Friday, December 16, 2011

Three Cheers for Little Girl Spock

When I first shared the story of Katie, the girl who was teased for her Star Wars water bottle, you Epbot readers blew me away with your immediate and resounding tidal wave of support. It remains one of the most inspiring things to have ever happened on this blog.

Well, today is "Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars" Day - a day Katie and her mom Carrie created for geeks everywhere to wear their scifi or geek t-shirts proudly, and also to donate a geek toy to charity (making it clear that the toy is for either a boy OR a girl). Because this isn't a day just for Star Wars fans; it's for fans of all types.

Which is why today is also the perfect day for me to introduce you to 6-year-old Bryden:

A cupcake shirt and a phaser? I already love this girl.

Actually, I'll let her mom Rachel do it:

"I am a life-long trekkie and just introduced my daughter to the original Star Trek series this summer. She absolutely fell in love with the show, and Mr. Spock in particular. When I asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween, she said Mr. Spock. I responded that we could easily make her a Vulcan costume. She quickly corrected me and said not just any Vulcan...but Mr. Spock.

"So I went to work fashioning a Mr. Spock costume for my 6-year old daughter. Who cares if it's a male character? Who cares if none of the other kids at school will have any clue about who Spock is? She wants to be Mr. Spock and I was super proud.

Cutest Spock ever? I think so-ooo!

"Of course, being Mr. Spock was a bit of a learning experience for my daughter. After a full day at school in her costume, she told me that it was hard to keep explaining who Spock was. Only the teachers had any clue what Star Trek was, and several kids made fun of her for being a character that was a boy. I even overheard one of the teachers saying she looked 'weird' in her costume. That comment nearly brought out the protective lioness in me, but I settled for a sharp glare.

"After the day was done, my daughter seemed to regret her costume choice. I reminded her that she picked the costume because it was a character she liked and that is all that mattered. I also told her that I thought she was super cool and I know there were thousands of people out there that would think she was a super cool kid for picking Mr. Spock as her Halloween costume.

("You can tell it was a rough away mission since her wig has shifted a bit - lol.)

"I just wanted to share my pics with someone who would appreciate them. It's tough being a girly geek when your regular friends don't appreciate things the same way you do. Thanks for writing Epbot, it makes me feel not so alone in my interests."


It's e-mails like this that make me so stinkin' proud to know all of you. I hear pretty often that I help make being a geek girl seem perfectly "normal," as if it's nothing to think twice about or have to defend - and that's because it is. However, sadly, there are people out there who still haven't gotten the memo.

Look, I'm an optimist. I prefer to dwell on the positive rather than the negative. Stories like Katie's and Bryden's inspire me, because the next generation [smirk] is expressing themselves in ways I never did at their age. They know what they love, and they want to share those things. That, my friends, is AWESOME.

Now, could we gripe about the judgmental teacher and insensitive classmates? Sure. We could write long articles about bullying, and decry the cruelty of childhood, etc., etc - and certainly those things have their place.

Or...We could drown out the negative with a rushing tidal wave of positive. We could make Bryden our Hero of the Week. We could share her picture with all the other little girls we know. We could tell our friends about her, and remember her example any time we're tempted to feel embarrassed about the things we love.

And most importantly? We can tell Bryden that her costume wasn't "weird," it was amazing. We can show her that she just earned herself her own personal fan club. We can share our own stories of costumes and passions and reassure her that she's not alone, because we geeks - girls and guys alike - we stick together.

Here, I'll start:

Bryden, you rock. Your costume rocks. And, speaking as a life-long Trekker, I would be proud to call you my friend. I hope to bump into you at a convention someday, but 'til then: live long and prosper! (And please tell your mom she's awesome, too.)

Ok, guys: your turn.


  1. Bryden, you chose a wonderful costume - I would be proud to be the Red Shirt to your Spock! :)

  2. Live long and prosper, Bryden. I love the costume- Spock's my favorite, too!

  3. Hey Brynden,

    I don't usually comment on blogs, but I really wanted to tell you how awesome I think your Halloween costume was. Being passionate enough about something to want to share it with other people is one of the COOLEST things we can do for the people around us. Whether you love knitting, Star Trek, basketball or ant farms, letting something capture your interest and get you excited enough to want to share it will not only make you happy, it will make the people around you happy, too.

    Unfortunately, not everyone you meet will realize this. But there are lots of other people out there who also love Stark Trek, or knitting, or ant farms. And there are even more people who might not know much about those things yet, and will be excited by your enthusiasm. Don't let the people who don't get it get you down. They're missing out on something awesome-- the chance to share something you love with you.

    In geek solidarity,

  4. Way to go Bryden, you make an awesome Spock! And there's a ton of girls out there who dress up as boy characters for conventions and stuff. My friends and I have. :)

  5. Wow,what an amazing costume! Well done Bryden! I hope my kids turn out as cool as you! :)

  6. Bryden,

    My house of four girls is proud of you. I am proud of you for breaking the boundaries and being so amazing.

  7. Bryden, Your costume was a very "logical" choice for a young trekkie. Keep standing up for what you like and believe. I find your interest in Star Trek and your costume "Fascinating"!!

  8. SO COOL!!! Love the costume!!! :D You rock, Bryden!

  9. Bryden, I wish I could say I was as brave as you are when I was your age. Conformity is overrated and awkward while being yourself always feels right and makes you happy. You're my hero for being so true to yourself. Keep it up! And kudos to your mom for raisin' you right. :]

  10. Byden - I love your costume <3

    I love when kids dress up in a costume that is someone they like rather than who is popular.

    Keep on rockin' your Mr. Spock costume and who knows maybe I will see you one day at a Con - I will be the one wearing tardis blue

  11. I remember when I wanted to be Darth Vader, or a T Rex for Halloween. You go girl! You're definitely not the only one out there!

  12. You Rock as Spock!!!!! That is going to be my costume next year!

  13. I wish I had such a cool costume when I was young! That is awesome and that you know who Spock is makes you even more awesome!

  14. Bryden, You look FANTASTIC in your costume! What a great idea! And how lucky that your mom is so handy with the costume-making skills. :-) I used to watch Star Trek with my dad and I still love it because he loved it. I'm very happy to see that the show is still making fans! Live Long and Prosper! \\//

  15. Bryden,

    Your Spock eyebrows rock! (heh, heh, that rhymed)

    Don't let the haters get you down. You know what you like, and you are a good example to other kids who might not be brave enough to stay true to themselves. Hang in there!

    Live long, and posper!

    Andrea--mom to three girl-geeks and one boy-geek.

  16. Spock said it best about those with narrow minds and too much power: "I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose." From the Squire of Gothos.

    Live Long and Prosper Bryden!

  17. Bryden - seriously, don't pay any attention to people who say 'oh, don't dress up like a boy.' Such is the hard part of being a geek - sometimes the cool characters are boys.

    Forget that. Show other people what you love - it really doesn't matter what the gender is. Live long and prosper!

  18. I am proud of Bryden and her mom for letting her be the character she wanted to be. Too many parents of this (my) generation force their kids to do what the they THINK their kids should do. They don't let the kids explore and find out who THEY are. It breaks my heart because almost daily I hear a story or two about something a parent thinks the child should do or the kid finally agrees to do something because it makes mom so happy. They aren't letting the kids be true. jMy 6 year old is so smart it scares me. We put him in Young 5's last year and I really regret it because he is so smart and he is getting bored. He is little and young so everybody talks about his need for socialization in young 5's and kindergarten. His teacher last year told me he had self esteem issues because he couldn't find anything to do during free time. I never believed her but thankfully before much damage was done, I realized about 4 months ago that he thinks, and acts, very different from the other kids his age and that is fine. He will never fit in and be the kid who drives a toy car around, slamming it into another car or the wall. He will never be the kid who enjoys chasing others around for hours. He is a thinker, he enjoys Lego's and video games, talking and logical games. He is a one-on-one kind of friend. And all of it is ok. Yesterday he told me "Sometimes I feel like a Geek". When I asked why he couldn't tell me but he repeated it very forcefully several times. I explained that Steve Jobs was a geek and he changed the world. Being a Geek is fine. So Bryden….. go be a geek….hold your head high and enjoy what YOU like to do.

  19. Bryden, you looked awesome!! I wish I could pull off a Spock costume as awesome as yours! What an awesome idea, and some awesome pictures too! Bryden, rock your loves and rock your style, because Rock! Love Long and Prosper, my friend.

