks for the chance to win!

  174. I absolutely squealed with delight when I saw the octopus. And my boyfriend saw it and suggested sushi for lunch. Thank you for being so cool and hosting an art giveaway!. Even if I don't win, I love finding out about new artists!

  175. Love this stuff. I can't wait for MegaCon so I can drool at all of the art booths.

  176. Thanks for mentioning Karen Hallion! I found her cards in a shop at Christmas, and gave my daughter one with Belle and Dr. Who. She loved it, but I didn't get the name of the artist. Now I have it and her etsy shop saved for more perusing and shopping. So happy!

  177. I love all the cuteness that you share! Thank you, Jen and John! :D

  178. Annie S.(gatormommy4114)February 18, 2013 at 1:38 PM

    awww!!! The Octopus at the top!! So squishy!!! I just want to give him a hug and some baby kisses!! so freakin cute!!!

  179. Your collection is wonderful!

  180. Oh.My.Word. That first pic is soooo adorable! I don't often squee, but I think I did when I saw that one! And the rocket is awesome! It would go great in my little man's room... if it were smaller. ;-)

  181. i love the Disney ones!!!

  182. My walls aren't completely full yet!

  183. Octopi kind of creep me out (tentacles, sucker thingies, etc.), but that first little guy is ADORABLE! Wednesday's my birthday, so one of those gorgeous art pieces in your Pinterest collection would be a super gift. :) I've been a long time follower & love both of your blogs. I think you & John are just swell! Your stories are so inspriring. On that note, I'll go now before you get the restraining order... :)

  184. I love the little octopus; that's so sweet and I want one. Maybe someday there will be a way...

  185. obligatory *crosses all fingers and toes* post! :D


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