Live long and prosper, Threadless. Live long...and prosper.
Of course, segueing from a hoodie to a plushie is only logical, right?

Made by Ana Diaz, who also made these "screaming-to-snuggle" Where the Wild Things Are plushies:

Flickr user mattcborgelt constructed a huge NES console coffee table. And it. is. EPIC.

Plus it gets even better: inside the lid is a *fully functional* large-scale controller!

Or perhaps you'd like a coffee table of just the controller itself. Nooo problem. Kyle Downes has you covered:
When he's not playing it, Kyle has a glass top on it:
For lots more pics and information on how he made it, be sure to check out Kyle's blog.
And finally, something you've probably already seen, but that's simply too good *not* to include:

[faints from cute overload]
See lots more of little Han & Wookiee - or order prints for only $10! - at James Hance's site.
You apparently love geeky things as much as I do! The site I go to for most of my geekery is thinkgeek.com. If you haven't checked it out yet, I definitely recommend it!
ReplyDeleteI have never seen Wookiee the Chew before. I love it. Thanks for sharing. :))
ReplyDeleteI want that hoodie.
I just died from cuteness...
ReplyDeleteLet's talk about how much I love everything in this post! I just found EPBOT a few days ago after my weekly visit to catch up on all things cake-wreckery, and it was immediate swoonage. My husband is not as into Star Wars and Star Trek as I am (worthless and lame childhood, yes?) so I'm deeply enjoying all of the related art and such you've posted. He does like steampunk though, so we've both been benefiting from those posts. :) I live just outside Orlando; perhaps I'll run into you at a Star Wars Celebration!
ReplyDelete(I promise not to be a stalker.)
Those plushies are adorable.
ReplyDeleteFor another geek glee moment, have you seen this coffee table? A friend shared the link with me on Facebook. It's steampunk and moves!
Youtube video of Wicked Coffee Table
I'm practically drooling over it.
I love all of those!! I'm going to have to order those Han and Chewie prints for my "yet to be had" children.
ReplyDeleteOK, so I went to the James Hance site. His art is the best art of all the art.
ReplyDeleteOh. my. god. Buying that print of Wookie the Chew RIGHT NOW.
ReplyDeleteI really wish the SuperGrover prints were available!
That mixture of Chewie and Winnie is perfect since my four year old calls him Chewie Caca.
ReplyDeleteI *love* that you featured Wookiee the Chew! Even my husband squee-s over those!
ReplyDeleteThe little Han and Chewie look like the old Christopher Robbin and Pooh books' illustrations. I'd put that on the wall of a child's bedroom. In fact, I might get it now and save it for my future kids.
ReplyDeleteHe also sells Wookie the Chew t-shirts! :D They're adorable!
ReplyDeleteIf I ever have a child the nursery is being done with the little Wookie print. That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!
ReplyDeleteAll kinds of awesomeness. As always. I officially want both of those coffee tables... and an equally not-boring geeky living room to put them in :)
ReplyDeleteomg... the Wookiee the Chew.... I just had a massive squeeurysm.
ReplyDeleteSo, I just got home from work, opened my computer, clicked my shortcut to EPBOT ( like I do everyday) and what is the first thing I see??? The EXACT hoodie that I ordered for myself online last night! Couldn't beleive it! I love how I can relate to so much that you post on your blog.
ReplyDeleteI also liked all the geeky-cutsie items you posted today, like the Wookie the chew!! Thank you Jen for you awesome blog's EPBOT (and cakewrecks) they make my day's complete.
Where the heck was this guy with Wookie the Chew 20 years ago when I had a little one! LOL I love this stuff!
ReplyDeletethe winnie the pooh/ star wars is too funny!!!!
ReplyDeleteI MUST have that hoodie. It is brilliant. Love the squeezable plushies!
ReplyDeleteAre you my long lost soul sister?
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that print kinda makes me want to have a kid. Not for the sake of actually having kids, but so I can have a legitimate reason to buy this print. I'm kinda freaking my husband out right now. too cute!
ReplyDeleteYay! You featured James Hance's stuff. He's also from Jacksonville so I was able to meet him and buy that print w/ the missing tail. Much nicer quality than I was expecting for only $10! He has a book out of "Wookie the Chew" for only $5 that I need to buy asap.
ReplyDeleteEverything totally rocks. I am such a geek at heart and I so totally thing shopping at an office goods store rocks and SyFy ( ;p ) rocks!
ReplyDeleteWookie the Chew!!!! rofl.... Love it! beign a serious Disney addict... this was a great way to start my day!
ReplyDeleteSo I checked out Wookie the Chew. And as a big fan of Winnie the Pooh and Star Wars, I just have to say Thanks!!!!! for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI know you had a really crappy week, but I just want to give a little reminder of a post you said you were going to do. You gave us a teaser last week during your Dragon Con posts that you would "tell you about the Worst Panel Ever, the Best Dragon*Con Employee Ever, and what it's like taking your parents to D*C." I know things have been really rough, but don't forget to tell us the details of the craziness that was D*C. The pictures were great, but I've been waiting to hear more, especially the Worst Panel Ever! Tell! Tell!!!!
ReplyDeletegoes great with Steamnocchio!
SQUEEEE! I love the Holmes and Watson plushies! I also had not seen Wookie the Chew...THANK you for posting it! I will have to get some for my brother's kids when he starts having them!
ReplyDeleteJessica, I also enjoy shopping at office goods stores! I am well known for literally picking up something up that I don't need and trying to figure out where I can use it!
Ahaha I love the cheeky grin and wink on the Kirk plushie! This post was pure geek awesome.
ReplyDeleteI love James and his adorable Wookie art! I'm getting some prints for my sis for Xmas this year. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYup. I will get Jen on that as soon as she gets out of bed.
ps. Check out the time stamp on this comment. :)
I know I'm showing just how geeky I am here, but the thumb is supposed to be separated from the hand in the vulcan sign.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I'm jealous! Unless she's sick or something, in which case I am not.
Wowza! Thanks so much for posting about James and his amazing geeky adorable artyness. I about keeled over from cuteness overload, and then started picking out prints I wanted for my wall.... Yay!
ReplyDeleteI had seen James's art before, but the little wookie is the sweetest. I'm getting it in a t-shirt!
ReplyDeletei thought you might appreciate having some blueprints to create your own dalek. maybe.
ReplyDeleteEverything in this post is made of awesome.
ReplyDeleteO.M.G. I totally want that coffee table. That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the hoodies? Someone send one of those to the boys at Big Bang Theory, pronto! Freakin love it!!
I loved the Wookie the Chew so much I bought two of James' books. One for my father for Christmas and one for me of course!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for showing him to us!
I totally geeked out over the NES coffee tables (especially the "fully functional" part). And Wookie the Chew? Too. Cute. :D
ReplyDeleteOMG!! I'm a huge Pooh fan, both traditional and Disney, and the Han/Chewie print is absolutely amazing! Checked out the artist's site and I have a Pooh/Christopher Robin print that he's turned into Han/Chewie.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally loving this site. I'm very crafty and you're giving me lots of ideas. I'm a huge CW fan as well. I attended your book signing in Seattle (I took a picture of you with my service dog).
Thanks for the link to James Hance's site! Almost every painting and sketch I saw my reaction was "I want!" (esp. the one of Beeker as "The Scream").