  20. Tearing up here. Jen, you rock. Also: Spock in a cupcake shirt is the greatest thing I saw all week. And that second picture, with the blue shirt and phaser, and the one on an alien world? Fantastic. Bryden, you make a great Spock. (And your mother makes great costumes!) You are a super cool kid, and never doubt it! Live long and prosper.

  21. Bryden, your costume is awesome! Personally as a female Star Wars fan I wouldn't hesitate to wear an awesome Boba Fett or Darth Vader costume. Don't let anyone tell you that something isn't cool. If you enjoy it, that's all that matters! :)

  22. That is such an awesome costume Bryden. When I was a kid I wanted ear a Star Trek uniform as a costume. But I wasn't allowed to since I went to church that didn't like it if you dressed up as something imaginary. So I had to be Betsy Ross, and other such every year.

    Now that I'm grown up I've dressed up a pirate, a wizard, and Sherlock Holmes, and even Spock. It's awesome, and what's more awesome is that you don't even have to wait like I did to have fun. You are having it now, and it's a great costume.

  23. Spock + Bryden = Awesome! Live long and prosper.

  24. Bryden - You rock! That was a really awesome costume, and I wish I could have had something like that when I was a little girl! (I wanted to grow Spock ears when I grew up)

  25. Your costume is terrific, Bryden. Star Trek is all about being brave enough to try new adventures, and you're doing a great job of living up to that spirit. I loved watching Mr Spock with my mom when I was your age, and now I'm a scientist. Live long and prosper!

  26. Bryden: YOU RULE. You look amazing in that costume, and I think it's so cool that you like Spock! It's hard when other people don't understand why you like certain things, but that just means they are missing out on all these wonderful things. Keep doing what you love and forget about the people who don't get it!

  27. Bryden,

    It was only LOGICAL for you to dress up as your favorite character (boy or girl) for Halloween! I think you have a fantastic imagination and a super mom. Don't let the other people get you down, and don't let them change who you are. Be yourself and surround yourself with people who love and understand you.

    Live long and prosper, Mr. (Bryden) Spock!

  28. AWESOME COSTUME BRYDEN &MOM!!!! Always remember you can be anything you want to be! Star Trek wax made up of ground breaking types and look his long its been around!

  29. For every one person who made you feel bad about it, know that there are at least 100 of us in the world who think you and your costume are awesome!

    (And there is nothing wrong with wearing a 'boy' costume for Halloween. I do it all the time. It's about dressing in what ever costume makes you happy.)

  30. Bryden, you looked amazing in your costume! Be proud of your inner geek because there are a whooooole lot of us out here in the world. The phaser looks awesome as well!

  31. Bryden,

    Words can't express how proud I am of you. All the Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate,and whatever else loving kids out there should be inspired by you and your costume. You may have inspired another girl out there to ask for her dream costume! Way to go! Keep up the good work!

  32. Bryden, you are awesome! My four year old daughter absolutely loves Star Wars and her favorite person ever in that series is Darth Vader. Knowing that there are girls like you out there is inspirational.

  33. That is a wonderful costume! I would gladly join her fan club! Be who you are, you don't need to make compromises.

  34. Bryden, you are awesome. Live long and prosper, and thank you for being an inspiration to all of us. Love your costume--you look great!

    And Jen, thank you for blogging to make us geek girls realize that no, we aren't the only one!

  35. Bryden- super cool costume choice!

    I've gone to parties as Teal'c from Stargate before.. Let me tell you that as a short white girl, those who even knew who he was thought I was weird for dressing up as him! But I was too busy having fun to care about their criticism :)

    Be true to who you are, and be proud that you like to think outside of the box!

  36. Brynden, I am so amazed by how wonderful you looked in that costume! I saw the picture and I really thought I'd just seen Spock as a child. He's my favorite character too. Don't ever let your uneducated peers deter you from being your amazing self and showing off the best character in true form.

  37. WAY TO GO, BRYDEN!!! You look GREAT!! Girl, you are UBER cool!

  38. I LOVE that you were brave enough to choose Mr. Spock for a costume!!!!! You are awesome!!!!!!! Live long and Prosper Bryden!!!

  39. Bryden, as a person who's worn a lot of costumes people don't recognize over the years, I have one piece of advice: keep doing it. Most people wouldn't recognize some of the best costumes. I'm sorry some kids at your school made your Halloween worse, but they're not everybody. I loved your costume. It looks like Spock and you'd fit in perfectly on the Enterprise. I hope you keep wearing amazing costumes that make you (and all of us who saw them on the internet) happy.

  40. Bryden, you made an awesome Spock and it's unfortunate that the kids and teachers at school couldn't appreciate it, but you did, your mum did and we all did. Hopefully that overshadows all the boring people who can't think outside the box.

    When I was 5 we had to dress up for a parade, and while all the other girls were dressing up as nurses and ballerinas and things.... I wanted to be Dracula. I don't actually remember why (it's a pretty strange choice given it wasn't halloween or anything and I'm not really into vampires - maybe I just wanted to be different), but we have photos of it showing all the other girls looking all girly, and me there with a (fetching!) black cape and blood dropping down my chin. Having a blast!

    There's always going to be times where you're a bit different to everyone else, but that's a good thing, not a bad one.

    Live long and prosper!

  41. Dear B., your costume is not just amazing it is awesome :). It is a very "logical choice" for you to dress up as somebody you love and admire, regardless if it's a boy, a girl, crystal, plant or animal. Never let other people dictate who you are and what you should love. I wish you to be brave and logical like Mr.Spock and to have his passion for things (no matter how much he would protest that passion is an emotion and therefore not Vulcan :wink:). Hope you will always follow your heart and reack for the stars. Also, your mom ROCKS :).


  42. Bryden, your costume was absolutely awesome. You made a great Mr. Spock; don't let anyone make you think differently. Hope this is just the start of many years of geek love in your future.

  43. Bryden, Mr. Spock was my favourite character when I was a little girl too, and he still is now that I'm a big girl! I even worked really hard to make the Vulcan sign with my hand, I bet you can do it too. Your costume looks great, you make a perfect Vulcan!

    Live long and prosper Miss Bryden!

  44. Bryden, I loved your costume! You looked fabulous. I'm glad you chose what you really liked - I can tell you had fun having the pictures taken. I wonder what you'll choose next year! X

  45. She is a great kid. She needs to know it. She is original and different, and has a beautiful mind of her own!

    When my little girl (she will turn six in February) started dressing up for Carnaval (we don't do Halloween here in Spain), many mothers of older girls offered me (and her) wonderful princess' costumes. They askes us if she wanted to be Snowhite or Cindirella or many other girly characters.

    But my little geek said she rather be Spiderman. When she was three years old. She was the only girl at school not dressed as a fairy, a princess or a mermaid. I was so proud of her. And she was really proud of herself.

    Mind you, it helped that no one at school made fun of her. On the contrary, boys were simply delighted and teachers commented on her strong character and her originality.

    She has lived through two other carnivals, being an Indian and then Sponge Bob Squarepants. And for the next year she is considering a mummy.

    I feel blessed for having such a wonderful little lady at home. Her brothers are quite original too, but it's her who is stubborn enough to think nothing about others and do what she wants to do.

    We should encourage girls like Bryden to do what they want to do and think nothing of what others have to say. It will be important for her in the future, and it will allow her to be whatever she wants to be regardless of what people tells her she can or should be.

    Bryden, here, in Barcelona, we are so proud of you, and we would love to have a wonderful and original friend like you. Keep being like that!!

  46. Bryden,
    You are fabulous...your choice was completely original and amazing. You have a great mom who was willing to allow you and your imagination to leap to the furthest reaches of the galaxy! Ignore those who said those hateful things, they are not worth your time or attention. You, my dear, are amazing, special, unique and have brought all of us such joy to see your amazing Spock costume.
    Live long and prosper!

  47. Bryden,
    Your choice to be Mr. Spock for Halloween was perfect. You made an awesome Spock, never doubt that. The world is full of beautiful geeky girls that welcome you with open arms. We are geeks and proud of it. Welcome to the club.

    Live long and prosper, Bryden. I am sure we will met one day at a con. ;)

  48. Bryden I love your costume. Your Mum did an amazing job putting it together. I have a 6yo son who loves Dora and his favourite colours are pink and purple. It is ok to like different things, that is what makes us special. Even though I am a mum I still play with lego, in fact I am building my own lego town. People may think I am strange for playing with lego but it is always important to have something in your life that you enjoy. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. **waving from Australia** Love Lesley

  49. Jen, I think I've been reading EPBOT since its inception and I love that you are willing to let your geek flag fly. I have never encountered any sort of criticism of my geek propensities, but I guess I've just been lucky to have awesome geek friends and family. My dad introduced me to ST:TOS when I was wee; it was our tradition to go see all the movies together. I now live on the opposite side of the country from my father and when the JJ Abrams Trek came out we saw it on the same afternoon in our respective time zones. It was a big deal for me to make sure to call him when I got out so we could talk about it. We each collected the BK glasses without consulting one another. I know my dad and I would have a great relationship anyway, but Star Trek has been such an important part of our bonding that I can't imagine things any other way. Bryden, embrace your passions and ignore the haters and the uninformed. If you love it, that is all that matters. And to borrow his twitter signature: LLAP

    Can't lie here, I totally follow Nimoy, Shatner, Takei, Frakes, Burton et al on twitter :)

  50. Bryden, that is by far one of the best costumes around. Spock himself would say it is illogical of others to tease you for dressing as a male character.

  51. Hi Bryden,
    I wanted to share with you the meaning off life; it is to find out who you are, and what you like. The trick is to be cool enough to be who you are and like what you like, and ignore what other people might say. By the looks of you Halloween costume, I'd say you already have it all figured out!
    Now you go girl, and live long and prosper!

  52. ArghThatsSoAWESOME! Mr. Spock was my second favourite character after Scotty.

    It's AWESOME that you chose to dress as Spock, you totally rocked the vulcan ears! Ignore the haters, they're jealous because they realise they're missing out on something totally awesome.

    Chin up kid, you have thousands of geek girls that will come to your aid in a second.

  53. Hi Bryden, l just wanted to tell you how very cool I think your Spock costume was. I am old enough to have grown up watching the original Star Trek series on TV with my dad. I loved that show and remain a geeky girl today! You are fantastic just the way you are. :)

  54. What a wonderful choice for a costume, Bryden! Spock is a brilliant character and one of my favourites, too. Don't let those who don't know any better get you down, and don't let them make you regret your choice. It's YOUR choice, not theirs, and you should have fun with it!

    You look awesome in your Spock ears, by the way! And your mom's awesome too, for making the costume for you.

  55. what a super fun costume and your mum was amazing to get those ears so perfect!!! It is hard to be someone no one seems to know. I remember one year, my son was Allanon. Only one person got it right, but he strode along politely correcting people the entire way. Make believe is when you can do and be anything you want. I love make believe and am proud you do, too-

  56. Bryden, you look wonderful in your costume. Be true to yourself. Always!
    live long and prosper!

    Jen...thanks for being your wonderful geeky self.

  57. Somebody get this girl to the next Con! She might just make Leonard Nemoy be willing to appear at one more, and she could see that people all over the world rock their Mr. Spock ALL THE TIME! (Some people even make a really good living from the whole thing. :> ) Bryden, you're awesome; people don't have to understand all of each other's interests to still be friends. Give others room to learn, and expect them to do the same for you. But if someone just keeps dissing on what you love, then it's okay to decide you just have to find someone else to be friends with. Remember--"Infinite diversity in infinite combinations"!
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  58. I wished you'd come trick or treating at my place on Halloween, Bryden! I didn't see ANY one dressed up from Star Trek and it was always one of my favorite shows! You looked awesome, kiddo! And hey, Mr. Spock has always been.. and always will be... my favorite, too ;)

  59. Bryden, you look awesome in your costume! Spock is one of my faveorite characters and a bit of a role model for me too. Great choice! Live long and prosper!

  60. You looked amazing as Mr Spock, Bryden - I love Spock too and have since I was your age. You should always go with what you're passionate about: it makes you a far more interesting person!

    There are lots of 'geek girls' out there, honest - I'm proud to be one of them!

    with love


  61. Bryden, I love your costume! Great choice. Live long and prosper.

  62. Dear Bryden,

    I have been a Star Trek fan for over forty years. I have introduced this show to as many people as who would listen. For years I was put down and made fun of by many people, especially family. But that never turned me on the idealology behind the show. Gene Roddenberry was an absolute genius with his idea and philosophy behind Star Trek.
    I was born in 1964 and there was so much turmoil in the world at the time. There was the Vietnam War (or Conflict), race riots, segregation, the hippie movement... Most of these events happened because some people think they are better than others due to what others look like, talk like or in what part of the world they were born or live. Mr Roddenberry didn't believe this. He felt that no matter where you are from, how you dress, what food you like to eat, whether you are a boy or a girl, or what color your skin is, you were still a person (or human) no matter what. It is the differences between us that make each an individual and unique but those differences do not make one person any better than anyone else.
    Now you may laugh but there is someone else I think is a genius also and he is Dr. Suess. I know that you aren't a little girl anymore but if you go back and read some of his stories you will see he believed the same ideas that Mr. Roddenberry did. My favorite example of this is "Horton Hears a Who" because Horton says "A person's a person no matter how small." I taught, and am still teaching, my daughter this. It is very easy to judge or make fun of someone than to accept them and be their friend. It is also easier to be mean to another person than to understand them.
    Star trek is really cool because it has the phasers and the transporter beam and all the other alien species in it and I like all that stuff but the real great thing is the fact that the people all learn to work together. The cool technology in Star Trek would not have happened if people didn't get along and accept each other. If you have watched the movie "First Contact", you hear Commander Riker and Counselor Troi say this to Zephran Cochran.
    Now, as to your Spock costume, I think it's fabulous. Unfortunately there are many people in this world who also believe that boy stuff is just for boys and girl stuff is just for girls. I, personally, don't believe this to be true either. Yes, boys and girls are not the same. Yes, there are some things that only girls can do, like have babies. And there is some things that only boys can do. But when it comes to doing things that require a brain and hands, ANYONE can to that. There is no reason why only girls can be a cook or a boy a mechanic. It used to be that only men were doctors and women were the nurses. This isn't true anymore - is it? Some of the best chefs in the world are men; does this make them less of a person (man)? Some of the best doctors in the world are women; this doesn't make them less of a person, does it? I think Star Trek helped make some of these changes. So I say if you want to be Mr. Spock, GO OR IT. If you get teased, yes, it is unfair and yes, it hurts, but mostly the people causing the hurt are only thinking of themselves. There are many people in this world, and you will meet quite a few of them, that feel they need to make themselves feel bigger by making someone else feel smaller. So if you have your Mr. Spock costume on, and you get teased, remember that the one doing the teasing is only showing how uninformed and limited they are in their thinking. I call it two dimensional thinking - flat and unimaginative.
    I know this is long response to read but this is something I feel very passionate about and I hope that you will continue to be your own person. Don't be limited to what others tell you can and can not be. They are not YOU. Be who you want to be - whether it is Mr. Spock or Lt. Uhura and enjoy!



  63. Hey Bryden (cool name by the way)
    You totally rock as Spock! (ooh that rhymes)
    LLAP young lady :)

  64. Bryden,
    I am a girl geek. I get teased for being a girl geek. But everytime someone does I hold my head high and tell them how proud I am. There are some amazing geeks out there (I'm pretty certain your Mom is one of them!) and we'd all like to welcome you to the ranks of the girl geek family.
    Live long and prosper, you adorable wee vulcan!

  65. Bryden, your costume is amazing! I love Star Trek, too- I dressed as Uhura for Halloween! (And last year, I was Batman, even though I'm a girl!)

  66. Hey there Bryden,

    Your costume is fantastic! You are an amazingly lucky little girl to have a mom who could pull that off for you, and you look great. Isn't it good to know that you got a super head start on ALL THE COOL STUFF? Live long and prosper, Spock Girl!

    From a geek momma on your side.

  67. Bryden,
    Mr. Spock is a great character and you made a great Mr. Spock! I thought your costume was amazing and you looked great in it. Be whoever you want to be for Halloween. Remember what Dr. Suess said, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    Live long and prosper, my young friend!

  68. Dear Brynden,

    You keep your geek flag flying! Don't let anyone tell you what you can or should be as long as you are true to yourself! If people want to question or make fun of what you do just think of it this way, they themselves are too afraid to be that expressive and are only jealous. Spock is a fantastic choice in costume and in a role-model.

    Your Sister in Geek,

  69. Bryden, you look amazing! I'm really proud of you for choosing a costume of a character you love, no matter what anybody else feels about it. (Incidentally, I was a boy for Halloween too!)

  70. Bryden, you rock! Not everybody is going to like the same things you do, but that doesn't mean you should stop liking it. Keep following your dreams - live long, and prosper!

  71. Bryden.
    You are awesome as Spock, and even more awesome as you
    Live Long and Prosper

  72. Bryden,
    Your costume was just awesome! Your attitude is awesome, in fact YOU are awesome! You just give the cold shoulder to everyone else that doesn't think so, and keep on being yourself. It will be hard sometimes to do it, but in the end, you are worth it. I know you are.


  73. From one geek girl to another, from one Trek fan to another, I say you are an amazing person, Bryden. Work the costume and enjoy being who you are and sharing that with others. Because that is beautiful, truthful and amazing!

  74. Bryden, That's an amazing costume.

    My mom grew up watching Start Trek with her dad and I grew up watching it with her. I think it's great that your mom is sharing it with you too.

    Keep it up!

  75. From one geek girl to another, from one Trek fan to another, you are an amazing young person, Bryden. I would be proud to be your friend. Go show the world how beautiful, awesome and truthful you are! And your mom is awesome for encouraging you!

  76. I wish I would've had the courage to dress in a geeky costume when I was younger. I always loved Star Wars and Star Trek: NG & Star Trek: DS9, but I always cared too much of what other kids thought. You, Bryden, are a good example for any other kids too afraid to embrace their geekdom. All kids and girls especially, should be like you. You are truly awesome.

    To Bryden's Mom: You are awesome as well. I've seen other moms who want their girls to be the girliest, and refuse to let them have a boy costume or even carry a full interest in geeky things or comics. You are great for encouraging your daughter to not care what other people think, and to remember that it's what she thinks that's most important.

    You guys are great! Thanks for being who you are.

  77. Bryden, you look amazing! What a brilliant outfit; and you have Spook's stare down to a tee. Never stop being you, carry on following your heart and you'll always have supporters rooting for you!

    Live long and prosper from a fellow female Star Trek fan in England x

  78. Bryden-
    Did you know that Mr. Spock is also Commander Spock? He is in Starfleet. And also Dr. Spock, as he has at least one, if not more, doctoral degree. So he not only has the cool Vulcan thing going, he is also a leader and wicked smart.
    He is also loyal to his friends and fights to protect them. Why else would he go camping with them and roast marshmallows? Because, c'mon, s'mores are the best, but seriously, can you picture the Vulcan Science Academy sitting around a campfire, holding little sticks with a gooey marshmallow at the end, waving it around trying to get the fire out? (although, I would pay gooood money for that picture)

    And if you are saying, "Well, I don't remember Spock going camping", I have just 3 words for you. THEY MADE MOVIES.

  79. Bryden - you are AWESOME! I love, love, love the costume.

    And when I was a kid, I had a HUGE crush on Spock. He was always my favorite and I still swoon when I see him.

    Great job, Mom.

  80. Bryden,
    You look beyond awesome in your costume! I teach first grade and I wish my students were cool enough to watch Star Trek, let alone be Spock for Halloween. Keep it up!

  81. Sue @ Cakeballs, cookies and moreDecember 16, 2011 at 7:06 AM

    You are just adorable! I love that you did something that most would not have had the imagination or bravery to do. You looked great, and I bet there were a few people wishing they had such a cool costume.

  82. Bryden, your costume is fantastic! Don't feel bed if no one gets it. One year, I went as a broiled head (it's from a Shel Silverstein poem) and no one got that either, but I LOVED it. Being yourself and doing what you love is more important than what other people think.


  83. Bryden, you rule! Your Spock costume is fantabulous, just as he is.

    Live long and prosper!

    Maria G.

  84. Bryden, being a geek is fun! As I regularly tell people at work, "Normal people are boring!" Who wants to be one of 25 other Ariels, or Belles, or Jasmines? Do what YOU want to do, and don't worry about everyone else. The ones who are worth knowing better will understand.

  85. AWESOME costume! Bryden, it's hard to be different, but different is good! It's interesting, wonderful, and fun! Speaking from one nerdy girl to another, I know that it's tough when you don't fit in, but it's important to be true to yourself.


    P.S. My four year old niece was Spiderman this year for Halloween. :-)

  86. Hello Bryden!
    Now the most I know of Star Trek is from the memories of me and my family watching it when I was very small, but I think you're fantastic, and you should definitely be proud of your brilliant costume. I understand it can be difficult when people are treating you badly for having certain interests and expressing yourself; I've been whispered about and shouted at in the street for the same things, but I hope it helps you to know that there are lots of us out there, and that it's people like you who give us all (or at least me!) a little boost and help us continue doing what we love.

  87. WOW! Bryden, I think that is the best Mr. Spock costume I have ever seen! My daughter dressed up as Albert Einstein this year for Halloween (she is 10). Always be true to who you are! Live long and prosper :)

  88. Great costume choice. I might try it next year! Your mom's story reminded me of the year I dressed up as Opus from Bloom County (a comic strip from the 80s). Lots and lots of explaining, but it was worth it.

  89. Bryden, you're an awesome Spock girl, good on ya for choosing that costume! You look amazing in it. Don't worry about what other kids say. You are UNIQUE and all the more awesome for choosing a Star Trek costume. I hope I will one day have a daughter who'll be wanting to be a little Trekkie like you!

    Geek girls rock! Live long & prosper Bryden \\//

  90. Bryden, Mr. Spock is one of the smartest and most awesome people I know. That must mean YOU are one of the smartest and most awesome people too! :) Your costume ROCKS and I hope you keep watching - wait til you discover The Next Generation! :)

    PS - I'm wearing a Star Wars tshirt for my big test today. Hope it gives me good luck! :)

  91. Bryden, your Spock costume is waaaaa-aaaaay more cool than any costume I ever wore out Trick-or-Treating! That's so awesome! I want to dress up my whole family as Star Fleet officers next year for Halloween, too!

  92. Bryden, you keep being yourself. As a teacher, I try to keep the geek vibe going, even with my Pre-K, princess-loving kiddos. Today is Pajama Day at school, but I will be pinning a Clone trooper on my lapel in honor of Little Girl Spock.

  93. Bryden, that's one of the coolest costumes that I've ever seen! Spock rocks. And if you were in my class, and I knew that you were dressing up as Mr. Spock...well, I would have dressed up as Scotty and we could have saved the school together.

    (Shame, shame, SHAME on that teacher. As a first grade teacher, I would have been overjoyed to see a child in a costume that wasn't a Disney princess for girls or a muscle-bound superhero for boys. Way to be true to yourself and not conform to boring old stereotypes.)

    Yours in geekdom,

  94. Bryden, you are greatness! It is illogical for others not to like Star Trek or Mr. Spock because the show and his character are two of the greatest creations ever brought to television. You are awesome! Live long and prosper!! (Mr. Spock is my favorite,too!...Followed closely by Bones). --Trekker for life!

  95. Bryden! You're adorable. And Mr. Spock is my favourite, too. I'll even tell you a secret: I'm 32 and last year I won a Mr. Spock doll in one of those crane machines. It's a soft doll about 12" tall and until my niece (she's 3) decided Mr Spock was her favourite, too, I used to keep him on my bed. Now he lives on her bed and watches out for her for all those frontiers I know she'll be exploring.

    Like what you like and be who you are -- because you're pretty awesome. (And so is your momma.) You look smashing in your costume and I think you do Mr. Spock (and yourself) proud. <3

  96. Bryden! You're my kind of kid. Your costume was gorgeous, and it's so awesome that you wanted to be Spock. Halloween is my family's favorite holiday, and my kids have always chosen wonderfully geeky costumes, too. I'm always so happy to hear about other great kids like you!

  97. Bryden, your costume is so cool! I even showed it to my husband, and he thought it was great. Don't worry, as you get older you'll find more people who like Star Trek, too! In fact, one of the reasons my husband fell in love with me was because we both liked the show. :) Live long and prosper, my fellow nerd!

    - Debbie

  98. Dear Bryden - The only thing that would have made your costume cooler is having a brother who went as Capt. Kirk!! So the rest of the school is missing out - You, my dear get to have a lifelong love of Star trek and that is a beautiful thing. Kudos to your mom for a great costume and you for sharing the Trek-love!

  99. Hi Bryden!
    You make an awesome Spock, and I think he'd agree with me. I loved Star Trek when I was your age too, although Bones was always my favorite. I wish I had been as creative as you and thought to dress up as him for Halloween.

    People are mean because they don't understand, as illogical as that may be. You should feel sorry for them that they haven't discovered such a wonderful show and community the way that you have. So always remember to keep your chin up and that your fellow Trekkie girls are always here for you. The next time someone makes fun of you, just think, "What Would Spock Do?"

    Live Long and Prosper (and never stop Trekking!),

  100. Bryden, you make an awesome Spock! I wish I had come up with as cool of a costume - but I would never be as good of a Spock as you are.

    The other kids don't know what they're missing! Star Trek is awesome, and don't worry, they'll discover it in a few years and you can say "See, guys? You were missing out."

  101. Fantastic outfit Bryden! It's tough not conforming, but you lead a much more interesting life. Enjoy and embrace your quirks - I think you rock!

  102. Bryden, you are awesome! Spock is one of my FAVORITE characters, and you look great!

  103. I love love LOVE your costume Bryden! I think Spock is the best sci fi character of all. I've dressed up as a Vulcan for Halloween too. :D

  104. Bryden,
    YOU ROCK! Mr. Spock is also my favorite character! And I think you are a very brave and cool girl for deciding on a costume that you like not in one that everybody else is telling you to like. As happly-married, successful-photographer, Girly geek, don't worry about the kids at school...being yourself pays at the end!

    LOTS OF LOVE for you and your awesome mom!!!

  105. Bryden - you totally rocked being Mr. Spock. You are an inspiration to kids out there that aren't brave enough to do what they want because it's a little different from everyone else. Keep loving what you love and and don't let everyone else tell that it isn't what you should be doing. And your mom rocks too for encouraging you and making such an awesome costume.

  106. You know, when I dressed as Harley Quinn for Halloween this year, the only Joker I found was a girl! It's perfectly fine for girls to dress up as boys - and vice versa! And Bryden, your costume looks awesome, congrats to your mom for sewing such an exquisite Trekkie uniform! It looks really great!

    I hope one day, when you're old enough to understand (or sometimes just sigh and pretend you understand) why people judge people who are different, you'll be able to appreciate the support from your geek and Trekkie friends. I think we've all been there one day and we've been judged and made fun of for being "nerds", so we understand what you went through.

    Don't ever be ashamed of who you are, and if anyone picks on you for wearing a "boy's costume", just tell them to live long and prosper, for you are surely doing that.

    I'm not going to even bother saying "Live long and prosper" to you. I know you will, and you'll probably have more fun than those idiots who make fun of you. They're just missing out on an amazing little girl that I would've loved to meet when I was 6 years old.

    You know, my 11th birthday party was a Space-themed party, and my 12th was a Lord of the Rings party. Ask me how many of the 20 people I invited went? Just my 4 good friends, with whom I used to play Age of empires and share my love for Aragorn.

    Stick to those who love you, Bryden. And be sure there's an entire geekdom loving you, RIGHT NOW.

  107. Bryden, Spock was always my favorite too, and your costume was awesome! I have always been a girl geek - my thing was Lego, which when I was growing up was not a girl thing to play. Now I am an architect - and still a geek!

  108. Lots of high-fives for you Bryden!

    I have a six year old son and he was the Doctor for Halloween and he said "Whoa, her costume is way cooler" when he saw your pictures. Don't worry, plenty of people appreciate who you are and it makes it that much sweeter when someone does recognize who you're dressing up as.

    Keep fighting the good fight!

  109. Bryden (Sweet name, btw)-
    Your costume is AMAZING! I wish I could sew- then we could match and be the kick-butt geek twins. Don't let anyone get you down- it'll pay off once you get to high school.

  110. bryden and her momma give me hope for the future.

    bryden, i'm thrilled that you chose to be spock for halloween. being unique and expressing your individuality is so amazing, so cool. one day you will be praised for it. stay strong and true to yourself until the rest of your class catches up with can't help being light years ahead of them! live long and prosper!

    from one girl who loves spock to another,


  111. Bryden,
    You rock!! You made an amazing Spock! Be proud of your inner geek girl! And remember geek girls grow up to be the coolest geek women - the ones that change the world! Live long and prosper....and continue to give the non-geek world what for!

    Michelle H.

  112. Oh Bryden, I wish you lived near us. I have a 6 YO daughter here, who saw your pictures and wants a play date RIGHT NOW!!! Set phasers to stun, of course. Spock is her favorite too, she really wants to try-on your costume, it is so AWESOME. Your mom did a great job with it!

    We also enjoy playing with dinosaurs, snakes and cars. It does not matter if you are a boy or a girl, you like, what you like! Pink or blue it's up to you.

  113. Bryden, you keep rocking those Vulcan ears! It's people like you that will keep Star Trek alive for many more generations to come. My sisters and I have always been huge Star Trek fans, and we've never let anyone tell us different. One of my favorite costumes that I own is my Lt. Uhura dress, and this past September I bought my sister a red Star Trek bath robe! She opened it and immediately started laughing, and said "Uh-oh, should I be worried that it is red?" LOL

    Bryden, never be afraid to love what you love and let it be known to the world! Live long and prosper!

  114. Spock's my favorite and you looked positively stunning.

    My 10 yr old daughter dressed up like Ashouka(sp?), a female alien jedi, for Halloween and she too had to keep explaining who she was, though the light saber helped!

  115. Bryden

    Your costume is amazing! And so are you for choosing such a great character to dress up as. Mr Spock is truly one of the great sci-fi characters of all time.

    Don't worry about what the other kids (or even big people) say about your choice of interests or costumes or anything like that. It doesn't matter. When I was just a little older than you are, I wanted to play the drums in the school band. Some girls told me that was a "boys' instrument", but I didn't care. I played the drums and had a great time. Later, I decided I wanted to be an aerospace engineer and design space ships and airplanes. Some people thought that was a weird choice. There aren't a lot of girls who are aerospace engineers. But that's okay. I got my degree and I have a job designing really cool fighter airplanes.

    It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl. Like what you like. Do what you want to do. Enjoy the things you enjoy. And remember, anyone who tells you that you're wrong and weird for liking and doing that stuff is not only wrong, but they're missing out on some great stuff!

  116. Bryden,
    I LOVE your costume! It was brave of you not to do what everyone else was doing. I'm so glad that you're learning how to be yourself at such a young age. Many people much older than you are afraid of not conforming to everyone else. Just remember the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself.
    Keep being awesome!

  117. Bryden, you are a smart and wonderfully cool girl! people who are not sure about themselves are unhappy about people who do things differently but if we didn't have people who thought differently we would live in small, cold damp houses with no lights and a fire we had to take care of all the time and bathrooms outside away from the house. your mom is a great teacher and i hope to hear great things about you as you get older!

  118. That's an awesome costume! You're mom did an amazing job putting it together and you look fantastic!! Its a blessing to know what you like when you are still young. Enjoy it all and have fun- no matter what other people think.

  119. Bryden,

    You totally rocked your Spock costume! Congratualtions for knowing what you really like - most kids don't know what they really like and just do the same old thing that everyone else does. You have an awesome mom who made you a fabulous costume! Had you been trick-or-treating at my house everyone would have come to the door to see you, because we all love Star Trek. Live Long and Prosper.

  120. Brynden - You go, girl! I'm 26, and a relatively new Trekkie - I only WISH I could've had the chance to dress as Spock for Halloween as a kid! Don't ever stop loving yourself for who you are - and give your mom a big hug!

  121. Brynden,

    As an 18 year old girl who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, and all sorts of things that aren't traditionally girly choices, I have to say that it might be hard to adjust to any weird looks or name calling; but think of it this way, the themes behind Star Trek teach us how to be better people, so for someone to say that it's only a show for one gender would mean that they've missed the point that the episodes were trying to get us, the viewers, to think about and put into practice. Keep your life-long mission to explore new worlds, seek out new friends, and new ways of thinking; and to boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before!

    Live long and prosper,

  122. YOUR TEXT

    Did that work? Testing? Anyway, my daughter had an awesome, geeky costume for Halloween, too. She wanted to go as the Minecraft guy so we made her a costume. By "we" I mean mostly my brother. Yay for Uncles!

  123. Bryden, you are awesome!! I am so jealous of your very cool costume!

  124. Bryden! Your costume is beyond amazing, as is your costume choice. Mr. Spock is both brave and smart, and he's definitely the kind of character you'd want by your side when a fight breaks out. In fact, if being geeky means being brave, smart, and loyal... well, then go right ahead and be geeky and proud! There is NOTHING cooler on Earth (or in space) than being yourself!!
    grown-up girl-geek for life
    (and daughter of a life-long Trekkie!)

  125. Dear Bryden,
    I love your costume! I'm not sure I knew who Mr. Spock was when I was your age, but more power to you for going with what you liked! It was way better than the costumes stores and catalogs were saying were appropriate for girls of any age this year!

    There are so many people who try to tell us what we should like, costumes we should wear, etc. You keep making your own choices, and you'll grow up to be a very strong woman! My daughter went as Bob the Builder when she was two (NOT Wendy!), and at 13, she is a strong-minded independent girl who is happy, does what interests her, and is not concerned about what teenage society says she should do. And as Red Sox fans who live in New York State, we are very familiar with going against the grain.

    Live Long, and Prosper as your own person!

  126. My daughter and I think you are wonderful, Bryden! Other people's opinions can be rough, but please hang in there and be who you are, with pride. There are LOTS of us geeky girls, and we admire you and your Mom so much!

  127. Bryden,

    It takes a lot of people a lot of their lives to figure out what you figured out by the time you were six. Be who you are, do what you love - it's really the only logical choice. Your costume was amazing. I can't wait to see what you come up with for next year!

    Lara (A mom of 2 science/sci fi girls)

  128. Bryden, what a wonderful costume choice! You looked wonderful as Spock! I should know, I was also a vulcan this year for Halloween, tho I had a red shirt on, ha! Your Mom did an awesome job on the costume.

    My daughter chose to be a triceratops this year and got weird looks and called a boy. To those people and to the people who disparaged your choices, I say HUMPH! We can all be who and what we want to be in this world! As you can see from these comments, there are so many of us in the world and you can hang out with us as you get older!

  129. Bryden,
    You make one awesome Spock! He is one of my favorite characters from the original series. Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock, has also been one of my favorite panelists at a convention of all time!
    It may be tough now, and you may feel alone but as the kids in your class get older, and a little braver, you'll find out they've loved the same things you've loved all this time. They were just not courageous enough to openly share their love for all things "geeky" like you have been. You'll find others, not just in your school but at conventions and online, who share your passions. The way I actually met my boyfriend was talking about our love of Lord of The Rings, Star Trek and Star Wars at a friend's birthday party. I have also found the sci-fi community to be one of the most welcoming and loving group of people of which I have ever been lucky enough to be a part. So I want to take this moment to say: Welcome Bryden! We're so excited that you're here with us!

  130. Say WHAT???? I teacher actually said that? Man.

    Well I think your costume is uber cool. Keep on "geekin" on.

    Be anything you wanna be no matter what any fool says!

  131. Bryden - No one should tell you what to like or who to be. That's up to you. Your life, your choices! Enjoy!

  132. Bryden IS a hero! From a former little girl who was once told that girls couldn't even be doctors, let me tell you that going after what you want to do is the best, most awesome thing you can do! And if nobody thinks it's weird, then maybe you're not even trying hard enough. By the way, I did make it to being a doctor, and it makes me giggle when people tell me they want to "live long and prosper" or call me Bones.

  133. Bryden, you ROCKED the Spock costume! Boo to those who don't get how awesome (& creative) it was. Back in the 80's when I was growing up, everyone thought I was so cool b/c my parents let me have Star Wars figures (& Barbies). Don't let anyone try & change what you like or who you are. Live long & prosper my friend!

  134. Bryden, I absolutely love your costume! Now, I'm much more a fan of Star Trek TNG but I can totally understand your love of Spock, too. He was always my favorite in the original series, also.

    And once when I was around your age, I dressed up as the Incredible Hulk for Halloween. I have always been a geek girl, just like you and rocked many a "boy" costume in my day.

    I'm not sure mine was ever as cool as yours, though. :)

    Please, never feel bad to be a geek girl- Geek girls have more fun!

  135. Hey Bryden, I'm a girl and I was the Phantom of the Opera one year for Halloween when I was younger. You are the best little Spock I've ever seen! Keep it up, kiddo. :) Bryden's Mom, those are some mad costume-making skills. Thanks for sharing with us!

  136. Bryden, you look SO amazing in your costume! Your mom did a wonderful job - I want her to make me one! Spock is my favorite from the original series, and Data is my favorite from TNG. I know it's hard when other people around you don't have the same interests, but most of them haven't even seen the show. As long as you continue to do what you enjoy, you WILL find people with the same interests, and your life will be so much richer for it.

    You are an amazing young lady, and I would be proud to have a daughter like you.

  137. Bryden, You had a fantastic idea and your mom did a great job of making that idea look fantastic. You are a great lady and I hope you keep up the good work of representing the geek girls!

  138. Bryden - Live long and prosper, girl! Geeky girl power, all the way! Stand tall, be the unique person you are and don't listen to the nay-sayers - in a few years, they won't be a part of your life anyhow. I am a PROUD geek girl who loves Star Wars (sorry!), Batman, X-Men and basically all things sci-fi. Way more than my husband does - and he loves me for who I am :) And you'll find friends and people who love you for the wonderful, unique person you are - just as your Mom and family do now, so stay strong Spock!

  139. Live long and prosper, Bryden. You are awesome. I wish I made as good of a Spock as you do!

  140. Young human, you need not worry, for worry is an emotion. Logic dictates that all of the small humans that made fun of you were ninnies!

  141. Bryden,
    That was the best Spock costume I've ever seen! Its awesome to see a girl be who she wants to be!

    My daughter Kate (who has dressed up as Elvis and Spiderman) says, "Live long and prosper".

  142. Bryden - your costume was amazing! You made a wonderful Spock! Don't let the people who tease you stop you from enjoying something, just ignore them as best you can and keep waiting for that person who comes along and recognizes your costume, or squeals when they say your bookbag/t-shirt/water bottle ect and says "I LOVE that show!".
    My mom is a Trekkie, I've been able to do "Live Long and Prosper" fingers since I was 4, I was raised on Star Trek and still love it. I've been teased about my geeky loves (Star Trek, Anime, reading. Yes. Reading got me teased) but I also have met my best friends because of my geekery.
    So stay geeky and Live Long and Prosper.

  143. I love your costume!!! I too have dressed up as a vulcan but my costume was not as great as yours. (I'm giving you the vulcan hand sign right now) Live long and prosper and continue to be yourself! :D

  144. Fantastic costume, Bryden and Bryden's mom!

    I suppose you could have gone as something "normal" like a princess, but where's the scope of imagination in that?! I bet there were a million princesses, but only one Spock. A line from one of my favorite movies, Practical Magic: "...when are you going to realize normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!" You, girl, are full of all kinds of courage and you looked fantastic! I'm proud of you for taking something you love and making a great costume from it.

  145. Bryden, That is the most awesome haloween costume EVER! Stay cool!

  146. Way to rock, Bryden! You're ahead of the curve in being cool enough to show who you really are while you're still a kid. As you get older and meet more people, you'll meet more folks who share your interests and aren't afraid to show it. This will lead to some of the best friendships of your life.

    Also, a costume that everyone likes a little can be fun. But a costume that a few people (including you) like a lot--that's something special. That's something everyone will remember, long after it's gone (rather like the original Star Trek).

    Be who you are, because I can tell already, just from the pictures: who you are is pretty cool. Rock on, little Spock.

  147. Hi Bryden! This is Katie's mom, Carrie. You look awesome in your Spock costume. I am very proud of you for wearing it so well! It can be hard to be different, but eventually you will see that the different people are the ones who have the most fulfilling lives. All the best to you.

  148. Bryden, My granddaughter has Star Wars shirts and was Darth Vader for Halloween and whenever she feels like Darth. Her Mom has Vader Legos and other figures. You are not alone with your likes. I never thought of liking Star wars, Star Trek, or Dr. Who as Geek, I thought liking these things were normal for everyone.

  149. Bryden, you look great as Mr. Spock (he was always my favourite, too)! I would have given you a double helping of candy if you'd shown up at my door on Halloween :) I know that you will live long and prosper.

  150. Bryden, you totally rocked that Spock costume! Don't let others get you down. They are being ignorant and close-minded. You are brave, totally creative, and an inspiration to me and my little girl. Live long and prosper!

  151. I LOVE your costume. My sisters and I were Next Generation uniform clad for Halloween one year when I was about 10. I got to me Mr. Data, well my version of him. Trek on, sister!

  152. Bryden, I'm a professional costumer in the film world and your costume is pure greatness! (You have a very cool mom!)

    In high school, I wore my communicator pin every so often and only a few of the teachers really knew what it was and would talk to me about it.

    And best thing of all - I met my husband online BECAUSE of Star Trek way back before it was even normal to meet someone online. (And every year we still hang all our Star Trek ship ornaments on our Christmas tree.)

    Geeks are cool - live long and prosper!

  153. Great job, Bryden! Spock was my favorite too. I've always thought I should have been born with pointy ears. Keep up the good work, live long and prosper, and wear what you want. I just started wearing pink cowgirl boots to work. Life's too short to worry about what they think of you.

  154. Bryden, your Spock costume is FABULOUS (your mom did a great job!), but more important than the clothes is the way YOU act out the character of Spock. Don't worry about the people who don't understand -- you've got a great imagination, and you've shown it by being a first-class geek girl! Even adult geeks sometimes get strange looks and remarks, but that's just people who don't understand how fun it is to let your imagination carry you to new and different places. So you just keep on being a great young geek, and one of these days you're going to find your group of geek friends to hang out with and do fun, imaginative stuff together with!

  155. Bryden, your Mr. Spock costume was perfect. My best friend and I loved Star Trek when we were your age, and Mr. Spock was both of our favorite!

  156. Bryden, I love your costume! How cool that your mom made it for you and that you get to watch Star Trek together. That kind of awesomeness can carry you through a lifetime, long after you've forgotten the names of the kids who made fun of you.

    And now I'm going to tell you my favorite joke:

    Q: How many ears does Captain Kirk have?

    A: Three! His left ear, his right ear, and his final front ear (final frontier)!


    btw, my favorite ST:TOS character is Dr. McCoy. When I was just a bit older than you I discovered star trek novels and read every single one our little small town library owned! You have so much awesome geekiness ahead of you to discover.

  157. What an amazing costume, Bryden!! You make a fantastic Mr. Spock! As someone who continues, at 29 years old, to dress up in Halloween costumes no one else gets (airship pirate last year!) I encourage you to keep thinking creatively and to love every costume you wear. There are too many people just wearing whatever is popular, an easy costume to get, wear, and discard. You'll treasure yours (and your memories and pictures of them) forever, because they represent things that you love. THAT is the way to be! Live long and prosper, Bryden! :)

  158. That costume is awesome!I plan to raise my baby girl right, and she will know she can dress up like Obi Wan or Vader instead of Leia if she wants! Or Dr. Horrible, even! Geek girls unite!!!

  159. Love the Spock costume! Do what you love. Happiness will follow.

    When I was in 4th grade, I went as Robin Hood for Halloween. Even though it was a male character, I loved the stories, and really wanted to carry a bow around. I think to this day it is still one of my favorite costumes.

    Besides, isn't Halloween all about doing something creative and a bit unexpected?

  160. You rock Spock girl! Spock is awesome and so are you. Always be what you want to be.

  161. You are awesome Bryden!!!!! Spock is by far my favorite character!!! Keep on rocking the Spock look and don't be afraid to let people know that you are a true Trekkie! Live long and prosper!!!!

  162. Bryden, You made a terrific Spock -- kudos to you for choosing such an admirable character! You give me hope for the future:)
    Live Long and Prosper! Lisa

  163. Bryden, I also LOVED Mr. Spock when I watched Star Trek. I still love the character because he was so reasonable and intelligent, but mostly because he was so loyal. Good for you for picking your costume based on someone you connect with.

    PS. I tweeted @TheRealNimoy the link to this post.

  164. What a wonderful costume!

    I actually remember recently reading an interview with Nichelle Nichols who mentioned that when she was handed scripts one of them was for the character of Spock.

  165. Bryden,

    What an amazing and clever costume. I loved Star Trek growing up and have just gotten back to loving it! You are so cool!

  166. Way to go, Bryden! I used to dress up as Luke Skywalker for all my costume classes while riding horses, and my mom even made an Ewok hood and ears for the horse. (I looked for the picture but apparently I never scanned it.)

    I believe Spock would approve of your costume. =) Live long a prosper, my friend!

    (And Jen - thank you SOOO much for posting stories like this. You're making the world a better place!)


  167. Bryden, you make a wonderful Mr. Spock! I absolutely enjoyed the pictures of you, and I think you have the coolest costume ever. Period.

  168. Bryden -- wow! That costume was soo cool! I wish your mom could make one for me too. (Spock just happens to be one of my favorites.) My daughter is also 6 years old and she loves Star Wars. I bet you two would get along very well. Keep rocking it girl! Stay true to who you are and don't let those meanies get you down. (By the way, your mom seems totally awesome so I'm sure if you are having a rough day you can talk/cuddle/cry with her!)

  169. Bryden,

    Live long and prosper! My little girl just turned four years old and I hope she would like to dress up as Spock. Thank you to you and your mother for being great role models.

  170. Hey Bryden, your costume ROCKED THE HOUSE! Mr. Spock is the best. Just keep liking what you like, no matter what anyone else says.

  171. Bryden, I am so amazingly jealous of your costume! You make an ADORABLE Spock! And I have to confess to being a total geek girl too, as well as dressing as male characters for halloween (Dr.Horrible). I have a tradition with my friend whenever we're doing school plays (three so far). We have to hide the "Live Long and Prosper" hand gesture somewhere on stage. I will be thinking of you when I do that tonight!

  172. Bryden,

    Your costume ROCKS. You are unique and special. Don't let small minds bother you.

    This is my Motto:

    Your opinion of me is none of my business.

    In other words be yourself and be proud of yourself.

    I am also a big Spock fan.

    Yours in Geekdom


  173. I always wanted to be Spock myself, growing up I thought he was the coolest and I still do!
    At 26 years old I have found more people who support and love that show than I thought possible, and I don't just mean on the internet either.
    Be proud that You are a trend setter, thank you for introducing all of your classmates to a show that helps show diversity, tolerance, science and geek love.
    Live long and Prosper!

  174. Well done Bryden, you looked amazing and dared to be different! To dress like everyone else is just boring - I'm with you, be who you want to be and stand out from the crowd!

  175. Bryden, I honestly wish that i had a costume as awesome as yours, Sapock has always been my favourite, and when my friends and I decide who is which star trek character, I am always Spock, I hope that you can find some friends to be Kirk and McCoy with you in the future.


  176. Dear Bryden,

    What an awesome costume!!! I think it's really cool that you dressed up as your favorite character. Don't let anybody get you down about it! You're doing something you love, and that's what matters. We all think you're the coolest!

  177. Bryden, as the proud mom of a little girl whose recent costume choices have included Darth Vader and Teen Wolf, I think your choice is awesome. And you've got the Spock-stance down to a science! And good on your mom for supporting you!

  178. Bryden: You make an absolutely adorable Spock. Good for you for dressing up the way you wanted to and celebrating the glories of Star Trek!

    Mom of Bryden: Your costuming skills are awesome and inspiring, and you have a very lucky daughter.

  179. That is the cutest costume ever! You totally rocked it Bryden. Way to be true to yourself.

  180. I've honestly never really watched Star Trek, but of course I know who Mr. Spock is. I think that that is a way cooler costume than I ever wore and think you are super cute in it.

  181. Bryden, you are an AWESOME kid, and don't let anyone tell you you can't like Star Trek or Mr. who like Star Trek, and science fiction in general, usually grow up to be incredibly intelligent and creative adults. There are other kids out there like you, and I bet there are a few kids at school who secretly admire you for being honest about what you like. :o) You rock!

  182. Bryden, you have such a cool and awesome costume! I'm saving this story so I can read it to my daughters when they are older (they're only two months old right now) so they can see that they can make their own choices and have fun being who they each are!

    IDIC and Live Long and Prosper!

  183. (I hope this isn't a double post - if it is, I'm sorry!)

    Bryden, I want to tell you about my 6 year old daughter, Maddy. She is a Star Wars girl, a Star Trek girl, a Harry Potter girl, an X-Men girl, a Spiderman girl, a Batman girl, a Halo girl, a horse girl, a Barbie girl, a My Little Pony girl, a Hello Kitty girl, a baseball girl. She plays Legos and xBox with her 11 year old brother and her dad, and she colors, sews, knits and plays My Little pony with me. She wanted a Spiderman/horses theme for her 5th birthday party, and a Halo/Hello Kitty theme for her 6th birthday party. She plays in the dirt and cleans up horse poop, and she loves to paint her nails with glitter nail polish and have her very long hair french braided. Her favorite colors are black and pink. And sometimes people tell her that she can't like things because she's a girl, or she can't do something because its for boys. And then she tells them that she can like anything she wants to like, and she can do anything she wants to do, because things are for people, not just for boys or girls. She is one of the coolest people I know, and I am not the only one who thinks that. She has friends of all ages, from kids her age and younger, to the teenagers I teach who think she is wicked awesome, to the adults in her life who are constantly amazed at how much she is her own person.

    I am telling you all this, Bryden, so that you know that you are not the only kid who has to fight against people telling you what you like or do is weird. You are not alone! :) The same things happen to other people all the time, even though it isn't right. BUT, there are people in the world who think you are amazing, who think your costume is amazing, who love that you did something not expected and not conventional, and who are proud of you, even though we have never met you, for standing up and doing what you love. Please never lose that!

    There are a few final things I want to share with you, some quotes that say it better than I ever could. These first two are from Theodore Geisel, also known as Doctor Seuss, who is one of my all time favorite authors. He certainly knew a thing or two about being unique. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." and "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Stay true to yourself, and don't listen to those who tell you "you can't". And finally, as Sarek says to Spock in the newest Star Trek movie, "Spock, you are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is: which path will you choose? This is something only you can decide." Rock on, Bryden. :)

  184. Dear Bryden,

    This Halloween, I dressed as a boy character too. I went as the Eleventh Doctor, from Doctor Who. And you know what? Everyone who recognized my costume thought it was absolutely fantastic! Also, did I mention my boyfriend went as the Tenth Doctor? We matched! hahaha
    My point is, when you get a bit older, you are going to find out that there are some amazing people who love the same things that you do, and that you don't have to hide who you are. You're AWESOME, don't ever forget that.

    Also, Live long and Prosper ;)

  185. Bryden, you DO ROCK! Hey, I was a Star Trek fan back when it was first on TV! (Yeah, that makes me *old*, but don't tell anybody, uh?)
    I remember being fan in school when there was hardy any other fans. Though years later in high school, I was leaving for the day through the shop pod and stopped dead in my tracks at the shop display case. In there was a wood plaque with Spock!
    So there were other fans out there.

    Hang in there! You will meet up with them. Or help turn other people/kids onto Star Trek! It's been around for 45 years now and will be around for a lot more. so help spread the word of Trek.
    Peace and long life, my fellow Trekker!

  186. Dear Bryden,
    When I was your age I loved the Addams Family (which at that time was about 30 years out of date). I wrote an essay in second grade explaining why Morticia was my role model and got suspended for arguing in defense of my choice when the teacher told me to write it again with something more appropriate. The other kids at my grade school had a hard time relating to my love of classic novels like Jane Eyre, Northanger Abbey and Silas Marner. But what I have learned as I have grown up is that it gets better. Eventually I found out that I wasn't alone. I found a fantastic group of people that had all survived a little teasing, weird looks, and teachers that didn't get them. They had kept on being the amazing, smart, creative people that they were, and I get to call them my friends. More over I have come to understand that being able to think outside the tiny little box that the people who picked on me lived in has given me opportunities to travel the world, write books of my own, see more in everyday life, and live up to the merits I admired in my role model.
    Welcome to the geek club, we are always happy to accept new members. You are now in the company of the people who change the world, set your sights high, we will have your back.

  187. Bryden, let me just say that you are one of the coolest little girl I've heard of and you are an inspiration, not just to other little girls but to full grown women like me. You had the courage to be unique, and that isn't easy in this world. Don't ever lose that courage.

  188. Hi Bryden,
    Your costume rocks!!!! I am so proud of you for sticking to your awesome costume. You are my hero! Someday my family & I will be honored to run into at Comic Con :)

  189. Bryden, I grew up as a huge Star Wars geek (and proud of it!) and played both Hans Solo and Princess Leia with my friends. Yes, I used to dress up like a boy, and got made fun of, but only for a little while - it gets better! I just started to fall in love with Star Trek thanks to my hubby, and I have to say, picking to be Mr. Spock is probably what I would have done at your age. Live long and prosper, and just realize your love of Star Trek is a leg up in the world - so many engineers and scientists found this series to be an inspiration even as adults. You will go far, don't let any people who don't understand keep you down!

  190. Bryden,

    That is the best looking Spock costume I have ever seen. He's my favorite too!

    Live long and prosper.


  191. Bryden, you rock! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  192. Bryden--

    I used to watch the original Star Trek with my dad when I was growing up. Who wouldn't want to be Spock?

    Eventually, most of us (even the kids who don't understand the awesomeness that is Spock) come to a realization that doing things to please ourselves, rather than the rest of the world, will make for a fantastic life. Some, like yourself, come to this earlier than others. Hang in there until everyone else catches up! You have the admiration of so many of us here!

  193. Hi Jen and Bryden,

    In grade six I wanted nothing more than to be a cowboy, note I didn't say cowgirl, for halloween. I put on my father's cowboy hat and a pair of boots, jeans and a flannel shirt. I proudly proclaimed to everyone and anyone that I was a cowBOY. Sure I got teased and people said I "couldn't" be a cowboy because I was a girl and that instead I was just an ugly cowgirl. I came back with rebuttles of "If you can be a cat, then I can be a boy!" In Roman times they celebrated something similar to our Halloween called Saturnalia and Cleopatra herself (one of the sexiest and most powerful women in history) attended the festivities in Rome dressed as a male gladiator and people didn't judge her for it, they applauded her courage. If she can do it, then so can anyone else! You go girl! BTW, Bryden, in that first picture I had trouble not believing that those weren't your real ears, hair and eyebrows - you make a very good-looking Vulcan and a convincing young Spock!

  194. Bryden, you look just amazing in your Spock costume. As a fellow fan of The Original Series, I would ask to borrow it from you if I could fit in it! Don't worry about the other kids--one day they will realize how cool you are. I was considered a little weird by other kids when I was small, but now that I'm grown-up, I work with a bunch of people who are utterly impressed by how much I know about sci fi, comic books, and video games! You have a lot of people cheering for you. :)

  195. Bryden, you're super awesome and so is your mom! I wish I was allowed to dress up as Spock as a kid. Also, your costume is so much better than the Star Feet dress I made myself. Hopefully this picture will work right so you can see that geek girls are out there. Never "outgrow" your passions.
    Just two Star Fleet officers hanging out.

  196. Miss Bryden!

    Not only was your costume SUPER AWESOME, choosing something you were interested in showed creativity and originality, which are important commodities to a growing up girl. Stay strong and interesting, and you will be a superstar your entire life!

  197. Byrden, Keep the faith! I always wanted to be the guy charcters from Star Wars/Star Trek because they were more interesting than the girls! Keep your head up and Tell your doubters that they're a bunch of "Scruffy Nerf-Herders"!

  198. Bryden, you are so lucky to have a mom that makes a costume for you! You look terrific in it! And what a good choice you made, too. I would love to meet you some day and exchange greetings. You keep on loving all things Trek. There are some great lessons in those shows. Rock on!

  199. As a girl who grew up watching TNG with my father, then spent middle school watching VOY with him and idolizing Janeway: YOU ROCK.

    As you grow up you will find more people who share your interests. You will find people who think Spock is just as awesome as you do.

    It takes a lot of strength and courage to stick up for what you love. It may not feel like it when people around you don't understand, but you are *very* brave.

    And maybe you can get some of your classmates to watch TOS with you, then they'll understand just how awesome Mr. Spock is :D


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